Money pouring into Ben Carsons election fund

Ewwww, dog cannibalism
Are you nutz? The word Catholic was first heard AD 110 your evangelical religions weren't even talked about for 1900 more years.

to be a Christian, you must be born again; accept Jesus as your personal SAVIOR. Catholics do not put their trust in Christ for their salvation; they put it in their church and sacraments.

Ha Ha, Catholics are the originator of the Christian religion as dictated by Christ. Everyone else is a poseur, a phony, a wannabe who wants to be important. They have been at the forefront of all religious thought since the very beginning how can you be any more authentic than that?

Laugh at the risk of your soul.

my souls secure... got saved in 1997.
LOL MY soul is secure: I was baptized in 1955.

You people are nutz.

im not a catholic. water baptism just gets you wet. Salvation is all of Jesus and none of us.
Southern whites are the core of the republican party. The notion that they would nominate Carson is ludicrous on it's face. Trump maybe, not Carson. They would nominate a Yankee before they would nominate a black
i will be looking forward to hearing debbie wasserman beat up on Carson cause he's black and a doctor! God No! we dont need any more black people in the white house!!!!

Debbie Wasserbutt (and I do mean butt) Shultz.

The woman who still can't find a hairdresser to help her with her "somebody beat me with an ugly stick" appearance ?

"And I do mean butt". Der de der der der! Cutting humor, bra.
Where do you all think Carson ranks among the candidates when it comes to fundraising?

I'd guess no higher than eighth.

Jeb, Rubio, Fiorina, Kasich, Cruz, Clinton and Sanders are all certainly ahead of him. Christie and Paul might be too. And Walker had more....but didn't know how to spend it.
Hey Lefties, why don't you check your criticism of a Black Man running for Presidemt. It is you people that don't want a Black man in the White House. The best you could do is get a half Black who grew up in privileged White America that tou pretend to assail. Dr. Carson is 100 percent Black who grew up in poverty in inner city Detroit.

Your rules..... Can't criticize a Black man running for President.
Carson explains that he is 20% White.

Carson did not grow up a privileged white.
Where do you all think Carson ranks among the candidates when it comes to fundraising?

I'd guess no higher than eighth.

Jeb, Rubio, Fiorina, Kasich, Cruz, Clinton and Sanders are all certainly ahead of him. Christie and Paul might be too. And Walker had more....but didn't know how to spend it.
Fundraising means nothing this election, where is Jeb in fundraising, and where is he in the polls. This election is really about the American People.
Where do you all think Carson ranks among the candidates when it comes to fundraising?

I'd guess no higher than eighth.

Jeb, Rubio, Fiorina, Kasich, Cruz, Clinton and Sanders are all certainly ahead of him. Christie and Paul might be too. And Walker had more....but didn't know how to spend it.
Fundraising means nothing this election, where is Jeb in fundraising, and where is he in the polls. This election is really about the American People. aren't schizo.......not at all. started this thread with a fantastic story about how much money Carson says he is raking in. Why did you do that? Is it because you know that fundraising means nothing? That must be it.

You dumb shit. Money means almost everything. You nutbags have insured that with your fucked up ideas about how campaigns should be financed. Carson doesn't have the money.....and he certainly doesn't have the "American people". He's cray-cray.
Where do you all think Carson ranks among the candidates when it comes to fundraising?

I'd guess no higher than eighth.

Jeb, Rubio, Fiorina, Kasich, Cruz, Clinton and Sanders are all certainly ahead of him. Christie and Paul might be too. And Walker had more....but didn't know how to spend it.
Fundraising means nothing this election, where is Jeb in fundraising, and where is he in the polls. This election is really about the American People. aren't schizo.......not at all. started this thread with a fantastic story about how much money Carson says he is raking in. Why did you do that? Is it because you know that fundraising means nothing? That must be it.

You dumb shit. Money means almost everything. You nutbags have insured that with your fucked up ideas about how campaigns should be financed. Carson doesn't have the money.....and he certainly doesn't have the "American people". He's cray-cray.
Actually the point of the post is that Sharia law is being brought into the news here, as it is wrong and needs to be stopped as it is a major threat to everything that we both cherish in America, which includes our ability to disagree.
Where do you all think Carson ranks among the candidates when it comes to fundraising?

I'd guess no higher than eighth.

Jeb, Rubio, Fiorina, Kasich, Cruz, Clinton and Sanders are all certainly ahead of him. Christie and Paul might be too. And Walker had more....but didn't know how to spend it.
Fundraising means nothing this election, where is Jeb in fundraising, and where is he in the polls. This election is really about the American People. aren't schizo.......not at all. started this thread with a fantastic story about how much money Carson says he is raking in. Why did you do that? Is it because you know that fundraising means nothing? That must be it.

You dumb shit. Money means almost everything. You nutbags have insured that with your fucked up ideas about how campaigns should be financed. Carson doesn't have the money.....and he certainly doesn't have the "American people". He's cray-cray.
Actually the point of the post is that Sharia law is being brought into the news here, as it is wrong and needs to be stopped as it is a major threat to everything that we both cherish in America, which includes our ability to disagree.

Sharia law isn't being brought anywhere besides the far reaches of nutbag brains. We are far more likely to have some Christian nutbag listen to his or her God while residing in the WH than we will ever be to see Sharia law.

Both scenarios are whack.
Where do you all think Carson ranks among the candidates when it comes to fundraising?

I'd guess no higher than eighth.

Jeb, Rubio, Fiorina, Kasich, Cruz, Clinton and Sanders are all certainly ahead of him. Christie and Paul might be too. And Walker had more....but didn't know how to spend it.

These guys develop trajectories over decades.

Carson has no chance.

However, the man brings a quality akin to Bernie Sanders.

He speaks what he thinks.

I don't agree with Sanders, but I believe that if I associated with him I would count myself lucky.

He seems very honest.

Just imagine, Carsonbots, what you could have spent that money on...
Ben Carson: Money pouring in after Muslim comments - If you speak the truth, they will donate......................
I think you should run Carson for the presidency. He will lose to any Democratic candidate in a heartbeat.

Ahahaha go ahead run the perv from NY Weiner, no? I thought not. lol
No one is considering running him for pres. You are off your rocker.

At the same time, you are right, he's about the only Democrat Carson would lose to. LOL

Oh please there is no shortage of bat shit crazy idiot liberals Carson could beat. Go ahead run Pelosi AHAHAHAHAHA!

Like Clinton, Sanders or Biden
Ewwww, dog cannibalism
Are you nutz? The word Catholic was first heard AD 110 your evangelical religions weren't even talked about for 1900 more years.

to be a Christian, you must be born again; accept Jesus as your personal SAVIOR. Catholics do not put their trust in Christ for their salvation; they put it in their church and sacraments.

Ha Ha, Catholics are the originator of the Christian religion as dictated by Christ. Everyone else is a poseur, a phony, a wannabe who wants to be important. They have been at the forefront of all religious thought since the very beginning how can you be any more authentic than that?

Laugh at the risk of your soul.

my souls secure... got saved in 1997.
LOL MY soul is secure: I was baptized in 1955.

You people are nutz.

Secure in pride and hate maybe.

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