"Most Secure Election in History!"

One of those numbers is less than 1%, and one of them is not.

Not really... but I know you guys desperately need to think that you somehow won.

Hey, you know what is a BIG MEANINGFUL NUMBER, Mormon Bob?

Biden beat Trump by 3.6%, or 5.54 MILLION votes. That's a meaningful number. THE PEOPLE SAID NO TO TRUMP IN A LOUD AND CLEAR VOICE!

Happy to have cleared that up for you.

Perhaps that works for you. but for those of us who did not flunk grade-school math, most of us understand that 1.3% is not less than 1%, and would not mention a 1.3% datum in a discussion of numbers that are less than 1%.
One of those numbers is less than 1%, and one of them is not.

Not really... but I know you guys desperately need to think that you somehow won.

Hey, you know what is a BIG MEANINGFUL NUMBER, Mormon Bob?

Biden beat Trump by 3.6%, or 5.54 MILLION votes. That's a meaningful number. THE PEOPLE SAID NO TO TRUMP IN A LOUD AND CLEAR VOICE!

Happy to have cleared that up for you.

Perhaps that works for you. but for those of us who did not flunk grade-school math, most of us understand that 1.3% is not less than 1%, and would not mention a 1.3% datum in a discussion of numbers that are less than 1%.
The states that Biden won by less than 1% were Wisconsin, Arizona and Georgia.

Similarly in 2016, Trump won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania by less than 1%.

There’s nothing impossible about it.
Perhaps that works for you. but for those of us who did not flunk grade-school math, most of us understand that 1.3% is not less than 1%, and would not mention a 1.3% datum in a discussion of numbers that are less than 1%.

Again, I won't take logic advice on someone who believes he's wearing Magic Underwear.

The states that Biden won by less than 1% were Wisconsin, Arizona and Georgia.

Similarly in 2016, Trump won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania by less than 1%.

There’s nothing impossible about it.

Shhhh.... Mormon Bob needs to truly believe that somehow, he is the wronged party in the election his side lost by 5.5 Million votes.

The only thing this election proves is that we REALLY need to scrap the electoral college.
This came right from the Trump Administration. If Trumpers had any self-respect left they would cease the lies about voter fraud and accept defeat. I won’t hold my breath.
The director of CISA is being fired, moron.
NC wasn't less than 1%. You realize you're on the Internet, right government educated simpleton?

You know you've lost the argument when you think there's a huge difference between 1.3% and 0.9%.

Let's get real. Trump lost because he made a mess of everything, and all the angry white people in the country couldn't put him over the top again in the Rust Belt.

I had to draw a line somewhere. If we're going to over 1% then there are several other states Biden won that are back in play.

As for stupid, I said 1% and THEN you said NC, boob
NC wasn't less than 1%. You realize you're on the Internet, right government educated simpleton?

You know you've lost the argument when you think there's a huge difference between 1.3% and 0.9%.

One of those numbers is less than 1%, and one of them is not.

In context, that is a rather meaningful difference.

Well, again, I set the standard less than 1% and listed the relevant States.

By increasing it to over 1%, that bring in several more States Biden won narrowly.

That is the difference. Changing the limit didn't just affect NC. Biden still won statistically toss up States. Less than 1% is particularly a toss up. And Biden won all of them
I think president Trump knows that he lost, because it has been reported that he is opening a campaign fund account for him running in 2024 f o r president.

He did this the day after the 2016 election, an I believe he got over a billion dollars in donations, of which HALF or more went to Trump owned properties and businesses....

He's likely gotten comfortable having these campaign donations funding his businesses and needs it to continue....

Then if he adds to it an internet news station or talk show, he'll be all set with money....

It's always about money with him, this week of public silence with no appearances, is giving him time to p l an it all out...

How can he make money, off of his devoted, followers....?
Do you not understand that candidates can't use campaign donations to "fund" their businesses? It's illegal, Care. If Trump had EVER done that the main stream media would have exposed it in a nanosecond which means you're full of grade A horse manure!
And your point?

Point is, Trump needs to man up, admit he lost and move on.

YOu know, instead of going out like a little bitch.

Obviously you are worried given your desperation to sweep the election under the rug. And for good reason. Detroit, Philadellphia, Atlanta and Vegas have serious issues and yes, a correct vote in those places would make Trump President.

I do like the man up over Trump waiting two weeks after the election when you flipped parties (or lie you did) because the SCOTUS stopped the recount over a month after the 2000 election and you said that was stealing it, LOL.

And you still haven't accepted 2016. So according to you, you're not a man
Obviously you are worried given your desperation to sweep the election under the rug. And for good reason. Detroit, Philadellphia, Atlanta and Vegas have serious issues and yes, a correct vote in those places would make Trump President.

They had a correct vote... Biden is president because of it.

By "Serious issues" you mean, "The Darkies showed up to vote".

I do like the man up over Trump waiting two weeks after the election when you flipped parties (or lie you did) because the SCOTUS stopped the recount over a month after the 2000 election and you said that was stealing it, LOL.

