More Joys Of Socialism

Bernie is a dangerous muthafucker.

Replace "miwwionairs and biwwionaires" in his drivel with "kulaks" and it all sounds like Stalin.

Replace it with "jew" and you have Faraklan or obozo's favorite preacher The "reverend" Wright. Never mind hitler.

I don't know what it is with leftist parasites, scapegoats and cults of personality, but it's nice to see that much of it is being rolled back thanks in part to Trump.


You mean the Right Reverend Right On Wright, of course

But everybody with a room temperature IQ knows socialism is just an excuse for totalitarianism.

There's another point in here that I'd like some of you to address (dimocraps needn't bother, you're just too fucking stupid)

You know how your dog does certain things to let you know he wants something? Mine scratches the floor until the War Department, er, er, The Wife figures out what he wants. Sometimes he needs to go outside, others he wants an ice cube, etc.

This is how this particular socialist scum asks for something. He chucks some missiles into the Sea.

They're starving over there. I mean, literally, starving to death. We all know why -- Because socialists, like dimocrap scum, are too stupid to provide for the most basic of a society's needs -- Food.

So Kim is scratching the floor and, unlike my dog, I don't like him.

He wants something. I think it's food.

Every time we turn around, we're sending him food.

I hope Trump holds out and lets them get hungry to the point that the Nork people go, "What the Hell, we can die slow or we can die in a fight. So let's take that murdering socialist scumbag down with us."

Will Trump hold out?

I think so.

I get the feeling that Trump will just ignore him. And if Kim threatens to invade South Korea.... Let him threaten away.

It would guarantee his death. He knows that. He would lose, badly. The South Koreans have one of the toughest, most serious, best trained Armies in the world. They'd clean his clock in days. Maybe even hours. And there would be nowhere for Fat Kim to hide.

I think their biggest problem would be what to do with all the surrendering Norks.

I think Trump tells Fat Boy to suck on it.

You mean the Right Reverend Right On Wright, of course

But everybody with a room temperature IQ knows socialism is just an excuse for totalitarianism.

There's another point in here that I'd like some of you to address (dimocraps needn't bother, you're just too fucking stupid)

You know how your dog does certain things to let you know he wants something? Mine scratches the floor until the War Department, er, er, The Wife figures out what he wants. Sometimes he needs to go outside, others he wants an ice cube, etc.

This is how this particular socialist scum asks for something. He chucks some missiles into the Sea.

They're starving over there. I mean, literally, starving to death. We all know why -- Because socialists, like dimocrap scum, are too stupid to provide for the most basic of a society's needs -- Food.

So Kim is scratching the floor and, unlike my dog, I don't like him.

He wants something. I think it's food.

Every time we turn around, we're sending him food.

I hope Trump holds out and lets them get hungry to the point that the Nork people go, "What the Hell, we can die slow or we can die in a fight. So let's take that murdering socialist scumbag down with us."

Will Trump hold out?

I think so.

I get the feeling that Trump will just ignore him. And if Kim threatens to invade South Korea.... Let him threaten away.

It would guarantee his death. He knows that. He would lose, badly. The South Koreans have one of the toughest, most serious, best trained Armies in the world. They'd clean his clock in days. Maybe even hours. And there would be nowhere for Fat Kim to hide.

I think their biggest problem would be what to do with all the surrendering Norks.

I think Trump tells Fat Boy to suck on it.


I don't see Trump acquiescing at all. Otherwise there never would have been a summit or meeting. Lil' Kim knows he has nothing to bargain with, except suicide or dying with millions of people.

If not for the bed wetters in the Clinton regime, he'd just have suicide.

You mean the Right Reverend Right On Wright, of course

But everybody with a room temperature IQ knows socialism is just an excuse for totalitarianism.

There's another point in here that I'd like some of you to address (dimocraps needn't bother, you're just too fucking stupid)

You know how your dog does certain things to let you know he wants something? Mine scratches the floor until the War Department, er, er, The Wife figures out what he wants. Sometimes he needs to go outside, others he wants an ice cube, etc.

