Moderates Bush, Christie Pulling Away in Polls

Only a moderate Republican is capable of winning

You mean this time... Because it didn't work just 2 years ago, nor 4 year prior to that....

Oh, and...

Your sig only shows how limited your understanding of ownership really is. I like my sig of what you said better, it demonstrates the epic failure of bureaucracy while simultaneously displaying true greed and arrogance.

what part of CAPABLE confuses you ? .. nothing indicates a sure win. ... problem with understanding ?


He got it wrong both times before, just saying you have better odds betting against what RW says. And he said ONLY capable.

What we do know is that conservatives and libertarians were soundly defeated in 2008 and 2012

Couldn't even make it out of the primaries

We will see the same in 2016

You are correct, and the reason is because it will be Romney or Bush that will be running.

Its not just that Conservatives and libertarians can't win the GOP nomination....they can't even win individual primaries

Even Republicans will not vote for them
Every single time we followed that "logic" we have lost. It's a loser plan.

Every time you have failed to get at least 45% of the moderate vote - you lost. Period. That's an historic FACT.

Ronald Reagan and George Bush win the moderate vote and would be concidered Tea Party candidates by today's standard. Moderate republicans never win.
Teatards would be going nuts over Reagan raising taxes, his deficits and amnesty.

He wouldn't have done it today idiot.

OK, that's pretty funny.

First you call Reagan an extremist. Then when confronted with his moderate record, you make some crystal ball projection about what he "would have or would not have done" today.


Because "in your heart" you believe Reagan was a far right president and NEED to believe that to convince yourself that far right can win and be successful.

If you have to re-write history and make completely unsupported crystal ball projections to support your position, then you really don't have a very sound position now do you?

Not that I expect you to understand but someone that actually has two brain cells to rub together might read this:

I know that Reagan would not do those things today because I remember the man. I remember his speeches, I know what was in his heart. YOU can try to take things he did 30 years ago and apply them to today, but you are full of shit and no one believes it.

Here's what will happen:
The idiot GOP will run a moderate and they will lose. It doesn't matter who it is.
Ronald Reagan - "an extremist" ??

Yeah, OK.

"It is indisputable that Reagan was vastly more moderate, at least in terms of how he actually governed, than today’s GOP. At the risk of being pedantic, here is a partial list of Reagan’s actions that would have him expelled for treason to conservative principles if he were running for president today.

• As a Hollywood actor, Reagan had been the head of a labor union, the Screen Actors Guild, and was proud of the higher pay and benefits he negotiated for his members. As president, he praised labor unions, saying, “Collective bargaining…has played a major role in America's economic miracle. Unions represent some of the freest institutions in this land. There are few finer examples of participatory democracy to be found anywhere.”

• Franklin D. Roosevelt was Reagan’s political hero and he voted for him for president 4 times. As president, he said, “F. D. R. was an American giant, a leader who shaped, inspired, and led our people through perilous times.”

• As governor of California, Reagan signed into law the largest state tax increase in history up to that time. It increased California taxes by a third, including an increase in the top income tax rate. There were other tax increases as well, which raised the top rate to 11 percent from 7 percent when he took office, a 57 percent increase.

• Also as governor, Reagan signed into law California’s first law permitting legal abortion – at the behest of his two most conservative advisers, Ed Meese and Lyn Nofziger. On other social issues as well, Gov. Reagan was far more progressive than his image. For example, he authorized conjugal visits for prisoners for the first time in the state and broadened environmental protection."

- See more at: Why Ronald Reagan Would Not Lead Today s GOP The Fiscal Times

Why Ronald Reagan Would Not Lead Today s GOP The Fiscal Times

Opinion are like liberals...MOST have or are :ahole-1:

cave man post are like wingnuts ... most have or are stupid
You do understand that a wingnut is a progressive, right? They're the only sick, twisted, extremists in this nation today.
Only a moderate Republican is capable of winning

You mean this time... Because it didn't work just 2 years ago, nor 4 year prior to that....

Oh, and...

Your sig only shows how limited your understanding of ownership really is. I like my sig of what you said better, it demonstrates the epic failure of bureaucracy while simultaneously displaying true greed and arrogance.

Lets be perfectly clear that no Libertarian is capable of winning. Even a rebranded Rand Paul

In 2012 and 2008, Conservative Republicans were not even capable of winning primaries within their own party. How are they going to win a national election?

