Most Americans like Socialism


Gold Member
May 23, 2012
Well, they like socialist ideas, but have been made to think that socialism is evil by connecting it with USSR and nazi socialists.

Democratic Socialism is different and Bernie Sander's success points to this. Link below. Will he win? Probably not since the corporate controlled media only allows coverage for a corporate democrat or a corporate republican. Notice lately how much boner and mcconnel are in love with obama since he's pushing a TPP agenda that favors the ruling class?

According To Polls Most Americans Are Socialists Like Bernie Sanders
Well, they like socialist ideas, but have been made to think that socialism is evil by connecting it with USSR and nazi socialists.

Democratic Socialism is different and Bernie Sander's success points to this. Link below. Will he win? Probably not since the corporate controlled media only allows coverage for a corporate democrat or a corporate republican. Notice lately how much boner and mcconnel are in love with obama since he's pushing a TPP agenda that favors the ruling class?

According To Polls Most Americans Are Socialists Like Bernie Sanders
Why shouldn't they...??..That system promotes equality and generosity among people..!!
While it needs to be carefully blended with some aspects of capitalism, in order to generate progress by the more gifted among us, the basics of socialism, each according to his needs and his capabilities, is a prescription for basic human decency...
No, they believe in the MYTH of socialism. That it is a utopia where it is "fair for everyone."

steal from the rich give to the poor. The poor which is comprised of a large block of ignorant voters are who this myth is being sold to. Under the guise of compassion, like the pied piper, the democrats seduce millions.

Dancing on the backs of the ignorant who cannot and will not ever understand any rudimentary by laws of business. The moronic trust fund babies who will never understand what it takes to pay their own bills or taxes just shout for higher taxes.

We have shown you over and over again the devastating consequences of what socialism has done to countries.

It is the myth of socialism that they like. Through the lying fucking faces of politicians who are seeking it in order to gain power from the people.

You stupid fucking blind sheep.
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Socialism has never worked....and never will
Still got that pesky extra "l" in you sig line...???:anj_stfu:

Still deflecting with childish BS? Name where socialism has ever worked. I won't wait....child

Go look out your window.

See that long straight thing where you drive your car?

Or, let's say you find a fire burning in the middle of your living room floor.

Who you gonna call?

Knee jerk dummy.
Well, they like socialist ideas, but have been made to think that socialism is evil by connecting it with USSR and nazi socialists.

I could imagine Americans connecting socialism to the USSR negatively. But Nazi's? Nazi's weren't actually socialists, didn't practice socialism, and almost no Americans are aware that they tacked 'socialist' onto the moniker.

Making it nearly impossible that Nazi's would have any signficant influence on American perceptions of socialism.
Socialism has never worked....and never will
Still got that pesky extra "l" in you sig line...???:anj_stfu:

Still deflecting with childish BS? Name where socialism has ever worked. I won't wait....child

Go look out your window.

See that long straight thing where you drive your car?

Or, let's say you find a fire burning in the middle of your living room floor.

Who you gonna call?

Knee jerk dummy.

My dad was 26 years in the military. Though he leans right of center he admits he lived in a socialist system (the US military) for a quarter century and loved it.
Socialism has never worked....and never will

As a whole? Maybe not. In pieces? It works all the time. As public roads, fire and police departments, dams, infrastructure, lighthouses, state parks, etc demonstrate.
Socialism has never worked....and never will
Still got that pesky extra "l" in you sig line...???:anj_stfu:

Still deflecting with childish BS? Name where socialism has ever worked. I won't wait....child

Go look out your window.

See that long straight thing where you drive your car?

Or, let's say you find a fire burning in the middle of your living room floor.

Who you gonna call?

Knee jerk dummy.

My dad was 26 years in the military. Though he leans right of center he admits he lived in a socialist system (the US military) for a quarter century and loved it.

We have close friends in much more socialist countries and they wonder why Americans put up with being screwed over by the govt - in the name of anti-socialism.

Its dumb and its self-defeating.
Socialism has never worked....and never will
Still got that pesky extra "l" in you sig line...???:anj_stfu:

Still deflecting with childish BS? Name where socialism has ever worked. I won't wait....child

Go look out your window.

See that long straight thing where you drive your car?

