More Joys Of Socialism

we have no idea because the leftarded morons who are dumber than rocks cant even define it :10::04:

It seems the righttards have a harder time than the left ones.

There was a thread on this very forum accusing a private company of socialism
Do you want to see proof that he's right?

Answer this question: Is Cuba socialist?

Does Cuba have private companies not owned and controlled by the community as a whole?

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do you define the state to be "the community as a whole?"


But I will open it up a bit further...does Cuba have private companies not owned by the community or the state but by individuals?

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Yes. Do you think that means Cuba is not a socialist nation?
It seems the righttards have a harder time than the left ones.

There was a thread on this very forum accusing a private company of socialism
Do you want to see proof that he's right?

Answer this question: Is Cuba socialist?

Does Cuba have private companies not owned and controlled by the community as a whole?

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do you define the state to be "the community as a whole?"


But I will open it up a bit further...does Cuba have private companies not owned by the community or the state but by individuals?

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Yes. Do you think that means Cuba is not a socialist nation?

I always thought of them more as a Communist nation

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Do you want to see proof that he's right?

Answer this question: Is Cuba socialist?

Does Cuba have private companies not owned and controlled by the community as a whole?

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do you define the state to be "the community as a whole?"


But I will open it up a bit further...does Cuba have private companies not owned by the community or the state but by individuals?

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Yes. Do you think that means Cuba is not a socialist nation?

I always thought of them more as a Communist nation

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As my quote from Lenin shows, socialism is the road to Communism.
As my quote from Lenin shows, socialism is the road to Communism.

Which highlights why socialism never actually exist, it cannot happen without a strong forceful central government making it happen...which is more Communism than socialism.

I view socialism and anarchy in the same light, they are both pipe dreams that cannot ever exist due to human nature.

There are a lot of countries that have socialist policies, in fact I do not know of a single country that does not have some.
does Cuba have private companies not owned by the community or the state but by individuals?
You're a bit of an idiot. You get that, right?

If you do not know the answer to the question just say so

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Look at your question. You are an idiot, you get that, right?

Once again, If you do not know the answer to the question just say so. There is no shame in being stupid, it is the way God made you.
As my quote from Lenin shows, socialism is the road to Communism.

Which highlights why socialism never actually exist, it cannot happen without a strong forceful central government making it happen...which is more Communism than socialism.

I view socialism and anarchy in the same light, they are both pipe dreams that cannot ever exist due to human nature.

There are a lot of countries that have socialist policies, in fact I do not know of a single country that does not have some.
Indeed. Yet here you are, criticizing people who point out the failures of attempted socialism, and ignoring the people who want to try it.
Indeed. Yet here you are, criticizing people who point out the failures of attempted socialism, and ignoring the people who want to try it.

As I often say, we all have our flavors of socialism that we agree with.

What is your take on subsides to farmers each year as well as the Trade mitigation payments they have been receiving the past year?

Is this an example of a socialistic activity in your opinion?
Indeed. Yet here you are, criticizing people who point out the failures of attempted socialism, and ignoring the people who want to try it.

As I often say, we all have our flavors of socialism that we agree with.

What is your take on subsides to farmers each year as well as the Trade mitigation payments they have been receiving the past year?

Is this an example of a socialistic activity in your opinion?
To a certain extent.

Government has no business meddling in business, other than a few basic protections.
Is it possible to snuff out one's own brain cells simply by reading through an internet political message board thread? Used to be a time when revealing the predictive model for a neurotic disorder would prevent sufferers of said disorder from publicly practicing it. With the contemporary rise of postmodern ideology throughout the Western World, and its celebration by the media, much of our political class and all those fearless cultural "warriors" seems voluntarily presenting oneself as a fool and practicing a fool's predicted behavior is the new and POSH norm.

