Mueller told Barr his memo failed to fully capture "context/nature/substance" of Mueller's probe

In case you didn't see this, it is required reading for those who are actually interested in Herr Mueller's work:

15 Questions Robert Mueller Must Answer


There are some of those questions I'd like to know the answers to as well, and I am a life long liberal... :D

Please tell the Whitehouse to let Mueller testify before Congressional hearings.

Leave it to a right winger to attack the messenger. Two things are sure, the GOP members of Congress will ask these and other such questions, and cut off Mr. Mueller's response as too long; and, Mr Mueller will not take the 5th Amendment.

Still calling it Mr. mulleur i see? Until he fails further? But it is Barr or Trump elsewhere. You dont fool anyone.
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Its Barr's report. Mueller works for Barr. WTF is Mueller whining about, if he wanted to be more specific he knows how to write. The answer is "No collusion, no obstruction".
If the dems want to impeach, go for it, otherwise STFU already.

Barr does not have any authority to CHANGE Special Counsel Mueller's final report. Therefore, Barr has no authority to LIE about it.

Its Barr's report. He did not have to show it to anyone. He could do whatever the fuck he wants to with it.

Barr does not have to show it to anyone, and he may find himself to be the second AG convicted and sent to prison for not telling the truth before The Congress.

Q. Do you know who the first one was?

Yeah, nope. He still says Barr misrepresented the report.
Mueller stated that the "media had misrepresented the investigation".... Your a liar!
Post up that quote kiddo.
When Barr pressed Mueller on whether he thought Barr’s memo to Congress was inaccurate, Mueller said he did not, but felt that the media coverage of it was misinterpreting the investigation, officials said.

Have a nice day!
Context son, context. That was implying Barr's summary was misleading.
Sorry, I had no idea Mueller indicted Trump.

In case you didn't see this, it is required reading for those who are actually interested in Herr Mueller's work:

15 Questions Robert Mueller Must Answer


There are some of those questions I'd like to know the answers to as well, and I am a life long liberal... :D

Please tell the Whitehouse to let Mueller testify before Congressional hearings.

Leave it to a right winger to attack the messenger. Two things are sure, the GOP members of Congress will ask these and other such questions, and cut off Mr. Mueller's response as too long; and, Mr Mueller will not take the 5th Amendment.
Do you think they will ask Barr about prosecuting the perpetrators of the coup?

The Conspiracy Against Trump
The Deep State plot to undermine the president

And then there is the Deep State, which also worked with the Democratic Party and President Barack Obama to destroy the Trump presidency even before it began. One can define Deep State in a number of ways, ranging from a “soft” version which accepts that there is an Establishment that has certain self-serving objectives that it works collectively to promote to something harder, an actual infrastructure that meets together and connives to remove individuals and sabotage policies that it objects to. The Deep State in either version includes senior government officials, business leaders and, perhaps most importantly, the managed media, which promotes a corrupted version of “good governance” that in turn influences the public.

A review of what is already known about the plot against Trump is revealing and no doubt much more will be learned if and when investigators go through emails and phone records. The first phase of the illegal investigation of the Trump associates involved initiating wiretaps without any probable cause. This eventually involved six government intelligence and law enforcement agencies that formed a de facto task force headed by the CIA’s Director John Brennan. Also reportedly involved were the FBI’s James Comey, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Department of Homeland Security Director Jeh Johnson, and Admiral Michael Rogers who headed the National Security Agency.

So, was there a broad ranging conspiracy against Donald Trump orchestrated by many of the most senior officials and politicians in Washington? Undeniably yes. What Trump has amounted to as a leader and role model is beside the point as what evolved was undeniably a bureaucratic coup directed against a legally elected president of the United States and to a certain extent it was successful as Trump was likely forced to turn his back on his better angels and subsequently hired Pompeo, Bolton and Abrams. One can only hope that investigators dig deep into what is Washington insiders have been up to so Trumpgate will prove more interesting and informative than was Russiagate. And one also has to hope that enough highest-level heads will roll to make any interference by the Deep State in future elections unthinkable. One hopes.

The Conspiracy Against Trump
The take away from the latest phone call between Barr and Mueller is that Mueller agrees that Barr's summary memo is not inaccurate. There is no there there.
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,” Mueller wrote. “There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations.”

The letter made a key request: that Barr release the 448-page report’s introductions and executive summaries, and made some initial suggested redactions for doing so, according to Justice Department officials.

Some anecdotal report about a phone call wont cut it, Mueller needs to testify.

