Mueller told Barr his memo failed to fully capture "context/nature/substance" of Mueller's probe

Late today it came out that Mueller wrote a letter that Barr misrepresented his report.

Which I've been stating and asserting from the jump.

In essence, actually, in reality, Barr obstructed justice.

He's toast. He'll have to resign by tomorrow night. Americans can't trust him.

Impeachment is now imminent.

Thank you William Barr!!!!!

Do you wanna make a gentlemanly wager on that, Marc?
Go Mueller!

If that's what you hope is going to happen, you will be disappointed. Mueller is motivated by nothing other than protecting the Constitution and the institutions it creates and sustains, I strongly believe. That includes the office of the president, and also the DoJ, even while he might despise the current office holders. So, he might explain his report in public testimony, but he will not be an attack dog. No way, no how.


Mueller is in a panic

Mueller has already proven doing a blackmail crime

Having all prosecutors as Hillary supporters and then letting it LEAK

To scare trump to not go after the real crimes

Mueller is in a panic

His goose was cooked as soon as he put all the prosecutors as Hillary supporters

The only reason for that was to scare trump

Now his goose is cooked
Hilarious! Sounds like you're the one who is panicking.

And how you got that Hillary name in there. One handed applause.

And Mueller didn't leak for over two years but he is now? Really? You sure?

Wrong dead wrong

Mueller leaked the info on his prosecutors. First thing !!

That is proof of a blackmail crime trying to scare trump

Barr must bring big charges against these crooks because the men on trumps side are waiting for that action
As trump beat his chest that the Russian investigation is a hoax

He clearly misses the beat

If you had shut the heck up and didn't act like you normally do which is to lie and do dirty deeds done dirt cheap

He would be in the clear and literally gotten away with it

Instead he fired Comey after asking him to go easy on flynn and calling Comey to go public with the info that Trump was not under investigation,
floated the notion to fire Mueller,
Barr had to please him and misrepresent what Mueller said in his report,
forced Sessions (who had recluses) himself out in order to place people who would say what he likes to hear,
witness tampering,
public attacks on Mueller and his investigation,
directing his own people to lie for him and the smart ones refused,
lied about the trump tower meeting,

Trump is truly his own worst enemy

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap

It is easy for a liar to behave like an angel
than it is for a angel to lie

Mueller never said Barr misrepresented his report. You are believing media hype and fake news. Trump was ADVISED by the FBI to fire Comey and he was well within his rights as POTUS to do so. For ANY reason!!! I didn't know Sessions had 'recluses' where does he keep them? :abgg2q.jpg: Again....No COLLUSION....No OBSTRUCTION was found. I know it's hard to let go of fantasies but, some of you people need to wake up. You have been misled either by your news sources or by your own hatred of our duly elected POTUS. Grow up.
Per Washington Post. Being reported on CNN. No link yet.

Good for Mueller speaking out about his report being twisted by Barr.

I was LONG waiting for Mueller to speak up.......Even the redacted, released report makes Barr's "summary" seem like the fat moron's conclusion, a paid-for piece of obfuscation by a full-fledged Trump STOOGE.....

Barr..........especially if he fails to testify before the House judiciary committee will face impeachment....and THAT is much better than Trump's impeachment chatter (Mnuchin???.........are you listening??)................LOVE IT !!!

Mueller stated that nothing in the Attorney General’s March 24 letter was inaccurate or misleading. If Barr twisted or spun the report, that would be misleading. Mueller emphasized that was not the case. He was unhappy about the news coverage. Join the club.
Mueller said that Barr's report failed to grasp the nuances. What the F is nuances?
Late today it came out that Mueller wrote a letter that Barr misrepresented his report.

Which I've been stating and asserting from the jump.

In essence, actually, in reality, Barr obstructed justice.

He's toast. He'll have to resign by tomorrow night. Americans can't trust him.

Impeachment is now imminent.

Thank you William Barr!!!!!

So exciting!
Late today it came out that Mueller wrote a letter that Barr misrepresented his report.

Which I've been stating and asserting from the jump.

In essence, actually, in reality, Barr obstructed justice.

He's toast. He'll have to resign by tomorrow night. Americans can't trust him.

Impeachment is now imminent.

