Mueller And His Team Ratchet The Noose Tighter and Tighter


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
It is being reported, special counsel Robert S. Mueller will interview six top current and former advisers to the Big Orange Idiot who were present during several incidents involving Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election.

Topping Mueller’s list of the six to be interrogated are Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus, two conspirators who are no longer active members of the Big Orange Idiot’s criminal organization.

They will be followed by White House counsel Don McGahn, his deputy James Burnham, Hope Hicks, and Josh Raffel, an administration staff member and handler of son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Ty Cobb is just one of the many lawyers hired by Big Orange’s administration to put out the endless fires caused by Mueller’s inquiries. Cobb made it clear he and his associates on the assembled “Dream Team” strongly advise those under investigation and others also involved, to make no statements regarding Mueller’s probe, or remarks to anyone that could be incriminating.

After he and his investigating team finish the first round of questioning of these six crooks, the evidence Mueller uncovers will lead him to question Big Orange’s family members, especially the slimy Kushner.

Mueller and his team are ratcheting the noose tighter and tighter around the necks of Big Orange and his gang members. Due to this, Big Orange’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen reportedly hired his own lawyer in June of this year. As an attorney himself, and from conversations with his Big Orange client, Cohen knows when prosecutors see so much smoke, as they have in this collusion case with Russia, they know beyond any doubt there is a heII of a fire.

Hiring his own legal counsel, Cohen is protecting himself, not wanting to become entangled in Mueller’s net. However, for other participants in Big Orange’s toxic campaign and presidency like Michael Caputo, Paul Manafort, and Carter Page who have also hired lawyers, they will go down with the Big Orange Idiot and the rest of his cronies.

This comedy, watching the Big Orange Idiot, his corrupt advisers, his crooked family, and other miscellaneous criminals sweat bullets as Mueller closes in, is certainly entertaining. But, the best part, is watching conservatives bury their heads in the sand denying there has been any wrong doing by these “wonderful people”. It is inevitable they will then claim Hillary would be worse. Short of raising Caligula from the dead, no one could be worse than the Big Orange Idiot and his gaggle crooked clowns.




Hopefully, the criminals will all be indicted, AND convicted. Then comes the search down the line of succession to find a Republican who will NOT immediately face investigation for corruption.

And aside from what's going on in your head, nothing is happening.

You're like Mind Wars seeing spiritual portents in every cloud formation.
I thought this story had been debunked and we had moved on to Trump is mean because of DACA and other exaggerated issues. I don't know what Mueller will find but at this point, I don't anyone even believes it is relevant, not even CNN.
It is being reported, special counsel Robert S. Mueller will interview six top current and former advisers to the Big Orange Idiot who were present during several incidents involving Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election.

Topping Mueller’s list of the six to be interrogated are Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus, two conspirators who are no longer active members of the Big Orange Idiot’s criminal organization.

They will be followed by White House counsel Don McGahn, his deputy James Burnham, Hope Hicks, and Josh Raffel, an administration staff member and handler of son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Ty Cobb is just one of the many lawyers hired by Big Orange’s administration to put out the endless fires caused by Mueller’s inquiries. Cobb made it clear he and his associates on the assembled “Dream Team” strongly advise those under investigation and others also involved, to make no statements regarding Mueller’s probe, or remarks to anyone that could be incriminating.

After he and his investigating team finish the first round of questioning of these six crooks, the evidence Mueller uncovers will lead him to question Big Orange’s family members, especially the slimy Kushner.

Mueller and his team are ratcheting the noose tighter and tighter around the necks of Big Orange and his gang members. Due to this, Big Orange’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen reportedly hired his own lawyer in June of this year. As an attorney himself, and from conversations with his Big Orange client, Cohen knows when prosecutors see so much smoke, as they have in this collusion case with Russia, they know beyond any doubt there is a heII of a fire.

Hiring his own legal counsel, Cohen is protecting himself, not wanting to become entangled in Mueller’s net. However, for other participants in Big Orange’s toxic campaign and presidency like Michael Caputo, Paul Manafort, and Carter Page who have also hired lawyers, they will go down with the Big Orange Idiot and the rest of his cronies.

