Mueller report to be released Thursday

I.E., Happy Obstruction Day
No Obstruction but if you libs go down that road you are toast in 2020....
I.E., Happy Obstruction Day
No Obstruction but if you libs go down that road you are toast in 2020....
I doubt it becomes a major campaign issue. Democrat strategists are well aware that the public has accepted that trump is an amoral, unethical, classless, ignorant, scofflaw jerk. It just so happens that this is why his cultists like him.
I doubt it becomes a major campaign issue. Democrat strategists are well aware that the public has accepted that trump is an amoral, unethical, classless, ignorant, scofflaw jerk. It just so happens that this is why his cultists like him
The dems have done nothing in their 1st 100 days....that will be the trend if the stay focused on something the people are tired of...and that is a campaign issue....people want things done not just a fishing expedition...
Special counsel Robert Mueller's team referred 14 investigations to other US attorney's offices, including the prosecution of Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen and Greg Craig, the Skadden Arps attorney who was indicted for lying to DOJ about work he had done for the Ukraine Ministry of Justice.

The other 12 investigations are redacted.

Wow; that's a lot of investigations hovering over Trump's head.


In special counsel Robert Mueller's report, the team writes that:

"With respect to whether the President can be found to have obstructed justice by exercising his powers under Article II of the Constitution, we concluded that Congress has the authority to prohibit a President's corrupt use of his authority in order to protect the integrity of the administration of justice."

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I.E., Happy Obstruction Day
No Obstruction but if you libs go down that road you are toast in 2020....
I.E., Happy Obstruction Day
No Obstruction but if you libs go down that road you are toast in 2020....
I doubt it becomes a major campaign issue. Democrat strategists are well aware that the public has accepted that trump is an amoral, unethical, classless, ignorant, scofflaw jerk. It just so happens that this is why his cultists like him.

His personality is not at all dissimilar to the very people the left used to pay lip service to. You know, the common working class schmuck...and they must have finally noticed by now your contemptuous disdain for them.

Good job!
I.E., Happy Obstruction Day
No Obstruction but if you libs go down that road you are toast in 2020....
I.E., Happy Obstruction Day
No Obstruction but if you libs go down that road you are toast in 2020....
I doubt it becomes a major campaign issue. Democrat strategists are well aware that the public has accepted that trump is an amoral, unethical, classless, ignorant, scofflaw jerk. It just so happens that this is why his cultists like him.

His personality is not at all dissimilar to the very people the left used to pay lip service to. You know, the common working class schmuck...and they must have finally noticed by now your contemptuous disdain for them.

Good job!
Sorry, that's overwrought fantasy, given the vote totals.
"the Russian government interfered in 2016 in sweeping and systematic fashion" - first line of the Bob S Mueller report
Barr using “collusion” signals he’s speaking to an audience of 1: on page 2 of the report it says “we applied the framework of conspiracy law, not the concept of “collusion” ... collusion is not a specific offense or theory... nor is it a term of art in federal criminal law”
I.E., Happy Obstruction Day
No Obstruction but if you libs go down that road you are toast in 2020....
I.E., Happy Obstruction Day
No Obstruction but if you libs go down that road you are toast in 2020....
I doubt it becomes a major campaign issue. Democrat strategists are well aware that the public has accepted that trump is an amoral, unethical, classless, ignorant, scofflaw jerk. It just so happens that this is why his cultists like him.

His personality is not at all dissimilar to the very people the left used to pay lip service to. You know, the common working class schmuck...and they must have finally noticed by now your contemptuous disdain for them.

Good job!
Sorry, that's overwrought fantasy, given the vote totals.

Wrong. Hillary would have been crushed in the popular vote if not for the democrat coalition of marxist indoctrinated radical fringe elements, and resentful minorities hyped up on a steady flow of hysterical propaganda about whitey abducting them for lynching or to drain their precious melanin.

Hardly the stuff of working class heros, that lot.
"Russia's mission was to tear a deflated white america away from the rest and assist them to become the dominant force" - Bob S Mueller
We were provided another example today of the screwed up Trump administration. According to The Hill, President Trump announced Wednesday that Barr would be holding a press conference and that he also might hold his own conference. Strange, this came from the President, not the Department of Justice.

It gets even stranger. Attorney General William Barr will hold a press conference Thursday morning on the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report before or soon after the Mueller Report is released. He will take questions, the DOJ got around to saying.

It’s not clear if the press conference will come before or after the release of the final 400-page report and its color-coded redactions.

How in the world can reporters ask intelligent questions about the Mueller Report without seeing its contents? Now that his strange. It is also pure Trump.

There are also questions about Barr's objectiveness based upon his findings late last month. Barr and his deputy, Rod Rosenstein, determined that Trump did not illegally obstruct justice and said the special counsel found no conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia’s 2016 election interference. Also, Barr told lawmakers that FBI officials were “spying” on the Trump campaign. Now that is strange. Again, pure Trump.

On another front, members of Congress will be able to see the Mueller Report "without certain redactions" after its public release, the Justice Department announced Wednesday. The disclosure of a version of the report without "certain redactions" came in a filing late Wednesday in the Roger Stone prosecution.

Again, the Trump administration is being coy with the English language. Unveil two sentences from the redacted version and you get the report "without certain redactions." What exactly does "without certain redactions" mean other than allowing as many redactions as Barr desires?

Barr refuses to give our representatives in Congress an unredacted version of the Mueller Report. There is very little doubt that Barr is trying to protect Trump from the report. He wants to put his spin on the report before Americans see it.

