More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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The court jester keeping the aristocracy laughing during their final days.
Isn't it funny how laughter can bring down a house of cards built on junk science.

There is science or politics. I choose science. Politics, surprise, surprise, labels that, "junk" science, and offers, in its place, for suckers like you, junk politics.
The court jester keeping the aristocracy laughing during their final days.
Isn't it funny how laughter can bring down a house of cards built on junk science.

There is science or politics. I choose science. Politics, surprise, surprise, labels that, "junk" science, and offers, in its place, for suckers like you, junk politics.

Your recommendation to spend trillions for less reliable energy in order to reduce CO2 by a tiny amount, is junk economics.
Isn't it funny how laughter can bring down a house of cards built on junk science.

There is science or politics. I choose science. Politics, surprise, surprise, labels that, "junk" science, and offers, in its place, for suckers like you, junk politics.

Your recommendation to spend trillions for less reliable energy in order to reduce CO2 by a tiny amount, is junk economics.

Yes. As compared to getting along without energy.
There is science or politics. I choose science. Politics, surprise, surprise, labels that, "junk" science, and offers, in its place, for suckers like you, junk politics.

Your recommendation to spend trillions for less reliable energy in order to reduce CO2 by a tiny amount, is junk economics.

Yes. As compared to getting along without energy.

Making our energy less reliable and more expensive is a good way to reduce total energy produced.

A good way to hurt our economy.

A typical liberal prescription.
Your recommendation to spend trillions for less reliable energy in order to reduce CO2 by a tiny amount, is junk economics.

Yes. As compared to getting along without energy.

Making our energy less reliable and more expensive is a good way to reduce total energy produced.

A good way to hurt our economy.

A typical liberal prescription.

Not as good as not having sustainable supplies of energy when fossil fuels run out or become unaffordable.
Yes. As compared to getting along without energy.

Making our energy less reliable and more expensive is a good way to reduce total energy produced.

A good way to hurt our economy.

A typical liberal prescription.

Not as good as not having sustainable supplies of energy when fossil fuels run out or become unaffordable.

Unaffordable now is better than unaffordable in the future....liberal economics!!!
Making our energy less reliable and more expensive is a good way to reduce total energy produced.

A good way to hurt our economy.

A typical liberal prescription.

Not as good as not having sustainable supplies of energy when fossil fuels run out or become unaffordable.

Unaffordable now is better than unaffordable in the future....liberal economics!!!

Affordable now and in the future is liberal economics.
More k00k losing!!!

Solar Panels Frying Birds Along Major Migration Path

You know....even like 3 years go, I rarely had stuff to post up to illustrate what kind of a joke climate science is, in terms of it having an incredibly insignificant impact on the real world!! Now? Now I pop shit up here daily......and multiple examples in many cases. Fucking DAILY!! We got 80 pages going now on this thread......take a look back ( non-k00ks of course) and see the dozens of examples!!! Its stupidfying!!

>> one tooth laughie guy cracks my ass up!! interesting is this?

On the Warmist/Skeptics fight >>>>>

I’ve been thinking about what makes the warmist-skeptic fight go on and on. What I have noted is the constant difference in how each side places its emphasis, and that this shows up in its speech. Specifically, the skeptics use declarative, as in “this will”, “this shall” or “this does”, and, of course, its negative equals. The warmists use conditionals, i.e. words like “could” or “should” or “may” or “might” that indicate undefined probabilities and, in truth, possibilities, things that are determinable only after the fact.

Holy fuck isn't that the plain truth? All phonies........
More k00k losing!!!

Solar Panels Frying Birds Along Major Migration Path

You know....even like 3 years go, I rarely had stuff to post up to illustrate what kind of a joke climate science is, in terms of it having an incredibly insignificant impact on the real world!! Now? Now I pop shit up here daily......and multiple examples in many cases. Fucking DAILY!! We got 80 pages going now on this thread......take a look back ( non-k00ks of course) and see the dozens of examples!!! Its stupidfying!!

This one is likely to true, but the journalist doesn't understand what he/she is looking at.
Those are not solar panels.. Those are MIRRORS.. Even worse for the birdies going to Mexico for the winter..

THAT monstrosity is an enviro-nut wet dream.. It's a clean, green? , DEATH RAY machine referred to as a solar THERMAL TOWER.. It focuses all those mirrors on a single point in the tower.. ANYTHING flying ANYWHERE within that field is literally toast..

AND THE GREENIES --- apparently LOVE to put their DEATH RAY MACHINES --- anywhere they damn well please.. Let the body count proceed...

BTW: Nowadays they are LOADED with tons of molten salt as a storage mechanism, and should one be wrecked --- would poison a couple square miles for decades.

OH --- and it requires a WATER SOURCE in the middle of the freakin desert where the critters already DONT HAVE ENOUGH water..

Sounds VERY ecological ---- Don't it?
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Unaffordable now is better than unaffordable in the future....liberal economics!!!

Affordable now and in the future is liberal economics.

Windmills and solar aren't affordable now. Try again?

What's not affordable is doing nothing in the face of AGW and peak oil. What's not affordable are conservatives in Congress. What was not affordable was Bush conservatism. What's not affordable is ignorance. What's not affordable is Fox Opinions.

You lose all around.
Affordable now and in the future is liberal economics.

Windmills and solar aren't affordable now. Try again?

What's not affordable is doing nothing in the face of AGW and peak oil. What's not affordable are conservatives in Congress. What was not affordable was Bush conservatism. What's not affordable is ignorance. What's not affordable is Fox Opinions.

You lose all around.

I only lose if the government wastes tax dollars to subsidize your losing "green energy" schemes.
Windmills and solar aren't affordable now. Try again?

What's not affordable is doing nothing in the face of AGW and peak oil. What's not affordable are conservatives in Congress. What was not affordable was Bush conservatism. What's not affordable is ignorance. What's not affordable is Fox Opinions.

You lose all around.

I only lose if the government wastes tax dollars to subsidize your losing "green energy" schemes.

Nobody cares if you lose. If you choose to be a loser that's fine. But, we aren't going to follow you down the road. While you are whining, the government, private investors, energy companies, energy consumers, and environmentalists have taken responsibility for the future that you want to ignore, because Fox Opinions, in the pay of big oil, told you to.

There's a sucker born every minute. The minute you were born, is fully accounted for.
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