Mueller preparing Obstruction of Justice memo

Mueller is putting together a report in the obstruction case that could be as damaging to Trump as an indictment

This is being minimized by the is very serious. Put OoJ together with Cohen...Stormy...and all the other issues swirling around the Liar in Chief and u have a potential end to the trump regime.
Add that to the list of wishful things democrats have been swashing around their pea brains for more than a year. In fact its quite the opposite. They have already started the process in bringing down Hillary/McGabe/Comey/Lynch and whomever was trying to destroy our democratic process under the US constitution.
Mueller is putting together a report in the obstruction case that could be as damaging to Trump as an indictment

This is being minimized by the is very serious. Put OoJ together with Cohen...Stormy...and all the other issues swirling around the Liar in Chief and u have a potential end to the trump regime.
Hey Jimbo are you Wolfe Blizter or maybe Jake Tapper? Oh...well you could be Rachel Maddow...please tell us. Well for that matter, I guess you could be anyone in the MSM.
When does the Leftist wishful thinking stop preventing reasoned analysis? This whole thing is absurd.

Mueller CANNOT rationally conclude that the firing of J Comey was an attempt to "obstruct" justice. Can not. Why? Because there were at least three or four different reasons justifying Comey's firing, and Mueller does not have the supernatural power to ascertain that any one of them was paramount.

Most rational observers believe that the main reason was the combination of Comey's feckless handling of HRC's crimes, while at the same time keeping the preposterous "Russia Collusion" meme alive.

For most of these discussions over the past year or so, one must also keep in mind that the President cannot "obstruct justice" with respect to a case in which he has the absolute power to grant a pardon. For example, if he told Mueller to "back off" with respect to Manafort's Ukraine activities. So what? He could simply pardon Manafort and put the whole matter to bed. It cannot be obstruction where he has the power to pardon.
Mueller is putting together a report in the obstruction case that could be as damaging to Trump as an indictment

This is being minimized by the is very serious. Put OoJ together with Cohen...Stormy...and all the other issues swirling around the Liar in Chief and u have a potential end to the trump regime.

This is gonna be WAY more interesting than the Comey memos.

Devin the Obstruction Elf is gonna need a diaper!

What Trump cult member FAIL to recognize is that most of us on the left do NOT like Comey all that much.....(including the fact that he....Comey....failed to mention that Trump was ALSO under FBI investigation prior to the 2016 elections.)

That stated, the obstruction case boils down to the entire Trump cabal trying to get Flynn off the hook and not about Comey's firing........

Comey's firing may have prompted the need for a special counsel (Mueller) but the obstruction case goes way beyond the firing...
When does the Leftist wishful thinking stop preventing reasoned analysis? This whole thing is absurd.

Mueller CANNOT rationally conclude that the firing of J Comey was an attempt to "obstruct" justice. Can not. Why? Because there were at least three or four different reasons justifying Comey's firing, and Mueller does not have the supernatural power to ascertain that any one of them was paramount.

Most rational observers believe that the main reason was the combination of Comey's feckless handling of HRC's crimes, while at the same time keeping the preposterous "Russia Collusion" meme alive.

For most of these discussions over the past year or so, one must also keep in mind that the President cannot "obstruct justice" with respect to a case in which he has the absolute power to grant a pardon. For example, if he told Mueller to "back off" with respect to Manafort's Ukraine activities. So what? He could simply pardon Manafort and put the whole matter to bed. It cannot be obstruction where he has the power to pardon.
don't you know?

The steps that trump has been taking to block Mueller are textbook obstruction of justice through abuse if power.

I don't know how Mueller can conclude anything else. Nixon didn't even do many of the things trump has done.
What Trump cult member FAIL to recognize is that most of us on the left do NOT like Comey all that much.....(including the fact that he....Comey....failed to mention that Trump was ALSO under FBI investigation prior to the 2016 elections.)

That stated, the obstruction case boils down to the entire Trump cabal trying to get Flynn off the hook and not about Comey's firing........

Comey's firing may have prompted the need for a special counsel (Mueller) but the obstruction case goes way beyond the firing...

Hey gnat....Flynn did nothing illegal so he shouldn't have been "on the hook" in the first place. He was interviewed by Peter Strzok under false pretenses without an attorney. He had every right to speak with the Russian ambassador during the transition. Peter Strzok gave him the impression he didn't so he lied to Pence about the contacts and got fired. I know your brain is like a bb in a boxcar but even you should be able to understand that.
The steps that trump has been taking to block Mueller are textbook obstruction of justice through abuse if power.