This comedy, watching the Big Orange Idiot, his corrupt advisers, his crooked family, and other miscellaneous criminals sweat bullets as Mueller closes in, is certainly entertaining. But, the best part, is watching conservatives bury their heads in the sand denying there has been any wrong doing by these “wonderful people”. It is inevitable they will then claim Hillary would be worse. Short of raising Caligula from the dead, no one could be worse than the Big Orange Idiot and his gaggle crooked clowns.


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Hopefully, the criminals will all be indicted, AND convicted. Then comes the search down the line of succession to find a Republican who will NOT immediately face investigation for corruption.

And aside from what's going on in your head, nothing is happening.

You're like Mind Wars seeing spiritual portents in every cloud formation.

You're used to republican led investigations where there was a leak to fox every other day to stir up political support, and you think no front page leaks means nothing is happening. This isn't that kind of investigation. Lots of things are happening, and you will see the results in due time.
And aside from what's going on in your head, nothing is happening.

You're like Mind Wars seeing spiritual portents in every cloud formation.

You're used to republican led investigations where there was a leak to fox every other day to stir up political support, and you think no front page leaks means nothing is happening. This isn't that kind of investigation. Lots of things are happening, and you will see the results in due time.
Think it will be this decade?
And aside from what's going on in your head, nothing is happening.

You're like Mind Wars seeing spiritual portents in every cloud formation.

You're used to republican led investigations where there was a leak to fox every other day to stir up political support, and you think no front page leaks means nothing is happening. This isn't that kind of investigation. Lots of things are happening, and you will see the results in due time.
Think it will be this decade?

Sure. I don't know the projected investigation completion date, but I'm confident it will be much sooner than that.
And aside from what's going on in your head, nothing is happening.

You're like Mind Wars seeing spiritual portents in every cloud formation.

You're used to republican led investigations where there was a leak to fox every other day to stir up political support, and you think no front page leaks means nothing is happening. This isn't that kind of investigation. Lots of things are happening, and you will see the results in due time.
Think it will be this decade?

Sure. I don't know the projected investigation completion date, but I'm confident it will be much sooner than that.
What would be instilling any confidence? Surely not the past results.
It is being reported, special counsel Robert S. Mueller will interview six top current and former advisers to the Big Orange Idiot who were present during several incidents involving Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election.

Topping Mueller’s list of the six to be interrogated are Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus, two conspirators who are no longer active members of the Big Orange Idiot’s criminal organization.

They will be followed by White House counsel Don McGahn, his deputy James Burnham, Hope Hicks, and Josh Raffel, an administration staff member and handler of son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Ty Cobb is just one of the many lawyers hired by Big Orange’s administration to put out the endless fires caused by Mueller’s inquiries. Cobb made it clear he and his associates on the assembled “Dream Team” strongly advise those under investigation and others also involved, to make no statements regarding Mueller’s probe, or remarks to anyone that could be incriminating.

After he and his investigating team finish the first round of questioning of these six crooks, the evidence Mueller uncovers will lead him to question Big Orange’s family members, especially the slimy Kushner.

Mueller and his team are ratcheting the noose tighter and tighter around the necks of Big Orange and his gang members. Due to this, Big Orange’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen reportedly hired his own lawyer in June of this year. As an attorney himself, and from conversations with his Big Orange client, Cohen knows when prosecutors see so much smoke, as they have in this collusion case with Russia, they know beyond any doubt there is a heII of a fire.

Hiring his own legal counsel, Cohen is protecting himself, not wanting to become entangled in Mueller’s net. However, for other participants in Big Orange’s toxic campaign and presidency like Michael Caputo, Paul Manafort, and Carter Page who have also hired lawyers, they will go down with the Big Orange Idiot and the rest of his cronies.

This comedy, watching the Big Orange Idiot, his corrupt advisers, his crooked family, and other miscellaneous criminals sweat bullets as Mueller closes in, is certainly entertaining. But, the best part, is watching conservatives bury their heads in the sand denying there has been any wrong doing by these “wonderful people”. It is inevitable they will then claim Hillary would be worse. Short of raising Caligula from the dead, no one could be worse than the Big Orange Idiot and his gaggle crooked clowns.


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Hopefully, the criminals will all be indicted, AND convicted. Then comes the search down the line of succession to find a Republican who will NOT immediately face investigation for corruption.