This is how this particular socialist scum asks for something. He chucks some missiles into the Sea.

They're starving over there. I mean, literally, starving to death. We all know why -- Because socialists, like dimocrap scum, are too stupid to provide for the most basic of a society's needs -- Food.

So Kim is scratching the floor and, unlike my dog, I don't like him.

He wants something. I think it's food.

Every time we turn around, we're sending him food.

I hope Trump holds out and lets them get hungry to the point that the Nork people go, "What the Hell, we can die slow or we can die in a fight. So let's take that murdering socialist scumbag down with us."

Will Trump hold out?

I think so.

I get the feeling that Trump will just ignore him. And if Kim threatens to invade South Korea.... Let him threaten away.

It would guarantee his death. He knows that. He would lose, badly. The South Koreans have one of the toughest, most serious, best trained Armies in the world. They'd clean his clock in days. Maybe even hours. And there would be nowhere for Fat Kim to hide.

I think their biggest problem would be what to do with all the surrendering Norks.

I think Trump tells Fat Boy to suck on it.


I don't see Trump acquiescing at all. Otherwise there never would have been a summit or meeting. Lil' Kim knows he has nothing to bargain with, except suicide or dying with millions of people.

If not for the bed wetters in the Clinton regime, he'd just have suicide.


I tend to agree with you but, let's game this out.....

Trump tells Fat Boy to go screw his dead aunt, what's Fat Boy's next move?

I think China has had it up to 'here' with his antics, Japan damned sure won't give him anything, Russia won't help him, Europe is one of the most selfish, self-centered places on Earth so forget them.....

What's he do?

The UN? We have veto power and so does France, who isn't crazy about Fat Boy, either.

I don't think he starts a War, do you? Is he really that stupid?? I doubt it.

Most bullies are cowards as are most communists. Does he start a War he's destined to lose? Badly.
They always lie about what it is. socialists

Always. Never in history have socialists delivered on their promises. Never. Instead of fair treatment, a fair-share ownership of the fruits of their labors, which is a BIG time promise/lie from socialists, food and medical care....

This is what they get.



Every time socialism is instituted, no matter where, no matter how. Regardless of how it got there, whether it was inherited from Soviet Russia like in North Korea or legally voted in like in Venezuela (the one and only time ever) or whether it is instituted through force of arms and rebellion.....

Death disease, ABSOLUTE TOTALITARIANISM, despair and a total lack of hope sets in.

Every time.

Oh, those pictures? From a North Korean famine.

Know why there's always famines in North Korea? Because socialists are so incredibly stupid, they can't even feed their own people.

Just like now. The same thing is happening in commie-land North Korea.

Know why the Norks just launched missiles into the East Sea?

Of course you don't. Not if you get your news from the DISGUSTING FILTH.

They're doing it because they had another in a long line of bad harvests.

North Korea faces food crisis after poor harvest, U.N. says - Reuters

So they chuck some missiles into the Sea...

N. Korea launches 'barrage' of short-range missiles into the Sea of Japan: Officials

... and hope that America will do whatever they have to do to keep the Norks from starting a War they would lose badly. Very badly. As in, it would be over in a week. Or less. Then, we'd have millions of starving refugees to worry about.

In the past, Presidents both dimocrap and Republican would bow to Kim's lunacy and ship him food and (in The Rapist's case, the ability to make Nukes) medicine to see them through a year or two of more stupidity.

If you want to live like the North Koreans and the Venezuelans, you need to vote dimocrap.

I promise you, they'll get you there. guaranteed

It's happened 100% of the time in past.