The investigation either "charges" someone or they "don't charge". Mueller didn't charge. Period.
The political spin of all the "almost chargeable crap" would be deleted by any judge from the Mueller report.
Document the evidence, not the suspicions.
The take away from the latest phone call between Barr and Mueller is that Mueller agrees that Barr's summary memo is not inaccurate. There is no there there.
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,” Mueller wrote. “There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations.”

The letter made a key request: that Barr release the 448-page report’s introductions and executive summaries, and made some initial suggested redactions for doing so, according to Justice Department officials.

Some anecdotal report about a phone call wont cut it, Mueller needs to testify.

The investigation either "charges" someone or they "don't charge". Mueller didn't charge. Period.
The political spin of all the "almost chargeable crap" would be deleted by any judge from the Mueller report.
Document the evidence, not the suspicions.

admit it.. youre too dumb to understand why Meuller turned the report over to Congress.
The take away from the latest phone call between Barr and Mueller is that Mueller agrees that Barr's summary memo is not inaccurate. There is no there there.
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,” Mueller wrote. “There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations.”

The letter made a key request: that Barr release the 448-page report’s introductions and executive summaries, and made some initial suggested redactions for doing so, according to Justice Department officials.

Some anecdotal report about a phone call wont cut it, Mueller needs to testify.

The investigation either "charges" someone or they "don't charge". Mueller didn't charge. Period.
The political spin of all the "almost chargeable crap" would be deleted by any judge from the Mueller report.
Document the evidence, not the suspicions.
The take away from the latest phone call between Barr and Mueller is that Mueller agrees that Barr's summary memo is not inaccurate. There is no there there.
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,” Mueller wrote. “There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations.”

The letter made a key request: that Barr release the 448-page report’s introductions and executive summaries, and made some initial suggested redactions for doing so, according to Justice Department officials.

Some anecdotal report about a phone call wont cut it, Mueller needs to testify.

The investigation either "charges" someone or they "don't charge". Mueller didn't charge. Period.
The political spin of all the "almost chargeable crap" would be deleted by any judge from the Mueller report.
Document the evidence, not the suspicions.

admit it.. youre too dumb to understand why Meuller turned the report over to Congress.

Dumb? I know how to spell Mueller. Also, it's you're not youre.
Mueller turned the report over to Barr, not congress. Barr gave the report to congress.
You want to post about "dumb"?
The take away from the latest phone call between Barr and Mueller is that Mueller agrees that Barr's summary memo is not inaccurate. There is no there there.
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,” Mueller wrote. “There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations.”

The letter made a key request: that Barr release the 448-page report’s introductions and executive summaries, and made some initial suggested redactions for doing so, according to Justice Department officials.

Some anecdotal report about a phone call wont cut it, Mueller needs to testify.

The investigation either "charges" someone or they "don't charge". Mueller didn't charge. Period.
The political spin of all the "almost chargeable crap" would be deleted by any judge from the Mueller report.
Document the evidence, not the suspicions.

He lied to Congress. He should resign.

But hey the pseudo-cons got their head start with their lie about the report exonerating old Trumpybear. Now it's time for the truth to get sniffed out.
I truly do not understand all of this created DRAMA... not letting people testify, dishonoring subpoenas, Trump refusing to testify, not releasing the Mueller report, but releasing a 4 page summary by the AG that was SKEWED to favor the president, and out there in the public for 3 straight weeks, giving the impression that AG Barr and our Justice department is corrupt, working as the president's personal lawyer and NOT for ''we the people'' and for equality, and Justice for All...

instead on all his pressers or before congress he has come off as a partisan crony... and not fair or balanced or honest in any way....

leaving all of this speculation to run rampant...

and which of course puts all of us citizens, at each other's throats, believing 2 different things entirely!


is all of this absolute CHAOS and distrust between sides taking place was PLANNED by the president.... yes planned... he knew the report would come out and we would know he lied to us on no collusion no obstruction total exoneration.... yet, he did this anyway...?

He loves chaos and hatred.... he thrives on hatred. :(

I can not wait, till this divisive creep sitting in the Oval office, is gone!
Per Washington Post. Being reported on CNN. Link below.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III expressed his concerns in a letter to William P. Barr after the attorney general publicized Mueller's principal conclusions. Mueller also pressed Barr in a phone call to release executive summaries of his report.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III wrote a letter in late March complaining to Attorney General William P. Barr that a four-page memo to Congress describing the principal conclusions of the investigation into President Trump “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s work, according to a copy of the letter reviewed Tuesday by The Washington Post.

