More than 1,000 weapons stashed at biker shooting scene

More at the link.
If I were a bondsman I sure wouldn't post bail for these jackasses. Pretty good bet they won't show for court

with a million dollar bail bond the cost would be 100k plus you have to provide property as collateral for the rest of the if they have a $1 million property and 100k one can get bail...

So basically most of these guys are remanded into custody.
Maybe Beyonce and Jay-Z will bail their asses out like they did the rioters in Baltimore.

I doubt it. The only people supporting these overgrown child bozos are other outlaw bikers, i.e. criminals.

I don't see white political leaders rushing to defend these idiots, or make excuses for their behavior.

...or condemn them or make cultural roundtables about the entire white race
I don't see white political leaders rushing to defend these idiots, or make excuses for their behavior.
Yeah but none of them had their spines snapped for no reason during a false one died in the Baltimore disturbance the white thug culture killed nine...

Baltimore Zero death

white folks in Waco Texas ...nine dead

I'm sure the bikers think they are oppressed and mistreated, but again, where is the white community supporting violence as the proper response to any of this?
More at the link.
If I were a bondsman I sure wouldn't post bail for these jackasses. Pretty good bet they won't show for court

with a million dollar bail bond the cost would be 100k plus you have to provide property as collateral for the rest of the if they have a $1 million property and 100k one can get bail...

So basically most of these guys are remanded into custody.
Maybe Beyonce and Jay-Z will bail their asses out like they did the rioters in Baltimore.

I doubt it. The only people supporting these overgrown child bozos are other outlaw bikers, i.e. criminals.

I don't see white political leaders rushing to defend these idiots, or make excuses for their behavior.

...or condemn them or make cultural roundtables about the entire white race

You idiots are.
Yet you see black politicians doing so when they riot in Ferguson and Baltimore....and when they kill cops. They always talk about how blacks are so mistreated....which led to the murders and violence. Oh.....and because of lack of funding of course.

No one supported the rioting what was supported was protest against gratuitous violence on Black people by Government agents...but then you knew that slag moron... in the white culture after Cliven Bundy confronted Law enforcement with guns and meth addicts you cheered and so did Hannity
There is your right to bear arms at work:

More than 1 000 weapons stashed at biker shooting scene National News - WLKY Home

WACO, Texas (CNN) —A gun stuffed inside a bag of tortilla chips. Weapons wedged between bags of flour. A handgun left in a toilet.

Days after a massive shootout left nine bikers dead, police are finding more evidence and clues about what happened at a Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas.

Among them: More than 1,000 weapons left behind. And some bikers may have stashed away even more, police said.

"These were vicious criminals that knew that they were in trouble, and they were trying to dispose of evidence," Waco Police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said.

With 170 suspects in custody, authorities have a complex investigation on their hands. All of the suspects face charges of engaging in organized crime, and each one has bail set at $1 million.

So far, only one person has made bail. Jeff Battey, 40, bonded out of the McLennan County jail on Wednesday, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation said.

More at the link.
Might want to read your own links dipshit.

It says 1000 was the estimate. They later revised it to just over 300.....only 100 were guns.

Listen to the steaming outrage from this guy! You can tell he's upset about the culture of violence and stuffs

Whatever you say.....I'm just pointing out major flaws in the OP....and laughing at the amateur way it was presented.

What's really funny is how many times liberals are caught creating an issue and continually try to use it against the right. How bout naming all of the Republicans that supports biker gangs and support murder with illegal guns. How bout that?

I was actually looking for anyone on the right to condemn it and to speak about the problems in the white community. I was told that if you dont do that you are accepting the violence by being silent
I'm sure the bikers think they are oppressed and mistreated, but again, where is the white community supporting violence as the proper response to any of this?
You are sure "bikers think they are oppressed and mistreated," how are you sure of that you bum you ? have bikers had their spines snapped in a false arrest ?
The white GOP slags of USMB on display...white and privileged...

At the same time....the fight between the two gangs did not destroy 2oo private businesses did it....and when confronted the bikers surrendered...right? And the ones who didn't were shot....and no one is shedding tears over the thugs who were shot...right?

When black thugs behave like white thugs they will liver longer....and won't have their neighborhoods burned to the ground....
I'm sure the bikers think they are oppressed and mistreated, but again, where is the white community supporting violence as the proper response to any of this?
You are sure "bikers think they are oppressed and mistreated," how are you sure of that you bum you ? have bikers had their spines snapped in a false arrest ?

