Most important election of our lifetimes!

We've heard this ignorant nonsense EVERY SINGLE election cycle.

Sadly now with the radicalization of the Democrat party and the dumbing down of our youth via the leftist agenda in our schools this is actually about to ring true.

The left have gone so far off the rails that were they to take full power our great nation would be unrecognizable within one generation.
They have successfully convinced a wide majority of our youth that we are an evil empire that needs to be brought to its knees via social engineering and radical government controls masquerading as empathy for the people.

Last election cycle I had no problem voting for Walker over Trump because while Hillary was an equally bad choice in my mind she was at least rational. The left now have no problem electing admitted socialists, Sharia supporting Muslims and all other manner of INSANE candidates.

At this point and time they are creating a situation where the only possible hope for our nation is to vote for the Republicans no matter who they might be.
Until I see some RATIONAL Democrats join the race for potus this mindset will not change for me.
Some lefty is making more money than you are unclogging toilets, amirite?
Lots of people make more money than me. Wanna know what's cool about that?

I couldn't care less
Oh no, Democrats want to increase your wages, decrease your healthcare costs while improving the care you receive, lower college education costs and have cleaner air to breath. They must be stopped!!!!

Are they planning to print money or steal from others to make it happen?
The most important election of our lifetime will be the national butterfly of Sumatra.
The rest is " lying scumbag with blue tie or red".....or some dyke that has a bigger dick than either.
OH Sorry GLBSTVCDRC----NRA and Mennonite choir member with six toez
Grampa Murked U is just setting up his rationalization for his desire to vote FOR the worst American man again. He's unlike many USMB nutbags in that he is embarrassed by this. But, not embarrassed enough to seek out some more reliable news sources.
We've heard this ignorant nonsense EVERY SINGLE election cycle.

Sadly now with the radicalization of the Democrat party and the dumbing down of our youth via the leftist agenda in our schools this is actually about to ring true.

The left have gone so far off the rails that were they to take full power our great nation would be unrecognizable within one generation.
They have successfully convinced a wide majority of our youth that we are an evil empire that needs to be brought to its knees via social engineering and radical government controls masquerading as empathy for the people.

Last election cycle I had no problem voting for Walker over Trump because while Hillary was an equally bad choice in my mind she was at least rational. The left now have no problem electing admitted socialists, Sharia supporting Muslims and all other manner of INSANE candidates.

At this point and time they are creating a situation where the only possible hope for our nation is to vote for the Republicans no matter who they might be.
Until I see some RATIONAL Democrats join the race for potus this mindset will not change for me.
You have zero kids in school so you don't know what is going on..

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