Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Political Hit Job That Trampled The Rule Of Law


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Political Hit Job That Trampled The Rule Of Law
At a hastily arranged Wednesday press conference, Special Counsel Robert Mueller proved that he was never interested in justice or the rule of law.

Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Lawless Political Hit Job
May 29, 2019 ~ By Sean Davis
If there were any doubts about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s political intentions, his unprecedented press conference on Wednesday should put them all to rest. As he made abundantly clear during his doddering reading of a prepared statement that repeatedly contradicted itself, Mueller had no interest in the equal application of the rule of law. He gave the game, and his nakedly political intentions, away repeatedly throughout his statement.
“It is important that the office’s written work speak for itself,” Mueller said, referring to his office’s 448-page report. Mueller’s report was released to the public by Attorney General William Barr nearly six weeks ago. The entire report, minus limited redactions required by law, has been publicly available, pored through, and dissected. Its contents have been discussed ad nauseum in print and on television. The report has been speaking for itself since April 18, when it was released.
There’s no longer any doubt about who Robert Mueller is or why he conducted himself the way he did. As abominable as his press conference was, we should in many ways be thankful that Mueller so willingly displayed for all to see his disdain for basic rules of prosecutorial conduct, his total lack of self-awareness, and his naked desire to stick it to Trump.

Mueller's stuttering on-the-verge-of-mental-breakdown performance today would actually make one feel sorry for the gramps if it wasn't for his repeated and intentional - in the service of furthering the insane Democrat Party "Collusion" narrative - waffling about the very fundamentals of American Justice System, what he says about "exonerating" is not the standard of a prosecutor, prosecutors exist to determine whether someone committed a chargeable offense, not whether they are exonerated of charges, people are presumed innocent, and the fact that he does this proves that Dirty Robert is taking an explicitly anti-Constitutional anti-American stand,
The old hound dog faced prosecutor was nothing but the face they put on Weissman's partisan investigation. Oh yes if the PMS/DSA Dems press this, the old dog should be put before the senate Judiciary committees Republicans for intense questioning. It would be popcorn time to see Lee, and Cruz both constitutional experts cross examine this guy.
Dottering off into the sunset…not so fast Mr. Mueller we have $35 million dollars worth of questions to ask. Mueller's stuttering on-the-verge-of-mental-breakdown performance today would actually make one feel sorry for the gramps if it wasn't for his repeated and intentional - in the service of furthering the insane Democrat Party "Collusion" narrative - waffling about the very fundamentals of American Justice System, what he says about "exonerating" is not the standard of a prosecutor, prosecutors exist to determine whether someone committed a chargeable offense, not whether they are exonerated of charges, people are presumed innocent, and the fact that he does this proves that Dirty Robert is taking an explicitly anti-Constitutional anti-American stand, questions.
Innocent until proven guilty Russians, but guilty until proven guilty The President of the USA.
Mueller could not have done his investigation if Trump obstructed.
Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Political Hit Job That Trampled The Rule Of Law
At a hastily arranged Wednesday press conference, Special Counsel Robert Mueller proved that he was never interested in justice or the rule of law.

Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Lawless Political Hit Job
May 29, 2019 ~ By Sean Davis
If there were any doubts about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s political intentions, his unprecedented press conference on Wednesday should put them all to rest. As he made abundantly clear during his doddering reading of a prepared statement that repeatedly contradicted itself, Mueller had no interest in the equal application of the rule of law. He gave the game, and his nakedly political intentions, away repeatedly throughout his statement.
“It is important that the office’s written work speak for itself,” Mueller said, referring to his office’s 448-page report. Mueller’s report was released to the public by Attorney General William Barr nearly six weeks ago. The entire report, minus limited redactions required by law, has been publicly available, pored through, and dissected. Its contents have been discussed ad nauseum in print and on television. The report has been speaking for itself since April 18, when it was released.
There’s no longer any doubt about who Robert Mueller is or why he conducted himself the way he did. As abominable as his press conference was, we should in many ways be thankful that Mueller so willingly displayed for all to see his disdain for basic rules of prosecutorial conduct, his total lack of self-awareness, and his naked desire to stick it to Trump.

