Money pouring into Ben Carsons election fund

Ewwww, dog cannibalism
Yeah, and I'm sure Catholics are really rooting for Rain Man Carson.

Adventist Beliefs

Seventh-day Adventists agree with many Catholic doctrines, including the Trinity, Christ’s divinity, the virgin birth, the atonement, a physical resurrection of the dead, and Christ’s Second Coming. They use a valid form of baptism. They believe in original sin and reject the Evangelical teaching that one can never lose one’s salvation no matter what one does (i.e., they correctly reject "once saved, always saved").

Unfortunately, they also hold many false and strange doctrines. Among these are the following: (a) the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon; (b) the pope is the Antichrist; (c) in the last days, Sunday worship will be "the mark of the beast"; (d) there is a future millennium in which the devil will roam the earth while Christians are with Christ in heaven; (e) the soul sleeps between death and resurrection; and (f) on the last day, after a limited period of punishment in hell, the wicked will be annihilated and cease to exist rather than be eternally damned. (For rebuttals of many of these ideas, see the Catholic Answers tracts, The Antichrist, The Hell There Is, Hunting the Whore of Babylon, The Whore of Babylon, and Sabbath or Sunday?)

More: Seventh-day Adventism | Catholic Answers


Are you nutz? The word Catholic was first heard AD 110 your evangelical religions weren't even talked about for 1900 more years.

to be a Christian, you must be born again; accept Jesus as your personal SAVIOR. Catholics do not put their trust in Christ for their salvation; they put it in their church and sacraments.

Ha Ha, Catholics are the originator of the Christian religion as dictated by Christ. Everyone else is a poseur, a phony, a wannabe who wants to be important. They have been at the forefront of all religious thought since the very beginning how can you be any more authentic than that?

Laugh at the risk of your soul.

my souls secure... got saved in 1997.
Ewwww, dog cannibalism

Are you nutz? The word Catholic was first heard AD 110 your evangelical religions weren't even talked about for 1900 more years.

to be a Christian, you must be born again; accept Jesus as your personal SAVIOR. Catholics do not put their trust in Christ for their salvation; they put it in their church and sacraments.

Ha Ha, Catholics are the originator of the Christian religion as dictated by Christ. Everyone else is a poseur, a phony, a wannabe who wants to be important. They have been at the forefront of all religious thought since the very beginning how can you be any more authentic than that?

Laugh at the risk of your soul.

my souls secure... got saved in 1997.
Some "christians" think by being saved they can get away with murder. Good luck with that in court.
Ewwww, dog cannibalism
Are you nutz? The word Catholic was first heard AD 110 your evangelical religions weren't even talked about for 1900 more years.

to be a Christian, you must be born again; accept Jesus as your personal SAVIOR. Catholics do not put their trust in Christ for their salvation; they put it in their church and sacraments.

Ha Ha, Catholics are the originator of the Christian religion as dictated by Christ. Everyone else is a poseur, a phony, a wannabe who wants to be important. They have been at the forefront of all religious thought since the very beginning how can you be any more authentic than that?

Laugh at the risk of your soul.

my souls secure... got saved in 1997.
Some "christians" think by being saved they can get away with murder. Good luck with that in court.

some might...

Geesh, how many spam threads are you going to start?

Not near as many as you have.
Ben Carson: Money pouring in after Muslim comments - If you speak the truth, they will donate......................
I think you should run Carson for the presidency. He will lose to any Democratic candidate in a heartbeat.

Ahahaha go ahead run the perv from NY Weiner, no? I thought not. lol
No one is considering running him for pres. You are off your rocker.

At the same time, you are right, he's about the only Democrat Carson wouldn't lose to. LOL
Ben Carson: Money pouring in after Muslim comments - If you speak the truth, they will donate......................
I think you should run Carson for the presidency. He will lose to any Democratic candidate in a heartbeat.

Ahahaha go ahead run the perv from NY Weiner, no? I thought not. lol
No one is considering running him for pres. You are off your rocker.

At the same time, you are right, he's about the only Democrat Carson would lose to. LOL

Oh please there is no shortage of bat shit crazy idiot liberals Carson could beat. Go ahead run Pelosi AHAHAHAHAHA!
Since Seventh-day Adventists believe the Pope is the Antichrist - Rain Man Carson has probably been scared shitless having the Pope on American soil.

Right, that's why he attended his speech before congress. You really are an idiot.
Ben Carson: Money pouring in after Muslim comments - If you speak the truth, they will donate......................
I think you should run Carson for the presidency. He will lose to any Democratic candidate in a heartbeat.

Ahahaha go ahead run the perv from NY Weiner, no? I thought not. lol
No one is considering running him for pres. You are off your rocker.

At the same time, you are right, he's about the only Democrat Carson wouldn't lose to. LOL

Oh please there is no shortage of bat shit crazy idiot liberals Carson could beat. Go ahead run Pelosi AHAHAHAHAHA!
You, know, moron: we are talking about actual candidates, people you think could win the presidency, not every single conservative or democrat in America. Where is your brain? Go look under the couch.
Ewwww, dog cannibalism

Are you nutz? The word Catholic was first heard AD 110 your evangelical religions weren't even talked about for 1900 more years.

to be a Christian, you must be born again; accept Jesus as your personal SAVIOR. Catholics do not put their trust in Christ for their salvation; they put it in their church and sacraments.

Ha Ha, Catholics are the originator of the Christian religion as dictated by Christ. Everyone else is a poseur, a phony, a wannabe who wants to be important. They have been at the forefront of all religious thought since the very beginning how can you be any more authentic than that?

Laugh at the risk of your soul.

my souls secure... got saved in 1997.
LOL MY soul is secure: I was baptized in 1955.

You people are nutz.
Ewwww, dog cannibalism

Are you nutz? The word Catholic was first heard AD 110 your evangelical religions weren't even talked about for 1900 more years.

to be a Christian, you must be born again; accept Jesus as your personal SAVIOR. Catholics do not put their trust in Christ for their salvation; they put it in their church and sacraments.

Ha Ha, Catholics are the originator of the Christian religion as dictated by Christ. Everyone else is a poseur, a phony, a wannabe who wants to be important. They have been at the forefront of all religious thought since the very beginning how can you be any more authentic than that?

Laugh at the risk of your soul.

my souls secure... got saved in 1997.
Pity you weren't 'saved' from being arrogant and hateful.
Ewwww, dog cannibalism
Are you nutz? The word Catholic was first heard AD 110 your evangelical religions weren't even talked about for 1900 more years.

to be a Christian, you must be born again; accept Jesus as your personal SAVIOR. Catholics do not put their trust in Christ for their salvation; they put it in their church and sacraments.

Ha Ha, Catholics are the originator of the Christian religion as dictated by Christ. Everyone else is a poseur, a phony, a wannabe who wants to be important. They have been at the forefront of all religious thought since the very beginning how can you be any more authentic than that?

Laugh at the risk of your soul.

my souls secure... got saved in 1997.
Pity you weren't 'saved' from being arrogant and hateful.

More projection, good job!

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