Moore more important than children - Kellyanne

“Whatever the facts end up being, the premise, of course, the principle, the incontrovertible principle, is that there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,” the White House counselor told “Fox & Friends” on Thursday in response to allegations that Moore sexually molested teen girls when he was in his 30s."

"So, vote Roy Moore?" - Brian Kilmeade. "I'm telling you the we want the votes in the Senate to get this tax bill though." - Kellyanne Conway.

I wonder, would she feel the same if Moore had sexually molested one of her four girls? Stripped them at age 14 down to their bra and panties and had them touch his tighty whities? The "morals" of the GOP these days? There's no need to ask as they have none at all. Kellyanne screwed up and accidentally spoke the truth of how people like her think and live. When one has no morals one can believe as she does.

Someone needs to get fucking craoked at the end of this; either Moore for groping or the accusers for lying about it
You have my blessing to drag them all into court and watch Roy Moore sink like a stone.
Did you even read your own post?

"there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,”

Looks to me like she is say the child is worth more than the Senate seat.
No, she said a child isn't worth a Senate seat, vote for Roy Moore.

Again for you sugar pants in bigger print this time:

"there is NO Senate seat worth more than a child,”
try again..

"there is NO Senate seat worth more than a child,”
I fixed it. Happy now? And Kellyanne doesn't actually believe that.
Fixed what?

Thread title is still a lie
We have the Kellyanne quotes showing that it is accurate. Vote for Moore no matter what because we need his vote..

what part of that there is NO Senate seat worth more than a child are you having a problem with?

Which part? All of it of course, typical Leftist non-reading comprehension.

I wonder if they know which bathroom to use? :smoke:
Did you even read your own post?

"there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,”

Looks to me like she is say the child is worth more than the Senate seat.
No, she said a child isn't worth a Senate seat, vote for Roy Moore.

Again for you sugar pants in bigger print this time:

"there is NO Senate seat worth more than a child,”
That's what she said only she doesn't believe it's actually true. Neither do most scum defending and voting for Moore.
“Whatever the facts end up being, the premise, of course, the principle, the incontrovertible principle, is that there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,” the White House counselor told “Fox & Friends” on Thursday in response to allegations that Moore sexually molested teen girls when he was in his 30s."

"So, vote Roy Moore?" - Brian Kilmeade. "I'm telling you the we want the votes in the Senate to get this tax bill though." - Kellyanne Conway.

This is soemthing I'm seeing more of. People recognizing how fucked up something is so they say it flat out and then talk their way around it so when called on it they repeat the first thing again (its fuckedupness) and explain their way of why you should ignore the fuckedupness of it
Did you even read your own post?

"there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,”

Looks to me like she is say the child is worth more than the Senate seat.
No, she said a child isn't worth a Senate seat, vote for Roy Moore.

Again for you sugar pants in bigger print this time:

"there is NO Senate seat worth more than a child,”
That's what she said only she doesn't believe it's actually true.

Did you even read your own post?

"there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,”

Looks to me like she is say the child is worth more than the Senate seat.
No, she said a child isn't worth a Senate seat, vote for Roy Moore.

Again for you sugar pants in bigger print this time:

"there is NO Senate seat worth more than a child,”
That's what she said only she doesn't believe it's actually true.

Now you're a mind reader lol
“Whatever the facts end up being, the premise, of course, the principle, the incontrovertible principle, is that there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,” the White House counselor told “Fox & Friends” on Thursday in response to allegations that Moore sexually molested teen girls when he was in his 30s."

"So, vote Roy Moore?" - Brian Kilmeade. "I'm telling you the we want the votes in the Senate to get this tax bill though." - Kellyanne Conway.

I wonder, would she feel the same if Moore had sexually molested one of her four girls? Stripped them at age 14 down to their bra and panties and had them touch his tighty whities? The "morals" of the GOP these days? There's no need to ask as they have none at all. Kellyanne screwed up and accidentally spoke the truth of how people like her think and live. When one has no morals one can believe as she does.
Just when you think the Trump whores can’t sink any lower, they keep on digging.
Did you even read your own post?

"there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,”

Looks to me like she is say the child is worth more than the Senate seat.
No, she said a child isn't worth a Senate seat, vote for Roy Moore.

Again for you sugar pants in bigger print this time:

"there is NO Senate seat worth more than a child,”
That's what she said only she doesn't believe it's actually true.

Now you're a mind reader lol
She spoke her "mind" and I use the term loosely.
Alabama Evangelicals take a stand for child molesters: 'Some 14-year-olds ... could pass for 20'

People who can go straight to hell? Defenders of child molesters. Particularly the group of so-called men of God who are defending Roy Moore:

“I don’t know how much these women are getting paid, but I can only believe they’re getting a healthy sum,” said pastor Earl Wise, a Moore supporter from Millbrook, Ala.

Wise said he would support Moore even if the allegations were true and the candidate was proved to have sexually molested teenage girls and women.

