Mother Jones Editor (and She’s Serious): Tomahawk Missile Is Offensive to Native Americans

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Just wait 'til she finds out about apache helicopters.

Don't forget the Iroquois helicopter, or the Blackhawk...

Most—but not all—are Army helicopters. Some are currently in service, some have retired and others never got off the drawing board.

Aircraft and missiles in service include the:

• AH-64 Apache attack helicopter
• UH-60 Black Hawk utility helicopter
• UH-72 Lakota utility helicopter
• CH-47 Chinook heavy-lift transport helicopter
• OH-58 Kiowa observation helicopter, which the Army is considering retiring them
• OH-6 Cayuse observation helicopter
• TH-67 Creek trainer helicopter—the Army may retire them, too
• C-12 Huron transport aircraft
• RU-21 Ute electronic intelligence aircraft, a variant of the C-12
• BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missile

The retired aircraft are the:

• UH-1 Iroquois utility helicopter, retired in 2011
• H-34 Choctaw transport helicopter, left service in early 1970s
• RU-8 Seminole utility aircraft, 1992
• H-21 Shawnee transport helicopter, 1967
• OV-1 Mohawk twin-engine observation aircraft, 1996
• T-41 Mescalero trainer aircraft, no longer in the Army but still flying for the Air Force

Proposed but never fielded:

• SM-64 Navaho experimental cruise missile, canceled in 1957
• AH-56 Cheyenne attack helicopter, abandoned in 1972
• RAH-66 Comanche attack helicopter, 2004
• ARH-70 Arapaho armed reconn
aissance helicopter, 2008

The U.S. Names Lots of Weapons After Native Americans
Clara is gonna need a safe space. Wonder if it'd be ok for her to use a tipee....
Yes...words really really really scare liberals.
Just wait 'til she finds out about apache helicopters.

Don't forget the Iroquois helicopter, or the Blackhawk...

Most—but not all—are Army helicopters. Some are currently in service, some have retired and others never got off the drawing board.

Aircraft and missiles in service include the:

• AH-64 Apache attack helicopter
• UH-60 Black Hawk utility helicopter
• UH-72 Lakota utility helicopter
• CH-47 Chinook heavy-lift transport helicopter
• OH-58 Kiowa observation helicopter, which the Army is considering retiring them
• OH-6 Cayuse observation helicopter
• TH-67 Creek trainer helicopter—the Army may retire them, too
• C-12 Huron transport aircraft
• RU-21 Ute electronic intelligence aircraft, a variant of the C-12
• BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missile

The retired aircraft are the:

• UH-1 Iroquois utility helicopter, retired in 2011
• H-34 Choctaw transport helicopter, left service in early 1970s
• RU-8 Seminole utility aircraft, 1992
• H-21 Shawnee transport helicopter, 1967
• OV-1 Mohawk twin-engine observation aircraft, 1996
• T-41 Mescalero trainer aircraft, no longer in the Army but still flying for the Air Force

Proposed but never fielded:

• SM-64 Navaho experimental cruise missile, canceled in 1957
• AH-56 Cheyenne attack helicopter, abandoned in 1972
• RAH-66 Comanche attack helicopter, 2004
• ARH-70 Arapaho armed reconn
aissance helicopter, 2008

The U.S. Names Lots of Weapons After Native Americans
OMG, the Army is a bunch of nativists!
Women should show just how much they deserve leadership. Complain about the names of weapons, go topless and wear knitted hats. Or. Dress in a vagina costume either one is equally able to instill the same level of confidence.
This is a most excellent example of why Democrats adopted the term 'Snowflake' in order to make fun of other DEMOCRATS who are over-sensitive, thin-skinned, easily offended, and who love to make problems where there are none.


As a Native American speaking only for myself, I want to (sarcastically) THANK the liberal, non-Native American people - who used to hate Indians so much they once made it legal to shoot and kill Native Americans in cold blood just to get rid of them, who lied and stole 'our' land in the name of 'Manifest Destiny' - the original 'White Privilege', and who rounded Indians up and placed them on the most Gawd-awful plots of land they called 'reservations' - for caring so deeply now about what might 'offend' us TODAY.


Granted, while the Washington REDSKINS' may have been pushing it a little, most names adopted for sports teams, military weapons systems, etc DO NOT offend me. Naming a weapons system or sports team after an Indian Tribe (like the FL State Seminoles - that had the tribe's BLESSING), the 'Apache' helicopter, the 'Tomahawk' missile actually brings to mind strength, power, pride...POSITIVE connotations. Teams and systems are not given derogatory names that belittle others or themselves. I see it as more of an HONOR, not an insult.

In a similar way, snowflakes on this board love to speak FOR others whose views they completely oppose, and when they try to speak for others they just sound stupid. From time to time I read the 1st words of a thread title that state something like, "Rightwingers Believe...', 'Conservatives feel....', 'Liberals believe...', etc. When you read that you KNOW the author is NOT one of those people and is just sharing what he / they believe. No, you know it is someone from the opposing side and there is a good chance it is going to be something stupid.

In this case some pansy progressive came up with the idea all by himself, on a day when he could not think of anything else to write about and did not want to leave his office to do any investigating / research, that Native Americans 'MUST' be upset by the use of the term 'Tomahawk' missile.

