More Proof Diversity is Politically Damaging to America

...... I was referring to the possibility of me investing the time digging up hard data ........

So much easier to just make shit up, right professor?

It is easier to go off of my personal observations........

Utterly meaningless, and you have all but admitted false.

1. Personal observation is not utterly meaningless. It led Newton to develop the Theory of Gravity for one good example.


Newton was a scientist. Pulling shit out your ass is not scientific.

What ever. You believe the unscientific ideal that everybody is equal because you say so.

How is that scientific?
Utterly meaningless, and you have all but admitted false.

1. Personal observation is not utterly meaningless. It led Newton to develop the Theory of Gravity for one good example.


Newton was a scientist. Pulling shit out your ass is not scientific.

It is the principle of observation. Validated. Your spin is what is "not scientific".

Wow. You dropped out far, far too early.

Please cite the academic hard science study you based that on.

Are you honestly this stupid?
1. Personal observation is not utterly meaningless. It led Newton to develop the Theory of Gravity for one good example.


Newton was a scientist. Pulling shit out your ass is not scientific.

It is the principle of observation. Validated. Your spin is what is "not scientific".

Wow. You dropped out far, far too early.

Please cite the academic hard science study you based that on.

Are you honestly this stupid?

Just holding you to your standards. As a teaching moment.

My point stands.

Please cite the academic hard science study you based that on.
What we all need now is an explanation of how the republican party ended up being a party of white, heterosexual males of a certain religious cult instead of a party for all Americans. I'm a caucasian woman who has voted for, and campaigned for, white, heterosexual men, and I want an explanation. Don't expect my vote. The republican party needs to redeem itself. It's got a lot of redeeming to do. I don't vote for a party that stands only for rich, white, heterosexual males from religious cults. But the republicans made their own choices.
Feel free to vote for the party of gays and blacks.
All the term "diversity' means is that we are all here. The political parties either speak to our needs or they don't. Why speak in terms of a political party? The message that you are sending is that the republican party speaks only for one demographic group.
Voters are looking for someone who represents them. If you don't look like me, you're probably not going to represent me and support the same issues I do.
All the term "diversity' means is that we are all here. The political parties either speak to our needs or they don't. Why speak in terms of a political party? The message that you are sending is that the republican party speaks only for one demographic group.
Voters are looking for someone who represents them. If you don't look like me, you're probably not going to represent me and support the same issues I do.

I disagree with this.
Forced diversity is like forced love, there really is no such thing and the outcomes are dubious and inconsistent
It’s mostly a feel good accommodating thing and does impose the concept that there is something wrong with those who fail to embrace this unproven ideal.

It only feels forced to those who resent and resist it. America has always been diverse.
We've always had a diverse population of people that wanted to become Americans. Conservatives welcome that, but if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken. Feel free to assume I'm a racist or selfish. My second wife and my current girl friend will get a kick out of the racist charge and the thousands of dollars and countless hours of time spen,t make any claims of selfishness laughable. I CHOOSE who I associate with and who I help financially. Your benevolence at the expense of others is laughable and hypocritical.
if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken.
I don't think that at all. You do. Mistakenly. Illegal immigrants don't qualify for welfare.
It's ironic that ICE is rounding up folks at places of business where they are working.
Don't you think?
Illegals receive all kinds of public assistance from health care to education. Many do receive welfare with forged or stolen ID. They cost the taxpayer billions annually.
Forced diversity is like forced love, there really is no such thing and the outcomes are dubious and inconsistent
It’s mostly a feel good accommodating thing and does impose the concept that there is something wrong with those who fail to embrace this unproven ideal.

It only feels forced to those who resent and resist it. America has always been diverse.
We've always had a diverse population of people that wanted to become Americans. Conservatives welcome that, but if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken. Feel free to assume I'm a racist or selfish. My second wife and my current girl friend will get a kick out of the racist charge and the thousands of dollars and countless hours of time spen,t make any claims of selfishness laughable. I CHOOSE who I associate with and who I help financially. Your benevolence at the expense of others is laughable and hypocritical.
if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken.
I don't think that at all. You do. Mistakenly. Illegal immigrants don't qualify for welfare.
It's ironic that ICE is rounding up folks at places of business where they are working.
Don't you think?
Illegals receive all kinds of public assistance from health care to education. Many do receive welfare with forged or stolen ID. They cost the taxpayer billions annually.

The idea of illegals using stolen I.D.'s have been debunked. It doesn't work.
Forced diversity is like forced love, there really is no such thing and the outcomes are dubious and inconsistent
It’s mostly a feel good accommodating thing and does impose the concept that there is something wrong with those who fail to embrace this unproven ideal.