Anyone capable of visiting a public or campus library and spending some of their own brain cells on research can quickly become aware of the conclusive definition of most any political theory. Alas, recursively Googling for apples of "wisdom" is unlikely to get you there. What's worse, the disease of postmodernism is rapidly contagious, presenting terminal symptoms of willful ignorance in even the most rational of minds seemingly overnight. As predicted by my previous post in this thread, a postmodernist joined in debate of the topic and followed a rather weak deconstructionist's behavioral pattern of both repeated interrogation of an academically defined political theory, and failing to gain the answer desired resorted to obfuscation of fact in order to present confusion of the terminology and well illustrated history behind it. That said, please continue to run the fool's errand. By all means, only drying paint provides more educational value.
Average Individual: <presents rough but historically acceptable definition of whatever political theory>

Postmodernist: "But that's not (whatever political theory) in it's truest or any form."

Average Individual: <provides a metric ton of evidence, which truth be told isn't even necessary as the conclusive definition is well known and apparent>

Postmodernist: "But what is (whatever political theory)?

Average Individual: "I just showed you. <provides further rational examples>

Postmodernist: "Huh? But what is (whatever political theory?"

Average Individual: (keeping his cool) <relates definition of political theory to current events> "Here you go."

Postmodernist: "Yeah. But what really is (whatever political theory)?"

Average Individual: "I just showed you. I was even kind enough to provide extensive, exhaustive evidence/proof."

Postmodernist: "Yeah, but what really, really is (whatever political theory)?"

Average Individual: "You've got to be joking?"

Postmodernist: "Ha, ha I win!"
Democrats treat the working-class, white voter as if they were white buffaloes—sacred entities

I say that the rest of your base are watching with dual lenses of disappointment and dissatisfaction
To a certain extent.

Government has no business meddling in business, other than a few basic protections.

I agree, but it is never brought up by much of anyone, especially the Trumpians since it is Trump doing it. To me it is more of a socialistic activity than welfare as the purpose of farming subsides is to control the production to a certain extent.

But at the same time I fully understand why the government does it. I used to be very much against them, but then I started working in the Ag industry and dealing with farmers and ranchers on a daily basis and talking with them I have a different view of them.

Massive disruptions of the food supply or rapid skyrocketing prices due to droughts or fires other natural disasters would damage the economy as a whole and would do perhaps irreparable damage to the poor and those on fixed incomes.

Most people are not even aware there was a major drought over much of the crop producing area in 2012, whole fields were lost and yields were down 30 to 50% in some areas. i was not really aware till I started this job in 2013, as the impact on the prices at the grocery store were minimal due to the programs the government has in place.

Is it the right thing for the government to do? That can be debated and I am sure will be. I am sure many will be against them, yet you never hear them brought up as examples of socialism.
They always lie about what it is. socialists

Always. Never in history have socialists delivered on their promises. Never. Instead of fair treatment, a fair-share ownership of the fruits of their labors, which is a BIG time promise/lie from socialists, food and medical care....

This is what they get.



Every time socialism is instituted, no matter where, no matter how. Regardless of how it got there, whether it was inherited from Soviet Russia like in North Korea or legally voted in like in Venezuela (the one and only time ever) or whether it is instituted through force of arms and rebellion.....

Death disease, ABSOLUTE TOTALITARIANISM, despair and a total lack of hope sets in.

Every time.

Oh, those pictures? From a North Korean famine.

Know why there's always famines in North Korea? Because socialists are so incredibly stupid, they can't even feed their own people.

Just like now. The same thing is happening in commie-land North Korea.

Know why the Norks just launched missiles into the East Sea?

Of course you don't. Not if you get your news from the DISGUSTING FILTH.

They're doing it because they had another in a long line of bad harvests.

North Korea faces food crisis after poor harvest, U.N. says - Reuters

So they chuck some missiles into the Sea...

N. Korea launches 'barrage' of short-range missiles into the Sea of Japan: Officials

... and hope that America will do whatever they have to do to keep the Norks from starting a War they would lose badly. Very badly. As in, it would be over in a week. Or less. Then, we'd have millions of starving refugees to worry about.

In the past, Presidents both dimocrap and Republican would bow to Kim's lunacy and ship him food and (in The Rapist's case, the ability to make Nukes) medicine to see them through a year or two of more stupidity.

If you want to live like the North Koreans and the Venezuelans, you need to vote dimocrap.

I promise you, they'll get you there. guaranteed

It's happened 100% of the time in past.
The actual ideology of north Korea is self reliance. The word in Korean is Juche. Its their version of "pull yourself up by the bootstraps".

