More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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I've never seen more compelling evidence of the power of brain washing and propaganda than the conservative cult created by Fox Opinions.

Talk about in goose step about every single detail of every single issue. It is amazing.

And every day they come to places like this and get proven wrong in so many ways, but reject all of that learning out of hand because it's not what the Fox boobs and boobies said.

They can be told anything at all by THE PARTY and never question a thing.

Anybody who doesn't rank that power among the biggest threats that democracy has ever faced is in big time denial.
Project much?

500 watts, all the time, any time....

Maybe we can get him when it's time to refile his license with the Troll Communications Commission..
What I don't understand with Fox is the fairly commonly-held opinion that admits Fox's conservative bias but believes it's not only acceptable but desirable because of the perceived liberal bias in other networks. What seems lacking is an honest desire for objective news sources. Fans of Fox seem to WANT to hear biased news. Even those that might admit other sources are objective - or at least less subjective - prefer to listen to Fox. Of course we all like having our predispositions verified. But don't we all also like to learn? Can it be satisfying to learn material we know is flawed? I just don't get it.

Yes that's true. We want to hear BOTH SIDES.. We DONT want a Walter Cronkite or a Dan Rather CHOOSING what they consider neutral stories.. Those standards went out with the concept of Mayberry RFD and respect for parents.. Actually went away when the NY Times started turning left during the FDR admin...

The only reason this doesn't work --- is that the press are incompetent and choose to use the SAME MORONS as "experts" over and over and over again.. 300Mill folks in America, and all MSNBC or FOX can find to put on are same 50?
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What I don't understand with Fox is the fairly commonly-held opinion that admits Fox's conservative bias but believes it's not only acceptable but desirable because of the perceived liberal bias in other networks. What seems lacking is an honest desire for objective news sources. Fans of Fox seem to WANT to hear biased news. Even those that might admit other sources are objective - or at least less subjective - prefer to listen to Fox. Of course we all like having our predispositions verified. But don't we all also like to learn? Can it be satisfying to learn material we know is flawed? I just don't get it.

Yes that's true. We want to hear BOTH SIDES.. We DONT want a Walter Cronkite or a Dan Rather CHOOSING what they consider neutral stories.. Those standards went out with the concept of Mayberry RFD and respect for parents.. Actually went away when the NY Times started turning left during the FDR admin...

The only reason this doesn't work --- is that the press are incompetent and choose to use the SAME MORONS as "experts" over and over and over again.. 300Mill folks in America, and all MSNBC or FOX can find to put on are same 50?

I've never come across a conservative that even understands that there is more than one side. The Fox Opinions side.
So besides ThinkProgress, DailyKOS, and skepticalscience --- Abraham --- what other "unbiased" sources are on your list? is probably the most precise climate science site on the Internet. If you think that they are not objective than, simply, you are not objective and probably are incapable of understanding climate science.

Prove me wrong. Find something there that is not completely scientifically objective.
And more k00k losing..........

Drill, Baby, Drill: U.S. Energy Revolution Being Heard ‘Round the World, Yergin Says

..By Aaron Task – Tue, Nov 19, 2013

In Europe, for example, there are concerns about the growth in shale gas giving America a “tremendous advantage” for manufacturing that could cause the EU to be less competitive. Russia and China are also paying very close attention, he says.

Not surprisingly, the biggest impact of America’s energy boom – North Dakota’s Bakken shale alone is expected to top 1 million barrels per day by year-end – is most acutely being felt by members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, a.k.a. OPEC, says Yergin.

Total U.S. energy production has risen 56% since 2008 and the increase alone – never mind preexisting output -- is bigger than the entire output of 8 of OPEC’s 12 members, Yergin notes, suggesting America's boom is putting pressure on West African producers like Nigeria, which used to ship most of their crude to East Coast refineries. "They're being turned away now because of oil coming from North Dakota by rail and barge to places like Philadelphia,"he says. "Those producers are having to look to Asia."

Thus, the International Energy Agency’s annual World Energy Outlook last week is of acute interest to OPEC members. The IEA predicts America will surpass Saudi Arabia as the world’s largest oil producer by 2015, a development that generated major headlines here. Less discussed was the IEA’s accompanying forecast that American production will plateau by 2020 and decline soon thereafter, putting OPEC back in the pole position by 2030.

