More democrat violence: republican home shot at

Then there's you......
Yes, then there's me. I've said all along that the problem is the extremists on both sides. I recognize that our government works in the spirit of good-will, cooperation and compromise. Radicalized people cannot do that or at least they are unwilling to do that. If all people in Congress were radicalized extremists our government would be in grave danger. Jan 6th happened because of the lies of just one deranged extremist person. The one thing our country needs are men who are willing to work together for the common good. I never said all republicans were extremists. But I do see more extremists exist on the Republican side at this time. The democrat extremists aren't weaponizes and totally organized like the Republican ones and never tried to take over our country. Their main objective is to create equality and justice for all people. Something most Americans support so it's easier to get those laws passed and they are doing it legally republicans seem to want to force things on people and take away rights to control them and they are using coercive laws to do it. For example the Texas abortion law is right out of the Nazi playbook, it actually asks citizens to spy on one another and report any so-called transgressions to the insane law and frame it as civic duty. Yes, it was one's duty to report one's family members, friends and neighbors in Nazi Germany if they violated the laws of the Third Reich. But we are America, we fought against that fascism. It has no place here. The republicans passed boter restriction laws in the name of election security. Some of these made sense, others clearly targeted the opposition. Some would have been ok if they just added funding to get everyone who wanted to vote help to get registered. But they didn't of course. And all this with absolutely no proof of fraud in the first place. You don't fix the wagon if it isn't broke. Ulterior motives involved here again.
Jan 6th happened because of the lies of just one deranged extremist person.
Jan 6 capitol riot and propagated aftermath wasn’t the result of just one person. It was the result an entire anti-American extremist party. Starts with a ‘D’ and ends with ‘emocrat’.
Jan 6 capitol riot and propagated aftermath wasn’t the result of just one person. It was the result an entire anti-American extremist party. Starts with a ‘D’ and ends with ‘emocrat’.
Okie Dokie, no extremism in that statement. Good luck with that opinion.
Yes, then there's me. I've said all along that the problem is the extremists on both sides. I recognize that our government works in the spirit of good-will, cooperation and compromise. Radicalized people cannot do that or at least they are unwilling to do that. If all people in Congress were radicalized extremists our government would be in grave danger. Jan 6th happened because of the lies of just one deranged extremist person. The one thing our country needs are men who are willing to work together for the common good. I never said all republicans were extremists. But I do see more extremists exist on the Republican side at this time. The democrat extremists aren't weaponizes and totally organized like the Republican ones and never tried to take over our country. Their main objective is to create equality and justice for all people. Something most Americans support so it's easier to get those laws passed and they are doing it legally republicans seem to want to force things on people and take away rights to control them and they are using coercive laws to do it. For example the Texas abortion law is right out of the Nazi playbook, it actually asks citizens to spy on one another and report any so-called transgressions to the insane law and frame it as civic duty. Yes, it was one's duty to report one's family members, friends and neighbors in Nazi Germany if they violated the laws of the Third Reich. But we are America, we fought against that fascism. It has no place here. The republicans passed boter restriction laws in the name of election security. Some of these made sense, others clearly targeted the opposition. Some would have been ok if they just added funding to get everyone who wanted to vote help to get registered. But they didn't of course. And all this with absolutely no proof of fraud in the first place. You don't fix the wagon if it isn't broke. Ulterior motives involved here again.

PROVABLY, that is no longer the case. The government is now working for ITs interests, not the interests of the American people.
Yes, then there's me. I've said all along that the problem is the extremists on both sides. I recognize that our government works in the spirit of good-will, cooperation and compromise. Radicalized people cannot do that or at least they are unwilling to do that. If all people in Congress were radicalized extremists our government would be in grave danger. Jan 6th happened because of the lies of just one deranged extremist person. The one thing our country needs are men who are willing to work together for the common good. I never said all republicans were extremists. But I do see more extremists exist on the Republican side at this time. The democrat extremists aren't weaponizes and totally organized like the Republican ones and never tried to take over our country. Their main objective is to create equality and justice for all people. Something most Americans support so it's easier to get those laws passed and they are doing it legally republicans seem to want to force things on people and take away rights to control them and they are using coercive laws to do it. For example the Texas abortion law is right out of the Nazi playbook, it actually asks citizens to spy on one another and report any so-called transgressions to the insane law and frame it as civic duty. Yes, it was one's duty to report one's family members, friends and neighbors in Nazi Germany if they violated the laws of the Third Reich. But we are America, we fought against that fascism. It has no place here. The republicans passed boter restriction laws in the name of election security. Some of these made sense, others clearly targeted the opposition. Some would have been ok if they just added funding to get everyone who wanted to vote help to get registered. But they didn't of course. And all this with absolutely no proof of fraud in the first place. You don't fix the wagon if it isn't broke. Ulterior motives involved here again.
If you are so concerned about both sides coming together in unity, why is it you continually attack the right and never your fav's, the left?
If you are so concerned about both sides coming together in unity, why is it you continually attack the right and never your fav's, the left?
Why would I attack the Democrats ? That is the side I mostly support. Besides people like you on here do that enough, more than enough to cover everyone's side of that argument. And the comparisons are cluttered with very big lies. That's the main problem with republican extremists, all the outright lies. Right now the country is struggling with worker shortages, increased production costs and transportation issues. Biden has addressed all these issues and it's begining to work, but all the republicans can do is blame him for all of these things. Presidents are not supermen, even though many republicans believe trump is the answer for every problem when in fact he created many of the factors that participated these events ( while acknowledging the truth, rapid growth post pandemic is the major cause of all these things ) . Things are slowly getting better and should continue doing so unless people sabotage these efforts to get the economy back under control.

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