Motive found in Louisville shooting: He was about to get fired

And I ask again, what are our unemployment stats?
Not sure this guy cared....he was more worried about trying to afford milk and bread in the Xidenflation now that he was out of work Here's How Much Your Average Cost of Groceries Per Month Has Gone Up

According to the most recent Consumer Price Index (CPI) report, overall grocery prices (aka prices for the food you eat at home) were 11.3% higher in January 2023 compared to January 2022. And I bet most of us haven’t gotten 11.3% raises in the last year to make up for it.
Woke: The adherence to "Progressive" ideals that are, in actuality, Regressive. It's a devolution of critical thinking through which individuals become delusional or confused. It's the practice of throwing common sense and obvious facts out the window in exchange for fantasy and false narratives. It's the inability to embrace reality for what it is. For example: "woke" folks literally believe that a man can be a woman. They believe that mutilating little kids is perfectly normal. They believe that all people should end up in life "equal" to everyone else, no matter who's the most talented, educated, or productive. They believe that an over-sized, top-heavy, all-powerful government can solve everyone's problems.
Nope....woke is being empathic towards others....putting oneself in someone else's shoes...even if those other people are different.

But we know that is kryptonite to today's so-called "christian".
Interesting coming from the same people who cry a river of tears when they can’t tie a shooting to a Trump supporter. On a side note interesting that manifesto of the transgender shooter has still not been made public.
Not sure this guy cared....he was more worried about trying to afford milk and bread in the Xidenflation now that he was out of work Here's How Much Your Average Cost of Groceries Per Month Has Gone Up

According to the most recent Consumer Price Index (CPI) report, overall grocery prices (aka prices for the food you eat at home) were 11.3% higher in January 2023 compared to January 2022. And I bet most of us haven’t gotten 11.3% raises in the last year to make up for it.
Of course he cared...he was about to be unemployed. But don't think I didn't see your failure to answer a simple question. :heehee:
Nope....woke is being empathic towards others....putting oneself in someone else's shoes...even if those other people are different.

But we know that is kryptonite to today's so-called "christian".
I have been a conservative all of my life. I give to charity out of empathy. You'll have to do better.
Of course he cared...he was about to be unemployed. But don't think I didn't see your failure to answer a simple question. :heehee:
yep...welcome to Xiden's America....desperate people, do desperate things.
Sure you do......sure you do. :heehee:

So you claim to be "woke", eh?
Giving to charity doesn't require a political affiliation. I give to St. Judes; Habitat for Humanity; and Salvation Army. I belong to the Conservative Party USA. And --- I'm opposed to the delusional "woke" Party.
No, but in DeSantis and the Conservative world, it was totally ok for him to carry a gun

As of July 1 in Florida - The new law will allow anyone who can legally own a gun in Florida to carry one without a permit. It means training and a background check will not be required to carry concealed guns in public.

So, now a question for you. Do you believe this person was emotionally stable and allowed to carry a gun?
Did you miss the fact that the law addresses those WHO CAN LEGALLY OWN A GUN?
So, if one has never used their firearm to protect someone, they are not a good guy with a gun?
Your circular reasoning bullshit doesn't work on me. I person with a firearm is just that, a person with a firearm. It's what you use it for is what determines what kind of person you are. You are either a bad guy using a firearm for criminal intent or your a good guy putting yourself in harms way to stop it. You seem to have an issue with distinguishing between the two.
Your circular reasoning bullshit doesn't work on me. I person with a firearm is just that, a person with a firearm. It's what you use it for is what determines what kind of person you are. You are either a bad guy using a firearm for criminal intent or your a good guy putting yourself in harms way to stop it. You seem to have an issue with distinguishing between the two.

So, a person with a gun that has not used in crime or to stop a crime it is neither good nor bad.

Got it.


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