Its what they think, its not what actually happens. And again, this is about the response in general, and you don't see white people rioting over this.
There is your right to bear arms at work:

More than 1 000 weapons stashed at biker shooting scene National News - WLKY Home

WACO, Texas (CNN) —A gun stuffed inside a bag of tortilla chips. Weapons wedged between bags of flour. A handgun left in a toilet.

Days after a massive shootout left nine bikers dead, police are finding more evidence and clues about what happened at a Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas.

Among them: More than 1,000 weapons left behind. And some bikers may have stashed away even more, police said.

"These were vicious criminals that knew that they were in trouble, and they were trying to dispose of evidence," Waco Police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said.

With 170 suspects in custody, authorities have a complex investigation on their hands. All of the suspects face charges of engaging in organized crime, and each one has bail set at $1 million.

So far, only one person has made bail. Jeff Battey, 40, bonded out of the McLennan County jail on Wednesday, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation said.

More at the link.
Might want to read your own links dipshit.

It says 1000 was the estimate. They later revised it to just over 300.....only 100 were guns.

Listen to the steaming outrage from this guy! You can tell he's upset about the culture of violence and stuffs

Whatever you say.....I'm just pointing out major flaws in the OP....and laughing at the amateur way it was presented.

What's really funny is how many times liberals are caught creating an issue and continually try to use it against the right. How bout naming all of the Republicans that supports biker gangs and support murder with illegal guns. How bout that?

I was actually looking for anyone on the right to condemn it and to speak about the problems in the white community. I was told that if you dont do that you are accepting the violence by being silent

One shooting is an incident. If it was happening on a regular basis it would be a problem. Murders in black neighborhoods happen every single day. That is a problem. Murders among rival gangs is a problem to the gangs. Biker gangs aren't a problem to civilians. They're a problem to each other.
There is your right to bear arms at work:

More than 1 000 weapons stashed at biker shooting scene National News - WLKY Home

WACO, Texas (CNN) —A gun stuffed inside a bag of tortilla chips. Weapons wedged between bags of flour. A handgun left in a toilet.

Days after a massive shootout left nine bikers dead, police are finding more evidence and clues about what happened at a Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas.

Among them: More than 1,000 weapons left behind. And some bikers may have stashed away even more, police said.

"These were vicious criminals that knew that they were in trouble, and they were trying to dispose of evidence," Waco Police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said.

With 170 suspects in custody, authorities have a complex investigation on their hands. All of the suspects face charges of engaging in organized crime, and each one has bail set at $1 million.

So far, only one person has made bail. Jeff Battey, 40, bonded out of the McLennan County jail on Wednesday, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation said.

More at the link.

Actually, this is your stupid gun laws at work......background checks did not stop them did they....these guys are all felons and couldn't pass a background check....

All the more reason to tighten them up significantly.

And how tight should they in Europe...where there criminals can just as easily get guns as our criminals....remember, 3 terrorists, 2 of them on government watch lists, one of them a convicted felon easily bought fully automatic rifles, hand grenades, pistols and a rocket propelled grenade and crossed an international border 2 a country with no gun stores for civilians, and extreme gun control laws....into another country with extreme gun control laws...more extreme than the U.S. and they still go those weapons...dittos the bikers and other criminals in Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Australia and Britain...

The only effective gun control law is the law that says using a gun to commit a crime is a crime...catch them and lock them up.....and if a felon is caught in possssion of a gun, catch them and lock them up.....

All of the other gun laws are stupid...even background checks since none of these guys actually had to pass them to get 1000 illegal weapons, gun registration, licensing of gun owners and magazine limits....all useless......
Bill O Reilly had the former leader of one of the gangs on there and did Bill scream? Yell? Call him a criminal?

No, the guy actually said shit like "60% of us are just normal joes with jobs", "not all members are bad" and Bill sat there listening to the former leader of one of the notorious biker gangs like he was the head of the friggin U.N.

You know what Bill said....meekly "but that means 40% are criminals and thats, yanno...a lot"


and he did the same for the race hustling poverty pimps who went on to excuse Martin, Brown and the other thuigs.......
Bill O Reilly had the former leader of one of the gangs on there and did Bill scream? Yell? Call him a criminal?

No, the guy actually said shit like "60% of us are just normal joes with jobs", "not all members are bad" and Bill sat there listening to the former leader of one of the notorious biker gangs like he was the head of the friggin U.N.

