More Proof Diversity is Politically Damaging to America

America could end up going downhill really fast if we don't drastically change our immigration laws and policies.

<< The more counties across the United States become diverse, the more quickly Democrat-majority they become, new analysis reveals. >>

Analysis: Increasingly Diverse U.S. Counties Quickly Turn Democrat
I don't need any more proof. We've got demented white people apologizing to other white people for being white people. I'd say the stupid has set.
---------------------------------- also , see the number of posters on the board that are happy to change the Legal Concept of innocent until proven Guilty . -------- Also see the posters on this board that want to limit FREE SPEECH because the speech they hear or read meets their idea of being Racist Speech MikeTX .

But fully HALF are more or less conditioned to be ashamed of our cultrue [sic]........

Are you gonna keep pulling percentages out of your ass, or provide some evidence to support such specificity?

I was planning to keep going basing my numbers on my observations of libs.

Do you want some hard numbers? DO you really care?

Your persistent pessimism grants your fantasy stats no credibility whatsoever.

YOu know, what I was waiting for, was any hint that you would be open to new information.


"Information"? What information? The subjective crap you pull out your ass is not "information."

Observation is certainly information, but I was referring to the possibility of me investing the time digging up hard data on the level of self hate in the general population,

but you basically said that you weren't interested and that it would be a waste of time, so, fine, we will leave it at that.

And defeatism is not part of our culture, perhaps because we have never really been defeated.


Then why are you such a whiny little bitch all the time? You constantly post like Eeyore smoking pot.

You what is really like being a bitch?.....

Yeah, most of what you post. You apparently have ZERO faith in America or Americans.

LOL!!! You had to cut nearly all of what I posted to set up your little zinger, and you actually did that because you were afraid to address what I actually said.

I can see why being a bitch is on your mind a lot. Just saying.
Diversity does not mean "we are all here, regardless of..."

It means that the "we" is a mix of cultures and ethnic groups and what have you, instead of a the more traditional demographics.

And with the way that the new populations are NOT assimilating into the normal bi-partisan breakdown of the country,

the two party system could very well collapse.

Plenty of liberals have been gloating about that for years. Rightwinger started a thread a while back, doing so.

It is difficult to believe that you have not heard of this before.

What do you think of as "traditional demographics" and the "normal bi-partisan breakdown of the country"? The Native Peoples have been here since the beginning, then brown, white, black, and yellow. All of these groups were made up of males and females alike. What do you mean by not "assimilating"? My Irish and Russian/Polish ancestors dived right into the mix. Everyone else's ancestors did, as well. People come here and "assimilate." So who are you? What is your group of people needing to "assimilate"?

1.You know what I am referring to. Save your coyness for the tourists.

2. My point about the breakdown of the two party system stands. Address it, or be a coward.

No. I do not know what you are referring to.

Please explain the current state of the republican party. Only white men who will not come out in front of the American people and explain themselves. accompanied by some white women who are camera-shy and apparently are crazy for males.

1. Sure you do.

2. Sure. You dems and libs are great at race baiting and panic mongering the shit out of minorities, thus, not many of them are willing to listen to the other side at all.

3. Your weird spin is just dismissed, until you are clearer about what shit you are spinning.
Who is "race baiting"? Are people also gender-baiting? Please explain people like the slut in the Oval Office, pigpence, mcconnell, frankie graham, and what they are trying to do to our country.

The current republican party seems to be an identity-politics party for white heterosexual males from religious cults. Do you want the rest of us to support this?

You and yours are race baiting.

The GOP is not playing identify politics for white heterosexual males christian males.

YOu are so inside the problem, that you cannot even see it.
Cite the case that requires voter purges.

Yeah, in a way Democrats did invent gerrymandering. Republicans took it to a whole new level.

Breaking: California Loses Suit, Court Orders 1.5 Million Voters Removed

So your only problem with Gerrymandering is that you're not as good at it as Republicans?

CA is not being required to purge voters, silly man. They are being required to mail address confirmations. It'll take at least four years before any of the already inactive voters get cancelled.
California Democratic Party will steal every election, just like Illinois Democratic Party will, and New York Democratic Party will. Pennsylvania same way too. Communist.

