Mitt Romney's Budget Would Destroy Jobs: Report


while President Barack Obama's budget plan would lead to the net creation of 1.4 million jobs,

didn't we hear that with a 800 BILLION STIMULAS FOUR YEARS AGO and WHAT BUDGET?

You have to feel sorry for ObamaBots
now they are worried about jobs.

8% unemployment all four years of this administation

If you look at the UNDERemployed it gets a lot worse. Among whites it's 13%, when you look at underemployment among hispanics it's 22%, with blacks at almost 24% (and this is the group whose majority wants 4 more years of this under Obama) [ see: http://stateofworkingamerica/underemployment-by-race-and-ethnicity/ ]. This president has failed to create sustainable long term high paying jobs for those looking for work. If he was successful at providing these MILLIONS of jobs (as he claims), why are over 40% of the unemployed seeking extensions?

Consequently, the economy needs to add about 180,000 jobs a month just to keep up with population growth. This week, Business Insider estimated that the economy will add 130,000 jobs in May. Subtracting 180,000 for population growth means we'll be left with 50,000 more unemployed Americans in May 2012 than we had in April.

August 2012 jobs report -- 96,000 jobs created, 40,000 jobs lost in revisions, unemployment down to 8.1% on falling labor participation.

Average monthly job gains last year? 153,000. This year? 139,000. Over the past three months, the average has slipped to 94,000. That is probably either at, or just below, the rate of population growth. In other words, three years into recovery, we are adding people slowly and adding jobs even slower.
Unemployment Rate Hits 3-Year Low

There is no economic recovery under President Obama, if anything his policies have slowed economic growth NOT stimulated jobs.
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Obamabots don't care about the health of this country, we could have 20% unemployment and they STILL vote for the loser

posting this SHAM article PROVES IT
Romney says he'll create 12 million jobs, but he doesn't say where.

I think alot of the higher paying jobs will be overseas. The big corps have no tax incentive to create manufacturing jobs here since the financial budget bottom line is to send them to the cheapest labor market, i.e. China, India, Mexico etc.

A few retail jobs, like mini wage Walmart, will trickle down to US workers.

Whoopee !

The Angel is in the Policy.
Obamabots don't care about the health of this country, we could have 20% unemployment and they STILL vote for the loser

posting this SHAM article PROVES IT

If you are going to quote figures you should show your calculations.
Post your workings for peer review.
now they are worried about jobs.

8% unemployment all four years of this administation

If you look at the UNDERemployed it gets a lot worse. Among whites it's 13%, when you look at underemployment among hispanics it's 22%, with blacks at almost 24% (and this is the group whose majority that wants 4 more years of this under Obama) [ see: http://stateofworkingamerica/underemployment-by-race-and-ethnicity/ ]. This president has failed to create a sustainable long term high paying jobs for those looking for work. If he was successful at providing these MILLIONS of jobs (as he claims), why are over 40% of the unemployed seeking extensions?

Consequently, the economy needs to add about 180,000 jobs a month just to keep up with population growth. This week, Business Insider estimated that the economy will add 130,000 jobs in May. Subtracting 180,000 for population growth means we'll be left with 50,000 more unemployed Americans in May 2012 than we had in April.

August 2012 jobs report -- 96,000 jobs created, 40,000 jobs lost in revisions, unemployment down to 8.1% on falling labor participation.

Average monthly job gains last year? 153,000. This year? 139,000. Over the past three months, the average has slipped to 94,000. That is probably either at, or just below, the rate of population growth. In other words, three years into recovery, we are adding people slowly and adding jobs even slower.
Unemployment Rate Hits 3-Year Low

There is no economic recovery under President Obama, if anything his policies have slowed economic growth NOT stimulated jobs.

YOU evidentally have not been looking at the UE numbers in Ohio. And if you check out Craigs List, there are hundreds of job postings, all fields There are jobs out there. Now they may need a certain skill set or experience but there are jobs available. Not Obamas fault that people do not have the skills to fill these jobs. And Mittens would not be able to make employers hire people that do not have the skills needed to do these jobs.

