Mueller is Dirty

The desperation of Pogo continues. When you can't deny the message, attack the messenger. You do know other outlets reported this too right?
Yeah, other Right-wing Russia funded FAKE NEWS outlets for GOP lies.
The full transcript is just as damning for the corrupt Dowd, Tramp's crooked attorney.
The full transcript is just as damning for the corrupt Dowd, Tramp's crooked attorney.

Sorry snowflake, you lose again. Mueller intentionally doctored that transcript and withheld exculpatory evidence again. But keep crying, you'll need the practice for election night 2020.
CROOKED CLOWN SHOW: Key figure that Mueller report linked to Russia was a State Department intel source.

“Why special counsel Robert Mueller’s team omitted that part of the Kilimnik narrative from their report and related court filings is not known. But the revelation of it comes as the accuracy of Mueller’s Russia conclusions face increased scrutiny.”​
This is why the DUMS treading lightly on impeachment.....doy....with Barr lurking and Muellers report increasingly looking like it was biased, the DUMS dont want to be caught looking like complete jackasses. Old Nancy's number one concern is keeping that gavel....TDS people dont get this dynamic because the frothing at the mouth is perpetual.


I believe there are some beyond suspicious issues with the entire Russian investigation. The problem is it is very entrenched with government officials. Things like this don’t get uncovered, investigated and prosecuted in weeks or months, it takes years. You have to start at the bottom, get somebody to talk, and then work your way up. Just remember how long Watergate took.This is even deeper. My bet- we never get anybody prosecuted.
Watergate did take a VERY long time.

More evidence Mueller Report was a dishonest hit job omitting key facts to distort conclusions
No wonder Robert Mueller does not want to testify before any congressional committees.

Dirty Bob omitted key information to create false impressions of wrongdoing among the public. The Mueller Report joins the Steele Dossier in ignominy as vile propaganda, and part of the greatest political scandal in American history — the concerted effort of unelected law enforcement and intelligence bureaucrats to determine the results of an election and, when frustrated in that goal, to undo it.


We first found out about this betrayal of the public trust by Team Mueller at the beginning of the week because:

... the government filed "on the public docket 'the transcript of the voicemail recording' from President Trump's attorney John Dowd to Michael Flynn." That recording — in doctored form — had been part of the Mueller Report section on obstruction of justice.

The unexpected release of source material used by Team Mueller exposed the trickery. Now the Intelligence Community and FBI bureaucrats are doing their best to obstruct the release of other source documents. I suspect that many Democrats who demanded the release of Mueller's source document now regret that demand and hope we all forget about it.

Now a second egregious omission intended to mislead has been exposed by The Hill even as media co-conspirators with the Intelligence Community subversives reap Pulitzers for receiving leaks of classified material. Solomon writes:

In a key finding of the Mueller report, Ukrainian businessman Konstantin Kilimnik, who worked for Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, is tied to Russian intelligence.

But hundreds of pages of government documents — which special counsel Robert Mueller possessed since 2018 — describe Kilimnik as a "sensitive" intelligence source for the U.S. State Department who informed on Ukrainian and Russian matters.​

By concealing this key fact, the Report conveyed the impression of subversive contact with a Russian agent, when in fact the purported agent was on our side, a white hat informing on the Russians.
Oh wow I wonder how the left will try to spin this to make Mueller look like the 2nd coming of Jesus.
The full transcript is just as damning for the corrupt Dowd, Tramp's crooked attorney.

Sorry snowflake, you lose again. Mueller intentionally doctored that transcript and withheld exculpatory evidence again. But keep crying, you'll need the practice for election night 2020.
There is NOTHING exculpatory in that full transcript, or you would have cited it!!!
It is obstruction from beginning to end!
The full transcript is just as damning for the corrupt Dowd, Tramp's crooked attorney.

Sorry snowflake, you lose again. Mueller intentionally doctored that transcript and withheld exculpatory evidence again. But keep crying, you'll need the practice for election night 2020.
There is NOTHING exculpatory in that full transcript, or you would have cited it!!!
It is obstruction from beginning to end!

Poor little TDS sufferer. The fact that Mueller doctored that transcript makes it exculpatory. It is now tainted. Try again.
Mueller concluded there's no evidence of collusion, and you Trumpsters are still whining like a bunch of bitches.

What do ya'll want from Mueller? He was chosen by Republicans, conducted a detailed investigation and didn't rush it. And found no evidence for collusion.

Yet somehow Mueller is dirty.

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