Or, let's say you find a fire burning in the middle of your living room floor.

Who you gonna call?

Knee jerk dummy.

My dad was 26 years in the military. Though he leans right of center he admits he lived in a socialist system (the US military) for a quarter century and loved it.

We have close friends in much more socialist countries and they wonder why Americans put up with being screwed over by the govt - in the name of anti-socialism.

Its dumb and its self-defeating.

Look at Canada. They have a more wealthy middle class and socialized medicine. They live longer, have comparable education levels, lower levels of violence, a much more stable financial system, and greater class mobility.

I don't think the 'never' of 'socialism never works' means what Sassy thinks it means.

Though on the 'Old Money' and 'Internet Billionaire' scale we have them totally beat.
We have close friends in much more socialist countries and they wonder why Americans put up with being screwed over by the govt - in the name of anti-socialism.

Its dumb and its self-defeating.

Yeah, especially in those Workers Paradises like Cuba and North Korea, huh scumbag?

And please. Don't bore me with Europe.

It's a fucking mess. 25% Youth Unemployment in France, 60% taxes in Scandi Land, $8 a gallon gasoline, $100 for a pair of Jeans, $350 per sq foot to buy an apartment (1,000 sq ft apt will cost $350,000)

We do so much better than any other Country on Earth, it isn't even funny.

You're an ungrateful scumbag.

What else is new? You're a dimocrap
Socialism has never worked....and never will

Answer honestly:

Do you understand the difference in governance between an Authoritarian and a democratic republic?

Do you understand the difference between Regulated Capitalism and Lassiez Faire Capitalism?

Do you understand the difference between an economic system and a political system of governance?
Star Trek episode 22 is a good example of socialist idiots, they want to be ruled by Landru and engage in festival at the red hour.
Socialism has never worked....and never will

Answer honestly:

Do you understand the difference in governance between an Authoritarian and a democratic republic?

Do you understand the difference between Regulated Capitalism and Lassiez Faire Capitalism?

Do you understand the difference between an economic system and a political system of governance?

Edgetho should answer the same questions.
Most Americans have no idea what socialism is. Any poll that actually asked Americans specifics about the entirety of the socialist program would reveal just how repulsed by that philosophy most Americans are.

A poll that shows most Americans want the rich to pay more in taxes is not evidence in any way that Americans support socialism.

It's the same stupid wishful thinking we see in Libertarians who think their polls prove most Americans support libertarianism. Neither ask probing questions based on policies which separate their philosophy from all others.

If you want to find out how Americans really feel about socialism, ask them how they feel about Castro or North Korea, for starters. The kind of weak-minded socialists who support Bernie Sanders looooove Castro and North Korea.
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We have close friends in much more socialist countries and they wonder why Americans put up with being screwed over by the govt - in the name of anti-socialism.

Its dumb and its self-defeating.

Yeah, especially in those Workers Paradises like Cuba and North Korea, huh scumbag?

And please. Don't bore me with Europe.

It's a fucking mess. 25% Youth Unemployment in France, 60% taxes in Scandi Land, $8 a gallon gasoline, $100 for a pair of Jeans, $350 per sq foot to buy an apartment (1,000 sq ft apt will cost $350,000)

We do so much better than any other Country on Earth, it isn't even funny.

You're an ungrateful scumbag.

What else is new? You're a dimocrap

We could do so much better. The point made was spot on, anti-socialism handicaps pragmatic solutions to chronic problems. The best contemporary example is Health Care in America.

It's becoming increasingly clear that the greater danger to our nation is not the threat of Socialism, it is the reality that our democratic republic has evolved into governance by an oligarchy, those who control the nations wealth, and those who do their bidding.

We have become a Plutocracy and the road back is in the hands of an educated voter and universal suffrage.

From the link:

...among 18 to 29-year olds, about half view socialism favorable and only 47% see capitalism as a good thing.

18 to 29 year olds.

I bet if you asked that age group to write an essay on what capitalism is, you'd mostly get monosyllabic responses. If anything.

"Is capitalism where I leave my parents' basement and get a job, and they don't put me in charge on the first day? That sucks!"

That's the thing about the ignorant herd. They are easy to lead anywhere you want them to go.

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