Most Americans feel Comrade is Unstable Bully- Fox News

What does that have to do with the lunatic, so called, president that we now have? Grow a Brain!

It has to do with Russian collusion.

Obama colluded with Russia. It's on video.

Grow a Y chromosome.

What Obama actually did was piss Putin off to the point he mounted a massive espionage op to install a more manageable US president. His only mistake was believing Putin was a reasonable man who could be dealt with until later events showed everyone just what kind of man Putin is. The guy is a monster and your president loves him.
Speaking of lying
A man died and went to Heaven.
As he stood in front of the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.
He asked, "What are all those clocks for?"
St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone who has ever been on earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie, the hands on your clock move."
"Oh", said the man. "Whose clock is that?"
"That's Mother Teresa's", replied St. Peter. "The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie."
"Incredible", said the man. "And whose clock is that one?"
St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abraham told only two lies in his entire life."
"Where's Donald Trump's clock?" asked the man.
St. Peter replied, "We're using it as a ceiling fan."

What does that have to do with the lunatic, so called, president that we now have? Grow a Brain!

It has to do with Russian collusion.

Obama colluded with Russia. It's on video.

Grow a Y chromosome.

What Obama actually did was piss Putin off to the point he mounted a massive espionage op to install a more manageable US president. His only mistake was believing Putin was a reasonable man who could be dealt with until later events showed everyone just what kind of man Putin is. The guy is a monster and your president loves him.

I mean, if you say so.

I bet you thought Hillary was going to win in November, so it's likely your opinion is wrong.

What does that have to do with the lunatic, so called, president that we now have? Grow a Brain!

It has to do with Russian collusion.

Obama colluded with Russia. It's on video.

Grow a Y chromosome.

What Obama actually did was piss Putin off to the point he mounted a massive espionage op to install a more manageable US president. His only mistake was believing Putin was a reasonable man who could be dealt with until later events showed everyone just what kind of man Putin is. The guy is a monster and your president loves him.

The Comrade would love to lead like Putin. You know, kill off your enemies, throw reporters in jail, and become even more wealthy by every corrupt means he can find.

Most of the Repubs in this Congress are willing to let him have his way. What a sad state of affairs.
FBI just announced NO RECORD of taps at Trump Tower One more dump lie

That is one of the shell games the Comrade plays.

"Look over there! Wait, look under here! Wow, look around here!"

What does that have to do with the lunatic, so called, president that we now have? Grow a Brain!

It has to do with Russian collusion.

Obama colluded with Russia. It's on video.

Grow a Y chromosome.

What Obama actually did was piss Putin off to the point he mounted a massive espionage op to install a more manageable US president. His only mistake was believing Putin was a reasonable man who could be dealt with until later events showed everyone just what kind of man Putin is. The guy is a monster and your president loves him.

The Comrade would love to lead like Putin. You know, kill off your enemies, throw reporters in jail, and become even more wealthy by every corrupt means he can find.

Most of the Repubs in this Congress are willing to let him have his way. What a sad state of affairs.

I am on the couch watching Florida/Michigan, so I'll play with you for a little bit, champ.

You are speaking in Prog talking point, but let's get into specifics.

What are the specific actions by Trump that makes you conclude he murders political opponents?


Google that shit and post your findings about Trump murdering political opponents.

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