Mueller report to be released Thursday

Why would it be unethical?
Because Barr should maintain a separation. He should not allow trump to dictate or allow the appearance that trump is dictating his message or his actions in redacting the report.
I wish you were around when Holder and Lynch were running interference....oh wait, you were.
The integrity of our justice system took a blow with the dossier
Only in the sense that some freelance goober figured out so much before the pros did. We should be embarrassed that our authorities had to have their hands held. They should have been all over the Russian efforts and the slimy characters around trump from the start.
Some members of Congress will see a less-redacted version of Mueller report, DOJ says

"After the public is given a redacted version of the nearly 400-page report on Thursday, a less-redacted version would go to a "limited number of Members of Congress" for their review. It's unclear when lawmakers would be able to view the more transparent report."

LESS redacted.

not UNredacted….

Yes and WHO might get this LESS redacted ?

Only STAUNCH CONSERVATIVES. Anyone else seeing it will be killed! I mean they'll commit suicide.

I have no opinion. I'm just here to laugh at the left's big loss today and the way they're desperately trying to make chicken salad out of chicken sh*t.

I doubt it becomes a major campaign issue. Democrat strategists are well aware that the public has accepted that trump is an amoral, unethical, classless, ignorant, scofflaw jerk. It just so happens that this is why his cultists like him.

Oh, it will be a major campaign issue. Progressives have made this their primary issue for 2020. Sorry Fort Fun Indiana, you dished it up, now you have to live with the results. A crushing expose of the Democrat party leading with Hillary and Barack!
Barr is A PUTIN STOOGE like all the rest!
barr is a republican stooge ,,,,,,, putin, republican same thing

Get it yet schmuck?

Trump aides ignored pleas to kill probe, Mueller report says

Yahoo News
Apr 18th 2019 8:55PM

WASHINGTON — President Trump committed “multiple acts” aimed at obstructing the Russia investigation, but was ultimately saved from being charged with a crime in part because his top aides refused to carry out his orders.

“Our investigation found multiple acts by the President that were capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations,” Mueller writes in a key passage of his report, which was released in redacted form Thursday morning by the Justice Department.

But when faced with Trump’s demands that they protect him and shut down the Russia probe, the president’s minions repeatedly disobeyed him, the report states.

“The president’s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests,” the report found.

Still, the report spells out how an enraged president repeatedly sought to either shut down or curtail an investigation he was convinced from the outset was a “witch hunt” that was unfairly targeting him. Those new details help explain Mueller’s conclusion that while the investigation did not establish that the president committed a crime, “it also does not exonerate him.”

“Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m f***ed,” Trump vented to then Attorney General Jeff Sessions after learning that Mueller had been appointed as special counsel, according to notes taken by Sessions’s chief of staff, Jody Hunt, that are cited in Mueller’s report. “This is the worst thing that ever happened to me.”
Some members of Congress will see a less-redacted version of Mueller report, DOJ says

"After the public is given a redacted version of the nearly 400-page report on Thursday, a less-redacted version would go to a "limited number of Members of Congress" for their review. It's unclear when lawmakers would be able to view the more transparent report."

LESS redacted.

not UNredacted….

It's hard to take the colored Sharpie off to unredact once it's already been redacted.


This isn't 1990. They don't redact by taking a marker to a stack of papers. It's done digitally nowadays.
It was a joke.

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