More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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This is stunning... The actual cost of Solar and Wind is so bad in comparison to coal and gas fired generation that they dont want them seen. And it proves Old Fraud and others are liars when it comes to cost per Kwhr


2.7 trillion dollars vs. 200 million..... Liberal stupidity at its finest..
Great stuff Billy..............lmao...............

Damn near spit the bit this morning when I say THIS >>>

'Never before seen' spring snowfall in the Caribbean islands - & Colorado Ski Resort snowiest in 50 years - Snow chaos in Germany

[/URL]']So much skeptic winning!!!!!!! :2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:[/URL]


Rapid flip to cold is happening right before our eyes in the equatorial zones.. The La Niña forecast is now bordering on a deep cold one hitting in late October.. Summer will be short and winter cold and hard... But the drive by's dont give a shit..
Well Billy.......looks like tens of millions will be waking up this morning to more global warming.............

April snow focuses on Boston to start Sunday

Skooks, today is not going to reach 40 degrees here in Chi-town, wind chills in the 20s, it's fking cold dude. God all that warmer evah is working well. Saturday was a real ride, cold as a witches body part and windier than her broom could fly her. it was a holy fk day to say the least here. snowed off and on all day with white out conditions several times. It was like I said holy fking weird.
Well Billy.......looks like tens of millions will be waking up this morning to more global warming.............

April snow focuses on Boston to start Sunday

Skooks, today is not going to reach 40 degrees here in Chi-town, wind chills in the 20s, it's fking cold dude. God all that warmer evah is working well. Saturday was a real ride, cold as a witches body part and windier than her broom could fly her. it was a holy fk day to say the least here. snowed off and on all day with white out conditions several times. It was like I said holy fking weird.

Dang..........same in New was snowing this am here on Long Island and a fierce wind blowing. Colder than a witches headlight!! People are bitching like hell........a lot of "this global warming is killing me" comments!!!
Now this is going to drive the AGW nutters crazy.... Citing heavy loads and low voltage nearly crashing the grid and massive waste they are doing more damage than good..

China Stops Building Wind Turbines

The Chinese government isn’t building any new wind turbines because most of the new electricity created was wasted, causing serious damage to the country’s electrical grid.

The government stopped approving new wind power projects in the country’s windiest regions earlier this month, according to a China’s National Energy Administration statement. These regions previously installed nearly 71 gigawatts of wind turbines, more than the rest of China combined. A single gigawatt of electricity is enough to power 700,000 homes. Government statistics show that 33.9 billion kilowatt-hours of wind-power, or about 15 percent of all Chinese wind power, was wasted in 2015 alone.
Now this is going to drive the AGW nutters crazy.... Citing heavy loads and low voltage nearly crashing the grid and massive waste they are doing more damage than good..

China Stops Building Wind Turbines

The Chinese government isn’t building any new wind turbines because most of the new electricity created was wasted, causing serious damage to the country’s electrical grid.

The government stopped approving new wind power projects in the country’s windiest regions earlier this month, according to a China’s National Energy Administration statement. These regions previously installed nearly 71 gigawatts of wind turbines, more than the rest of China combined. A single gigawatt of electricity is enough to power 700,000 homes. Government statistics show that 33.9 billion kilowatt-hours of wind-power, or about 15 percent of all Chinese wind power, was wasted in 2015 alone.

LOL....China pwns us............wind is ghey. Always has been. Europeans have been finding this out the hard way in recent years when they open their electric bills.:2up:.....there are about 450,000 links in this thread about it too!!:coffee:

Another -0.3 deg C drop in ocean temp along with 75 % of the northern hemisphere below average temp....

The flip to cooling is happening faster than even I imagined.. Stock up the wood piles for next winter.. its going to be dam cold for the northern hemisphere..
View attachment 70842
Another -0.3 deg C drop in ocean temp along with 75 % of the northern hemisphere below average temp....

The flip to cooling is happening faster than even I imagined.. Stock up the wood piles for next winter.. its going to be dam cold for the northern hemisphere..

Dang Billy..........where do you find this priceless shit that pwns the retread k00k stuff?!!!:rock:

Well.......all I know is waking up here in New York this am to record cold........cant find my nut sack warmers so I can head down to the local Sunday morning car show:spinner:
View attachment 70842
Another -0.3 deg C drop in ocean temp along with 75 % of the northern hemisphere below average temp....

The flip to cooling is happening faster than even I imagined.. Stock up the wood piles for next winter.. its going to be dam cold for the northern hemisphere..

