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Mormon Church finally admits Joseph Smith had 40 wives

Dr. Brian Hales, the major apologist of JS and polygamy has admitted that JS had sex with at least 12 women.

The moves the issue from celestial theology to one of mortal sexuality.
I will talk to your Mormon missionaries. PM me with a date and time. I will PM you my address and telephone number.

Please have them come on Saturday, that is my day off. Send them in the morning, because I plan to take all day.

By the end of the day, you will either have a new convert to Mormonism, or you will have two broken missionaries.

That musical would be even better if they'd have know about Joe's 40 wives. :thup:
To Avatar, and any other Mormons on this thread

Please don't get offended by what I am going to say.

Some of us refuse to read the book of Mormons out of fear that we might get brain washed. Yes, I think it is very potent Brain wash!

You seem like good decent people. But the fact remains that there is something quirky about the history of your religion, some of its claims--and prophet Joseph Smith!!

Especially, Joseph Smith.
Is that his real name?

See how suspicious I am of Mormonism?

My instincts are screaming "No" to reading it.

I am not going to be offended by that.

There is a reason we are good decent people. It's because of the Book of Mormon. But there is no reason to be afraid of it. People have read it and not been converted. Mark Twain to name one. Here on the board i think Jake probably has read it and it hasn't brain washed him to be a Mormon.

The Book of Mormon is unique among books. I don't know any other book that contains the promise it has:

"Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.

And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truthof it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things. (Moroni 10:3-5)
I dont know any other book that exists that invites people to ask God and see if it's really from Him. That is why it converts people. Not because they read it. But because they exercise enough faith to ask God if it's true and His Spirit bears witness that it is. Not because of brainwashing of any sort.

I've asked the Lord if the Book of Mormon is true. The Spirit revealed to me that it was. That's why I believe in the Book of Mormon. Because of the Book of Mormon I've had gained a much greater understanding about Christ, the Atonement and why it was necessary. I've learned about the Plan of Happiness God has for us. I've learned about myself and my relationship with God and others. It's filled me with light, and love for my fellow man. When I learned this I realized I had a choice to make. I could continue the life i was living and just ignore everything I just learned. Or I could follow it the best I could, exercising faith that Christ would help me.

I can understand the hesitation. One of the Presidents of the Church John Taylor had reservations about it:

“When I first heard the gospel, I was compelled to admit there was something reasonable about it. I almost hoped it was not true. ‘If it is true,’ said I, ‘as an honest man I shall be obliged to obey it, or else I cannot have any confidence in myself.’”​

Don't let fear keep you from learning things. LIfe is to short to be afraid. especially of knowledge
The Book of Mormon contradicts Itself and other inspired Mormon writings!

One GodPlural Gods
Book of Mormon: Alma 11:27-39, 44; 2 Nephi 31:21; Mormon 7:7; 3 Nephi 11:27 Testimony of the three witnessesDoctrine and Covenants: Section 121:32; 132:18-20, 37
God is a SpiritGod Has a Body
B. of M. - Alma 18:26-28; 22:8-11D. & C. - Section 130:22
God Dwells in HeartGod Does Not Dwell in Heart
B. of M. - Alma 34:36D. & C. - Section 130:3
Creation - One GodCreation - Plural Gods
B. of M. - 2 Nephi 2:14; Jacob 4:9 Pearl of Great Price - Moses, Chapter 2Book of Abraham - Chapters 4 and 5
God Cannot LieGod Commands Lying
B. of M. - Ether 3:12; 2 Nephi 9:34P.G.P. - Book of Abraham 2:22-25
God's Word UnchangeableGod's Word Can Change
B. of M. - Alma 41:8D. & C. - Section 56:4-5
No Pre-Existence of ManMan Pre-Existed
B. of M. - Jacob 4:9; Alma 18:28, 34-36D. & C. - Section 93:23, 29-33 P.G.P. - Bk of Abraham 3:18, 21-23
Death Seals Man's FateChance After Death
B. of M. - Mosiah 2:36-39; Alma 34:32-35D. & C. - Section 76:106-112; 88:99
Heathen Saved Without BaptismBaptism for Dead
B. of M. - Moroni 8:22-23 2 Nephi 9:25-26; Mosiah 15:24-27D. & C. - Section 128:5, 17-18
Heaven or HellThree Kingdoms in Heaven - Most Saved
B. of M. - 2 Nephi 28:22; 1 Nephi 15:35; Most SavedMosiah 16:11, 27:31; Alma 41:4-8, 42:16D. & C. - Section 76:43, 70-112
Murder Can Be ForgivenNo Forgiveness For Murder
B. of M.- 3 Nephi 30:2D. & C. - Section 42:18
Polygamy CondemnedPolygamy Commanded
B. of M. - Jacob 1:15, 2:24, 3:5; Mosiah 11:2D. & C. - Section 132:1, 37-39, 61
2 Nephi 26:31; Mosiah 27:5D. & C. - Section 42:71-73; 43:12-13; 51:13-14
B. of M. - Mormon 8:32D. & C. - Section 64:23
Adam in AmericaAdam in Old World
D. & C. - Section 107:53; 116; 117:8P.G.P. - Book of Moses 3:8, 10-15
The Book of Mormon contradicts the Bible!