The only election I can ever recall being overturned was done so in North Carolina where the GOP cheated.
Which election was that? Please provide a link.
November 2018
The system will be too preoccupied to stop ptbw's Purge™ in 2020, so it may be wise to start stocking your canning cellars and armories now.
You guys aren't going to get the wall you were promised.

You guys aren't going to get the millions of deportations you were promised.


Maybe you should start dealing with reality.

What makes you so sure of that?
Have you not noticed the rage and growing hatred for wetbacks? Real Americans have woke the fuck up...Nobody including yourself can show us that we benefit in any way by their fact all statistics and facts prove the contrary.
It’s happening better wrap your head around it now....La Familia is headed home soon. Sorry
You are such a Nazi against brown people.
even the Nazis were better. they understood the hispanic concept due their involvement in the Holy Roman Empire, back in the good old days.
The Repulican Party doesn't cater to blacks, or Hispanics, or transgendered or men, or women, or whites. They represent ALL American Citizens without regard to special interests.
Indeed. They reach out to people of all races who espouse the GOP's unrestricted profiteering and greed and kissing the ass of Big Business.
You don't quite understand our nation or it's economy, do you?

Let's take Walmart, Exon and GM and stop kissing their asses. Before you can say Che Guevara, they all shut down and 1.7 million people are instantly out of work. Is that what you want?
There is a vast difference between establishing and sustaining a competitive business climate, and throwing all the goodies to them, and scraps to the Common Man.
Breaking: California Loses Suit, Court Orders 1.5 Million Voters Removed

So your only problem with Gerrymandering is that you're not as good at it as Republicans?

CA is not being required to purge voters, silly man. They are being required to mail address confirmations. It'll take at least four years before any of the already inactive voters get cancelled.
California Democratic Party will steal every election, just like Illinois Democratic Party will, and New York Democratic Party will. Pennsylvania same way too. Communist.

The only election I can ever recall being overturned was done so in North Carolina where the GOP cheated.
Which election was that? Please provide a link.
November 2018
I said provide a link.
CA is not being required to purge voters, silly man. They are being required to mail address confirmations. It'll take at least four years before any of the already inactive voters get cancelled.
California Democratic Party will steal every election, just like Illinois Democratic Party will, and New York Democratic Party will. Pennsylvania same way too. Communist.

The only election I can ever recall being overturned was done so in North Carolina where the GOP cheated.
Which election was that? Please provide a link.
November 2018
I said provide a link.

And I don’t answer to you. Google it.
California Democratic Party will steal every election, just like Illinois Democratic Party will, and New York Democratic Party will. Pennsylvania same way too. Communist.

The only election I can ever recall being overturned was done so in North Carolina where the GOP cheated.
Which election was that? Please provide a link.
November 2018
I said provide a link.

And I don’t answer to you. Google it.

It was provided
California Democratic Party will steal every election, just like Illinois Democratic Party will, and New York Democratic Party will. Pennsylvania same way too. Communist.

The only election I can ever recall being overturned was done so in North Carolina where the GOP cheated.
Which election was that? Please provide a link.
November 2018
I said provide a link.

And I don’t answer to you. Google it.
In other words, it didn't happen.
Aaaaand we have another heavily armed 30-year-old white male eager to murder people who disagree with him.


Do us a favor and make sure you post your manifesto on 8chan please. Great, thanks.
They will be.

Oooooh scary.
You will be one of the first who shits their pants in fear.

Yes and I'm sure you fantasize about the idea of murdering people.
It is amazing the ignorance of your self
Diversity leads to tribalism. Democrats use tribalism by appealing to the desires of individual tribes. To democrats, Americans with their dangerous notions of nationalism must be destroyed. The population replaced by groups who can be easily managed. Divide the people up. Eliminate the amalgram of Americans. Replace the cohesive with Hispanics, gays, blacks, muslims. Then divide those groups into smaller and smaller subgroups all pitted against one another. Democrats can maintain power into perpetuity if they can keep the people at war with one another instead of with them.

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