Zone1 Mortimer is a bully


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
As a young black/brown youth i used to stick up white boys the ball court

Joke, i hate bullies, but it can be "cool" if in a movie and its not real just like in this song, imagine just like there is a difference between real rape and bdsm for example, the latter can be sexually pleasant for some, and that they consent, the first is rape

i told you mort you are not brown....
I respect your perception and opinion but not everyone shares your opinion i told you and im not lying why would i that majority perceives me as brown but I have no horse in the race if im not brown what am i do you think im white? Most people really do not think im white even the goverment would list me as other
I respect your perception and opinion but not everyone shares your opinion i told you and im not lying why would i that majority perceives me as brown but I have no horse in the race if im not brown what am i do you think im white? Most people really do not think im white even the goverment would list me as other
like i told you mort come to S.CAL and stand in a room with real brown people,the will stick out like a snowball .....
like i told you mort come to S.CAL and stand in a room with real brown people,the will stick out like a snowball .....
I think brown is a very broad category everyone who is not white yellow or black is somehow brown a Puerto Rican a mexican a pakistani a malaysian etc its not even one actual race.
Mmm .. I used to like to be golden brown..

…and play with beach bunnies all along the California coast..

So Lumpy you were a beach boy back when? Yea!

Dad moved us to California my first year of college because tuition was free, but it was all fun at the beaches and a trip through the Ortega mountains from Lake Elsinore where he taught math and history at the high school.

I loved the beaches, and we were there often on summer. It was positively beautiful. It was also fun to watch the surfers do their tricks.
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So Lumpy you were a beach boy back when? Yea!

Dad moved us to California my first year of college because tuition was free, but it was all fun at the beaches and a trip through the Ortega mountains from Lake Elsinore where he taught math and history at the high school.

I loved the beaches, and we were there often on summer. It was positively beautiful. It was also fun to watch the surfers do their tricks.
Hugs .. Lady Beautress 🙂

Yup .. among other things. We lived in the Los Angeles area back then, Norwalk to be exact. I loved to travel (my wandering years) back then including fishing the Lake Elsinore area. I went to Long Beach State after the teenage years.

As far as beaches back then I ‘m pretty sure I landed on everyone of them from San Diego to Monterey, surfing, fishing, camping and well having fun..
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Hugs .. Lady Beautress 🙂

Yup .. among other things. We lived in the Los Angeles area back then, Norwalk to be exact. I loved to travel (my wandering years) back then including fishing the Lake Elsinore area. I went to Long Beach State after the teenage years.

As far as beaches back then I ‘m pretty sure I landed on everyone of them from San Diego to Monterey, surfing, fishing, camping and well having fun..
San Diego? That's probably why Dad got a job in Elsinore. My brother joined the Navy and his first assignment was likely San Diego, sometime around 1965, to keep the family together. However, the Navy eventually sends their sailors to other shores, so when I married, we moved to Wyoming following a transfer. Through thick and thin, I lived in the Equality State for 35 years, suffered a divorce because my ex hated children, and I was mother to two of his children, and underwent a surgery to prevent his threat of leaving if I ever had another baby. It was the worst mistake of my life, because a few weeks later he threatened mine and the babies' lives, which forced me to file divorce papers and support my two little ones with a job I got at the power company because he saw no reason to support his own children. He moved to another town, and I only saw him one more time when my new husband
filed for adoption. Mr. Hate children's mother dragged him to the legal adoption hearing, to prevent the adoption, but failed to persuade the local judge that her intervention would work since she lived 3 thousand miles away. In Wyoming back then, fathers failing to support their children are considered unfit for parenting, but the judge asked me to allow the grandmother visit the kids, and I agreed. Unfortunately, she had other grandchildren from another son who got divorced near her home. So she never took my welcoming to visitations, and their father also forgot me and his 2 children after only two visitations. His neglect didn't bother me one iota because I well knew he truly hated children and their support needs. I got a good baby sitter so I could support them by working. I was used to pinching pennies, but I loved coming home and hugging my two little sweet ones. I visited the library a lot to read my children all the fairie stories and how things work books to give them an edge when they were old enough to go to kindergarten and first grades. My power company had a single engineer who took a liking to me and my two kids at the company's 4th of July annual picnic, and he was very good looking, but he somehow fell in love with me as well as the adorable 2 children I had.
He came over to my rented house several times a week, and I was so flattered after a few months of good times, and he proposed a desire to marry us that December. Oddly, he was a Presbyterian elder, and I was raised in a multi-generational Presbyterian family, so our marriage was a joyful one, because he was the kindest man I ever met, and he walked the walk in gentlemanly love, goodness to others, and disciplined caring for children. Lucky me! I was in love with the best guy in the world, and it lasted for 46 wonderful years until the day he died from old age issues, 8 years ago. He had a great sense of humor, and I missed him for the longest time. But he left me with the best memories anyone ever could be happy to recall due to his humor and kind, wonderful ways.
I get by okay, and my kids grew up to be independent, one lives on the west coast, the other on the east coast for years, but moved to Portugal. I would have loved to have them nearer, but that never took place.
And that was my life until now. I do little needle art projects for my church, Live on the small farmland my husband bought for us 15 years ago, and love every memory my husband left for me to review and recall. As I said, lucky me. :)

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