Oh..and still waiting for your wife to contact me

Why are you talking about Libertarians winning the presidency as if I said they could? Rand Paul is a Republican, and yes, he stands a good chance of winning the General if he wins during the primaries. Only an arrogant hyper partisan would think he stands no chance... So I understand you believing he would stand no chance, but you have a poor track record of picking winners for the Republican side so honestly, who cares about your opinion?

She is busy actually working, she does not have time to contact you. She said clearly when I told her of your offer that she is in no need of welfare.

Actually, my track record for picking who the Republican candidate will be is exemplary. I haven't missed one since Nixon

Of course it is not hard with Republicans. They are always predictable in their "next in line" strategy

Thanks for taking the country back into Iraq with Obama RW.

Never should have been there to start with
Only a moderate Republican is capable of winning

You mean this time... Because it didn't work just 2 years ago, nor 4 year prior to that....

Oh, and...

Your sig only shows how limited your understanding of ownership really is. I like my sig of what you said better, it demonstrates the epic failure of bureaucracy while simultaneously displaying true greed and arrogance.

what part of CAPABLE confuses you ? .. nothing indicates a sure win. ... problem with understanding ?


He got it wrong both times before, just saying you have better odds betting against what RW says. And he said ONLY capable.

What we do know is that conservatives and libertarians were soundly defeated in 2008 and 2012

Couldn't even make it out of the primaries

We will see the same in 2016

You are correct, and the reason is because it will be Romney or Bush that will be running.

If Willard does throw his hat in the ring, rest assured he'll get less attention for the GOP than Ron Paul did.
Ponder this....


And the last time before that?

Every time you have failed to get at least 45% of the moderate vote - you lost. Period. That's an historic FACT.

Ronald Reagan and George Bush win the moderate vote and would be concidered Tea Party candidates by today's standard. Moderate republicans never win.
Teatards would be going nuts over Reagan raising taxes, his deficits and amnesty.

He wouldn't have done it today idiot.

OK, that's pretty funny.

First you call Reagan an extremist. Then when confronted with his moderate record, you make some crystal ball projection about what he "would have or would not have done" today.


Because "in your heart" you believe Reagan was a far right president and NEED to believe that to convince yourself that far right can win and be successful.

If you have to re-write history and make completely unsupported crystal ball projections to support your position, then you really don't have a very sound position now do you?

Not that I expect you to understand but someone that actually has two brain cells to rub together might read this:

I know that Reagan would not do those things today because I remember the man. I remember his speeches, I know what was in his heart. YOU can try to take things he did 30 years ago and apply them to today, but you are full of shit and no one believes it.

Here's what will happen:
The idiot GOP will run a moderate and they will lose. It doesn't matter who it is.
You know what was in his heart but his moderate governing tells the true story.
Every single time we followed that "logic" we have lost. It's a loser plan.

Every time you have failed to get at least 45% of the moderate vote - you lost. Period. That's an historic FACT.

Ronald Reagan and George Bush win the moderate vote and would be concidered Tea Party candidates by today's standard. Moderate republicans never win.
Teatards would be going nuts over Reagan raising taxes, his deficits and amnesty.

He wouldn't have done it today idiot.
HAHA, you have no way of proving that. That's why the conservative myth of Reagan lives on.

Every single time we followed that "logic" we have lost. It's a loser plan.

Every time you have failed to get at least 45% of the moderate vote - you lost. Period. That's an historic FACT.

Ronald Reagan and George Bush win the moderate vote and would be concidered Tea Party candidates by today's standard. Moderate republicans never win.
Teatards would be going nuts over Reagan raising taxes, his deficits and amnesty.

He wouldn't have done it today idiot.
HAHA, you have no way of proving that. That's why the conservative myth of Reagan lives on.

It goes beyond the Reagan fantasy

They have fantasies that the founding fathers, JFK and Martin Luther King would have supported todays conservative policies
Ronald Reagan and George Bush win the moderate vote and would be concidered Tea Party candidates by today's standard. Moderate republicans never win.
Teatards would be going nuts over Reagan raising taxes, his deficits and amnesty.

He wouldn't have done it today idiot.

OK, that's pretty funny.

First you call Reagan an extremist. Then when confronted with his moderate record, you make some crystal ball projection about what he "would have or would not have done" today.


Because "in your heart" you believe Reagan was a far right president and NEED to believe that to convince yourself that far right can win and be successful.