So this bullshit about 8% UE is mostly related to people that have no work skills needed in the market place.

Who you gonna blame for that?
Romney says he'll create 12 million jobs, but he doesn't say where.

I think alot of the higher paying jobs will be overseas. The big corps have no tax incentive to create manufacturing jobs here since the financial budget bottom line is to send them to the cheapest labor market, i.e. China, India, Mexico etc.

A few retail jobs, like mini wage Walmart, will trickle down to US workers.

Whoopee !

The Angel is in the Policy.

Well you don't seem to mind that is what is happening under Obama..
Romney says he'll create 12 million jobs, but he doesn't say where.

I think alot of the higher paying jobs will be overseas. The big corps have no tax incentive to create manufacturing jobs here since the financial budget bottom line is to send them to the cheapest labor market, i.e. China, India, Mexico etc.

A few retail jobs, like mini wage Walmart, will trickle down to US workers.

Whoopee !

The Angel is in the Policy.

Well you don't seem to mind that is what is happening under Obama..

So you admit that Willard's policies are no better than Obama's?
Romney says he'll create 12 million jobs, but he doesn't say where.

I think alot of the higher paying jobs will be overseas. The big corps have no tax incentive to create manufacturing jobs here since the financial budget bottom line is to send them to the cheapest labor market, i.e. China, India, Mexico etc.

A few retail jobs, like mini wage Walmart, will trickle down to US workers.

Whoopee !

The Angel is in the Policy.

Well you don't seem to mind that is what is happening under Obama..[/QUOTE]

With that kind of logic, we might as well keep what we know as opposed to trying some dude that you know is lying. Mittens can not "creat" 12 million new jobs. Unless he wants the Federal Guvmint to go on a HUGE hiring binge.

Is that what Mittens plans?
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*Note* Jobs are NOW at a 35 year low! Democrats have been incontrol since 2006! Look at how many jobs they have destroyed since January 1, 2007!!!!


What does this mean?
That less people need to be in employment to support their families perhaps?
Surely that's a good thing?

The growth in private employment was tumbling down and hit bottom on Jan 2009 (-810,000), the last month of Bush (click on graph to enlarge). Since then, the trend has been going up with the only way out of such a depression ... Stimulus. Europe got into debt and a recession w/o stimulus. Now all they can do is cut spending and wages which is just making the econ worse. Sounds like the Mitt/Ryan plan.

But by all means, lets get rid of unemployment benefits and bring back the Hobo class, families starving and begging on the streets. Those lazy lima beans. If they don't know how to get rich on derivative investments ... they're just the 47% bums Mitt doesn't care about.


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now they are worried about jobs.

8% unemployment all four years of this administation

If you look at the UNDERemployed it gets a lot worse. Among whites it's 13%, when you look at underemployment among hispanics it's 22%, with blacks at almost 24% (and this is the group whose majority that wants 4 more years of this under Obama) [ see: http://stateofworkingamerica/underemployment-by-race-and-ethnicity/ ]. This president has failed to create a sustainable long term high paying jobs for those looking for work. If he was successful at providing these MILLIONS of jobs (as he claims), why are over 40% of the unemployed seeking extensions?

August 2012 jobs report -- 96,000 jobs created, 40,000 jobs lost in revisions, unemployment down to 8.1% on falling labor participation.

Average monthly job gains last year? 153,000. This year? 139,000. Over the past three months, the average has slipped to 94,000. That is probably either at, or just below, the rate of population growth. In other words, three years into recovery, we are adding people slowly and adding jobs even slower.
Unemployment Rate Hits 3-Year Low

There is no economic recovery under President Obama, if anything his policies have slowed economic growth NOT stimulated jobs.

YOU evidentally have not been looking at the UE numbers in Ohio. And if you check out Craigs List, there are hundreds of job postings, all fields There are jobs out there. Now they may need a certain skill set or experience but there are jobs available. Not Obamas fault that people do not have the skills to fill these jobs. And Mittens would not be able to make employers hire people that do not have the skills needed to do these jobs.