What you must understand is the strategy and modus operandi of postmodern (radical leftist) rhetoric, debate and talking point discussion. The formally educated postmodernist has learned a method of rhetoric and debate wherein he or she, even knowing the answer/definition ahead of time, continues to ask the same question or deny the same definitive fact. I call this tactic of obfuscation Recursive Interrogative Disorder because in effect the postmodernist you're attempting to convince or debate will keep asking the same question almost as if expecting that repetitive act alone to eventually provide them with the answer their ideology demands. The "debate" over a normative definition of socialism is a prime example of the aforementioned M.O. of the postmodernists' rhetorical style and strategy. What happens every time is someone who is not a radical leftist forwards an example of real world socialism to compare or disprove some claim from the headlines. The postmodernist versed in RID then continuously, repetitively ad nauseum demands a definition of "true socialism" while already fully aware of its definitive meaning. That, or some effort is made at providing ideologically twisted "facts" in order to disprove a truth they're already fully cognizant of. As for the uneducated far leftist? He or she will imitate the "educated" pundits they've seem on television or postmodernist authors they've read. Know your enemy so you can crush them.
Bernie is a dangerous muthafucker.

Replace "miwwionairs and biwwionaires" in his drivel with "kulaks" and it all sounds like Stalin.

Replace it with "jew" and you have Faraklan or obozo's favorite preacher The "reverend" Wright. Never mind hitler.

I don't know what it is with leftist parasites, scapegoats and cults of personality, but it's nice to see that much of it is being rolled back thanks in part to Trump.


Sorry if I harp on the same old subject but the early leadup to the persecution of "kulaks" in Stalin's Russia has a lot of parallels to how white people are lately portrayed in the American media. First it was a slang term for the wealthy and it gradually morphed into a much wider net.

Just like now, it started out persecuting corporate CEOs and gradually even the most unassuming low-income schmuck of a white dude is somehow the beneficiary of unearned privilege and needs to be knocked off his pedestal for the good of humanity.
I don't see Trump acquiescing at all. Otherwise there never would have been a summit or meeting. Lil' Kim knows he has nothing to bargain with, except suicide or dying with millions of people.

He does have something to bargain with, he know how desperate Trump wants to be able to say he brought peace where there was none before.

So far NK has given up nothing and Trump has stopped more sanctions and stopped major, needed, training exercises at the request of Kim.
InB4 "that wasn't real socialism".

not only is it not real socialism, it is not even fake socialism. People need to learn the difference between socialism and Communism.
What is real socialism?

socialism is when the means of production, distribution, and exchange are all owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Communists believe means of production, distribution, and exchange are all owned and regulated by a totalitarian government.
InB4 "that wasn't real socialism".

not only is it not real socialism, it is not even fake socialism. People need to learn the difference between socialism and Communism.
What is real socialism?

we have no idea because the leftarded morons who are dumber than rocks cant even define it :10::04:

It seems the righttards have a harder time than the left ones.

There was a thread on this very forum accusing a private company of socialism
They always lie about what it is. socialists

Always. Never in history have socialists delivered on their promises. Never. Instead of fair treatment, a fair-share ownership of the fruits of their labors, which is a BIG time promise/lie from socialists, food and medical care....

This is what they get.



Every time socialism is instituted, no matter where, no matter how. Regardless of how it got there, whether it was inherited from Soviet Russia like in North Korea or legally voted in like in Venezuela (the one and only time ever) or whether it is instituted through force of arms and rebellion.....

Death disease, ABSOLUTE TOTALITARIANISM, despair and a total lack of hope sets in.

Every time.

Oh, those pictures? From a North Korean famine.

Know why there's always famines in North Korea? Because socialists are so incredibly stupid, they can't even feed their own people.

Just like now. The same thing is happening in commie-land North Korea.

Know why the Norks just launched missiles into the East Sea?

Of course you don't. Not if you get your news from the DISGUSTING FILTH.

They're doing it because they had another in a long line of bad harvests.

North Korea faces food crisis after poor harvest, U.N. says - Reuters

So they chuck some missiles into the Sea...

N. Korea launches 'barrage' of short-range missiles into the Sea of Japan: Officials

... and hope that America will do whatever they have to do to keep the Norks from starting a War they would lose badly. Very badly. As in, it would be over in a week. Or less. Then, we'd have millions of starving refugees to worry about.

In the past, Presidents both dimocrap and Republican would bow to Kim's lunacy and ship him food and (in The Rapist's case, the ability to make Nukes) medicine to see them through a year or two of more stupidity.

