More Proof Diversity is Politically Damaging to America

Oh good, they actually banned ptbw.

Comes in here talking about murdering a bunch of people in his purge. And we wonder why we have so many mass shootings in this country.
Diversity leads to tribalism. Democrats use tribalism by appealing to the desires of individual tribes. To democrats, Americans with their dangerous notions of nationalism must be destroyed. The population replaced by groups who can be easily managed. Divide the people up. Eliminate the amalgram of Americans. Replace the cohesive with Hispanics, gays, blacks, muslims. Then divide those groups into smaller and smaller subgroups all pitted against one another. Democrats can maintain power into perpetuity if they can keep the people at war with one another instead of with them.
the right wing has nothing but bigotry instead of the capital competition of better political solutions at lower human cost.
Forced diversity is like forced love, there really is no such thing and the outcomes are dubious and inconsistent
It’s mostly a feel good accommodating thing and does impose the concept that there is something wrong with those who fail to embrace this unproven ideal.

It only feels forced to those who resent and resist it. America has always been diverse.
The only election I can ever recall being overturned was done so in North Carolina where the GOP cheated.
Which election was that? Please provide a link.
November 2018
I said provide a link.

And I don’t answer to you. Google it.
In other words, it didn't happen.

How can you be this clueless? It was all over the national news.

You’re really lazy too...

There you go. Fed to you like a baby bird.
The Repulican Party doesn't cater to blacks, or Hispanics, or transgendered or men, or women, or whites. They represent ALL American Citizens without regard to special interests.
Indeed. They reach out to people of all races who espouse the GOP's unrestricted profiteering and greed and kissing the ass of Big Business.
You don't quite understand our nation or it's economy, do you?

Let's take Walmart, Exon and GM and stop kissing their asses. Before you can say Che Guevara, they all shut down and 1.7 million people are instantly out of work. Is that what you want?
There is a vast difference between establishing and sustaining a competitive business climate, and throwing all the goodies to them, and scraps to the Common Man.
Scraps to the common man? Are illegal immigrants the common man? Are able bodied people collecting welfare for generations, the common man? Are people who have no tax liability that get tax refunds the common man. If so, there are far too many common men in this country. The people who have learned a trade or acquired a MARKETABLE skill and the businesses that employ them have enough tax liability already. We are tired of supporting those that will not support themselves.

Scraps? That's all we have left after your party pays off special interest groups in order to buy their votes.
Forced diversity is like forced love, there really is no such thing and the outcomes are dubious and inconsistent
It’s mostly a feel good accommodating thing and does impose the concept that there is something wrong with those who fail to embrace this unproven ideal.

It only feels forced to those who resent and resist it. America has always been diverse.
We've always had a diverse population of people that wanted to become Americans. Conservatives welcome that, but if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken. Feel free to assume I'm a racist or selfish. My second wife and my current girl friend will get a kick out of the racist charge and the thousands of dollars and countless hours of time spen,t make any claims of selfishness laughable. I CHOOSE who I associate with and who I help financially. Your benevolence at the expense of others is laughable and hypocritical.
Yea, i suppose thats why Joe Arpaio was given a pardon.
Kellyanne Conway calls 4 minority congresswomen a ‘dark underbelly in this country’
I suppose that promotes minority rights.. gerrymandering, purging voter rolls, etc.
Purging voter roles is a mandatory requirement imposed by the Supreme Court. Democrats invented Gerry mandering.

Cite the case that requires voter purges.

Yeah, in a way Democrats did invent gerrymandering. Republicans took it to a whole new level.

Breaking: California Loses Suit, Court Orders 1.5 Million Voters Removed

So your only problem with Gerrymandering is that you're not as good at it as Republicans?

CA is not being required to purge voters, silly man. They are being required to mail address confirmations. It'll take at least four years before any of the already inactive voters get cancelled.
That's another way of saying they are being required to purge voters. Any voters that don't confirm their addresses will be purged.

Four years from now. And, again, these are voters who are already inactive. They don't get mailed voting materials, they don't get mailed ballots and they are not in the roster at voting precincts. They are dead weight that don't do anything.
"Diversity," as currently defined, is the enemy of excellence. When employees, or candidates, or judges, or students, or managers, or executives are selected because of their gender, ethnicity, or color, merit is tossed out the door. Manifestly.