You know what Bill said....meekly "but that means 40% are criminals and thats, yanno...a lot"

If you believed anything the biker said you need your head examined. I don't know why Bill had him on. My favorite part was when the scumbucket compared his gang with the military. And wtf is wrong with these people deciding who can wear what on their greasy jackets?
9 thugs dead, 170 in jail with one million dollar bonds. Likely gonna be in jail for a long time. Sounds like the fight was a success.
something has to be done about white culture that produces such violent delinquents.
Agree, but black culture produces more violence. We got 9 off the street for good the other day.
The white culture produced the Iraq slaughter that you support
Bush liberated a country, Obama cut and ran in Iraq. So it's the black man in the Whitehouse violence. Just like he flamed the fires in Baltimore and Ferguson. Dang more black violence.

I'm surprised it took as many as 34 posts for someone to blame Obama. That has to be a record.

the first mention of obama was by a lefty...
There is your right to bear arms at work:

More than 1 000 weapons stashed at biker shooting scene National News - WLKY Home

WACO, Texas (CNN) —A gun stuffed inside a bag of tortilla chips. Weapons wedged between bags of flour. A handgun left in a toilet.

Days after a massive shootout left nine bikers dead, police are finding more evidence and clues about what happened at a Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas.

Among them: More than 1,000 weapons left behind. And some bikers may have stashed away even more, police said.

"These were vicious criminals that knew that they were in trouble, and they were trying to dispose of evidence," Waco Police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said.

With 170 suspects in custody, authorities have a complex investigation on their hands. All of the suspects face charges of engaging in organized crime, and each one has bail set at $1 million.

So far, only one person has made bail. Jeff Battey, 40, bonded out of the McLennan County jail on Wednesday, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation said.

More at the link.
Might want to read your own links dipshit.

It says 1000 was the estimate. They later revised it to just over 300.....only 100 were guns.

Shooting the messenger, I see. Dude, I didn't say how many were found. I just posted the article.
Your wrote the title and thus passed along a false narrative either intentionally or because of incompetence. Always read your links before posting them and then you won't be forced to defend a lie.

For the second time, that was the original title of the article. I can repeat this is you are having a hard time following the thread. If it is a lie, it's the author's lie, not mine.
I don't see white political leaders rushing to defend these idiots, or make excuses for their behavior.
Yeah but none of them had their spines snapped for no reason during a false one died in the Baltimore disturbance the white thug culture killed nine...

Baltimore Zero death

white folks in Waco Texas ...nine dead

Moron....Baltimore is a murder is one of the most violent cities in the country with even more gun murders every day since the please...I know the truth and reality are hard for you lefties to comprehend...just sell your crap to your lefty friends while the grown ups deal with the real world.....
When does a pocket knife become a "weapon"? When the media wants to pile on with useless information. The article mentions only two handguns and the rest is left to the imagination.
I don't see white political leaders rushing to defend these idiots, or make excuses for their behavior.
Yeah but none of them had their spines snapped for no reason during a false one died in the Baltimore disturbance the white thug culture killed nine...

Baltimore Zero death

white folks in Waco Texas ...nine dead

Moron....Baltimore is a murder is one of the most violent cities in the country with even more gun murders every day since the please...I know the truth and reality are hard for you lefties to comprehend...just sell your crap to your lefty friends while the grown ups deal with the real world.....
It's also run by democrats and has for decades.
There is your right to bear arms at work:

More than 1 000 weapons stashed at biker shooting scene National News - WLKY Home

WACO, Texas (CNN) —A gun stuffed inside a bag of tortilla chips. Weapons wedged between bags of flour. A handgun left in a toilet.

Days after a massive shootout left nine bikers dead, police are finding more evidence and clues about what happened at a Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas.

Among them: More than 1,000 weapons left behind. And some bikers may have stashed away even more, police said.

"These were vicious criminals that knew that they were in trouble, and they were trying to dispose of evidence," Waco Police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said.

With 170 suspects in custody, authorities have a complex investigation on their hands. All of the suspects face charges of engaging in organized crime, and each one has bail set at $1 million.

So far, only one person has made bail. Jeff Battey, 40, bonded out of the McLennan County jail on Wednesday, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation said.

More at the link.
Might want to read your own links dipshit.

It says 1000 was the estimate. They later revised it to just over 300.....only 100 were guns.

Shooting the messenger, I see. Dude, I didn't say how many were found. I just posted the article.
Your wrote the title and thus passed along a false narrative either intentionally or because of incompetence. Always read your links before posting them and then you won't be forced to defend a lie.

For the second time, that was the original title of the article. I can repeat this is you are having a hard time following the thread. If it is a lie, it's the author's lie, not mine.

Once you post the title when starting a thread it becomes your lie.

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