Your problem is you think every time Mueller talks to someone it means more charges and another indictment. Of course it means nothing of the sort. It means he's talking to someone. For all you know Mueller could be telling his wife over breakfast "All these people and not a single indictment in the lot of them".

Your starting point is wrong. It is not illegal to speak to Russians. It is not illegal to do business with Russians. Ten years ago it was not illegal to explore and scrap the project of building a hotel in Moscow. Having such a discussion ten years ago is not a crime today.
It will take forever to close this case.

The reason being Mueller is running in circles trying to find something/
anything at this point.

Dems take a gigantic hit when nothing is found. Especially when the American
people are told what this nonsense cost.

At the moment the only juicy item he has is DT Jr held the door open for the
Russian Gal atty, brushed her tit and she giggled.

Ralph Maddow will probably give a 25 minute intro on that, topping the
24 minutes on the tax return that gave the perception that all lizzies
are loco.
And aside from what's going on in your head, nothing is happening.

You're like Mind Wars seeing spiritual portents in every cloud formation.

You're used to republican led investigations where there was a leak to fox every other day to stir up political support, and you think no front page leaks means nothing is happening. This isn't that kind of investigation. Lots of things are happening, and you will see the results in due time.
Think it will be this decade?

Sure. I don't know the projected investigation completion date, but I'm confident it will be much sooner than that.
What would be instilling any confidence? Surely not the past results.

There have been no results, that I know of, from that investigation that have been made public. I see you are still relying on a leak every other day to keep you up to date, and no leak means nothing is happening. Again, this isn't a republican run investigation whose only purpose is to help your party in the next election. This is about Russia's proven interference in our elections, and anyone who might have joined them in their efforts.
And aside from what's going on in your head, nothing is happening.

You're like Mind Wars seeing spiritual portents in every cloud formation.

You're used to republican led investigations where there was a leak to fox every other day to stir up political support, and you think no front page leaks means nothing is happening. This isn't that kind of investigation. Lots of things are happening, and you will see the results in due time.
Think it will be this decade?

Sure. I don't know the projected investigation completion date, but I'm confident it will be much sooner than that.
What would be instilling any confidence? Surely not the past results.

There have been no results, that I know of, from that investigation that have been made public. I see you are still relying on a leak every other day to keep you up to date, and no leak means nothing is happening. Again, this isn't a republican run investigation whose only purpose is to help your party in the next election. This is about Russia's proven interference in our elections, and anyone who might have joined them in their efforts.
Russian connection seems to be where Hildabeasts bleached emails are at… No one knows. LOL
You're used to republican led investigations where there was a leak to fox every other day to stir up political support, and you think no front page leaks means nothing is happening. This isn't that kind of investigation. Lots of things are happening, and you will see the results in due time.
Think it will be this decade?

Sure. I don't know the projected investigation completion date, but I'm confident it will be much sooner than that.
What would be instilling any confidence? Surely not the past results.

There have been no results, that I know of, from that investigation that have been made public. I see you are still relying on a leak every other day to keep you up to date, and no leak means nothing is happening. Again, this isn't a republican run investigation whose only purpose is to help your party in the next election. This is about Russia's proven interference in our elections, and anyone who might have joined them in their efforts.
Russian connection seems to be where Hildabeasts bleached emails are at… No one knows. LOL

You should send any information you have on that to Mueller. I'm sure he would like to know what you can prove.
Mueller is a Globalist piece of crap.

Always has always will.

Shame on him, Shame!!
Think it will be this decade?

Sure. I don't know the projected investigation completion date, but I'm confident it will be much sooner than that.
What would be instilling any confidence? Surely not the past results.

There have been no results, that I know of, from that investigation that have been made public. I see you are still relying on a leak every other day to keep you up to date, and no leak means nothing is happening. Again, this isn't a republican run investigation whose only purpose is to help your party in the next election. This is about Russia's proven interference in our elections, and anyone who might have joined them in their efforts.
Russian connection seems to be where Hildabeasts bleached emails are at… No one knows. LOL

You should send any information you have on that to Mueller. I'm sure he would like to know what you can prove.
Where's the beef? You seem to know show us?

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