Mueller's stuttering on-the-verge-of-mental-breakdown performance today would actually make one feel sorry for the gramps if it wasn't for his repeated and intentional - in the service of furthering the insane Democrat Party "Collusion" narrative - waffling about the very fundamentals of American Justice System, what he says about "exonerating" is not the standard of a prosecutor, prosecutors exist to determine whether someone committed a chargeable offense, not whether they are exonerated of charges, people are presumed innocent, and the fact that he does this proves that Dirty Robert is taking an explicitly anti-Constitutional anti-American stand,
The old hound dog faced prosecutor was nothing but the face they put on Weissman's partisan investigation. Oh yes if the PMS/DSA Dems press this, the old dog should be put before the senate Judiciary committees Republicans for intense questioning. It would be popcorn time to see Lee, and Cruz both constitutional experts cross examine this guy.
Dottering off into the sunset…not so fast Mr. Mueller we have $35 million dollars worth of questions to ask. Mueller's stuttering on-the-verge-of-mental-breakdown performance today would actually make one feel sorry for the gramps if it wasn't for his repeated and intentional - in the service of furthering the insane Democrat Party "Collusion" narrative - waffling about the very fundamentals of American Justice System, what he says about "exonerating" is not the standard of a prosecutor, prosecutors exist to determine whether someone committed a chargeable offense, not whether they are exonerated of charges, people are presumed innocent, and the fact that he does this proves that Dirty Robert is taking an explicitly anti-Constitutional anti-American stand, questions.
Innocent until proven guilty Russians, but guilty until proven guilty The President of the USA.
Mueller could not have done his investigation if Trump obstructed.
After all that tired talk, you said absolutely nothing that counters Mueller or his report.
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No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.
He could be indicted, under the auspices of impeachment...."High crimes and misdemeanors".

The Mule couldn't even find sufficient evidence of that.

Suck it, loser.
That's a lie. There is evidence, and it is up to Congress. You folks are so damn ignorant.
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.
He could be indicted, under the auspices of impeachment...."High crimes and misdemeanors".

The Mule couldn't even find sufficient evidence of that.

Suck it, loser.
No. Mueller followed the rules set forth by the OLC. He said the constitutionally mandated process of impeachment is the prescribed method.
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No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.

The Lefts wall is crumbling around them. Just going to get worse for them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How? Trump has been found guilty.

No he hasn't. Your fantasy world isn't reality. Mueller could find NO evidence of a crime. Now thinks he can just run away and avoid any tough questions. So show your link that proves Trump committed a crime and was found guilty or STFU.
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.

The Lefts wall is crumbling around them. Just going to get worse for them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How? Trump has been found guilty.

No he hasn't. Your fantasy world isn't reality. Mueller could find NO evidence of a crime. Now thinks he can just run away and avoid any tough questions. So show your link that proves Trump committed a crime and was found guilty or STFU.
It's in the Mueller report. There's at least eleven obstruction cases that have been confirmed for indictment if Mueller was allowed to do so. The fact that Trump toads are too lazy to read it is their fuck up. No one else's.
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.

The Lefts wall is crumbling around them. Just going to get worse for them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How? Trump has been found guilty.

No he hasn't. Your fantasy world isn't reality. Mueller could find NO evidence of a crime. Now thinks he can just run away and avoid any tough questions. So show your link that proves Trump committed a crime and was found guilty or STFU.
It's in the Mueller report. There's at least eleven obstruction cases that have been confirmed for indictment if Mueller was allowed to do so. The fact that Trump toads are too lazy to read it is their fuck up. No one else's.

No it is not in the report. A bunch of innuendo and conversations. Not one thing that would constitute obstruction in a court of law. Mueller lied. He told Barr 3 times with witnesses present that the DOJ guidelines did NOT enter into the decision. The fact that you don't have the brain power to understand that due to terminal TDS is your fuck up, not ours.
Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Political Hit Job That Trampled The Rule Of Law
At a hastily arranged Wednesday press conference, Special Counsel Robert Mueller proved that he was never interested in justice or the rule of law.

Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Lawless Political Hit Job
May 29, 2019 ~ By Sean Davis
If there were any doubts about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s political intentions, his unprecedented press conference on Wednesday should put them all to rest. As he made abundantly clear during his doddering reading of a prepared statement that repeatedly contradicted itself, Mueller had no interest in the equal application of the rule of law. He gave the game, and his nakedly political intentions, away repeatedly throughout his statement.
“It is important that the office’s written work speak for itself,” Mueller said, referring to his office’s 448-page report. Mueller’s report was released to the public by Attorney General William Barr nearly six weeks ago. The entire report, minus limited redactions required by law, has been publicly available, pored through, and dissected. Its contents have been discussed ad nauseum in print and on television. The report has been speaking for itself since April 18, when it was released.
There’s no longer any doubt about who Robert Mueller is or why he conducted himself the way he did. As abominable as his press conference was, we should in many ways be thankful that Mueller so willingly displayed for all to see his disdain for basic rules of prosecutorial conduct, his total lack of self-awareness, and his naked desire to stick it to Trump.