The reason DPRK has such poverty is that its an isolationist authoritarian cult, full stop.

Sure it is. Hundreds of thousands have died under the socialist regime of the totalitarian rulers. You are a moron.
They always lie about what it is. socialists

Always. Never in history have socialists delivered on their promises. Never. Instead of fair treatment, a fair-share ownership of the fruits of their labors, which is a BIG time promise/lie from socialists, food and medical care....

This is what they get.



Every time socialism is instituted, no matter where, no matter how. Regardless of how it got there, whether it was inherited from Soviet Russia like in North Korea or legally voted in like in Venezuela (the one and only time ever) or whether it is instituted through force of arms and rebellion.....

Death disease, ABSOLUTE TOTALITARIANISM, despair and a total lack of hope sets in.

Every time.

Oh, those pictures? From a North Korean famine.

Know why there's always famines in North Korea? Because socialists are so incredibly stupid, they can't even feed their own people.

Just like now. The same thing is happening in commie-land North Korea.

Know why the Norks just launched missiles into the East Sea?

Of course you don't. Not if you get your news from the DISGUSTING FILTH.

They're doing it because they had another in a long line of bad harvests.

North Korea faces food crisis after poor harvest, U.N. says - Reuters

So they chuck some missiles into the Sea...

N. Korea launches 'barrage' of short-range missiles into the Sea of Japan: Officials

... and hope that America will do whatever they have to do to keep the Norks from starting a War they would lose badly. Very badly. As in, it would be over in a week. Or less. Then, we'd have millions of starving refugees to worry about.

In the past, Presidents both dimocrap and Republican would bow to Kim's lunacy and ship him food and (in The Rapist's case, the ability to make Nukes) medicine to see them through a year or two of more stupidity.

If you want to live like the North Koreans and the Venezuelans, you need to vote dimocrap.

I promise you, they'll get you there. guaranteed

It's happened 100% of the time in past.

Now that we've heard from the unlearned, let's hear from the learned:

Social contract theory, nearly as old as philosophy itself, is the view that persons' moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement among them to form the society in which they live. Socrates uses something quite like a social contract argument to explain to Crito why he must remain in prison and accept the death penalty. However, social contract theory is rightly associated with modern moral and political theory and is given its first full exposition and defense by Thomas Hobbes. After Hobbes, John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau are the best known proponents of this enormously influential theory, which has been one of the most dominant theories within moral and political theory throughout the history of the modern West. In the twentieth century, moral and political theory regained philosophical momentum as a result of John Rawls’ Kantian version of social contract theory, and was followed by new analyses of the subject by David Gauthier and others. More recently, philosophers from different perspectives have offered new criticisms of social contract theory. In particular, feminists and race-conscious philosophers have argued that social contract theory is at least an incomplete picture of our moral and political lives, and may in fact camouflage some of the ways in which the contract is itself parasitical upon the subjugation of classes of persons.

All of those who lump all Democrats as liberals or progressives (libtards or progs) have no understanding of political economy and history; they echo each other and are out of touch with reality.
To a certain extent.

Government has no business meddling in business, other than a few basic protections.

I agree, but it is never brought up by much of anyone, especially the Trumpians since it is Trump doing it. To me it is more of a socialistic activity than welfare as the purpose of farming subsides is to control the production to a certain extent.

But at the same time I fully understand why the government does it. I used to be very much against them, but then I started working in the Ag industry and dealing with farmers and ranchers on a daily basis and talking with them I have a different view of them.

Massive disruptions of the food supply or rapid skyrocketing prices due to droughts or fires other natural disasters would damage the economy as a whole and would do perhaps irreparable damage to the poor and those on fixed incomes.

Most people are not even aware there was a major drought over much of the crop producing area in 2012, whole fields were lost and yields were down 30 to 50% in some areas. i was not really aware till I started this job in 2013, as the impact on the prices at the grocery store were minimal due to the programs the government has in place.

Is it the right thing for the government to do? That can be debated and I am sure will be. I am sure many will be against them, yet you never hear them brought up as examples of socialism.
Agriculture is one of the few industries where the producer is not allowed to set his own prices.

