More bad news for Republicans...home prices up 10%

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The housing market surged in April, with home affordability at record levels.

Sales hit 4.62 million homes during the month on an annualized basis, a rise of 3.4% compared with a month earlier and up 10% from April 2011, according to the National Association of Realtors.

NAR reported that the median price for homes sold during the month was $177,400. That's a jump of more than 10% compared with a year earlier.

Home sales surge in April - May. 22, 2012

facts scare you huh?
I'll celebrate once my home is back up to the value it was before everything sunk! I lost over 1/2 the value of my home when everything crashed.....I'll get excited when it's back to where it was.

Ok...gas is down a little bit...hurray! Is it going to get back down to where it was in 2008? Doubt it...but all you suckers go ahead and get excited over it! Lol!

Retail sales are up? Maybe in some businesses...but we still have many businesses closing their doors and putting people on unemployment. And speaking of unemployment...those numbers are far from being real either. I'd like to know who's counting all the people that are no longer getting checks because they were cut off.

As for Bin Ladin....THANK YOU NAVY SEALS!

guess what you disgruntled brained con.

Those prices were false and caused this mess.

why dont you already know that fact?

Well if those prices were false....then i think Obama needs to give me about 1/2 my money back that the bank says i owe them! Lol! What bullshit..............
It's a buyer's market, so what. Factor in the FACT that NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION is down, and this whole "sales are up" nonsense is just that... Nonsense.

Sales are up because investors are buying shitloads of short-sale homes!!


I hadn't thought of that....but you're right! There are quite a few homes in our area that have been bought by investors, for rentals or whatever.
I'll celebrate once my home is back up to the value it was before everything sunk! I lost over 1/2 the value of my home when everything crashed.....I'll get excited when it's back to where it was.

Ok...gas is down a little bit...hurray! Is it going to get back down to where it was in 2008? Doubt it...but all you suckers go ahead and get excited over it! Lol!

Retail sales are up? Maybe in some businesses...but we still have many businesses closing their doors and putting people on unemployment. And speaking of unemployment...those numbers are far from being real either. I'd like to know who's counting all the people that are no longer getting checks because they were cut off.

As for Bin Ladin....THANK YOU NAVY SEALS!

guess what you disgruntled brained con.

Those prices were false and caused this mess.

why dont you already know that fact?

Well if those prices were false....then i think Obama needs to give me about 1/2 my money back that the bank says i owe them! Lol! What bullshit..............

why Obama it was Bush who presided over the ballon and crash
It's a buyer's market, so what. Factor in the FACT that NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION is down, and this whole "sales are up" nonsense is just that... Nonsense.

Sales are up because investors are buying shitloads of short-sale homes!!


I hadn't thought of that....but you're right! There are quite a few homes in our area that have been bought by investors, for rentals or whatever.

Like TJ said, it IS a buyers' market and big investors are the only ones able to AFFORD buying a house these days.

After losing ours we're satisfied renting for a while until the market feels stable enough to buy again.
Well, that PLUS the fact our credit sucks too bad because of the foreclosure!! :D
I'd love to buy right now while prices are at rock-bottom, but can't.
Only an imbecile would think home prices on the rise again is good news.
Yay...let's price them so everyone has to work 3 jobs to afford one - yay!!
New housing start peaked in 2005 at 2 million and bottomed out in 2009 at .5 million. New housing starts in April will exceed 700,000.

April Housing Starts SURGE To 717K - Business Insider

New housing "starts" does NOT translate into new housing "completions". This is the most heavily disingenuously used statistic with regards to new home construction. The fact is new home construction is down... Meaning COMPLETED new homes. "Starts" is a Wall Street term sometimes used by those wishing to manipulate data to show a brighter tomorrow. It doesn't wash if you know what "starts" really means. Pouring a foundation, and wrapping the area with caution tape does NOT equate to a newly constructed home people actually live in. Look up what "starts" means... The internet can be your friend.
Housing Starts

Housing Starts/Building Permits
Importance: ***

Definition: The housing industry accounts for about 27% of investment spending and 5% of the overall economy. Housing starts is important because it is a leading indicator. Sustained declines in housing starts slow the economy and can push it into a recession. Likewise, increases in housing activity triggers economic growth.
Housing Starts

Housing Starts/Building Permits
Importance: ***

Definition: The housing industry accounts for about 27% of investment spending and 5% of the overall economy. Housing starts is important because it is a leading indicator. Sustained declines in housing starts slow the economy and can push it into a recession. Likewise, increases in housing activity triggers economic growth.

Housing starts do not equal hosing completions. Why don't you grasp this?
Housing Starts

Housing Starts/Building Permits
Importance: ***

Definition: The housing industry accounts for about 27% of investment spending and 5% of the overall economy. Housing starts is important because it is a leading indicator. Sustained declines in housing starts slow the economy and can push it into a recession. Likewise, increases in housing activity triggers economic growth.

Hey Truthless....guess what this 10 year chart is??:lol:


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