So this bullshit about 8% UE is mostly related to people that have no work skills needed in the market place.

Who you gonna blame for that?

Is that your response to the over 1100 union electricians on the bench in Las Vegas looking for work? There are many americans who once had high paying careers as computer programmers, plumbers, management skills, military vets, etc. I'm sure they feel they are qualified enough to work. Are you suggesting there are over 5 million job postings on craigs list? How many people do you think are applying and fighting over just one job offer? Yet many are having to hold down TWO jobs to make up for the income of ONE they lost, and that has nothing to do with "skill level". The average family income has dropped under this administration's watch. Do some research first, before you start talking about "skills".
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now they are worried about jobs.

8% unemployment all four years of this administation

If you look at the UNDERemployed it gets a lot worse. Among whites it's 13%, when you look at underemployment among hispanics it's 22%, with blacks at almost 24% (and this is the group whose majority that wants 4 more years of this under Obama) [ see: http://stateofworkingamerica/underemployment-by-race-and-ethnicity/ ]. This president has failed to create a sustainable long term high paying jobs for those looking for work. If he was successful at providing these MILLIONS of jobs (as he claims), why are over 40% of the unemployed seeking extensions?

August 2012 jobs report -- 96,000 jobs created, 40,000 jobs lost in revisions, unemployment down to 8.1% on falling labor participation.

Average monthly job gains last year? 153,000. This year? 139,000. Over the past three months, the average has slipped to 94,000. That is probably either at, or just below, the rate of population growth. In other words, three years into recovery, we are adding people slowly and adding jobs even slower.
Unemployment Rate Hits 3-Year Low

There is no economic recovery under President Obama, if anything his policies have slowed economic growth NOT stimulated jobs.

YOU evidentally have not been looking at the UE numbers in Ohio. And if you check out Craigs List, there are hundreds of job postings, all fields There are jobs out there. Now they may need a certain skill set or experience but there are jobs available. Not Obamas fault that people do not have the skills to fill these jobs. And Mittens would not be able to make employers hire people that do not have the skills needed to do these jobs.

So this bullshit about 8% UE is mostly related to people that have no work skills needed in the market place.

Who you gonna blame for that?

It is obvious that the Tea Party House has been obstructing job creation legislation, was willing to default on the debt, to slow down the economy to defeat Obama and the Amercian people ... the hell with the 47% .... since they don't matter.

Let's reward the TPH for doing that!

I know. Don't invest any extra Fed money in education and let them eat cake. You go Marie .....
Loads of so called "experts."

Of course many are lefties who worship at Barrys alter.

Barry has done such a fine job as POTUS and all. I'm sure the unemployed would agree with that.


:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

If Republicans are the ones stealing elections, why are Democrats so fearful of preventive measures that "respects" and protects an individuals vote, against voter fraud? We have protective measures when it comes to obtaining a gun, and last I checked the right to bear arms IS a Constitutional right. Minority gun ownership supression? - Question of the week.
Loads of so called "experts."

Of course many are lefties who worship at Barrys alter.

Barry has done such a fine job as POTUS and all. I'm sure the unemployed would agree with that.


:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

If Republicans are the ones stealing elections, why are Democrats so fearful of preventive measures that "respects" and protects an individuals vote, against voter fraud? We have protective measures when it comes to obtaining a gun, and last I checked the right to bear arms IS a Constitutional right. Minority gun ownership supression? - Question of the week.

Pointless diversion? - Question of the following week,
If you look at the UNDERemployed it gets a lot worse. Among whites it's 13%, when you look at underemployment among hispanics it's 22%, with blacks at almost 24% (and this is the group whose majority that wants 4 more years of this under Obama) [ see: http://stateofworkingamerica/underemployment-by-race-and-ethnicity/ ]. This president has failed to create a sustainable long term high paying jobs for those looking for work. If he was successful at providing these MILLIONS of jobs (as he claims), why are over 40% of the unemployed seeking extensions?

