Money pouring into Ben Carsons election fund


Geesh, how many spam threads are you going to start?
At the debate, Dr. Carson looked like a tired, old man. It must have been hell for him to stand in one place for three hours.
i will be looking forward to hearing debbie wasserman beat up on Carson cause he's black and a doctor! God No! we dont need any more black people in the white house!!!!
I imagine Carson would be raking in billions if in the debate when questioned what woman would he put on the $10 bill, he would have said to forget the picture of the woman, he'd pick Mohammed.
Hey Lefties, why don't you check your criticism of a Black Man running for Presidemt. It is you people that don't want a Black man in the White House. The best you could do is get a half Black who grew up in privileged White America that tou pretend to assail. Dr. Carson is 100 percent Black who grew up in poverty in inner city Detroit.

Your rules..... Can't criticize a Black man running for President.
Ben Carson: Money pouring in after Muslim comments - If you speak the truth, they will donate......................
Ben would be the first president who is Seventh Day Adventist.
Of course the Far Right is pushing for that.

Yeah, and I'm sure Catholics are really rooting for Rain Man Carson.

Adventist Beliefs

Seventh-day Adventists agree with many Catholic doctrines, including the Trinity, Christ’s divinity, the virgin birth, the atonement, a physical resurrection of the dead, and Christ’s Second Coming. They use a valid form of baptism. They believe in original sin and reject the Evangelical teaching that one can never lose one’s salvation no matter what one does (i.e., they correctly reject "once saved, always saved").

Unfortunately, they also hold many false and strange doctrines. Among these are the following: (a) the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon; (b) the pope is the Antichrist; (c) in the last days, Sunday worship will be "the mark of the beast"; (d) there is a future millennium in which the devil will roam the earth while Christians are with Christ in heaven; (e) the soul sleeps between death and resurrection; and (f) on the last day, after a limited period of punishment in hell, the wicked will be annihilated and cease to exist rather than be eternally damned. (For rebuttals of many of these ideas, see the Catholic Answers tracts, The Antichrist, The Hell There Is, Hunting the Whore of Babylon, The Whore of Babylon, and Sabbath or Sunday?)

More: Seventh-day Adventism | Catholic Answers
Since Seventh-day Adventists believe the Pope is the Antichrist - Rain Man Carson has probably been scared shitless having the Pope on American soil.
Hey Lefties, why don't you check your criticism of a Black Man running for Presidemt. It is you people that don't want a Black man in the White House. The best you could do is get a half Black who grew up in privileged White America that tou pretend to assail. Dr. Carson is 100 percent Black who grew up in poverty in inner city Detroit.

Your rules..... Can't criticize a Black man running for President.
Carson explains that he is 20% White.

Geesh, how many spam threads are you going to start?
Geesh, I included a link to CNN, so I guess you believe that the liberal network CNN is a spammer huh? Furthermore a link to Presidential candidate Ben Carson on a political board is hardly spam, but you hate the truth, unlike Ben Carson, who is raking in the big bucks.
Rain Man idiot savant Carson believes the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon and the Pope is the Antichrist. What's up with that?
Carson is as insane as the muslim brotherhood. Anyone that would support him is a fucking idiot.

Which would still make them twice as smart as you.

You support things you know nothing about.

You are fast becoming the top rated board moron.
Since Seventh-day Adventists believe the Pope is the Antichrist - Rain Man Carson has probably been scared shitless having the Pope on American soil.

I understand Carson operates on brains.

You should look him up.

Maybe he can get yours working.

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