Most tests for cancer are unnecessary and more dangerous than getting cancer


Active Member
May 5, 2013
I read this in the latest issue of Consumer Reports. The author of the article says there are only 3 tests for cancer that are worthwhile--pap smears for women between certain ages, mammograms for women between certain ages, and colonoscopies for people over the age of 50.

The article stated that all other tests for cancers are a waste of money and can do more harm than good.

For example prostate cancer has a death rate of .1%. Treatment for prostate cancer results in a death rate of .3%. Treatment for prostate cancer carries a 4% risk of impotence and incontinence. Skip the prostate exam.

Frankly, I refuse to have a colonoscopy. They stick a camera up your ass? That's worse than getting cancer as far as I'm concerned. Plus, they can puncture your intestine.

I will never have that procedure done. I'm 100% sure I'm not going to get colon cancer anyway.
The drug companies have produced a whole new product line of cancer drugs so be prepared more cancer screenings will be ordered in the near future.
I suspect we'll see more and more such propaganda in order to lower expectations for reasonable care as the Obamacare behemoth crushes the remaining life out of our health care system.
I suspect we'll see more and more such propaganda in order to lower expectations for reasonable care as the Obamacare behemoth crushes the remaining life out of our health care system.

So you think Consumer Reports magazine is in on a conspiracy with the Obama administration to lower health care expectations?

What fantasy world do you live in?
I read this in the latest issue of Consumer Reports. The author of the article says there are only 3 tests for cancer that are worthwhile--pap smears for women between certain ages, mammograms for women between certain ages, and colonoscopies for people over the age of 50.

The article stated that all other tests for cancers are a waste of money and can do more harm than good.

For example prostate cancer has a death rate of .1%. Treatment for prostate cancer results in a death rate of .3%. Treatment for prostate cancer carries a 4% risk of impotence and incontinence. Skip the prostate exam.

Frankly, I refuse to have a colonoscopy. They stick a camera up your ass? That's worse than getting cancer as far as I'm concerned. Plus, they can puncture your intestine.

I will never have that procedure done. I'm 100% sure I'm not going to get colon cancer anyway.

Anything obamacare decides it doesn't want to pay for will be unnecessary and/or dangerous. obama is doing you a favor by not letting you have these tests. He cares about you. Then when someone DOES come down with a preventable cancer, obama will care about you even more and deny treatment because it's unnecessary and/or dangerous.

More money for Las Vegas vacations.
I read this in the latest issue of Consumer Reports. The author of the article says there are only 3 tests for cancer that are worthwhile--pap smears for women between certain ages, mammograms for women between certain ages, and colonoscopies for people over the age of 50.

The article stated that all other tests for cancers are a waste of money and can do more harm than good.

For example prostate cancer has a death rate of .1%. Treatment for prostate cancer results in a death rate of .3%. Treatment for prostate cancer carries a 4% risk of impotence and incontinence. Skip the prostate exam.

Frankly, I refuse to have a colonoscopy. They stick a camera up your ass? That's worse than getting cancer as far as I'm concerned. Plus, they can puncture your intestine.

I will never have that procedure done. I'm 100% sure I'm not going to get colon cancer anyway.


Cancer Screening Tests - Consumer Reports Investigates
Anything obamacare decides it doesn't want to pay for will be unnecessary and/or dangerous. obama is doing you a favor by not letting you have these tests. He cares about you. Then when someone DOES come down with a preventable cancer, obama will care about you even more and deny treatment because it's unnecessary and/or dangerous.

More money for Las Vegas vacations.

You're completely missing the point.

Medical treatments can be more dangerous than doing nothing. That is fact.

My father is a retired physician. His advice was always this: "Stay away from doctors."
I read this in the latest issue of Consumer Reports. The author of the article says there are only 3 tests for cancer that are worthwhile--pap smears for women between certain ages, mammograms for women between certain ages, and colonoscopies for people over the age of 50.

The article stated that all other tests for cancers are a waste of money and can do more harm than good.

For example prostate cancer has a death rate of .1%. Treatment for prostate cancer results in a death rate of .3%. Treatment for prostate cancer carries a 4% risk of impotence and incontinence. Skip the prostate exam.

Frankly, I refuse to have a colonoscopy. They stick a camera up your ass? That's worse than getting cancer as far as I'm concerned. Plus, they can puncture your intestine.

I will never have that procedure done. I'm 100% sure I'm not going to get colon cancer anyway.


Then you'd better make sure you never cross a can get knocked down by a car. Or walk up or down a flight of could fall from top to bottom and break your neck. Oh, and whatever else you do, don't fart. You might shit yourself!
Why must everything be a conspiracy? I haven't read it but apparently Consumer Reports has put out a report regarding cancer. I think Consumer Reports is probably a fairly good magazine and pretty much keeps people aware of various goods, services, etc. and are not involved in any kind of conspiracy.

Many cancer diagnoses have come under scrutiny. Mammograms are one of those tests. Their accuracy has come into question in recent years - but at one time, it was the best test available. Some newer, more accurate, tests are now available. Do they cost more? Yes - and therein lies the rub.

I see these TV commercials for various drugs and the side effects and/or dangers of the drugs are worse than the cure. It's enough to scare you to death.

Do I think things are going to get worse under Obamacare? Absolutely. Already some things that were available under Medicare are no longer there. But we've got our prescription drug coverage!!! And that's about it. Good going AARP! You certainly helped seniors a lot by pushing for this healthcare! We still don't know (other than multiple taxes, fees and penalties) what's ahead for any of us under Obamacare. There is a new book out, however, that I recommend How to Survive ObamaCare. Written by doctors for consumers and not at all expensive. I sort of suspect a lot of it has to do with population control. We do only want the prime and most pure of the species, you know. Can't have anyone who has lesser value to mankind or infirmities or deformities.
So far, the best, the most accurate test for cancer is the canine sniff test.

No side effects either.
Why must everything be a conspiracy? I haven't read it but apparently Consumer Reports has put out a report regarding cancer. I think Consumer Reports is probably a fairly good magazine and pretty much keeps people aware of various goods, services, etc. and are not involved in any kind of conspiracy.

Many cancer diagnoses have come under scrutiny. Mammograms are one of those tests. Their accuracy has come into question in recent years - but at one time, it was the best test available. Some newer, more accurate, tests are now available. Do they cost more? Yes - and therein lies the rub.

I see these TV commercials for various drugs and the side effects and/or dangers of the drugs are worse than the cure. It's enough to scare you to death.

Do I think things are going to get worse under Obamacare? Absolutely. Already some things that were available under Medicare are no longer there. But we've got our prescription drug coverage!!! And that's about it. Good going AARP! You certainly helped seniors a lot by pushing for this healthcare! We still don't know (other than multiple taxes, fees and penalties) what's ahead for any of us under Obamacare. There is a new book out, however, that I recommend How to Survive ObamaCare. Written by doctors for consumers and not at all expensive. I sort of suspect a lot of it has to do with population control. We do only want the prime and most pure of the species, you know. Can't have anyone who has lesser value to mankind or infirmities or deformities.

Health care is not going to get worse under Obamacare. All Obamacare does is make sure more people are covered by insurance.
Mine certainly has gotten much worse. Personal stories are just anecdotal but if my problems are indicative of what obamacare is like, there are some really big problems out there.

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