Dang Billy..........where do you find this priceless shit that pwns the retread k00k stuff?!!!:rock:

Well.......all I know is waking up here in New York this am to record cold........cant find my nut sack warmers so I can head down to the local Sunday morning car show:spinner:

Its called scientific observed evidence.. The unadjusted data of other credible scientists who openly share their raw data and others before it is molested and raped by NOAA, NASA, The IPCC and other agencies.

There are credible scientist who work in the field of climate science, you just wont find them in any government socialist operation. And they are hated by the left becasue we show their lies what light looks like.

The current dying El Niño looks like it will no longer exist by mid may. The loss of all latent heat in the atmosphere is going to rear its ugly head with a vengeance in the fall. The Midwest is already beginning to experience it along with the east coast. If I were a betting man, I would take odds on the days above 100 in that region to be below 5 this year just looking at historical precedent..
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Hey Frank........JC........Billy........FLACALTENN............

When you go GOOGLE "Skeptics Winning"........this thread is on PAGE 2!!! :funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:


Who's not winning?:deal:
View attachment 70842
Another -0.3 deg C drop in ocean temp along with 75 % of the northern hemisphere below average temp....

The flip to cooling is happening faster than even I imagined.. Stock up the wood piles for next winter.. its going to be dam cold for the northern hemisphere..

Dang Billy..........where do you find this priceless shit that pwns the retread k00k stuff?!!!:rock:

Well.......all I know is waking up here in New York this am to record cold........cant find my nut sack warmers so I can head down to the local Sunday morning car show:spinner:

Its called scientific observed evidence.. The unadjusted data of other credible scientists who openly share their raw data and others before it is molested and raped by NOAA, NASA, The IPCC and other agencies.

There are credible scientist who work in the field of climate science, you just wont find them in any government socialist operation. And they are hated by the left becasue we show their lies what light looks like.

The current dying El Niño looks like it will no longer exist by mid may. The loss of all latent heat in the atmosphere is going to rear its ugly head with a vengeance in the fall. The Midwest is already beginning to experience it along with the east coast. If I were a betting man, I would take odds on the days above 100 in that region to be below 5 this year just looking at historical precedent..

Dang that sucks........summers here on Long Island have been sucky in recent years. Used to be, from end of May until well into September, you'd be on the beach most every weekend. Not anymore.........many weekends its just too cold to go. We never see 90 degrees anymore and a handful of upper 80's only. Sucks.......when it is 81 degree's in NYC, that means about 70 at the ocean. Cold water.........and it there is a breeze, not worth going.
Skooks, Went to the Chicago White Sox Opening home game Friday. dude, it snowed off and on for the day. The next day, the groundscrew had to shovel snow off of the infield tarp to get it off the field for the Saturday game because it was too heavy to move it. LMAO. April 9. Snow on the grass at the start of the game. I froze my arse off dude.
Skooks, Went to the Chicago White Sox Opening home game Friday. dude, it snowed off and on for the day. The next day, the groundscrew had to shovel snow off of the infield tarp to get it off the field for the Saturday game because it was too heavy to move it. LMAO. April 9. Snow on the grass at the start of the game. I froze my arse off dude.


My Dad went to Yankee Stadium on the day Maris tied Ruth with 60 homers. He froze......and always remember he told me the Stadium ran out of coffee. Of course, that was late Sept.........but if you follow the shit promised by the global warming k00ks, he should have been sipping on an ice cold beer!!!


The AGW k00ks lack common sense..........weve known that forever...........and the bottom line is, as long as we are seeing shit like this, nobody is going to take global warming seriously. These idiots counter with, "You idiot......we've always seen cold weather on opening day!!!".

Fuckking duh..........that's the whole point!!!:2up::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Skooks, Went to the Chicago White Sox Opening home game Friday. dude, it snowed off and on for the day. The next day, the groundscrew had to shovel snow off of the infield tarp to get it off the field for the Saturday game because it was too heavy to move it. LMAO. April 9. Snow on the grass at the start of the game. I froze my arse off dude.


My Dad went to Yankee Stadium on the day Maris tied Ruth with 60 homers. He froze......and always remember he told me the Stadium ran out of coffee. Of course, that was late Sept.........but if you follow the shit promised by the global warming k00ks, he should have been sipping on an ice cold beer!!!


The AGW k00ks lack common sense..........weve known that forever...........and the bottom line is, as long as we are seeing shit like this, nobody is going to take global warming seriously. These idiots counter with, "You idiot......we've always seen cold weather on opening day!!!".

Fuckking duh..........that's the whole point!!!:2up::rofl::rofl::rofl:
exactly, they fall right into the crack we create by making the statement. Of course climate hasn't changed in your lifetime. Funny, they think it has, but yet then admit, dah, it's winter. Well yeah stupid fk, right? Ask them, So in their lives what has changed, and there will be crickets.
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