Motive found in Louisville shooting: He was about to get fired

It is both, we love our violence in games, movies and sports we use gun laws as political weapons and we do nothing to improve the mental health of people in this country.
Other developed nations also have violent movies and video games.
Yes. Try to catch up.
:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

Hello....I'm a leftie.
So he wasn't being laid off like you first claimed. OK...He looks like a guy who didn't take failure well.

And tell us, how bad are the unemployment stats right now?
fired...welcome to Xiden's America...desperate times....yep...lots of folks are desperate in the Xidenflation
Yes they do...and don't have the gun violence we do. If only we could figure out the defining difference.........:eusa_think:
I can't quite put my finger on it. Personally I think its truck nuts. You don't see nut sacks hanging from the under the back of European trucks. Coincidentally you'll find more truck nuts per capita in red states which is also where you'll find a much higher percentage of gun violence per capita than the nation at large. Think about it. :dunno:
This is a troll like comment by you as you don't even know anything about my emotional stability. Try to stick to the subject matter instead of taking cheap shots.

And you can't see the irony of that statement.
Define "woke" for us.
Woke: The adherence to "Progressive" ideals that are, in actuality, Regressive. It's a devolution of critical thinking through which individuals become delusional or confused. It's the practice of throwing common sense and obvious facts out the window in exchange for fantasy and false narratives. It's the inability to embrace reality for what it is. For example: "woke" folks literally believe that a man can be a woman. They believe that mutilating little kids is perfectly normal. They believe that all people should end up in life "equal" to everyone else, no matter who's the most talented, educated, or productive. They believe that an over-sized, top-heavy, all-powerful government can solve everyone's problems.
Woke: The adherence to "Progressive" ideals that are, in actuality, Regressive. It's a devolution of critical thinking through which individuals become delusional or confused. It's the practice of throwing common sense and obvious facts out the window in exchange for fantasy and false narratives. It's the inability to embrace reality for what it is. For example: "woke" folks literally believe that a man can be a woman. They believe that mutilating little kids is perfectly normal. They believe that all people should end up in life "equal" to everyone else, no matter who's the most talented, educated, or productive. They believe that an over-sized, top-heavy, all-powerful government can solve everyone's problems.

The real definition of Woke by your group. Anyone that disagrees with anything you dictate.
Free to be shot in schools, in grocery stores, in churches and synogogues, in banks, in theaters. Yippee!
yes, people can be shot anywhere.....this is news to you? It's harder though in places with good security, and a funded police department....this is often why you see violent crime rates in places run by say Memphis and Detriot on the top of the list for violent crimes.


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