Mr Trump calls on President Putin to release dirt on Mr Biden's son Hunter

You're the biggest dupe in the world if you think anyone that high in Federal office stops having influence after they leave. LOLOL.

In Russia, they like to say the Janitor is in charge, if he's the most powerful man in the room.

Perhaps you should learn a thing or two from Russia, you seem...ill...uninformed...incapable of critical thinking.

That is your standard line when your post is demonstrably wrong. You are the one who is uninformed. You don't do any thinking as you apparently have dogshit for brains.
Not dirt, business dealings. Doesn't everyone want to know about the business dealings between the freaking U.S. president's son (and Biden himself) and the president of Russia?
Apparently Trumptards are unaware of this practice of hiring famous people to be on their boards even though those people know nothing about the company.

Do celebrity board members help a company? Surprisingly, recent research suggests that celebrity board appointments can add as much as 2% to the price of a company's stock. But what celebrity has time to deal with the serious business of corporate meetings and shareholder angst?

Following the failure of corporate boards to act during the financial crisis, the SEC warned companies about hiring board members just for name recognition alone. Famous people who fill board seats are now expected to be more than glamorous trinkets -- they are expected to understand their business and ensure that it fulfills its mission.
Famous people? Fine.

Sons of U.S. Senators?

C'mon g5000. You can't be that fucking stupid.
That is your standard line when your post is demonstrably wrong. You are the one who is uninformed. You don't do any thinking as you apparently have dogshit for brains.
It's a shame you double down on ignorance. Someone who is voted into an office such as Vice President, or President, or even just members of Congress, wield ENORMOUS power after office. They are in high demand, they are often kingmakers in their political parties. Someone like Joe Biden couldn't even get close to running for President if he didn't still wield considerable power in the Democratic Party.

But of the two of us, I bet I'm the only one who ever ran for state senator.

So I'll take my informed opinion over yours any day.
Trump's hoaxes will never die so long as the rubes keep drinking his stale piss.

There's a Trump sucker born every minute.
Luckily Trump BS is too much for even some of the chumps. And he is so dumb he keeps doubling down. Seems to want a hotel in Moscow and Russian oligarch status more than anything...

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