More abortion insanity

Yep. It means it's no longer protected by the federal government. States are free to violate that right all they want (depending of course on any state constitutional rules).

Maybe what you mean to say is that it doesn't outlaw abortion nationwide, which is true. But the right to an abortion was stripped the court. I'm not sure how you can spin that otherwise, though I'm sure you'll try.

They just gave it back to the states. Essentially, the SC said the federal state is not going to sanction murder of the unborn. They were correct.
They ended the constitutionally protected right to abortion. that is what happened.

Why are you always so goddamn wrong and stupid?
It's just spin. That's all politics is for most people. Senseless cheerleading for your side.
They removed federal constitutional protection of that right - which is what most of us mean we say a right has been ended. But you go on with your Denial Dance. It's dead sexy!

Actually they found that the constitutional right never existed and the previous court mistakenly invented it. So they returned the issue to the States where it rightly belonged.

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Abortion is not a right that is protected by the Constitution. When the court imposed that right it was wrong. It was always wrong of an activist court to legislate from the bench. Now the states are free to legislate the law as they should have done all along.
Murder, intentionally killing the unborn is not a right.
So, you can just repeat this over and over again - and I guess that ends the debate from your perspective. But the question IS more subtle than that. The real question is when we choose to recognize a human life as a person. Is it before a child is born, as you seem to want, or not until they are actually born and physically separate from the mother. In my view, the latter is the only viable option. Getting the state involved in the internal mechanics of reproduction is a bad idea.
Sen. Tina Maharath (D-Canal Winchester) said her bill would allow anyone who becomes pregnant to file a civil suit against the person who impregnated them — even if it happened as a result of consensual sex.
“Regardless of the circumstances. I felt it was important to have that vague language due to the fact that abortion is now banned here in the state of Ohio,” Maharath said.

So much reactionary bullshit going on, NO ONE is thinking.
So does this mean males can sue birth control providers for not stopping the pregnancy?
WTF is wrong with people SMH
So you ONLY want women to be responsible for pregnancy

That’s what I’ve been saying
Abortion is not a right that is protected by the Constitution. When the court imposed that right it was wrong. It was always wrong of an activist court to legislate from the bench. Now the states are free to legislate the law as they should have done all along.
We’ll we have an activist court now and you love it
Yep. It means it's no longer protected by the federal government. States are free to violate that right all they want (depending of course on any state constitutional rules).

Maybe what you mean to say is that it doesn't outlaw abortion nationwide, which is true. But the right to an abortion was stripped by the court. I'm not sure how you can spin that otherwise, though I'm sure you'll try.
Again, what right?
So, you can just repeat this over and over again - and I guess that ends the debate from your perspective. But the question IS more subtle than that. The real question is when we choose to recognize a human life as a person. Is it before a child is born, as you seem to want, or not until they are actually born and physically separate from the mother. In my view, the latter is the only viable option. Getting the state involved in the internal mechanics of reproduction is a bad idea.

Well, it is human life so I see no need for debate. Here's some irony, the civil war, as you know, was fought over states rights. Now, abortion has been sent to the states, states rights. The divisions will only deepen.
Abortion is not a right that is protected by the Constitution. When the court imposed that right it was wrong. It was always wrong of an activist court to legislate from the bench. Now the states are free to legislate the law as they should have done all along.

PRIVACY is a right under the 14th amendment. Nothing is more private than the decision to have a baby.

Abortion was fully legal when the Constitution was written. It was made illegal when women first started to demand the vote.

Now women are demanding power and the first thing conservatives have done is to prove to women that they have no power. It's not going over well.

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