Drill, Baby, Drill: U.S. Energy Revolution Being Heard ?Round the World, Yergin Says | Daily Ticker - Yahoo Finance

Like I keep saying.......the science isn't mattering.
This is becoming a whole page of epic LOSE!!!

Fisker costs the taxpayers 120 million!!! >>>

Taxpayers lose $139 million on Fisker Automotive loan | The Daily Caller

Meanwhile, the state of New York is having to cut 10% out of the OPWDD budget for the developmentally disabled ( the people I serve as an administrator ) for the next 5 years......well over 100 million in block grant we can continue with the idea's of the k00k left.

Awesome stuff!!!
More epic k00k losing..........

Is there any point to the international climate change negotiations?

By Geoffrey Lean November 25th, 2013

Climate negotiations are like Groundhog Day blended with Alice Through the Looking Glass. The latest round, which ended in Warsaw this weekend – ended just like most of its predecessors – in forging just enough agreement to keep the talks going for another year, while doing little to address the challenges posed by global warming. In my Telegraph column this weekend I suggest that these have been some of the longest running, and most ineffectual, negotiations in history.

Is there any point to the international climate change negotiations? ? Telegraph Blogs

So besides ThinkProgress, DailyKOS, and skepticalscience --- Abraham --- what other "unbiased" sources are on your list? is probably the most precise climate science site on the Internet. If you think that they are not objective than, simply, you are not objective and probably are incapable of understanding climate science.

Prove me wrong. Find something there that is not completely scientifically objective.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: What a joke. Only a certified loon could make such a claim.
So besides ThinkProgress, DailyKOS, and skepticalscience --- Abraham --- what other "unbiased" sources are on your list? is probably the most precise climate science site on the Internet. If you think that they are not objective than, simply, you are not objective and probably are incapable of understanding climate science.

Prove me wrong. Find something there that is not completely scientifically objective.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: What a joke. Only a certified loon could make such a claim.

Running from facts is a dead-end job. They never stop coming. You never stop running.
Hey epic is the level of pwn on page 85??!!

The winning is a fucking hoot!!!

We had laughable climate summits......climate protests that get snowed out.........Japan lowering emission mandates.......US to pass Saudi Arabia as largest oil producer in 2015......taxpayers getting hosed by Fisker to a tune of 120 million.........the Aussies fighting to repeal global warming groups having zero impact on climate legislation...........

Its called perpetual lose..........and Im laughing..........:2up::eusa_dance::2up::rofl:
The skook parade is BACK......with another episode of climate crusader losing!!!!!

Climate Change Summit in Warsaw, Poland is a disaster >>>>

Calling the Climate-Change Bluff

Countries like Poland and Japan and many others punt on the Kyoto emissions agreements. Shady scientists and shoddy science plus prohibitive taxes = FUCK THIS SHIT!!!

So besides ThinkProgress, DailyKOS, and skepticalscience --- Abraham --- what other "unbiased" sources are on your list?

I have never heard of ThinkProgress and do not visit DailyKOS (at least I can honestly say I have never typed either URL into a browser). I do visit Skeptical,, NSIDC, NCDC, NOAA, NASA and will follow links I find on CNN, BBC, CBS, NPR and PBS, particularly if they point to edu sites. Those are what I consider the likeliest to be objective and accurate.

I expect (and am RARELY disappointed) to find subjective and inaccurate data on sites likes WattsUpWithThat, ClimateAudit, ClimateDepot, ClimateSkeptic and the British tabloids that inexplicably feature so prominently in this 'debate'. I expect the same from folks like Anthony Watts, Bob Tisdale, Roger Pielke Sr, Roy Spencer, Christopher Monckton, Steve McIntyre, Willie Soon, Sallie Bailunas, Richard Lindzen, Chris DeFreitas, Don Easterbrook, William Happer, David Legates and S Fred Singer.


Global Warming and Climate Change skepticism examined

RealClimate: Climate science from climate scientists

National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)

National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) | The world's largest active archive of weather and climate data producing and supplying data and publications for the world.

NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Climate Resrouces

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
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