It only feels forced to those who resent and resist it. America has always been diverse.
We've always had a diverse population of people that wanted to become Americans. Conservatives welcome that, but if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken. Feel free to assume I'm a racist or selfish. My second wife and my current girl friend will get a kick out of the racist charge and the thousands of dollars and countless hours of time spen,t make any claims of selfishness laughable. I CHOOSE who I associate with and who I help financially. Your benevolence at the expense of others is laughable and hypocritical.
if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken.
I don't think that at all. You do. Mistakenly. Illegal immigrants don't qualify for welfare.
It's ironic that ICE is rounding up folks at places of business where they are working.
Don't you think?
Illegals receive all kinds of public assistance from health care to education. Many do receive welfare with forged or stolen ID. They cost the taxpayer billions annually.

The idea of illegals using stolen I.D.'s have been debunked. It doesn't work.

“It doesn’t work” because some wetback lover in cyberspace says it doesn’t?
When illegals use pilfered Social Security numbers
It only feels forced to those who resent and resist it. America has always been diverse.
We've always had a diverse population of people that wanted to become Americans. Conservatives welcome that, but if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken. Feel free to assume I'm a racist or selfish. My second wife and my current girl friend will get a kick out of the racist charge and the thousands of dollars and countless hours of time spen,t make any claims of selfishness laughable. I CHOOSE who I associate with and who I help financially. Your benevolence at the expense of others is laughable and hypocritical.
if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken.
I don't think that at all. You do. Mistakenly. Illegal immigrants don't qualify for welfare.
It's ironic that ICE is rounding up folks at places of business where they are working.
Don't you think?
Illegals receive all kinds of public assistance from health care to education. Many do receive welfare with forged or stolen ID. They cost the taxpayer billions annually.

The idea of illegals using stolen I.D.'s have been debunked. It doesn't work.

“It doesn’t work” because some wetback lover in cyberspace says it doesn’t?
When illegals use pilfered Social Security numbers

Total B.S. impossible.
We've always had a diverse population of people that wanted to become Americans. Conservatives welcome that, but if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken. Feel free to assume I'm a racist or selfish. My second wife and my current girl friend will get a kick out of the racist charge and the thousands of dollars and countless hours of time spen,t make any claims of selfishness laughable. I CHOOSE who I associate with and who I help financially. Your benevolence at the expense of others is laughable and hypocritical.
if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken.
I don't think that at all. You do. Mistakenly. Illegal immigrants don't qualify for welfare.
It's ironic that ICE is rounding up folks at places of business where they are working.
Don't you think?
Illegals receive all kinds of public assistance from health care to education. Many do receive welfare with forged or stolen ID. They cost the taxpayer billions annually.

The idea of illegals using stolen I.D.'s have been debunked. It doesn't work.

“It doesn’t work” because some wetback lover in cyberspace says it doesn’t?
When illegals use pilfered Social Security numbers

Total B.S. impossible.

Don’t be afraid to connect the dots bud...extract head from ass..become enlightened.
Illegal immigrants cited in theft of 39 million Social Security numbers
I don't think that at all. You do. Mistakenly. Illegal immigrants don't qualify for welfare.
It's ironic that ICE is rounding up folks at places of business where they are working.
Don't you think?
Illegals receive all kinds of public assistance from health care to education. Many do receive welfare with forged or stolen ID. They cost the taxpayer billions annually.

The idea of illegals using stolen I.D.'s have been debunked. It doesn't work.

“It doesn’t work” because some wetback lover in cyberspace says it doesn’t?
When illegals use pilfered Social Security numbers

Total B.S. impossible.

Don’t be afraid to connect the dots bud...extract head from ass..become enlightened.
Illegal immigrants cited in theft of 39 million Social Security numbers

If they were cited it means they were caught and it didn't work. It can't work. No one is working in Texas and California at the same time. 84 year olds are not plucking chickens.
Forced diversity is like forced love, there really is no such thing and the outcomes are dubious and inconsistent
It’s mostly a feel good accommodating thing and does impose the concept that there is something wrong with those who fail to embrace this unproven ideal.

It only feels forced to those who resent and resist it. America has always been diverse.
We've always had a diverse population of people that wanted to become Americans. Conservatives welcome that, but if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken. Feel free to assume I'm a racist or selfish. My second wife and my current girl friend will get a kick out of the racist charge and the thousands of dollars and countless hours of time spen,t make any claims of selfishness laughable. I CHOOSE who I associate with and who I help financially. Your benevolence at the expense of others is laughable and hypocritical.
if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken.
I don't think that at all. You do. Mistakenly. Illegal immigrants don't qualify for welfare.
It's ironic that ICE is rounding up folks at places of business where they are working.
Don't you think?
Illegals receive all kinds of public assistance from health care to education. Many do receive welfare with forged or stolen ID. They cost the taxpayer billions annually.

Their employers and the economy profit bigly from immigrants.

Again. They are rounded up at work, dope.
Forced diversity is like forced love, there really is no such thing and the outcomes are dubious and inconsistent
It’s mostly a feel good accommodating thing and does impose the concept that there is something wrong with those who fail to embrace this unproven ideal.