If you have to re-write history and make completely unsupported crystal ball projections to support your position, then you really don't have a very sound position now do you?

Not that I expect you to understand but someone that actually has two brain cells to rub together might read this:

I know that Reagan would not do those things today because I remember the man. I remember his speeches, I know what was in his heart. YOU can try to take things he did 30 years ago and apply them to today, but you are full of shit and no one believes it.

Here's what will happen:
The idiot GOP will run a moderate and they will lose. It doesn't matter who it is.
You know what was in his heart but his moderate governing tells the true story.

Just how thick headed are you really?
Ronald Reagan and George Bush win the moderate vote and would be concidered Tea Party candidates by today's standard. Moderate republicans never win.
Teatards would be going nuts over Reagan raising taxes, his deficits and amnesty.

He wouldn't have done it today idiot.

OK, that's pretty funny.

First you call Reagan an extremist. Then when confronted with his moderate record, you make some crystal ball projection about what he "would have or would not have done" today.


Because "in your heart" you believe Reagan was a far right president and NEED to believe that to convince yourself that far right can win and be successful.

If you have to re-write history and make completely unsupported crystal ball projections to support your position, then you really don't have a very sound position now do you?

Not that I expect you to understand but someone that actually has two brain cells to rub together might read this:

I know that Reagan would not do those things today because I remember the man. I remember his speeches, I know what was in his heart. YOU can try to take things he did 30 years ago and apply them to today, but you are full of shit and no one believes it.

Here's what will happen:
The idiot GOP will run a moderate and they will lose. It doesn't matter who it is.
You know what was in his heart but his moderate governing tells the true story.

"What I know in my heart trumps ALL historical data"

Every time you have failed to get at least 45% of the moderate vote - you lost. Period. That's an historic FACT.

Ronald Reagan and George Bush win the moderate vote and would be concidered Tea Party candidates by today's standard. Moderate republicans never win.
Teatards would be going nuts over Reagan raising taxes, his deficits and amnesty.

He wouldn't have done it today idiot.
HAHA, you have no way of proving that. That's why the conservative myth of Reagan lives on.

It goes beyond the Reagan fantasy

They have fantasies that the founding fathers, JFK and Martin Luther King would have supported todays conservative policies

Except that he was addressing me and you are wrong on all counts.
Teatards would be going nuts over Reagan raising taxes, his deficits and amnesty.

He wouldn't have done it today idiot.

OK, that's pretty funny.

First you call Reagan an extremist. Then when confronted with his moderate record, you make some crystal ball projection about what he "would have or would not have done" today.


Because "in your heart" you believe Reagan was a far right president and NEED to believe that to convince yourself that far right can win and be successful.

If you have to re-write history and make completely unsupported crystal ball projections to support your position, then you really don't have a very sound position now do you?

Not that I expect you to understand but someone that actually has two brain cells to rub together might read this:

I know that Reagan would not do those things today because I remember the man. I remember his speeches, I know what was in his heart. YOU can try to take things he did 30 years ago and apply them to today, but you are full of shit and no one believes it.

Here's what will happen:
The idiot GOP will run a moderate and they will lose. It doesn't matter who it is.
You know what was in his heart but his moderate governing tells the true story.

Just how thick headed are you really?
Hey, you're the one who made the dumb comment about knowing what was in his heart based on a few speeches.
Every time you have failed to get at least 45% of the moderate vote - you lost. Period. That's an historic FACT.

Ronald Reagan and George Bush win the moderate vote and would be concidered Tea Party candidates by today's standard. Moderate republicans never win.
Teatards would be going nuts over Reagan raising taxes, his deficits and amnesty.

He wouldn't have done it today idiot.

OK, that's pretty funny.

First you call Reagan an extremist. Then when confronted with his moderate record, you make some crystal ball projection about what he "would have or would not have done" today.


Because "in your heart" you believe Reagan was a far right president and NEED to believe that to convince yourself that far right can win and be successful.

If you have to re-write history and make completely unsupported crystal ball projections to support your position, then you really don't have a very sound position now do you?

Not that I expect you to understand but someone that actually has two brain cells to rub together might read this:

I know that Reagan would not do those things today because I remember the man. I remember his speeches, I know what was in his heart. YOU can try to take things he did 30 years ago and apply them to today, but you are full of shit and no one believes it.

