More than 99.9% of peer reviewed studies show that humans are the primary cause of global warming

The problem that exists is that a huge amount of solar energy is constantly hitting the planet earth, and once it hits the planet, it can only leave the planet by photonic infrared radiation.
But carbon in the upper atmosphere will absorb infrared radiation and turn it into vibratory heat, which then can not leave the planet. That is because space if a vacuum, and can not conduct heat.
You didn’t state the problem, you identified nature.
No this is also peer reviewed.


A geologist.
"We" don't need anything, kid. You sound like you want to be king or dictator. Tough shit.
If you want to cut down on your CO2 production, have at it. In the meantime, I will continue living an unparanoid and productive life. You have no say in it.
When are you going to offer a scientific organization which backs your denial position?
The problem that exists is that a huge amount of solar energy is constantly hitting the planet earth, and once it hits the planet, it can only leave the planet by photonic infrared radiation.
But carbon in the upper atmosphere will absorb infrared radiation and turn it into vibratory heat, which then can not leave the planet. That is because space if a vacuum, and can not conduct heat.
Why do you believe that man's CO2 emissions are 500% efficient when all the GHG's in the atmosphere are only 44% at trapping heat?
Do you know why that is pure bullshit? Did you notice the amount of those crabs in 1977/78?

Now look at 1991. See the record high amounts? Did Fossil Fuels cause the dramatic increase of snow crabs?
That isn't a graph of crab populations, its a graph of crabs harvested. Not the same thing.
No, that was your low IQ trolling attempt. One in a long series, in this thread.

Your God of the gaps is all yours, shaman.
Arguing that shortcomings in technology today will be solved by technology in the future is effectively a god of gaps argument. You just can't see it.
Easy to say.

Not so easy to do.

Obama offered 4 guaranteed loans for companies to build nuclear power plants. Nobody took the offer.
Window dressing.

Why would anyone try to wade through miles of red tape, approvals, etc, etc, etc, and attempt to build a nuclear plant in the US? Further, how would they know they could finish the project based on the winds in Washington? See the Keystone Pipeline and our Southern Border.
It's not wrong. The shortcomings are numerous and that's what prompted your god of the gaps argument that future technology will fill in the gaps.
It's wrong. And I have no use for something so stupid. Go peddle it to someone else.

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