It only feels forced to those who resent and resist it. America has always been diverse.
We've always had a diverse population of people that wanted to become Americans. Conservatives welcome that, but if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken. Feel free to assume I'm a racist or selfish. My second wife and my current girl friend will get a kick out of the racist charge and the thousands of dollars and countless hours of time spen,t make any claims of selfishness laughable. I CHOOSE who I associate with and who I help financially. Your benevolence at the expense of others is laughable and hypocritical.
if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken.
I don't think that at all. You do. Mistakenly. Illegal immigrants don't qualify for welfare.
It's ironic that ICE is rounding up folks at places of business where they are working.
Don't you think?
Illegals receive all kinds of public assistance from health care to education. Many do receive welfare with forged or stolen ID. They cost the taxpayer billions annually.

Their employers and the economy profit bigly from immigrants.

Again. They are rounded up at work, dope.
Bigly? You are no longer worth responding to. Dope? Some real funny shit, there boy. Bigly? Really? Bigly?
It only feels forced to those who resent and resist it. America has always been diverse.
We've always had a diverse population of people that wanted to become Americans. Conservatives welcome that, but if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken. Feel free to assume I'm a racist or selfish. My second wife and my current girl friend will get a kick out of the racist charge and the thousands of dollars and countless hours of time spen,t make any claims of selfishness laughable. I CHOOSE who I associate with and who I help financially. Your benevolence at the expense of others is laughable and hypocritical.
if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken.
I don't think that at all. You do. Mistakenly. Illegal immigrants don't qualify for welfare.
It's ironic that ICE is rounding up folks at places of business where they are working.
Don't you think?
Illegals receive all kinds of public assistance from health care to education. Many do receive welfare with forged or stolen ID. They cost the taxpayer billions annually.

Their employers and the economy profit bigly from immigrants.

Again. They are rounded up at work, dope.
Bigly? You are no longer worth responding to. Dope? Some real funny shit, there boy. Bigly? Really? Bigly?

That's a Trump word, dope.
Try addressing the point.
We've always had a diverse population of people that wanted to become Americans. Conservatives welcome that, but if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken. Feel free to assume I'm a racist or selfish. My second wife and my current girl friend will get a kick out of the racist charge and the thousands of dollars and countless hours of time spen,t make any claims of selfishness laughable. I CHOOSE who I associate with and who I help financially. Your benevolence at the expense of others is laughable and hypocritical.
if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken.
I don't think that at all. You do. Mistakenly. Illegal immigrants don't qualify for welfare.
It's ironic that ICE is rounding up folks at places of business where they are working.
Don't you think?
Illegals receive all kinds of public assistance from health care to education. Many do receive welfare with forged or stolen ID. They cost the taxpayer billions annually.

Their employers and the economy profit bigly from immigrants.

Again. They are rounded up at work, dope.
Bigly? You are no longer worth responding to. Dope? Some real funny shit, there boy. Bigly? Really? Bigly?

That's a Trump word, dope.
Try addressing the point.
You have no point and there is no point in continuing to engage an idiot.
Forced diversity is like forced love, there really is no such thing and the outcomes are dubious and inconsistent
It’s mostly a feel good accommodating thing and does impose the concept that there is something wrong with those who fail to embrace this unproven ideal.

It only feels forced to those who resent and resist it. America has always been diverse.
We've always had a diverse population of people that wanted to become Americans. Conservatives welcome that, but if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken. Feel free to assume I'm a racist or selfish. My second wife and my current girl friend will get a kick out of the racist charge and the thousands of dollars and countless hours of time spen,t make any claims of selfishness laughable. I CHOOSE who I associate with and who I help financially. Your benevolence at the expense of others is laughable and hypocritical.
if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken.
I don't think that at all. You do. Mistakenly. Illegal immigrants don't qualify for welfare.
It's ironic that ICE is rounding up folks at places of business where they are working.
Don't you think?
Illegals receive all kinds of public assistance from health care to education. Many do receive welfare with forged or stolen ID. They cost the taxpayer billions annually.
It only feels forced to those who resent and resist it. America has always been diverse.
We've always had a diverse population of people that wanted to become Americans. Conservatives welcome that, but if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken. Feel free to assume I'm a racist or selfish. My second wife and my current girl friend will get a kick out of the racist charge and the thousands of dollars and countless hours of time spen,t make any claims of selfishness laughable. I CHOOSE who I associate with and who I help financially. Your benevolence at the expense of others is laughable and hypocritical.
if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken.
I don't think that at all. You do. Mistakenly. Illegal immigrants don't qualify for welfare.
It's ironic that ICE is rounding up folks at places of business where they are working.
Don't you think?
Illegals receive all kinds of public assistance from health care to education. Many do receive welfare with forged or stolen ID. They cost the taxpayer billions annually.

The idea of illegals using stolen I.D.'s have been debunked. It doesn't work.

“It doesn’t work” because some wetback lover in cyberspace says it doesn’t?
When illegals use pilfered Social Security numbers
That is why the federal government issues tax payer ids. for persons with no social security number.

There is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution.

All foreign nationals should be known to the general government and federally identified, for civil purposes.

We should have no illegal problem or illegal underclass simply Because, we have no failed right wing implied, immigration clause.

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