I don't know how Mueller can conclude anything else. Nixon didn't even do many of the things trump has done.

Must be rough discovering there is no Santa Claus and Trump did nothing wrong eh, little fella?:itsok:
Mueller is putting together a report in the obstruction case that could be as damaging to Trump as an indictment

This is being minimized by the is very serious. Put OoJ together with Cohen...Stormy...and all the other issues swirling around the Liar in Chief and u have a potential end to the trump regime.

This is gonna be WAY more interesting than the Comey memos.

Devin the Obstruction Elf is gonna need a diaper!


Yep, considering the Comey memos undercuts any obstruction claims. This is obstruction meme is nothing more than regressive speculation.

Mueller is putting together a report in the obstruction case that could be as damaging to Trump as an indictment

This is being minimized by the is very serious. Put OoJ together with Cohen...Stormy...and all the other issues swirling around the Liar in Chief and u have a potential end to the trump regime.

This is gonna be WAY more interesting than the Comey memos.

Devin the Obstruction Elf is gonna need a diaper!


Yep, considering the Comey memos undercuts any obstruction claims. This is obstruction meme is nothing more than regressive speculation.

they don't undercut a thing.....FOX is SPINNING it....

They confirm everything in his book, and his testimony under oath....
Yep, considering the Comey memos undercuts any obstruction claims. This is obstruction meme is nothing more than regressive speculation.

The Devin-leaked Comey memos match up exactly with both his testimony and his book.

They give Comey total cred, so that was another backfire for the Obstruction Elf -

Obstruction claims not undercut in the slightest. You watching Fox-n-Friends or something?

Might wanna have a look at this. Dana Boente took handwritten notes of his conversations with Comey at the time.

Exclusive: Handwritten notes appear to back Comey claims on Trump
they don't undercut a thing.....FOX is SPINNING it....

They confirm everything in his book, and his testimony under oath....

I should have recorded Fox-n-Friends - their spin this morning must be delicious! :)
Yep, considering the Comey memos undercuts any obstruction claims. This is obstruction meme is nothing more than regressive speculation.

The Devin-leaked Comey memos match up exactly with both his testimony and his book.

They give Comey total cred, so that was another backfire for the Obstruction Elf -

Obstruction claims not undercut in the slightest. You watching Fox-n-Friends or something?

Might wanna have a look at this. Dana Boente took handwritten notes of his conversations with Comey at the time.

Exclusive: Handwritten notes appear to back Comey claims on Trump
I think it's conspiracy that will bite trumps in the ass
Me know this-um.

On Tuesday evening, the White House announced that President Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey. In a three-page letter, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein wrote that he "cannot defend the Director's handling of the conclusion of the investigation of Secretary Clinton's emails, and I do not understand his refusal to accept the nearly universal judgment that he was mistaken."

FULL LETTER: Trump fires FBI Director Comey over Clinton emails
Yep, considering the Comey memos undercuts any obstruction claims. This is obstruction meme is nothing more than regressive speculation.

The Devin-leaked Comey memos match up exactly with both his testimony and his book.

They give Comey total cred, so that was another backfire for the Obstruction Elf -

Obstruction claims not undercut in the slightest. You watching Fox-n-Friends or something?

Might wanna have a look at this. Dana Boente took handwritten notes of his conversations with Comey at the time.

Exclusive: Handwritten notes appear to back Comey claims on Trump
I think it's conspiracy that will bite trumps in the ass

Yep - the Erik Prince meeting in Seychelles is some pretty good proof. Also pretty sure that Jared was shoveling data to the troll farm. No way the Russians could have known what areas to target with their Bots & fake news without it.

Hopefully, we find out that Guido Cohen was indeed in Prague meeting with spies. If they corner him with such proof, he'll sing like a bird to save his crooked ass.
Me know this-um.

On Tuesday evening, the White House announced that President Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey. In a three-page letter, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein wrote that he "cannot defend the Director's handling of the conclusion of the investigation of Secretary Clinton's emails, and I do not understand his refusal to accept the nearly universal judgment that he was mistaken."

FULL LETTER: Trump fires FBI Director Comey over Clinton emails

Yeah, that was awesome. The Trumpettes coming to the defense of poor Crooked Hillary who Comey was mean to. :)

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