Bible Book of Mormon
Church began in 33 AD Mt 16:18 Acts 2church began in 147BC, Mosiah 18:17
"disciples were first called Christians in Antioch" 40AD, Acts 11:26Alma 46:13-16 supposedly written in 73BC refers to Nephites as Christians.
Jesus is only head of church Col 1:18Joe Smith is head of Mormon church D&C 28:2-6
"Jesus was born in Bethlehem" Mt 2:1 + Mt 21:17"He shall be born of Mary at Jerusalem" Alma 7:10
3 hours of darkness at crucifixion Lk 23:443 Days of darkness at crucifixion Hel 14:20-27
God is spirit without flesh &bones Jn 4:24; Lk 24:39God has flesh and bones like man: D&C 130:22

You are really good at cutting and pasting.

You might want to browse the internet a bit more though. People have answered the alleged problems more than 15 years ago.

Why don't you read the Book of Mormon for yourself instead of relying on what others say about it?
Whats so wrong about having 40 wives?
See the Ten Commandments.

You realize Moses had more than one wife, right?

You also realize that you aren't committing adultery if you are married to them, right?

It seems to me that if a man marries and takes care of multiple women and their children, our society would be far better off than it is with men staying single, hooking up with multiple women and dropping them and the children the second things gets serious. At least it seems that way to me.
What was even worse, was the horny Joseph Smith would tell these women and young girls (there was more than one pubescent girl) - God tells me you must marry me, you have 24 hours to comply, if you decline, "the gates will be closed forever against you."

Under the Banner of Heaven A Story of Violent Faith - Jon Krakauer - Google Books

Isn't that special?

It seems to me that you aren't really accurately quoting what someone is saying when only part of the supposed quote is in the quotation marks

My question is why the creative game with quotation marks if he was telling the truth? Why not just quote the entire quote in context?.
What was even worse, was the horny Joseph Smith would tell these women and young girls (there was more than one pubescent girl) - God tells me you must marry me, you have 24 hours to comply, if you decline, "the gates will be closed forever against you."

Under the Banner of Heaven A Story of Violent Faith - Jon Krakauer - Google Books

Isn't that special?

It seems to me that you aren't really accurately quoting what someone is saying when only part of the supposed quote is in the quotation marks

My question is why the creative game with quotation marks if he was telling the truth? Why not just quote the entire quote in context?.

You're using semantics to defend the founder of your "church". That tells me you have no real defense against the charges of child molesting and sexual harassment. Actually "sexual harassment" really is too mild a term for a man who uses the authoritarian power of church leadership to coerce women and girls into a sexual relationship. Catholic priests and Pastors of other denominations who do the same thing are not accorded such mild terms of condemnation. So will you step forward and acknowledge this evil side of Joseph Smith or defend it by some twisted bit of apologia?
The Book of Mormon contradicts Itself and other inspired Mormon writings!

One GodPlural Gods
Book of Mormon: Alma 11:27-39, 44; 2 Nephi 31:21; Mormon 7:7; 3 Nephi 11:27 Testimony of the three witnessesDoctrine and Covenants: Section 121:32; 132:18-20, 37
God is a SpiritGod Has a Body
B. of M. - Alma 18:26-28; 22:8-11D. & C. - Section 130:22
God Dwells in HeartGod Does Not Dwell in Heart
B. of M. - Alma 34:36D. & C. - Section 130:3
Creation - One GodCreation - Plural Gods
B. of M. - 2 Nephi 2:14; Jacob 4:9 Pearl of Great Price - Moses, Chapter 2Book of Abraham - Chapters 4 and 5
God Cannot LieGod Commands Lying
B. of M. - Ether 3:12; 2 Nephi 9:34P.G.P. - Book of Abraham 2:22-25
God's Word UnchangeableGod's Word Can Change
B. of M. - Alma 41:8D. & C. - Section 56:4-5
No Pre-Existence of ManMan Pre-Existed
B. of M. - Jacob 4:9; Alma 18:28, 34-36D. & C. - Section 93:23, 29-33 P.G.P. - Bk of Abraham 3:18, 21-23
Death Seals Man's FateChance After Death
B. of M. - Mosiah 2:36-39; Alma 34:32-35D. & C. - Section 76:106-112; 88:99
Heathen Saved Without BaptismBaptism for Dead
B. of M. - Moroni 8:22-23 2 Nephi 9:25-26; Mosiah 15:24-27D. & C. - Section 128:5, 17-18
Heaven or HellThree Kingdoms in Heaven - Most Saved
B. of M. - 2 Nephi 28:22; 1 Nephi 15:35; Most SavedMosiah 16:11, 27:31; Alma 41:4-8, 42:16D. & C. - Section 76:43, 70-112
Murder Can Be ForgivenNo Forgiveness For Murder
B. of M.- 3 Nephi 30:2D. & C. - Section 42:18
Polygamy CondemnedPolygamy Commanded
B. of M. - Jacob 1:15, 2:24, 3:5; Mosiah 11:2D. & C. - Section 132:1, 37-39, 61
2 Nephi 26:31; Mosiah 27:5D. & C. - Section 42:71-73; 43:12-13; 51:13-14
B. of M. - Mormon 8:32D. & C. - Section 64:23
Adam in AmericaAdam in Old World
D. & C. - Section 107:53; 116; 117:8P.G.P. - Book of Moses 3:8, 10-15
The Book of Mormon contradicts the Bible!

