Mueller report to be released Thursday

The Left Be Like!

I know Mueller is LYING....LYING!

This is of course after they spent two years saying


Mueller wrote that the Trump campaign "expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts"

And 135 pages out of the 199 page "Russia section" was blacked out
Of course, it's completely unethical for barr to discuss the report with trump prior to its release. But this is the new normal, with this unethical president.

the president has a security clearance at the highest level. There is nothing in the report that he cannot see. Same applies to members of congress if they have the proper clearances.

Sorry dude, but Heir Mewler failed you, your dreams are shattered. Trump will be president for 6 more years and the USA will be a better country because of it.

Not to mention the fact that he has as much right to see the report as Congress or anyone else, AND the DOJ actually reports to him, not to Congress.
Some members of Congress will see a less-redacted version of Mueller report, DOJ says

"After the public is given a redacted version of the nearly 400-page report on Thursday, a less-redacted version would go to a "limited number of Members of Congress" for their review. It's unclear when lawmakers would be able to view the more transparent report."

LESS redacted.

not UNredacted….

It's hard to take the colored Sharpie off to unredact once it's already been redacted.


This isn't 1990. They don't redact by taking a marker to a stack of papers. It's done digitally nowadays.
Barr should resign immediately, after that embarrassing campaign ad this morning.

Sure, right after 60% of the Democrats in congress turn in their letters of resignation.
Idiotic comparison...

You're right, it should be 70%...dumbass.
Okay crybaby.

HE isn't the one whining that everyone on the opposite side of the aisle needs to resign for being on the opposite side of the aisle. That'd be you.

Sounds like Trump isn't out of the woods yet.

Sounds like YOU aren't out of the woods of wishful thinking yet.

This is what he ACTUALLY said:

"This is the end of my presidency. I'm f***ed. Everyone tells me that if you get one of these special counsels, it ruins your presidency. It takes years and years and I won't be able to do anything. This is the worst thing that ever happened to me."

Why do I not think that saying being hounded by partisan assholes will have a negative impact on his term of office is NOT grounds to continue the hounding by partisan assholes? Oh, yeah, it's because I can actually think, unlike some people.
We were provided another example today of the screwed up Trump administration. According to The Hill, President Trump announced Wednesday that Barr would be holding a press conference and that he also might hold his own conference. Strange, this came from the President, not the Department of Justice.

It gets even stranger. Attorney General William Barr will hold a press conference Thursday morning on the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report before or soon after the Mueller Report is released. He will take questions, the DOJ got around to saying.

It’s not clear if the press conference will come before or after the release of the final 400-page report and its color-coded redactions.

How in the world can reporters ask intelligent questions about the Mueller Report without seeing its contents? Now that his strange. It is also pure Trump.

There are also questions about Barr's objectiveness based upon his findings late last month. Barr and his deputy, Rod Rosenstein, determined that Trump did not illegally obstruct justice and said the special counsel found no conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia’s 2016 election interference. Also, Barr told lawmakers that FBI officials were “spying” on the Trump campaign. Now that is strange. Again, pure Trump.

On another front, members of Congress will be able to see the Mueller Report "without certain redactions" after its public release, the Justice Department announced Wednesday. The disclosure of a version of the report without "certain redactions" came in a filing late Wednesday in the Roger Stone prosecution.

Again, the Trump administration is being coy with the English language. Unveil two sentences from the redacted version and you get the report "without certain redactions." What exactly does "without certain redactions" mean other than allowing as many redactions as Barr desires?

Barr refuses to give our representatives in Congress an unredacted version of the Mueller Report. There is very little doubt that Barr is trying to protect Trump from the report. He wants to put his spin on the report before Americans see it.

It won't work.

In his news conference today, during his opening statement, Barr confirmed that the White House was given a redacted version of the Mueller report — a luxury not afforded to Congress, the public, or the reporters in the room who were granted the privilege of asking questions about a report they had not seen.

Barr also explained away questions about possible obstruction of justice by saying Trump “faced an unprecedented situation. As he entered office and sought to perform his responsibilities, prosecutors were scrutinizing his conduct ... yet, as he said from the beginning, there was no collusion.”

Paula Reid of CBS asked Barr to respond to critics who have interpreted his conduct as being aimed at protecting Trump, not dealing in good faith with the American people.

“A Republican-appointed judge on Tuesday said you have, quote, created an environment that has caused a significant part of the American public to be concerned about these redactions. You cleared the president on obstruction,” Reid began. “The president is fundraising off your comments about ‘spying,’ and here you have remarks that are quite generous to the president, including acknowledging his feelings and emotions. What do you say to people on both sides of the aisle who are concerned you’re trying to protect the president?”

Barr didn’t respond to Reid’s question. Instead he questioned the basis of the question without being specific.

The final question got to the heart of the problem.

“Do you think it creates an appearance of impropriety for you to come out and sort of, what appears to be spinning the report before the public gets a chance to read it?” Ryan Reilly of HuffPost asked, referring to the decision the Trump administration made to hold a news conference about the Mueller report before it was even released to Congress for review.

“No,” Barr replied curtly. He then walked away, ending the news conference.

Watch: Barr walks away after he’s asked the most important question about the Mueller report

"In his news conference today, Barr confirmed that his boss and the subject of the Mueller investigation saw the report that he has at least as much right as anyone else to see slightly earlier than Congress and everyone else sees it. In related news, unhinged ignorant douchebags on the left had their heads explode over this latest "outrageous" evidence that they don't get everything they want when they want it.

Paula Reid of CBS asked a ridiculously biased and slanted question, got an answer, and then had a PMS fit because it wasn't the answer she wanted to hear."
We were provided another example today of the screwed up Trump administration. According to The Hill, President Trump announced Wednesday that Barr would be holding a press conference and that he also might hold his own conference. Strange, this came from the President, not the Department of Justice.