Mueller's stuttering on-the-verge-of-mental-breakdown performance today would actually make one feel sorry for the gramps if it wasn't for his repeated and intentional - in the service of furthering the insane Democrat Party "Collusion" narrative - waffling about the very fundamentals of American Justice System, what he says about "exonerating" is not the standard of a prosecutor, prosecutors exist to determine whether someone committed a chargeable offense, not whether they are exonerated of charges, people are presumed innocent, and the fact that he does this proves that Dirty Robert is taking an explicitly anti-Constitutional anti-American stand,
The old hound dog faced prosecutor was nothing but the face they put on Weissman's partisan investigation. Oh yes if the PMS/DSA Dems press this, the old dog should be put before the senate Judiciary committees Republicans for intense questioning. It would be popcorn time to see Lee, and Cruz both constitutional experts cross examine this guy.
Dottering off into the sunset…not so fast Mr. Mueller we have $35 million dollars worth of questions to ask. Mueller's stuttering on-the-verge-of-mental-breakdown performance today would actually make one feel sorry for the gramps if it wasn't for his repeated and intentional - in the service of furthering the insane Democrat Party "Collusion" narrative - waffling about the very fundamentals of American Justice System, what he says about "exonerating" is not the standard of a prosecutor, prosecutors exist to determine whether someone committed a chargeable offense, not whether they are exonerated of charges, people are presumed innocent, and the fact that he does this proves that Dirty Robert is taking an explicitly anti-Constitutional anti-American stand, questions.
Innocent until proven guilty Russians, but guilty until proven guilty The President of the USA.
Mueller could not have done his investigation if Trump obstructed.
Hes a fucking lowlife scumbag. He was never supposed to find Trump completely innocent, that's complete political hackery.

Whitey Bulgers last words, "Tell the Warden I want to make a full confession regarding several Prostitutes who went missing in Boston and Mueller helped me get rid of the bodies"
The money he blew on this joke 'investigation' needs to be audited in depth and how ever much went to cronies and ridiculous fees needs to be recovered and frauds prosecuted. It's safe to assume 80% is fake charges, as a conservative guess, though we know 100% of the whole thing was fake from the start.
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.

Muelle'rs own report STATES that no American colluded with Russians in attempting to unlawfully influence the election. Not sure we can say the same for MI-6 agents involved. Democrats are trying for obstruction charges well after the investigation started. Of Course everyone knows Mueller couldn't indict if there was no crime.
And furthermore, The FBI had surveilance of Trump tower.... so if they had something besides partisan bullshit we would know about it.
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.
He could be indicted, under the auspices of impeachment...."High crimes and misdemeanors".

The Mule couldn't even find sufficient evidence of that.

Suck it, loser.
That's a lie. There is evidence, and it is up to Congress. You folks are so damn ignorant.

Mueller didn’t recommend any charges because there is no evidence of a crime.

In fact the only crime we know that happened was that the Hussein administration spying on the Trump campaign.
Trump has the ability to force his haters to crumble on national tv lol Liz warren to Hillary.
Mueller will look like a loser for life haha
Muellers shamelessly corrupt valedictory
As he departed the Justice Department, Special Counsel Robert Mueller delivered a valedictory address in which he reiterated the main points of his office’s written investigative report. In doing so, he explicitly confirmed what many of us have recognized from the beginning, i.e.,that the efforts of his handpicked team of Hillary Clinton acolytes comprised first, last, and always a taxpayer funded exercise in political opposition research masquerading as a criminal investigation of Donald Trump.

He and comey are birds of a feather.

Read more.................Mueller’s Shamelessly Corrupt Valedictory | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously.
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Basically he said he knew from the start that his work could not unseat Trump.
I think his and the libs agenda may have been farther apart than thought.
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Basically he said he knew from the start that his work could not unseat Trump.
I think his and the libs agenda may have been farther apart than thought.

There was no collusion thus he was fighting a losing battle...I think he would loved to have been able to dig up some evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians.

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