Bible Book of Mormon
Church began in 33 AD Mt 16:18 Acts 2church began in 147BC, Mosiah 18:17
"disciples were first called Christians in Antioch" 40AD, Acts 11:26Alma 46:13-16 supposedly written in 73BC refers to Nephites as Christians.
Jesus is only head of church Col 1:18Joe Smith is head of Mormon church D&C 28:2-6
"Jesus was born in Bethlehem" Mt 2:1 + Mt 21:17"He shall be born of Mary at Jerusalem" Alma 7:10
3 hours of darkness at crucifixion Lk 23:443 Days of darkness at crucifixion Hel 14:20-27
God is spirit without flesh &bones Jn 4:24; Lk 24:39God has flesh and bones like man: D&C 130:22

You are really good at cutting and pasting.

You might want to browse the internet a bit more though. People have answered the alleged problems more than 15 years ago.

Why don't you read the Book of Mormon for yourself instead of relying on what others say about it?

answer it for me please.
Let me devil's advocate here while I still have some reservations

You can find those answers on the internet--and even more questions as well with answers. Just googling "Problems and Answers for book of Mormons" will give you a list of sites that answer questions.

Problems and answers in book of mormons - Google Search

Just remember, googling "Problems and Answers in/for _________" for any Holy Book will give you a list of places that will answer common questions in terms of that religion.

Constantly asking the same question while having access to a large store of information at your finger tips doesn't seem like you are being sincere. If you were really interested, you would do a quick dive nd not continue badgering someone.
Whats so wrong about having 40 wives?
See the Ten Commandments.

You realize Moses had more than one wife, right?

You also realize that you aren't committing adultery if you are married to them, right?

It seems to me that if a man marries and takes care of multiple women and their children, our society would be far better off than it is with men staying single, hooking up with multiple women and dropping them and the children the second things gets serious. At least it seems that way to me.
Moses was not married to two women at the same time. The second marriage was long after the first either resulted in divorce or death.

And according to this recent information, smith also married women that were already married. That all falls under the definition of adultery.
What was even worse, was the horny Joseph Smith would tell these women and young girls (there was more than one pubescent girl) - God tells me you must marry me, you have 24 hours to comply, if you decline, "the gates will be closed forever against you."

Under the Banner of Heaven A Story of Violent Faith - Jon Krakauer - Google Books

Isn't that special?

It seems to me that you aren't really accurately quoting what someone is saying when only part of the supposed quote is in the quotation marks

My question is why the creative game with quotation marks if he was telling the truth? Why not just quote the entire quote in context?.

You're using semantics to defend the founder of your "church". That tells me you have no real defense against the charges of child molesting and sexual harassment. Actually "sexual harassment" really is too mild a term for a man who uses the authoritarian power of church leadership to coerce women and girls into a sexual relationship. Catholic priests and Pastors of other denominations who do the same thing are not accorded such mild terms of condemnation. So will you step forward and acknowledge this evil side of Joseph Smith or defend it by some twisted bit of apologia?

it's amazing that you seem to think pointing out deliberate misquotes as semantics.

especially since there is no evidence of sexual relations. Especially since most of the dealings were for eternity and not during this life.

find a woman or child that claims molestation. You won't because there isn't one in fact the evidence of any sexual relations is so sparce its virtually non existant. The only person we know he had relations with was Emma. And that's because they had children together.

dont you think it's odd that a man who was supposedly given into wild sexual immorality only had children with one of his wives before there way any birth control?

did you even realize that a number of his wives weren't married to him until after he died?

you want to try to simplify a complex issue and use it as a reason to ignore the work he did, you are free to do that. But when you stand before God and He asks you why you didn't read the Book of Mormon for yourself when you could have, I don't think "I believed horrible things about Joseph Smith without ever actually looking into his life" is going to be a good excuse..

oh and I've spent years as a criminal defense attorney. I've represented people far worse than Joseph smith. And few as good as him.

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