Except I never said I flipped parties in 2000. I don' tknow where you keep pulling that up from. I do IN RETROSPECT think that Florida was a rigged game in 2000, because of the closeness of the vote and because Gore won the popular vote. And a dozen other irregularities (purged voter rolls, butterfly ballots, faulty card systems) At the time, I thought it was good Bush won. And then I saw what he did as President.

But if you use Gore v. Bush as a precedent, then you guys don't have a leg to stand on. Trump is behind in more states (Five opposed to one) and by a lot more votes. (11,000 to 150,000 depending on the state compared to 537 in Florida.)

Also, Al Gore never said, "I'm going to throw doubt on the outcome of the election no matter HOW it turns out" like Trump did weeks before election day.

And you still haven't accepted 2016. So according to you, you're not a man

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. That makes him illegitimate by definition.
Obviously you are worried given your desperation to sweep the election under the rug. And for good reason. Detroit, Philadellphia, Atlanta and Vegas have serious issues and yes, a correct vote in those places would make Trump President.

They had a correct vote... Biden is president because of it.

By "Serious issues" you mean, "The Darkies showed up to vote".

I do like the man up over Trump waiting two weeks after the election when you flipped parties (or lie you did) because the SCOTUS stopped the recount over a month after the 2000 election and you said that was stealing it, LOL.

Except I never said I flipped parties in 2000. I don' tknow where you keep pulling that up from. I do IN RETROSPECT think that Florida was a rigged game in 2000, because of the closeness of the vote and because Gore won the popular vote. And a dozen other irregularities (purged voter rolls, butterfly ballots, faulty card systems) At the time, I thought it was good Bush won. And then I saw what he did as President.

But if you use Gore v. Bush as a precedent, then you guys don't have a leg to stand on. Trump is behind in more states (Five opposed to one) and by a lot more votes. (11,000 to 150,000 depending on the state compared to 537 in Florida.)

Also, Al Gore never said, "I'm going to throw doubt on the outcome of the election no matter HOW it turns out" like Trump did weeks before election day.

And you still haven't accepted 2016. So according to you, you're not a man

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. That makes him illegitimate by definition.

More of your racist drivel. Yes Joe, you shot Mod Edit: Do NOT bypass filters off your porch growing up because shooting people was illegal. You keep saying that. No one wants to hear it. Save it for your next clan meeting.

You're the worst fake ex-Republican ever. You have no idea what Republicans think. Not a clue. You just believe every Democrat caricature of what Republicans are, which is why no Republican takes you seriously
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You're the worst fake ex-Republican ever. You have no idea what Republicans think. Not a clue. You just believe every Democrat caricature of what Republicans are, which is why no Republican takes you seriously

Actually, guy worked on numerous Republican campaigns from 1980 to 2008.

The problem is, I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me. The first clue was when Romney and Huckabee had a debate on whether or not Jesus and Satan were brothers like that was a real thing.

Then again, given that the GOP today is the "Cult of Trump", where you guys have disowned everyone in your past except a mythological version of Reagan, that's where you all are at right now.
You're the worst fake ex-Republican ever. You have no idea what Republicans think. Not a clue. You just believe every Democrat caricature of what Republicans are, which is why no Republican takes you seriously

Actually, guy worked on numerous Republican campaigns from 1980 to 2008.

The problem is, I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me. The first clue was when Romney and Huckabee had a debate on whether or not Jesus and Satan were brothers like that was a real thing.

Then again, given that the GOP today is the "Cult of Trump", where you guys have disowned everyone in your past except a mythological version of Reagan, that's where you all are at right now.

Blah, blah. And yet you still don't have a clue what Republicans actually think. You believe every Democrat party caricature. You've never voted Republican in your life
Blah, blah. And yet you still don't have a clue what Republicans actually think. You believe every Democrat party caricature. You've never voted Republican in your life

Actually, I wouldn't give Republicans these day credit for "thinking".... Repeating whatever shit you hear on Hate Radio isn't thinking.

All you sound like is a DNC talking point broken record. You have no idea what Republicans think. Not a clue. You're one lame ass faux ex-Republican
The only thing this election proves is that we REALLY need to scrap the electoral college.

I didn't believe that to be true as recently as a few months ago, but Trump has exposed the fact that the EC system is so open to abuse by a dishonest candidate and party.

What Trump is trying to do throws democracy out the window and the fact that the system is so archaic is why that is possible
All you sound like is a DNC talking point broken record. You have no idea what Republicans think. Not a clue. You're one lame ass faux ex-Republican

If that were the case, you wouldn't be so upset I point out the obvious, the GOP stopped being a sane political movement years ago.

The inmates took over the asylum. The Gun Crazies, the Religious Crazies and the Libertarian Crazies.

When I voted for Reagan in 1980, we used to LAUGH at the Libertarians as right wing hippies... now their crazy has infected the party.
All you sound like is a DNC talking point broken record. You have no idea what Republicans think. Not a clue. You're one lame ass faux ex-Republican

If that were the case, you wouldn't be so upset I point out the obvious, the GOP stopped being a sane political movement years ago.

The inmates took over the asylum. The Gun Crazies, the Religious Crazies and the Libertarian Crazies.

When I voted for Reagan in 1980, we used to LAUGH at the Libertarians as right wing hippies... now their crazy has infected the party.

Out of Nancy Pelosi's ass through your lips

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