" Tomahawk missiles are offensive to Native Americans. We need to change the name of the cruise missiles that we launched into Syria because Tomahawk missiles are offensive to Native Americans.... How ridiculous can you be? By the way, it’s not a joke. They’re dead serious. The editor of Mother Jones — and, by the way, would it surprise you and would it be sexist of me to point out that the editor is a woman? " - Rush
Mother Jones Editor (and She’s Serious): Tomahawk Missile Is Offensive to Native Americans
''Mother Jones" needs a tomahawk right down the middle of the fore head…
" Tomahawk missiles are offensive to Native Americans. We need to change the name of the cruise missiles that we launched into Syria because Tomahawk missiles are offensive to Native Americans.... How ridiculous can you be? By the way, it’s not a joke. They’re dead serious. The editor of Mother Jones — and, by the way, would it surprise you and would it be sexist of me to point out that the editor is a woman? " - Rush
Mother Jones Editor (and She’s Serious): Tomahawk Missile Is Offensive to Native Americans
''Mother Jones" needs a tomahawk right down the middle of the fore head…

Do they own an abandoned airfield Trump could spend a hundred million dollars bombing?
Washington Redskin
Is shitting bricks right about now…
" Tomahawk missiles are offensive to Native Americans. We need to change the name of the cruise missiles that we launched into Syria because Tomahawk missiles are offensive to Native Americans.... How ridiculous can you be? By the way, it’s not a joke. They’re dead serious. The editor of Mother Jones — and, by the way, would it surprise you and would it be sexist of me to point out that the editor is a woman? " - Rush
Mother Jones Editor (and She’s Serious): Tomahawk Missile Is Offensive to Native Americans

So boomerangs would make her hair stand on end??

Tomahawk missiles have been around for years. Lefties didn't think they were offensive to Native Americans until a republican was elected.
I grew up and lived most of my adult life in Oklahoma, which is home to several Indian tribes and reservations. Some of the smaller towns are almost 100% Indian populated. My best friend is a Pueblo indian, (mud dauber). And my high school friend I got drafted with during Vietnam was a Shawnee indian. (his name is on the Wall)

Oklahoma is known as the "Home of the 5 Civilized tribes; Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek (Muscogee), and Seminole; although there are also large numbers of Comanche, Apache, Kiowa, Shawnee, and other tribes in the state.

Oklahoma is a Choctaw Indian word meaning: Okla = red ... Homa = man (omg how offensive!!) The state's name must be changed ASAP ... :ack-1:

Whenever the Dallas Cowboys and the Washington Redskins were playing against each other. There was always a lot of playful banter between the white guys and the blanket asses at work, as each race supported their respective team. Not once did I ever hear an Indian co-worker complain about the Washington team being called the Redskins, in fact, to them it was a source of honor and pride.

But don't tell the liberal's that. They might get offend and need a safe space to digest that information. ..... :cool:
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" Tomahawk missiles are offensive to Native Americans. We need to change the name of the cruise missiles that we launched into Syria because Tomahawk missiles are offensive to Native Americans.... How ridiculous can you be? By the way, it’s not a joke. They’re dead serious. The editor of Mother Jones — and, by the way, would it surprise you and would it be sexist of me to point out that the editor is a woman? " - Rush
Mother Jones Editor (and She’s Serious): Tomahawk Missile Is Offensive to Native Americans
The left have put The Onion out of business.
This is a most excellent example of why Democrats adopted the term 'Snowflake' in order to make fun of other DEMOCRATS who are over-sensitive, thin-skinned, easily offended, and who love to make problems where there are none.


As a Native American speaking only for myself, I want to (sarcastically) THANK the liberal, non-Native American people - who used to hate Indians so much they once made it legal to shoot and kill Native Americans in cold blood just to get rid of them, who lied and stole 'our' land in the name of 'Manifest Destiny' - the original 'White Privilege', and who rounded Indians up and placed them on the most Gawd-awful plots of land they called 'reservations' - for caring so deeply now about what might 'offend' us TODAY.


Granted, while the Washington REDSKINS' may have been pushing it a little, most names adopted for sports teams, military weapons systems, etc DO NOT offend me. Naming a weapons system or sports team after an Indian Tribe (like the FL State Seminoles - that had the tribe's BLESSING), the 'Apache' helicopter, the 'Tomahawk' missile actually brings to mind strength, power, pride...POSITIVE connotations. Teams and systems are not given derogatory names that belittle others or themselves. I see it as more of an HONOR, not an insult.

In a similar way, snowflakes on this board love to speak FOR others whose views they completely oppose, and when they try to speak for others they just sound stupid. From time to time I read the 1st words of a thread title that state something like, "Rightwingers Believe...', 'Conservatives feel....', 'Liberals believe...', etc. When you read that you KNOW the author is NOT one of those people and is just sharing what he / they believe. No, you know it is someone from the opposing side and there is a good chance it is going to be something stupid.

In this case some pansy progressive came up with the idea all by himself, on a day when he could not think of anything else to write about and did not want to leave his office to do any investigating / research, that Native Americans 'MUST' be upset by the use of the term 'Tomahawk' missile.

Good post.

I'm still waiting on the day when some lunatic on the far left tells us we need to change the names of over 90% of the states because of cultural appropriation.

Either that or cede back government control back to the original owners. Which, with the way they have been governed as of late, I'd be fine with.
59 missiles at $1.4M each. Ratheon stock surges. Don has investments with Ratheon. The more he bombs, the more he makes. The more america bombs, the more money the "job creator" class makes. War is just business and america is the greatest purveyor of voilence, arms, and WMD's on the planet.

What's offensive about that? Nothing. We applaud "success".

So what would you have done?

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