If you want to live like the North Koreans and the Venezuelans, you need to vote dimocrap.

I promise you, they'll get you there. guaranteed

It's happened 100% of the time in past.
The actual ideology of north Korea is self reliance. The word in Korean is Juche. Its their version of "pull yourself up by the bootstraps".

The reason DPRK has such poverty is that its an isolationist authoritarian cult, full stop.

InB4 "that wasn't real socialism".

Prescient, or what?

Dude, predicting a leftist will defend socialism by saying it's not socialism is like predicting the sun will come up in the east.
InB4 "that wasn't real socialism".

not only is it not real socialism, it is not even fake socialism. People need to learn the difference between socialism and Communism.
What is real socialism?

socialism is when the means of production, distribution, and exchange are all owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Communists believe means of production, distribution, and exchange are all owned and regulated by a totalitarian government.

Actually. communists believe exactly the same thing that you claim socialists believe. Of course, every socialist denies that Venezuela is socialist, so their definition must be wrong.
InB4 "that wasn't real socialism".

not only is it not real socialism, it is not even fake socialism. People need to learn the difference between socialism and Communism.
What is real socialism?

we have no idea because the leftarded morons who are dumber than rocks cant even define it :10::04:

It seems the righttards have a harder time than the left ones.

There was a thread on this very forum accusing a private company of socialism
Do you want to see proof that he's right?

Answer this question: Is Cuba socialist?
InB4 "that wasn't real socialism".

not only is it not real socialism, it is not even fake socialism. People need to learn the difference between socialism and Communism.
What is real socialism?

we have no idea because the leftarded morons who are dumber than rocks cant even define it :10::04:

It seems the righttards have a harder time than the left ones.

There was a thread on this very forum accusing a private company of socialism
Do you want to see proof that he's right?

Answer this question: Is Cuba socialist?

Does Cuba have private companies not owned and controlled by the community as a whole?

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not only is it not real socialism, it is not even fake socialism. People need to learn the difference between socialism and Communism.
What is real socialism?

we have no idea because the leftarded morons who are dumber than rocks cant even define it :10::04:

It seems the righttards have a harder time than the left ones.

There was a thread on this very forum accusing a private company of socialism
Do you want to see proof that he's right?

Answer this question: Is Cuba socialist?

Does Cuba have private companies not owned and controlled by the community as a whole?

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do you define the state to be "the community as a whole?"
InB4 "that wasn't real socialism".

not only is it not real socialism, it is not even fake socialism. People need to learn the difference between socialism and Communism.
What is real socialism?

we have no idea because the leftarded morons who are dumber than rocks cant even define it :10::04:

It seems the righttards have a harder time than the left ones.

There was a thread on this very forum accusing a private company of socialism

when i first showed up here their were 35 threads on "socialism what are you so scared of "

go ahead define socialism for us...give us a SOLID left wing definition since the "conservatives" " cant "

id steer clear of the highways ,sewers, army ,and post office if you dont wanna look like a friggin tool
InB4 "that wasn't real socialism".

not only is it not real socialism, it is not even fake socialism. People need to learn the difference between socialism and Communism.
What is real socialism?

we have no idea because the leftarded morons who are dumber than rocks cant even define it :10::04:

It seems the righttards have a harder time than the left ones.

There was a thread on this very forum accusing a private company of socialism

when i first showed up here their were 35 threads on "socialism what are you so scared of "

go ahead define socialism for us...give us a SOLID left wing definition since the "conservatives" " cant "

id steer clear of the highways ,sewers, army ,and post office if you dont wanna look like a friggin tool

See post # 28 and you will find the definition.

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What is real socialism?

we have no idea because the leftarded morons who are dumber than rocks cant even define it :10::04:

It seems the righttards have a harder time than the left ones.

There was a thread on this very forum accusing a private company of socialism
Do you want to see proof that he's right?

Answer this question: Is Cuba socialist?

Does Cuba have private companies not owned and controlled by the community as a whole?

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do you define the state to be "the community as a whole?"


But I will open it up a bit further...does Cuba have private companies not owned by the community or the state but by individuals?

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