Here's what will happen:
The idiot GOP will run a moderate and they will lose. It doesn't matter who it is.

whoever the GOP nominates will lose .. your claim is pretty safe.
The problem for Conservatives is that even their own party considers them out of touch and to be frank....batshit crazy

If a conservative candidate can't even win a Republican Primary how can they win a general election?
He wouldn't have done it today idiot.

OK, that's pretty funny.

First you call Reagan an extremist. Then when confronted with his moderate record, you make some crystal ball projection about what he "would have or would not have done" today.


Because "in your heart" you believe Reagan was a far right president and NEED to believe that to convince yourself that far right can win and be successful.

If you have to re-write history and make completely unsupported crystal ball projections to support your position, then you really don't have a very sound position now do you?

Not that I expect you to understand but someone that actually has two brain cells to rub together might read this:

I know that Reagan would not do those things today because I remember the man. I remember his speeches, I know what was in his heart. YOU can try to take things he did 30 years ago and apply them to today, but you are full of shit and no one believes it.

Here's what will happen:
The idiot GOP will run a moderate and they will lose. It doesn't matter who it is.
You know what was in his heart but his moderate governing tells the true story.

Just how thick headed are you really?
Hey, you're the one who made the dumb comment about knowing what was in his heart based on a few speeches.

Wow! That is some thick headedness. What IS dumb, is assuming that he would do the exact same thing he did 30 years ago. That is some kind of stupid right there.
Ronald Reagan and George Bush win the moderate vote and would be concidered Tea Party candidates by today's standard. Moderate republicans never win.
Teatards would be going nuts over Reagan raising taxes, his deficits and amnesty.

He wouldn't have done it today idiot.

OK, that's pretty funny.

First you call Reagan an extremist. Then when confronted with his moderate record, you make some crystal ball projection about what he "would have or would not have done" today.


Because "in your heart" you believe Reagan was a far right president and NEED to believe that to convince yourself that far right can win and be successful.

If you have to re-write history and make completely unsupported crystal ball projections to support your position, then you really don't have a very sound position now do you?

Not that I expect you to understand but someone that actually has two brain cells to rub together might read this:

I know that Reagan would not do those things today because I remember the man. I remember his speeches, I know what was in his heart. YOU can try to take things he did 30 years ago and apply them to today, but you are full of shit and no one believes it.

Here's what will happen:
The idiot GOP will run a moderate and they will lose. It doesn't matter who it is.

whoever the GOP nominates will lose .. your claim is pretty safe.

My claims are always correct. But it doesn't have to be that way. Alas, since they will put a moderate up against the Dems, a loss is a done deal.
Ronald Reagan and George Bush win the moderate vote and would be concidered Tea Party candidates by today's standard. Moderate republicans never win.
Teatards would be going nuts over Reagan raising taxes, his deficits and amnesty.

He wouldn't have done it today idiot.
HAHA, you have no way of proving that. That's why the conservative myth of Reagan lives on.

It goes beyond the Reagan fantasy

They have fantasies that the founding fathers, JFK and Martin Luther King would have supported todays conservative policies

Except that he was addressing me and you are wrong on all counts.

Of course I am wrong

The founding fathers, JFK and MLK would have been disgusted with todays conservatives
Romney got 82% of the conservative vote. So you can tact right and chase those 18% that you missed last time. But it will cost you some moderate votes.

Romney only got 41% of the moderate vote.

So do you chase the 18% you missed last time and piss away even more than 59% of the moderates?

Or do you chase some of the 59% and piss away some of the 18%?

Do you want to win and move the country toward your positions, or do you want to demand 100% acceptance of your positions .... and lose?

Hey, Nobraininnahead, he got 82% of the Conservative vote, but many many more conservative didn't vote at all.

More fantasy. The conservative turnout in 2012 was the highest since the 50s.

You made two claims on this thread alone that have been proven false.

Teatards would be going nuts over Reagan raising taxes, his deficits and amnesty.

He wouldn't have done it today idiot.
HAHA, you have no way of proving that. That's why the conservative myth of Reagan lives on.

It goes beyond the Reagan fantasy

They have fantasies that the founding fathers, JFK and Martin Luther King would have supported todays conservative policies

Except that he was addressing me and you are wrong on all counts.

Of course I am wrong

The founding fathers, JFK and MLK would have been disgusted with todays conservatives

Wrong again. They would be disappointed with today's conservatives, they would reserve their disgust for the left.

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