Mitt Romney to Trump: Stop your undemocratic attempts to overturn the election:


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
This is epic. Romney, a red state Reubican, calls out Trump for trying to steal the elections from Joe Biden:
This is epic. Romney, a red state Reubican, calls out Trump for trying to steal the elections from Joe Biden:

Trump is too busy destroying the GOP to listen to radical Hitler commies like Romney.

This intervention will require family. Lots of family.
Anyone remember the incessant Romney whining when he lost the primary to McCain? The man is a tool.
Wouldn't it be a hoot if Romney switched parties? The Dems may pick off one Senate seat. That and Romney and Harris will give them a majority in the Senate.

Long odds but the GOP may want to re-think how it treats it's Senators at this point.
This is epic. Romney, a red state Reubican, calls out Trump for trying to steal the elections from Joe Biden:

So now you slaves, love Mittens Romney who back in 2012 was the Devil incarnate? Bwaaahhaaaaaaa.....To the prog masters, a RINO like Mittens is so easily fucked in the ass, which is why the left so loves them, but if they get uppity like their slave voters, then those RINOs are put back in their place...

Mitt Romney is just mad that Americans were smart enough not to elect him as President. He has been throwing a tantrum ever since.

Yet Eight Years ago, you and every other Republican on this board were INSISTING he was the best man to be president. How dare you point out the crazy things he believes as a Mormon!!! Don't point out all the people whose lives he ruined in his quest to get richer.

Anyone remember the incessant Romney whining when he lost the primary to McCain? The man is a tool.

No, I don't remember that at all. I do remember him and Huckabee getting into a discussion about whether or not Jesus and Satan were brothers or not.

In 2008, the Evangelicals wouldn't accept Romney because he was a Mormon. (Which is actually a pretty good reason.)

In 2012, they were fine with him being a Mormon, because OH MY GOD, THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!

In 2020, you are upset with him because you've all joined the Cult of Trump, and Romney only bends a knee to it 99% of the time!!!!
Nice to see there are still some Repubs that actually give a shit about the Country.
Romney has TDS. You folks should be quite sympathetic and familiar with his plight.

Or maybe he's just someone who doesn't like where his party has gone.

Free Marketers have embraced protectionism and a massive Keynesian spending program to respond to the disease you all claim isn't real..

Christians have had to defend a guy who has sex with a porn star while his third wife was at home having his fifth child.

Security Conservatives have supported a cowardly retreat from the middle east and abandoning the alliances that have kept the peace for 70 years.

Law and Order conservatives have gone along with attacks on the FBI and the DOJ being the "Deep State".

Now Trump is trying to use the state legislatures and courts to achieve what he couldn't achieve at the ballot box because he knows once he isn't president, he's open to a whole lot of legal trouble.

Mormon Mitt says, 'Hey, maybe that's going a bit too far."

It would seem the only "Trump Derangement' is putting his personal whims above the good of the country and the party.
This is epic. Romney, a red state Reubican, calls out Trump for trying to steal the elections from Joe Biden:

It's difficult to imagine a bigger, more self righteous asshole than Mit Romney. And he's a neocon dickhead on top of that. Definitely Lincoln Project worthy. If I was the big Morman I'd kick his simple minded ass right out of that church. He brings every group he belongs to down.
But in 2012, you liberals said Romney was the devil incarnate, a liar, a fraud, an ogre, an oppressor of workers, a phony, etc., etc.

Trying to get states to follow their own election laws and to not count illegal ballots is not "trying to steal the election." Trump is trying to undo the theft of the election.

Yes, Biden won the Georgia "recount," but that recount failed to verify hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots because the rules about signature matching were changed. So unless a judge orders a genuine audit of the mail-in ballots, we will never know how many of them were falsified. Even so, the recount reduced Biden's lead by 1,872 votes, a reduction of 13%. Humm, what would have happened if the hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots had actually been checked for signature matching?
Mitt Romney is just mad that Americans were smart enough not to elect him as President. He has been throwing a tantrum ever since.

Yet Eight Years ago, you and every other Republican on this board were INSISTING he was the best man to be president. How dare you point out the crazy things he believes as a Mormon!!! Don't point out all the people whose lives he ruined in his quest to get richer.

Anyone remember the incessant Romney whining when he lost the primary to McCain? The man is a tool.

No, I don't remember that at all. I do remember him and Huckabee getting into a discussion about whether or not Jesus and Satan were brothers or not.

In 2008, the Evangelicals wouldn't accept Romney because he was a Mormon. (Which is actually a pretty good reason.)

In 2012, they were fine with him being a Mormon, because OH MY GOD, THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!

In 2020, you are upset with him because you've all joined the Cult of Trump, and Romney only bends a knee to it 99% of the time!!!!
He would of been a much better candidate than the brown turd Obammy who FORCED people to purchase a piece of shit they didnt want, or be fined for not doing it. And after 8 years of the 1/2 white faggot, that got US President Trump, which you fucking slaves never ever accepted....So JoeBlow69 go fuck yourself...
Mitt is enjoying a little applause for seeming to be a saner republican but he is still the same neocon asshole with contempt for the common rabble.
A Saner Republican......

Take it up the ass and you must like it or else......

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