Mueller told Barr his memo failed to fully capture "context/nature/substance" of Mueller's probe

The take away from the latest phone call between Barr and Mueller is that Mueller agrees that Barr's summary memo is not inaccurate. There is no there there.

Here, eternal fuckhead

Mueller said his investigation — which he noted encountered "difficult issues" of law — did not establish the president committed an obstruction of justice, but also did not "exonerate" him.

Here, eternal fuckhead

Mueller said his investigation — which he noted encountered "difficult issues" of law — did not establish the president committed an obstruction of justice, but also did not "exonerate" him.

What does that mean? Its garbage. The investigators don't "exonerate", we're all innocent until proven guilty, as the Barr memo documented. They either "charge" or "don't charge".
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The take away from the latest phone call between Barr and Mueller is that Mueller agrees that Barr's summary memo is not inaccurate. There is no there there.
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,” Mueller wrote. “There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations.”

The letter made a key request: that Barr release the 448-page report’s introductions and executive summaries, and made some initial suggested redactions for doing so, according to Justice Department officials.

Some anecdotal report about a phone call wont cut it, Mueller needs to testify.
Mueller, who is a hard core Democratic partisan with plenty to hide, is just pissed that his rigged report made by his rigged investigating panel, didn't make Trump sound worse in the media. It's always amusing to see irrational Democrats foam at the mouth.
In case you didn't see this, it is required reading for those who are actually interested in Herr Mueller's work:

15 Questions Robert Mueller Must Answer


There are some of those questions I'd like to know the answers to as well, and I am a life long liberal... :D

Please tell the Whitehouse to let Mueller testify before Congressional hearings.

Leave it to a right winger to attack the messenger. Two things are sure, the GOP members of Congress will ask these and other such questions, and cut off Mr. Mueller's response as too long; and, Mr Mueller will not take the 5th Amendment.
He lied to Congress. He should resign.

But hey the pseudo-cons got their head start with their lie about the report exonerating old Trumpybear. Now it's time for the truth to get sniffed out.
Simply hilarious.
Then Mueller pouring salt into the wound by saying the MEDIA, not Barr was distorting the report was simply glorious.

Now it’s onto Trump taxes! That’s it! Any day now it will be shown Obama let Trump skip paying taxes owed!

Actually Mueller said Barr misrepresented the report.

And tRump has been foaming at the mouth for a lot longer than 72 hours.
I see your reading comprehension is screwed.... try reading what he said SLOWLY...
Yeah, nope. He still says Barr misrepresented the report.
Mueller stated that the "media had misrepresented the investigation".... Your a liar!
Post up that quote kiddo.
When Barr pressed Mueller on whether he thought Barr’s memo to Congress was inaccurate, Mueller said he did not, but felt that the media coverage of it was misinterpreting the investigation, officials said.

Have a nice day!
Mueller's report failed to fully capture the context: Obama spied on Trump.
When did he spy on Trump?

He started during the 2016 campaign via the FISA warrants on members of his campaign. The Horowitz and Barr investigations are going to be explosive.
Are you speaking only about the FISA warrant on Carter Page, which began AFTER Carter left the campaign, 3 weeks before the election?

Was there any one under FISA warrant surveillance in the campaign, during the Campaign?

Also, to me... 'spying' is when someone is illegally wiretapping someone... No court approval.

NOT when investigators get a surveillance WARRANT approved by a Judge in a court of Law?

What is your definition of spying?

Here, eternal fuckhead

Mueller said his investigation — which he noted encountered "difficult issues" of law — did not establish the president committed an obstruction of justice, but also did not "exonerate" him.

What does that mean? Its garbage. The investigators don't "exonerate", we're all innocent until proven guilty, as the Barr memo documented.

neither does Barr - his opinion is basically worthless.

Meuller cant indict so his next step is Congress.

Its Barr's report. Mueller works for Barr. WTF is Mueller whining about, if he wanted to be more specific he knows how to write. The answer is "No collusion, no obstruction".
If the dems want to impeach, go for it, otherwise STFU already.

Barr does not have any authority to CHANGE Special Counsel Mueller's final report. Therefore, Barr has no authority to LIE about it.

Its Barr's report. He did not have to show it to anyone. He could do whatever the fuck he wants to with it.

Barr does not have to show it to anyone, and he may find himself to be the second AG convicted and sent to prison for not telling the truth before The Congress.

Q. Do you know who the first one was?
Mueller, who is a hard core Democratic partisan

He is a combat Vet. A decorated Marine. I'd put him up against a dishonorable man like Trump any day of the week.

When called to support another company in trouble near a North Vietnamese bunker system on Mutter’s Ridge, Mueller’s Marines slogged through dense vegetation and ran down their ammo as enemy gunners swarmed. At one point in the battle, Mueller personally recovered two seriously wounded Marines and helped patch them up for evac. After a full day of fighting, the NVA pulled back. 13 Marines had been lost, but they’d killed an enemy company commander “and had virtually decimated his staff,” the Corps later reported.

Mueller, among others, was awarded the Bronze Star for bravery; his troops say it was well-earned, along with their respect. “The minute the shit hit the fan, he was there,” one said. “He performed remarkably. After that night, there were a lot of guys who would’ve walked through walls for him.”

7 Fascinating Facts About Robert Mueller’s Time As A Vietnam Marine
Actually Mueller said Barr misrepresented the report.

And tRump has been foaming at the mouth for a lot longer than 72 hours.
I see your reading comprehension is screwed.... try reading what he said SLOWLY...
Yeah, nope. He still says Barr misrepresented the report.
Mueller stated that the "media had misrepresented the investigation".... Your a liar!
Post up that quote kiddo.
When Barr pressed Mueller on whether he thought Barr’s memo to Congress was inaccurate, Mueller said he did not, but felt that the media coverage of it was misinterpreting the investigation, officials said.

Have a nice day!
Context son, context. That was implying Barr's summary was misleading.
Democrats getting ready to lose millions more votes today as they attack Barr and Barr destroys them
I see your reading comprehension is screwed.... try reading what he said SLOWLY...
Yeah, nope. He still says Barr misrepresented the report.
Mueller stated that the "media had misrepresented the investigation".... Your a liar!
Post up that quote kiddo.
When Barr pressed Mueller on whether he thought Barr’s memo to Congress was inaccurate, Mueller said he did not, but felt that the media coverage of it was misinterpreting the investigation, officials said.

Have a nice day!
Context son, context. That was implying Barr's summary was misleading.
Sorry, I had no idea Mueller indicted Trump.
Yeah, nope. He still says Barr misrepresented the report.
Mueller stated that the "media had misrepresented the investigation".... Your a liar!
Post up that quote kiddo.
When Barr pressed Mueller on whether he thought Barr’s memo to Congress was inaccurate, Mueller said he did not, but felt that the media coverage of it was misinterpreting the investigation, officials said.

Have a nice day!
Context son, context. That was implying Barr's summary was misleading.
Sorry, I had no idea Mueller indicted Trump.

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