MLK Says Black Lives Matter

The problem with your attempt to deny things is that Martin Luther King said that black lives matter 60 plus years ago.
And you certainly can speak to what he is on record of believing while he was alive. That said, extrapolating what he believed while he was alive then to what he would believe today is speculation. If your speculation is simply that he would believe that black lives matter, that is most probably a very safe generality to speculate. After all, most of the people that you call racist believe that black lives matter. Ben Carson believes black lives matter.

If you believe that King would agree with the more specific things you put in your opening post, then your speculation becomes much more shaky. You are painting your own radical opinion on the body of a dead man. Maybe you are right about what his opinion would be if he were alive, but since he is not alive there is no way of truly knowing. If he were alive today, for all we know he and Ben Carson might be really good friends and King could be more align with Ben Carson than you. Once again, that is mere speculation.
The problem with your attempt to deny things is that Martin Luther King said that black lives matter 60 plus years ago.
Naaa, I don't think MLK, Jr would have supported these criminals. Just sayin'.

Published April 12, 2022 6:03pm EDT

Black Lives Matter scandal: ABC, CBS, NBC avoid shocking report of group's $6 million mansion purchase

The powerful nonprofit has been facing intense scrutiny over its finances​

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News

Naaa, I don't think MLK, Jr would have supported these criminals. Just sayin'.

Published April 12, 2022 6:03pm EDT

Black Lives Matter scandal: ABC, CBS, NBC avoid shocking report of group's $6 million mansion purchase

The powerful nonprofit has been facing intense scrutiny over its finances​

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News

That’s just the start. Where have all the other MILLIONS gone? Have they reported that money to the IRS ??

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