It gets even stranger. Attorney General William Barr will hold a press conference Thursday morning on the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report before or soon after the Mueller Report is released. He will take questions, the DOJ got around to saying.

It’s not clear if the press conference will come before or after the release of the final 400-page report and its color-coded redactions.

How in the world can reporters ask intelligent questions about the Mueller Report without seeing its contents? Now that his strange. It is also pure Trump.

There are also questions about Barr's objectiveness based upon his findings late last month. Barr and his deputy, Rod Rosenstein, determined that Trump did not illegally obstruct justice and said the special counsel found no conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia’s 2016 election interference. Also, Barr told lawmakers that FBI officials were “spying” on the Trump campaign. Now that is strange. Again, pure Trump.

On another front, members of Congress will be able to see the Mueller Report "without certain redactions" after its public release, the Justice Department announced Wednesday. The disclosure of a version of the report without "certain redactions" came in a filing late Wednesday in the Roger Stone prosecution.

Again, the Trump administration is being coy with the English language. Unveil two sentences from the redacted version and you get the report "without certain redactions." What exactly does "without certain redactions" mean other than allowing as many redactions as Barr desires?

Barr refuses to give our representatives in Congress an unredacted version of the Mueller Report. There is very little doubt that Barr is trying to protect Trump from the report. He wants to put his spin on the report before Americans see it.

It won't work.

In his news conference today, during his opening statement, Barr confirmed that the White House was given a redacted version of the Mueller report — a luxury not afforded to Congress, the public, or the reporters in the room who were granted the privilege of asking questions about a report they had not seen.

Barr also explained away questions about possible obstruction of justice by saying Trump “faced an unprecedented situation. As he entered office and sought to perform his responsibilities, prosecutors were scrutinizing his conduct ... yet, as he said from the beginning, there was no collusion.”

Paula Reid of CBS asked Barr to respond to critics who have interpreted his conduct as being aimed at protecting Trump, not dealing in good faith with the American people.

“A Republican-appointed judge on Tuesday said you have, quote, created an environment that has caused a significant part of the American public to be concerned about these redactions. You cleared the president on obstruction,” Reid began. “The president is fundraising off your comments about ‘spying,’ and here you have remarks that are quite generous to the president, including acknowledging his feelings and emotions. What do you say to people on both sides of the aisle who are concerned you’re trying to protect the president?”

Barr didn’t respond to Reid’s question. Instead he questioned the basis of the question without being specific.

The final question got to the heart of the problem.

“Do you think it creates an appearance of impropriety for you to come out and sort of, what appears to be spinning the report before the public gets a chance to read it?” Ryan Reilly of HuffPost asked, referring to the decision the Trump administration made to hold a news conference about the Mueller report before it was even released to Congress for review.

“No,” Barr replied curtly. He then walked away, ending the news conference.

Watch: Barr walks away after he’s asked the most important question about the Mueller report

Barr is doing an excellent imitation of one of Trump's lawyers. He explained away questions about possible obstruction of justice by saying Trump “faced an unprecedented situation. As he entered office and sought to perform his responsibilities, prosecutors were scrutinizing his conduct ... yet, as he said from the beginning, there was no collusion.”

Barr is saying Trump is innocent of obstruction and conspiring with the Russian government.

Barr made the decision that he will decide what the Congress and the public sees.

This is like the defense deciding what evidence the prosecutor can present.

This will come back to haunt both Trump and Barr. The tactic is so transparent as to being beyond belief, and it is so Trumpian in its nature. Everyone can recognize the "bull in the china closet" strategy.

No doubt many of Trump's supporters are embarrassed as they ask themselves ...

Did Trump have to be so damn obvious? Geez!

"If Barr doesn't denounce Trump as a modern-day Hitler, that means he's covering for him! It is not possible for anyone to EVER say ANYTHING positive on Trump's behalf without it being eeeeeeeevil! How DARE Barr say there was no collusion, just because Mueller found no collusion!"

Barr is doing an excellent presentation of an Attorney General who was given a report by a Special Counsel who found no evidence of collusion. What was he supposed to say to please you, Brain Trust?

Barr is NOT "saying he's innocent", because that's not what our system of justice does (maybe if you learned to read and then cracked a book, you wouldn't sound so fucking clueless). He said Trump's not guilty of collusion, and that there was insufficient evidence of obstruction, which is also what Mueller said. Again, what would you have considered to be "unbiased"? "Mueller has reported no evidence, but he's a Republican, so I have decided to prosecute him for that and ask that death penalty"?

Barr made the decisions on what to redact with the help of the Mueller team, BECAUSE THAT'S HIS JOB. I don't recall any other time in history that a Democrat has been investigated and had HIS appointee make those decisions that any Democrat screamed about how it's unfair to have Executive Branch jobs done by appointees of the President. (The horror!)

No doubt you have no fucking clue what anyone who isn't a member of your own little Trump Derangement Syndrome therapy group thinks. It's painfully obvious you know nothing about embarrassment, or you would never speak in public again.
The special counsel’s report on Russian obstruction, released Thursday, does not exonerate the president of obstruction of justice.


I agree!

No, nor does it find sufficient evidence to say that he obstructed justice. And since obstruction of justice would require some sort of motive and intent - in other words, for him to have actually DONE something to obstruct justice over - looks kinda like by clearing him of your absurd "collusion" theories ALSO cleared him of obstruction.

As always, it must really, really suck to have to be you every day of your life. Can't imagine how you can even stand to wake up in the morning.
brothers and sisters: the fact that Trump said "I'm fucked" is incriminating. Mueller had him on the ropes, but he is a failure because he failed to prove an obvious crime, the crime of the century!

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