It won't work.

In his news conference today, during his opening statement, Barr confirmed that the White House was given a redacted version of the Mueller report — a luxury not afforded to Congress, the public, or the reporters in the room who were granted the privilege of asking questions about a report they had not seen.

Barr also explained away questions about possible obstruction of justice by saying Trump “faced an unprecedented situation. As he entered office and sought to perform his responsibilities, prosecutors were scrutinizing his conduct ... yet, as he said from the beginning, there was no collusion.”

Paula Reid of CBS asked Barr to respond to critics who have interpreted his conduct as being aimed at protecting Trump, not dealing in good faith with the American people.

“A Republican-appointed judge on Tuesday said you have, quote, created an environment that has caused a significant part of the American public to be concerned about these redactions. You cleared the president on obstruction,” Reid began. “The president is fundraising off your comments about ‘spying,’ and here you have remarks that are quite generous to the president, including acknowledging his feelings and emotions. What do you say to people on both sides of the aisle who are concerned you’re trying to protect the president?”

Barr didn’t respond to Reid’s question. Instead he questioned the basis of the question without being specific.

The final question got to the heart of the problem.

“Do you think it creates an appearance of impropriety for you to come out and sort of, what appears to be spinning the report before the public gets a chance to read it?” Ryan Reilly of HuffPost asked, referring to the decision the Trump administration made to hold a news conference about the Mueller report before it was even released to Congress for review.

“No,” Barr replied curtly. He then walked away, ending the news conference.

Watch: Barr walks away after he’s asked the most important question about the Mueller report
We were provided another example today of the screwed up Trump administration. According to The Hill, President Trump announced Wednesday that Barr would be holding a press conference and that he also might hold his own conference. Strange, this came from the President, not the Department of Justice.

It gets even stranger. Attorney General William Barr will hold a press conference Thursday morning on the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report before or soon after the Mueller Report is released. He will take questions, the DOJ got around to saying.

It’s not clear if the press conference will come before or after the release of the final 400-page report and its color-coded redactions.

How in the world can reporters ask intelligent questions about the Mueller Report without seeing its contents? Now that his strange. It is also pure Trump.

There are also questions about Barr's objectiveness based upon his findings late last month. Barr and his deputy, Rod Rosenstein, determined that Trump did not illegally obstruct justice and said the special counsel found no conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia’s 2016 election interference. Also, Barr told lawmakers that FBI officials were “spying” on the Trump campaign. Now that is strange. Again, pure Trump.

On another front, members of Congress will be able to see the Mueller Report "without certain redactions" after its public release, the Justice Department announced Wednesday. The disclosure of a version of the report without "certain redactions" came in a filing late Wednesday in the Roger Stone prosecution.

Again, the Trump administration is being coy with the English language. Unveil two sentences from the redacted version and you get the report "without certain redactions." What exactly does "without certain redactions" mean other than allowing as many redactions as Barr desires?

Barr refuses to give our representatives in Congress an unredacted version of the Mueller Report. There is very little doubt that Barr is trying to protect Trump from the report. He wants to put his spin on the report before Americans see it.

It won't work.

In his news conference today, during his opening statement, Barr confirmed that the White House was given a redacted version of the Mueller report — a luxury not afforded to Congress, the public, or the reporters in the room who were granted the privilege of asking questions about a report they had not seen.

Barr also explained away questions about possible obstruction of justice by saying Trump “faced an unprecedented situation. As he entered office and sought to perform his responsibilities, prosecutors were scrutinizing his conduct ... yet, as he said from the beginning, there was no collusion.”

Paula Reid of CBS asked Barr to respond to critics who have interpreted his conduct as being aimed at protecting Trump, not dealing in good faith with the American people.

“A Republican-appointed judge on Tuesday said you have, quote, created an environment that has caused a significant part of the American public to be concerned about these redactions. You cleared the president on obstruction,” Reid began. “The president is fundraising off your comments about ‘spying,’ and here you have remarks that are quite generous to the president, including acknowledging his feelings and emotions. What do you say to people on both sides of the aisle who are concerned you’re trying to protect the president?”

Barr didn’t respond to Reid’s question. Instead he questioned the basis of the question without being specific.

The final question got to the heart of the problem.

“Do you think it creates an appearance of impropriety for you to come out and sort of, what appears to be spinning the report before the public gets a chance to read it?” Ryan Reilly of HuffPost asked, referring to the decision the Trump administration made to hold a news conference about the Mueller report before it was even released to Congress for review.

“No,” Barr replied curtly. He then walked away, ending the news conference.

Watch: Barr walks away after he’s asked the most important question about the Mueller report

Barr is doing an excellent imitation of one of Trump's lawyers. He explained away questions about possible obstruction of justice by saying Trump “faced an unprecedented situation. As he entered office and sought to perform his responsibilities, prosecutors were scrutinizing his conduct ... yet, as he said from the beginning, there was no collusion.”

Barr is saying Trump is innocent of obstruction and conspiring with the Russian government.

Barr made the decision that he will decide what the Congress and the public sees.

This is like the defense deciding what evidence the prosecutor can present.

This will come back to haunt both Trump and Barr. The tactic is so transparent as to being beyond belief, and it is so Trumpian in its nature. Everyone can recognize the "bull in the china closet" strategy.

No doubt many of Trump's supporters are embarrassed as they ask themselves ...

Did Trump have to be so damn obvious? Geez!

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