At the time the letter was sent on March 27, Barr had announced that Mueller had not found a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian officials seeking to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. Barr also said Mueller had not reached a conclusion about whether Trump had tried to obstruct justice, but Barr reviewed the evidence and found it insufficient to support such a charge.

Days after Barr’s announcement, Mueller wrote a previously unknown private letter to the Justice Department, which revealed a degree of dissatisfaction with the public discussion of Mueller’s work that shocked senior Justice Department officials, according to people familiar with the discussions.

More: Mueller complained to Barr that memo did not capture ‘context’ of probe

Good for Mueller speaking out about his report being twisted by Barr.
Mueller leaked...again?

His entire team belongs in Levenworth
He lied to Congress. He should resign.

But hey the pseudo-cons got their head start with their lie about the report exonerating old Trumpybear. Now it's time for the truth to get sniffed out.
I truly do not understand all of this created DRAMA... not letting people testify, dishonoring subpoenas, Trump refusing to testify, not releasing the Mueller report, but releasing a 4 page summary by the AG that was SKEWED to favor the president, and out there in the public for 3 straight weeks, giving the impression that AG Barr and our Justice department is corrupt, working as the president's personal lawyer and NOT for ''we the people'' and for equality, and Justice for All...

instead on all his pressers or before congress he has come off as a partisan crony... and not fair or balanced or honest in any way....

leaving all of this speculation to run rampant...

and which of course puts all of us citizens, at each other's throats, believing 2 different things entirely!


is all of this absolute CHAOS and distrust between sides taking place was PLANNED by the president.... yes planned... he knew the report would come out and we would know he lied to us on no collusion no obstruction total exoneration.... yet, he did this anyway...?

He loves chaos and hatred.... he thrives on hatred. :(

I can not wait, till this divisive creep sitting in the Oval office, is gone!

Who benefits from the chaos?
What does that mean? Its garbage. The investigators don't "exonerate", we're all innocent until proven guilty, as the Barr memo documented. They either "charge" or "don't charge".

Fuckhead, based on DOJ policiy (not law) Mueller could NOT "charge" or "don't charge".........Get a grown up to explain that to your half brain.......LMAO
Per Washington Post. Being reported on CNN. No link yet.

Good for Mueller speaking out about his report being twisted by Barr.

I was LONG waiting for Mueller to speak up.......Even the redacted, released report makes Barr's "summary" seem like the fat moron's conclusion, a paid-for piece of obfuscation by a full-fledged Trump STOOGE.....

Barr..........especially if he fails to testify before the House judiciary committee will face impeachment....and THAT is much better than Trump's impeachment chatter (Mnuchin???.........are you listening??)................LOVE IT !!!
Jake, Mueller wrote no collusion. Get over it. Tell Stats to fuck off you haven't slept since 10pm Election eve 2016
Per Washington Post. Being reported on CNN. Link below.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III expressed his concerns in a letter to William P. Barr after the attorney general publicized Mueller's principal conclusions. Mueller also pressed Barr in a phone call to release executive summaries of his report.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III wrote a letter in late March complaining to Attorney General William P. Barr that a four-page memo to Congress describing the principal conclusions of the investigation into President Trump “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s work, according to a copy of the letter reviewed Tuesday by The Washington Post.

At the time the letter was sent on March 27, Barr had announced that Mueller had not found a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian officials seeking to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. Barr also said Mueller had not reached a conclusion about whether Trump had tried to obstruct justice, but Barr reviewed the evidence and found it insufficient to support such a charge.

Days after Barr’s announcement, Mueller wrote a previously unknown private letter to the Justice Department, which revealed a degree of dissatisfaction with the public discussion of Mueller’s work that shocked senior Justice Department officials, according to people familiar with the discussions.

More: Mueller complained to Barr that memo did not capture ‘context’ of probe

Good for Mueller speaking out about his report being twisted by Barr.
Mueller leaked...again?

His entire team belongs in Levenworth

Mueller should have made his letter public when he sent it. A month ago.
The take away from the latest phone call between Barr and Mueller is that Mueller agrees that Barr's summary memo is not inaccurate. There is no there there.
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,” Mueller wrote. “There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations.”

The letter made a key request: that Barr release the 448-page report’s introductions and executive summaries, and made some initial suggested redactions for doing so, according to Justice Department officials.

Some anecdotal report about a phone call wont cut it, Mueller needs to testify.

