Mueller to begin investigating / Democrats to release evidence 'ANY DAY NOW'...

- No crime
- No criminal activity
- No obstruction
- No evidence
- No case

"...not YET", right, snowflakes?!

'Any day now...'
Slow and steady. I would rather this investigation be done thoroughly and correctly.
The guys who won sure don't seem to have gained any peace of mind yet.
It's hard to when yappy sore-loser 'chihuahuas' keep making false, seditious accusations.
4 years of constant sting operations and obstruction by Democrats.

The Democrats are going on an August recess soon......the Republicans will stay in Washington and try to get something done while the pricks are on vacation.
Personally if I am The Republicans...... I STICK IT TO THE DEMOCRAT PARTY FOR GOOD by staying in Washington and passing Health Care while these DO NOTHING OBSTRUCTIONISTS go on their Expensive Vacations, and throw parties at their Lavish Mansions and Drown in Champagne on their Million Dollar Yachts, and get drunk as Hell with all of their Big Pharma, and Big Insurance Lobbyist Friends.

And when they come back to Washington, they will have one phucking huge HANGOVER that is going to last 8 years!
Why is it that Democrats fail to recognize what happens to the failed in the aftermath of an attempted coup?

Or are they ALL masochists?
- No crime
- No criminal activity
- No obstruction
- No evidence
- No case

"...not YET", right, snowflakes?!

'Any day now...'

-investigation continues
-investigation continues
-investigation continues

Trump snowflakes still pissed off that anyone dare investigate their Dear Leader.
The guys who won sure don't seem to have gained any peace of mind yet.
It's hard to when yappy sore-loser 'chihuahuas' keep making false, seditious accusations.

Aww. Poor guy. It's gotta be really rough for you when Trump & Co. keep offering admissions.

You are STILL agitated because being agitated is your natural state. Your ideology is one of division and greed. You see that this nation will never meet your ideal. This upsets you.

We are going to take care of the least among us and we will come to the aid of suffering people the world over. We are a multicultural, secular society. You don't feel like you fit in. Thus, your sour disposition.

Fuck the Poor. Go get a job is the best way to NOT BE POOR.

You assholes believe in Evolution and Global Warming.
So it's better that the poor die and decrease the surplus population.
Survival of The Fittest.
Law of The Jungle.
Thin The Gene Pool.
CO2 is a pollutant right? Quit phucking breathing.
The Planet has a Fever, and Al Gore says Humans are The Virus.
Time to cut of your EBT card loser.

This is what The Theory of Evolution looks like......

Last edited:
- No crime
- No criminal activity
- No obstruction
- No evidence
- No case

"...not YET", right, snowflakes?!

'Any day now...'

-investigation continues
-investigation continues
-investigation continues

Trump snowflakes still pissed off that anyone dare investigate their Dear Leader.

-The Spam Continues
-The Spam Continues
-The Spam Continues
-The Spam Continues
- No crime
- No criminal activity
- No obstruction
- No evidence
- No case

"...not YET", right, snowflakes?!

'Any day now...'

-investigation continues
-investigation continues
-investigation continues

Trump snowflakes still pissed off that anyone dare investigate their Dear Leader.
Of course the 'invetigation' continues... After Trump beat Hillary that's the only thing snowflakes have to hold on to.
- No crime
- No criminal activity
- No obstruction
- No evidence
- No case

"...not YET", right, snowflakes?!

'Any day now...'

-investigation continues
-investigation continues
-investigation continues

Trump snowflakes still pissed off that anyone dare investigate their Dear Leader.
Of course the 'invetigation' continues... After Trump beat Hillary that's the only thing snowflakes have to hold on to.

Yes- because the 'snowflakes' control the FBI- and the House- and the Senate......


Poor little snowflakes who just get pissy that anyone dares contradict their Dear Leader.
One you wont see realized until 2024. Thats how long you have until another democrat has a chance.

However, should The Democrat Party persist in nominating token black candidates the math is different:

2016 + 150 = 2166

Obama, He done cooked THAT goose!
Sounding kind of desperate now that Jared and Donny Jr. Got caught...
They got "caught" doing what, listening to someone talk? Yeah, that does sound serious! dare someone agree to meet with someone. Even though listening to someone isn't the same as colluding with them.
These morons are pretending that perfectly normal legal activities are now sinister and illegal. Apparently, if I get an email from some Russian company marketing male enhancement drugs, I'm part of some vast sinister conspiracy.

Let me ask you guys a serious question!

Since we have been discussing Russia more and more recently, I have noticed ads popping up on these pages advertising to meet young Russian women. Anybody else notice that?
One you wont see realized until 2024. Thats how long you have until another democrat has a chance.

Trump won't last out a year, buddy. And maybe you should learn about "Contractions". They're really nifty.
Let me ask you guys a serious question!

Since we have been discussing Russia more and more recently, I have noticed ads popping up on these pages advertising to meet young Russian women. Anybody else notice that?

No, actually, that's normal. they use keyword searches, so if you type in the Word "Russian" a lot, that's what they think you are looking for.
One you wont see realized until 2024. Thats how long you have until another democrat has a chance.

Trump won't last out a year, buddy. And maybe you should learn about "Contractions". They're really nifty.

First, take care of your yeast infection. If you weren't such a mewling quim your notation of my improper spelling, grammar and syntax may bother me, but it only gives you an opportunity to look stupid. Every Friday it's "Trumps had it now!" But flap is done by Monday every week. Keep being wrong Jose. Maybe you can not look so stupid if you post with your Campnbell account. We ain't heard from him in a dogs age.

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