More evidence of controlled demolitions on 9/11

I saw two airliners crash into the World Trade Center. That had never happened before.

Everything which occurred after that had never happened before.

Nothing will ever convince me that the government intentionally brought the towers down. It won't happen...

Yeah, because the powers-that-be never lie, right? lol. I mean really, who could question the official story? Here's a quick summary:

Nobody is arguing that planes weren't involved.
So you can save the disingenuous lies for the Sunday school kids.
I saw two airliners crash into the World Trade Center. That had never happened before.

Everything which occurred after that had never happened before.

Nothing will ever convince me that the government intentionally brought the towers down. It won't happen...
Oh but it did happen.
Oh but it did happen.
We don't necessarily know that the government helped perpetrate it..... but they knew it was coming and they helped cover it up usually in a criminal court of law that would make you at least an accomplice.
Guy who closely examined the red -gray chips in ground zero dust and found many samples of nano thermite
By posting here you're only appearing to us , people who have spent years researching it,, that you're just another closed-minded conformist who has been misinformed.

No, no... that's not it at all.

Answer me this: The conspiracy you're speaking of would've required the cooperation of two administrations: Clinton and Bush. What would have been the net benefit to either?
Yeah, because the powers-that-be never lie, right? lol. I mean really, who could question the official story? Here's a quick summary:

Who reaped the benefit?

You're basically saying that the Clinton administration allowed the terrorists into the country and the Bush administration, at best, allowed the attack to happen.

You're trying to change minds about the darkest day in American history wioth 15 minute videos. Do you not see how silly that is?
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No, no... that's not it at all.

Answer me this: The conspiracy you're speaking of would've required the cooperation of two administrations: Clinton and Bush. What would have been the net benefit to either?
I'm saying all three towers - first the Twin Towers in the morning both hit by airliners and then later in the afternoon Tower 7 --a 47 story building that most Americans don't even know about.....all three were wired with explosives and military-grade thermite demolition charges placed weeks before 9/11 by a crew with access to the elevator shafts where the vertical core support columns were--47 massive box column in each twin from the ground up.

Almost immediately after the collapses all of the structural evidence was quickly removed and shipped to China to be destroyed. Any other so-called evidence is considered outside the FBI's chain of custody and not valid supposedly but they never did an official investigation so there's no way to determine that.... short of an independent investigation and a grand jury trial but it probably won't happen.
I'm saying all three towers - first the Twin Towers in the morning both hit by airliners and then later in the afternoon Tower 7 --a 47 story building that most Americans don't even know about.....all three were wired with explosives and military-grade thermite demolition charges placed weeks before 9/11 by a crew with access to the elevator shafts where the vertical core support columns were--47 massive box column in each twin from the ground up.

Almost immediately after the collapses all of the structural evidence was quickly removed and shipped to China to be destroyed. Any other so-called evidence is considered outside the FBI's chain of custody and not valid supposedly but they never did an official investigation so there's no way to determine that.... short of an independent investigation and a grand jury trial but it probably won't happen.

You were a complete failure at answering my question.

You may go...
Who reaped the benefit?

You're basically saying that the Clinton administration allowed the terrorists into the country and the Bush administration, at best, allowed the attack to happen.

You're trying to change minds about the darkest day in American history wioth 15 minute videos. Do you not see how silly that is?

Did you even look at the video? My only point was on the believability of the official story. I didn't say anything beyond that. As for who benefits....well, it's certainly not we the people, so who do you think benefits? Whenever corrupt powers use deceptive tactics, it's always about gaining more control and bringing about their agendas.

Do you remember way back before the first Gulf war, the testimony from that Kuwaiti girl about babies being pulled out of incubators? That testimony is what changed public opinion and basically gave the green light for the war. Well, it turned out to be a total lie. It's the same with 9/11.

There always has to be a "boogeyman", something that creates fear in the public so that the government can "come to the rescue" with their "solution"... which of course was their agenda in the first place.

Problem - Reaction - Solution.

Here are a couple quotes on that:


These goofballs don’t even appreciate how ludicrous their pet theory is.

To buy their theory, you’d have to conclude that many many years earlier, the construction crew wired into the beams of the twin towers and bldg 7 a goodly amount of thermite and demolition grade det cord so that if terrorists ever managed to fly big old passenger jets into the twin towers, they could activate a super secret plot to bring down the rest of the buildings ….

There is excellent reason to mock anyone who advances this enormously baseless and laughable “theory.”
As for who benefits....well, it's certainly not we the people, so who do you think benefits?

Pro tip: You can't successfully answer a question by asking the exact same question to the person who asked you the question.

You inability to answer the question only suggests that I'm correct in not believing it was some great conspiracy...
Pro tip: You can't successfully answer a question by asking the exact same question to the person who asked you the question.

You inability to answer the question only suggests that I'm correct in not believing it was some great conspiracy...

You ignored basically everything I said. You did that twice. In my first post it appears you didn't watch the short video posted. In my second post you ignored everything I said. That shows me that you're not interested in truth, or in having an actual discussion. I answered your question, obviously the powers-that-be benefit. My post was not unclear, so it seems you're being intentionally obtuse.
And that's supposed to be... what?
Supposedly, in simple terms for laymen like myself and whoever else, proof of the use of a nanotechnology- grade of thermite which reaches temperatures at least two times hotter than burning jet fuel. (1100 c)
Pro tip: You can't successfully answer a question by asking the exact same question to the person who asked you the question.

You inability to answer the question only suggests that I'm correct in not believing it was some great conspiracy...

I answered you twice now, so do you think you can address anything I said in post #94? Seriously, maybe it's rare around here, but I'm one of those people who likes having actual discussions... you know, sincere, civil, genuine discussions. Sorry, but I'm not into silly pissing matches, there are plenty of others here who'd be more than willing to do that with you. I don't have time for that, so if you're going to address anything I said, please do. If not, I've got other things I could be doing right now.

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