The investigation either "charges" someone or they "don't charge". Mueller didn't charge. Period.
The political spin of all the "almost chargeable crap" would be deleted by any judge from the Mueller report.
Document the evidence, not the suspicions.

View attachment 258796

1. Trump was receptive to a Campaign national security adviser’s (George Papadopoulos) pursuit of a back channel to Putin.

2. Kremlin operatives provided the Campaign a preview of the Russian plan to distribute stolen emails.

3. The Trump Campaign chairman and deputy chairman (Paul Manafort and Rick Gates) knowingly shared internal polling data and information on battleground states with a Russian spy; and the Campaign chairman worked with the Russian spy on a pro-Russia “peace” plan for Ukraine.

4. The Trump Campaign chairman periodically shared internal polling data with the Russian spy with the expectation it would be shared with Putin-linked oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.

5. Trump Campaign chairman Manafort expected Trump’s winning the presidency would mean Deripaska would want to use Manafort to advance Deripaska’s interests in the United States and elsewhere.

6. Trump Tower meeting: (1) On receiving an email offering derogatory information on Clinton coming from a Russian government official, Donald Trump Jr. “appears to have accepted that offer;” (2) members of the Campaign discussed the Trump Tower meeting beforehand; (3) Donald Trump Jr. told the Russians during the meeting that Trump could revisit the issue of the Magnitsky Act if elected.

7. A Trump Campaign official told the Special Counsel he “felt obliged to object” to a GOP Platform change on Ukraine because it contradicted Trump’s wishes; however, the investigation did not establish that Gordon was directed by Trump.

8. Russian military hackers may have followed Trump’s July 27, 2016 public statement “Russia if you’re listening …” within hours by targeting Clinton’s personal office for the first time.

9. Trump requested campaign affiliates to get Clinton’s emails, which resulted in an individual apparently acting in coordination with the Campaign claiming to have successfully contacted Russian hackers.

10. The Trump Campaign—and Trump personally—appeared to have advanced knowledge of future WikiLeaks releases.

11. The Trump Campaign coordinated campaign-related public communications based on future WikiLeaks releases.

12. Michael Cohen, on behalf of the Trump Organization, brokered a secret deal for a Trump Tower Moscow project directly involving Putin’s inner circle, at least until June 2016.

13. During the presidential transition, Jared Kushner and Eric Prince engaged in secret back channel communications with Russian agents. (1) Kushner suggested to the Russian Ambassador that they use a secure communication line from within the Russian Embassy to speak with Russian Generals; and (2) Prince and Kushner’s friend Rick Gerson conducted secret back channel meetings with a Putin agent to develop a plan for U.S.-Russian relations.

14. During the presidential transition, in coordination with other members of the Transition Team, Michael Flynn spoke with the Russian Ambassador to prevent a tit for tat Russian response to the Obama administration’s imposition of sanctions for election interference; the Russians agreed not to retaliate saying they wanted a good relationship with the incoming administration.
What does that mean? Its garbage. The investigators don't "exonerate", we're all innocent until proven guilty, as the Barr memo documented. They either "charge" or "don't charge".

Fuckhead, based on DOJ policiy (not law) Mueller could NOT "charge" or "don't charge".........Get a grown up to explain that to your half brain.......LMAO
Mueller can’t charge anyone? Interesting.
Per Washington Post. Being reported on CNN. Link below.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III expressed his concerns in a letter to William P. Barr after the attorney general publicized Mueller's principal conclusions. Mueller also pressed Barr in a phone call to release executive summaries of his report.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III wrote a letter in late March complaining to Attorney General William P. Barr that a four-page memo to Congress describing the principal conclusions of the investigation into President Trump “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s work, according to a copy of the letter reviewed Tuesday by The Washington Post.

At the time the letter was sent on March 27, Barr had announced that Mueller had not found a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian officials seeking to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. Barr also said Mueller had not reached a conclusion about whether Trump had tried to obstruct justice, but Barr reviewed the evidence and found it insufficient to support such a charge.

Days after Barr’s announcement, Mueller wrote a previously unknown private letter to the Justice Department, which revealed a degree of dissatisfaction with the public discussion of Mueller’s work that shocked senior Justice Department officials, according to people familiar with the discussions.

More: Mueller complained to Barr that memo did not capture ‘context’ of probe

Good for Mueller speaking out about his report being twisted by Barr.
Mueller leaked...again?

His entire team belongs in Levenworth

Mueller should have made his letter public when he sent it. A month ago.

He belongs in Levenworth. His stupid letter is like reading Silence of the Lambs and claiming the butler did it.

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