“There ought to be a statute of limitations on this stuff,” Wise said. “How these gals came up with this, I don’t know. They must have had some sweet dreams somewhere down the line.

“Plus,” he added, “there are some 14-year-olds, who, the way they look, could pass for 20.”

The article has more quotes along those lines, plus some straight-up racism tossed in for good measure. Vile, vile people.
Did you even read your own post?

"there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,”

Looks to me like she is say the child is worth more than the Senate seat.
No, she said a child isn't worth a Senate seat, vote for Roy Moore.

Again for you sugar pants in bigger print this time:

"there is NO Senate seat worth more than a child,”
That's what she said only she doesn't believe it's actually true. Neither do most scum defending and voting for Moore.

Excellent, we have a new mind reader on the board.
Did you even read your own post?

"there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,”

Looks to me like she is say the child is worth more than the Senate seat.
No, she said a child isn't worth a Senate seat, vote for Roy Moore.

Again for you sugar pants in bigger print this time:

"there is NO Senate seat worth more than a child,”
That's what she said only she doesn't believe it's actually true.

Now you're a mind reader lol
She spoke her "mind" and I use the term loosely.

You're floundering like a rudderless ship
Did you even read your own post?

"there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,”

Looks to me like she is say the child is worth more than the Senate seat.
No, she said a child isn't worth a Senate seat, vote for Roy Moore.

Again for you sugar pants in bigger print this time:

"there is NO Senate seat worth more than a child,”
That's what she said only she doesn't believe it's actually true.

Now you're a mind reader lol

This is how it works Sassy, you say today is Monday.

The Leftist Mind Reading Logic:

No Sassy said today is Monday but she meant it's Saturday.
“Whatever the facts end up being, the premise, of course, the principle, the incontrovertible principle, is that there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,” the White House counselor told “Fox & Friends” on Thursday in response to allegations that Moore sexually molested teen girls when he was in his 30s."

"So, vote Roy Moore?" - Brian Kilmeade. "I'm telling you the we want the votes in the Senate to get this tax bill though." - Kellyanne Conway.

I wonder, would she feel the same if Moore had sexually molested one of her four girls? Stripped them at age 14 down to their bra and panties and had them touch his tighty whities? The "morals" of the GOP these days? There's no need to ask as they have none at all. Kellyanne screwed up and accidentally spoke the truth of how people like her think and live. When one has no morals one can believe as she does.
Just when you think the Trump whores can’t sink any lower, they keep on digging.

(psst, they aren't the ones that can't read)
Did you even read your own post?

"there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,”

Looks to me like she is say the child is worth more than the Senate seat.
No, she said a child isn't worth a Senate seat, vote for Roy Moore.

Again for you sugar pants in bigger print this time:

"there is NO Senate seat worth more than a child,”
That's what she said only she doesn't believe it's actually true. Neither do most scum defending and voting for Moore.

Excellent, we have a new mind reader on the board.

They should start posting in the Paranormal Section then, that section is soooooooooooooooo being neglected :smoke:
No, she said a child isn't worth a Senate seat, vote for Roy Moore.

Again for you sugar pants in bigger print this time:

"there is NO Senate seat worth more than a child,”
That's what she said only she doesn't believe it's actually true.

Now you're a mind reader lol
She spoke her "mind" and I use the term loosely.

You're floundering like a rudderless ship
Fox news reported her words. I just quoted them. As usual she has the "morals" of Trump and Mall-rat Moore.
Again for you sugar pants in bigger print this time:

"there is NO Senate seat worth more than a child,”
That's what she said only she doesn't believe it's actually true.

Now you're a mind reader lol
She spoke her "mind" and I use the term loosely.

You're floundering like a rudderless ship
Fox news reported her words. I just quoted them. As usual she has the "morals" of Trump and Mall-rat Moore.

Yeah we saw the
That's what she said only she doesn't believe it's actually true.

Now you're a mind reader lol
She spoke her "mind" and I use the term loosely.

You're floundering like a rudderless ship
Fox news reported her words. I just quoted them. As usual she has the "morals" of Trump and Mall-rat Moore.

Yeah we saw the
It's two quotes, not just the one you like.
Again for you sugar pants in bigger print this time:

"there is NO Senate seat worth more than a child,”
That's what she said only she doesn't believe it's actually true.

Now you're a mind reader lol
She spoke her "mind" and I use the term loosely.

You're floundering like a rudderless ship
Fox news reported her words. I just quoted them. As usual she has the "morals" of Trump and Mall-rat Moore.

"Fox news reported her words."

OMG Leftists now supporting Fox News :omg:
Again for you sugar pants in bigger print this time:

"there is NO Senate seat worth more than a child,”
That's what she said only she doesn't believe it's actually true.

Now you're a mind reader lol
She spoke her "mind" and I use the term loosely.

You're floundering like a rudderless ship
Fox news reported her words. I just quoted them. As usual she has the "morals" of Trump and Mall-rat Moore.

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