So we have that buffoon who is leading in the Democrat polls telling people he is looking for a "woman of color" to be his running mate. And given Biden's age, general health, and mental capacity, it is a better than even shot that, should he be elected, his VP will ascend to the Presidency...and he wants to get the best "Negress" available?

Stupid. Disgraceful. Embarrassing. Patronizing. Utterly predictable.
...... I was referring to the possibility of me investing the time digging up hard data ........

So much easier to just make shit up, right professor?

It is easier to go off of my personal observations, but as I said, I was wiling to dig up hard data if you were open to it.

But you were clear that you are not, so no need to bother.

That is all.
Post 1960’s “so called diversity” has made us weaker as a nation.
From OP article
The latest Pew Research Center study, as Breitbart News reported, finds that about 109 U.S. counties across 22 states that were once majority white in 2000 became majority-minority in 2018

The reason for that seems to have more to do with Republicans becoming increasingly anti-pluralist after 2010 than anything the Democrats have done in response.

It also seems to leave out Eastern Europeans as a minority, for whatever reason. Which of course is stupid, because they are not significantly more closely related to the Anglo-Americans than Mexicans are.
Forced diversity is like forced love, there really is no such thing and the outcomes are dubious and inconsistent
It’s mostly a feel good accommodating thing and does impose the concept that there is something wrong with those who fail to embrace this unproven ideal.

It only feels forced to those who resent and resist it. America has always been diverse.
We've always had a diverse population of people that wanted to become Americans. Conservatives welcome that, but if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken. Feel free to assume I'm a racist or selfish. My second wife and my current girl friend will get a kick out of the racist charge and the thousands of dollars and countless hours of time spen,t make any claims of selfishness laughable. I CHOOSE who I associate with and who I help financially. Your benevolence at the expense of others is laughable and hypocritical.
if you come here expecting that Americans will willingly support your sloth, you are sadly mistaken.
I don't think that at all. You do. Mistakenly. Illegal immigrants don't qualify for welfare.
It's ironic that ICE is rounding up folks at places of business where they are working.
Don't you think?
...... I was referring to the possibility of me investing the time digging up hard data ........

So much easier to just make shit up, right professor?

It is easier to go off of my personal observations........

Utterly meaningless, and you have all but admitted false.

1. Personal observation is not utterly meaningless. It led Newton to develop the Theory of Gravity for one good example.

2. I admitted no such thing, not even a little. That you feel a need to lie to bolster your position, is the type of feeling people get when they know their position is weak as shit.
...... I was referring to the possibility of me investing the time digging up hard data ........

So much easier to just make shit up, right professor?

It is easier to go off of my personal observations........

Utterly meaningless, and you have all but admitted false.

1. Personal observation is not utterly meaningless. It led Newton to develop the Theory of Gravity for one good example.


Newton was a scientist. Pulling shit out your ass is not scientific.
...... I was referring to the possibility of me investing the time digging up hard data ........

So much easier to just make shit up, right professor?

It is easier to go off of my personal observations........

Utterly meaningless, and you have all but admitted false.

1. Personal observation is not utterly meaningless. It led Newton to develop the Theory of Gravity for one good example.


Newton was a scientist. Pulling shit out your ass is not scientific.

It is the principle of observation. Validated. Your spin is what is "not scientific".
So much easier to just make shit up, right professor?

It is easier to go off of my personal observations........

Utterly meaningless, and you have all but admitted false.

1. Personal observation is not utterly meaningless. It led Newton to develop the Theory of Gravity for one good example.


Newton was a scientist. Pulling shit out your ass is not scientific.

It is the principle of observation. Validated. Your spin is what is "not scientific".

Wow. You dropped out far, far too early.
It is easier to go off of my personal observations........

Utterly meaningless, and you have all but admitted false.

1. Personal observation is not utterly meaningless. It led Newton to develop the Theory of Gravity for one good example.


Newton was a scientist. Pulling shit out your ass is not scientific.

It is the principle of observation. Validated. Your spin is what is "not scientific".

Wow. You dropped out far, far too early.

Please cite the academic hard science study you based that on.

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