Is it right? That can be discussed. Is it likely to change? I seriously doubt it.

Socialists want to treat every industry like agriculture, with strict government control over production and prices.

It's guaranteed failure. But you just make sure you criticize Trump and his supporters instead of socialists.
They always lie about what it is. socialists

Always. Never in history have socialists delivered on their promises. Never. Instead of fair treatment, a fair-share ownership of the fruits of their labors, which is a BIG time promise/lie from socialists, food and medical care....

This is what they get.



Every time socialism is instituted, no matter where, no matter how. Regardless of how it got there, whether it was inherited from Soviet Russia like in North Korea or legally voted in like in Venezuela (the one and only time ever) or whether it is instituted through force of arms and rebellion.....

Death disease, ABSOLUTE TOTALITARIANISM, despair and a total lack of hope sets in.

Every time.

Oh, those pictures? From a North Korean famine.

Know why there's always famines in North Korea? Because socialists are so incredibly stupid, they can't even feed their own people.

Just like now. The same thing is happening in commie-land North Korea.

Know why the Norks just launched missiles into the East Sea?

Of course you don't. Not if you get your news from the DISGUSTING FILTH.

They're doing it because they had another in a long line of bad harvests.

North Korea faces food crisis after poor harvest, U.N. says - Reuters

So they chuck some missiles into the Sea...

N. Korea launches 'barrage' of short-range missiles into the Sea of Japan: Officials

... and hope that America will do whatever they have to do to keep the Norks from starting a War they would lose badly. Very badly. As in, it would be over in a week. Or less. Then, we'd have millions of starving refugees to worry about.

In the past, Presidents both dimocrap and Republican would bow to Kim's lunacy and ship him food and (in The Rapist's case, the ability to make Nukes) medicine to see them through a year or two of more stupidity.

If you want to live like the North Koreans and the Venezuelans, you need to vote dimocrap.

I promise you, they'll get you there. guaranteed

It's happened 100% of the time in past.

Now that we've heard from the unlearned, let's hear from the learned:

Social contract theory, nearly as old as philosophy itself, is the view that persons' moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement among them to form the society in which they live. Socrates uses something quite like a social contract argument to explain to Crito why he must remain in prison and accept the death penalty. However, social contract theory is rightly associated with modern moral and political theory and is given its first full exposition and defense by Thomas Hobbes. After Hobbes, John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau are the best known proponents of this enormously influential theory, which has been one of the most dominant theories within moral and political theory throughout the history of the modern West. In the twentieth century, moral and political theory regained philosophical momentum as a result of John Rawls’ Kantian version of social contract theory, and was followed by new analyses of the subject by David Gauthier and others. More recently, philosophers from different perspectives have offered new criticisms of social contract theory. In particular, feminists and race-conscious philosophers have argued that social contract theory is at least an incomplete picture of our moral and political lives, and may in fact camouflage some of the ways in which the contract is itself parasitical upon the subjugation of classes of persons.

All of those who lump all Democrats as liberals or progressives (libtards or progs) have no understanding of political economy and history; they echo each other and are out of touch with reality.
To correct Galbraith: "The modern liberal is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for covetousness."
Agriculture is one of the few industries where the producer is not allowed to set his own prices.

Is it right? That can be discussed. Is it likely to change? I seriously doubt it.

It is that way with any commodity that is traded on an exchange, to include oil, gold, silver, etc.

Socialists want to treat every industry like agriculture, with strict government control over production and prices.

Yes they do.

It's guaranteed failure.. But you just make sure you criticize Trump and his supporters instead of socialists.

The two are not mutually exclusive.
Agriculture is one of the few industries where the producer is not allowed to set his own prices.

Is it right? That can be discussed. Is it likely to change? I seriously doubt it.

It is that way with any commodity that is traded on an exchange, to include oil, gold, silver, etc.
Not exactly. OPEC, for instance, sets their own price.

Socialists want to treat every industry like agriculture, with strict government control over production and prices.

Yes they do.

It's guaranteed failure.. But you just make sure you criticize Trump and his supporters instead of socialists.

The two are not mutually exclusive.
If that makes you feel better about yourself.

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