There is no economic recovery under President Obama, if anything his policies have slowed economic growth NOT stimulated jobs.

YOU evidentally have not been looking at the UE numbers in Ohio. And if you check out Craigs List, there are hundreds of job postings, all fields There are jobs out there. Now they may need a certain skill set or experience but there are jobs available. Not Obamas fault that people do not have the skills to fill these jobs. And Mittens would not be able to make employers hire people that do not have the skills needed to do these jobs.

So this bullshit about 8% UE is mostly related to people that have no work skills needed in the market place.

Who you gonna blame for that?

It is obvious that the Tea Party House has been obstructing job creation legislation, was willing to default on the debt, to slow down the economy to defeat Obama and the Amercian people ... the hell with the 47% .... since they don't matter.

Let's reward the TPH for doing that!

I know. Don't invest any extra Fed money in education and let them eat cake. You go Marie .....

So that's why Democrats went to Obamacare and Nancy Pelosi bogged down Congress for months, they were more concerned about jobs as their top priority then? What happened to the unemployment rate AFTER all this wasted time on Obamacare? Care to take a stab on the answer?


:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

If Republicans are the ones stealing elections, why are Democrats so fearful of preventive measures that "respects" and protects an individuals vote, against voter fraud? We have protective measures when it comes to obtaining a gun, and last I checked the right to bear arms IS a Constitutional right. Minority gun ownership supression? - Question of the week.

Pointless diversion? - Question of the following week,

Pointless diversions, or afraid to face up to and finally discuss about the issue? Fancy side shows, nielson talk show ratings, avoidance. I don't know, why don't you ask Obama and Sandra Fluke about that on the following week?
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If Republicans are the ones stealing elections, why are Democrats so fearful of preventive measures that "respects" and protects an individuals vote, against voter fraud? We have protective measures when it comes to obtaining a gun, and last I checked the right to bear arms IS a Constitutional right. Minority gun ownership supression? - Question of the week.

Pointless diversion? - Question of the following week,

Pointless diversions, or afraid to face up to and finally discuss about the issue? Fancy side shows, nielson talk show ratings, avoidance. I don't know, why don't you ask Obama and Sandra Fluke about that on the following week?

Which issue?
The issue of this thread, or one of the issues that you're trying to divert it to?
YOU evidentally have not been looking at the UE numbers in Ohio. And if you check out Craigs List, there are hundreds of job postings, all fields There are jobs out there. Now they may need a certain skill set or experience but there are jobs available. Not Obamas fault that people do not have the skills to fill these jobs. And Mittens would not be able to make employers hire people that do not have the skills needed to do these jobs.

So this bullshit about 8% UE is mostly related to people that have no work skills needed in the market place.

Who you gonna blame for that?

It is obvious that the Tea Party House has been obstructing job creation legislation, was willing to default on the debt, to slow down the economy to defeat Obama and the Amercian people ... the hell with the 47% .... since they don't matter.

Let's reward the TPH for doing that!

I know. Don't invest any extra Fed money in education and let them eat cake. You go Marie .....

So that's why Democrats went to Obamacare and Nancy Pelosi bogged down Congress for months, they were more concerned about jobs as their top priority then? What happened to the unemployment rate AFTER all this wasted time on Obamacare? Care to take a stab on the answer?

Can the Fed gov walk and chew gum at the same time? I hope so.

Could the gov turn the econ around and tackle health care at the same time? I think so.

At some point, rising Health care costs needed to be tackled.

This was a scary change and with the recession, I don't think 2010 was the right time. The American people weren't ready and as a result made the huge mistake of getting the Tea Party in the House in 2010.

It was the TPH top priority to derail the economy, then blame it on the Dems and get rid of Obama. The TPH were the ones doing the bogging.

This is the way I see it. I don't think the TPH should be rewarded for this and they should be voted out.
Romney has created hundreds of thousands of jobs in the private sector. O has a net negative job growth of 1.3 million since he took office. IOW, he hasn't created anything.

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