Thank you William Barr!!!!!

Do you wanna make a gentlemanly wager on that, Marc?
No thanks.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Mueller said that Barr's report failed to grasp the nuances. What the F is nuances?

In this case, 'nuances' are veiled lies inserted in the report meant to try to indict Trump when the actual evidence completely exonerates him. Mueller is a TDSer and all his investigators were TDSers and, even THEY could find no evidence of collusion or obstruction so, they have to now insinuate and claim we don't understand his 'nuances.' Fuck Mueller and the mule he rode in on.
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Barr will have to hammer mueller and the deep state


Joe deGenova: The bottom line here is this is a continuation of a very bad process here that Bob Mueller started by hiring a bunch of Demcrats and having them led by Andrew Weissmann who showed up at Hillary Clinton’s so-called victory party and broke into tears with her. This is an abusive, outrageous, vindictive, unethical, unprofessional letter that was written for Mueller by Weissman.


Mueller committed the blackmail crime by trying to scare trump to not go after the deep state crooks ... He let that information LEAK
Late today it came out that Mueller wrote a letter that Barr misrepresented his report.

Which I've been stating and asserting from the jump.

In essence, actually, in reality, Barr obstructed justice.

He's toast. He'll have to resign by tomorrow night. Americans can't trust him.

Impeachment is now imminent.

Thank you William Barr!!!!!

If you think that barr is going to resign tomorrow night or any day or night you're going to be very disappointed.

barr refused to recuse himself from the Mueller investigation even when the ethics people in the DOJ advised him to reuse.

The only way barr is going to leave his position as AG is if he's impeached or if trump loses the election next year.

I'm sorry but this very criminal government isn't going to do anything about the obstruction of justice by barr.
That is a hoot.
Late today it came out that Mueller wrote a letter that Barr misrepresented his report.

Which I've been stating and asserting from the jump.

In essence, actually, in reality, Barr obstructed justice.

He's toast. He'll have to resign by tomorrow night. Americans can't trust him.

Impeachment is now imminent.

Thank you William Barr!!!!!

If you think that barr is going to resign tomorrow night or any day or night you're going to be very disappointed.

barr refused to recuse himself from the Mueller investigation even when the ethics people in the DOJ advised him to reuse.

The only way barr is going to leave his position as AG is if he's impeached or if trump loses the election next year.

I'm sorry but this very criminal government isn't going to do anything about the obstruction of justice by barr.
One more desperate dem to fall for unnamed are a little late to this fake news story MarcATL....
Late today it came out that Mueller wrote a letter that Barr misrepresented his report.

Which I've been stating and asserting from the jump.

In essence, actually, in reality, Barr obstructed justice.

He's toast. He'll have to resign by tomorrow night. Americans can't trust him.

Impeachment is now imminent.

Thank you William Barr!!!!!

First, how much more of a fucked up thread title can you write?

Next, Barr offered to let Mueller review his letter BEFORE he released it and Mueller declined.

Lastly, how is it obstruction of justice to tell the truth?
Late today it came out that Mueller wrote a letter that Barr misrepresented his report.

Which I've been stating and asserting from the jump.

In essence, actually, in reality, Barr obstructed justice.

He's toast. He'll have to resign by tomorrow night. Americans can't trust him.

Impeachment is now imminent.

Thank you William Barr!!!!!
Barr doesn't want to take to the real lawyers Democrats hired to help with the questioning on Thursday.

Schiff Hires Ex-Chief of FBI Financial Crimes Section as House Intel Probes Trump’s Finances

He said Republicans don't do that. Only Republicans do. Remember when Bret Kavanaugh's accuser was grilled by a lawyer? Remember? It was on TV for the entire world to watch. How can Republicans lie in such a blatant way?
Well, Trump is a co conspirator in multiple felonies.

And Mueller found nearly a dozen instances, with recordings, video and documentation in nearly a dozen obstruction of justice possible charges.

And since then, Trump told people to not talk to congress. More obstruction.

Republicans are going to pay at the ballot box for electing a criminal as president.

I don't know what you guys are so proud of? The fact Trump has stayed out of far?
Late today it came out that Mueller wrote a letter that Barr misrepresented his report.

Which I've been stating and asserting from the jump.

In essence, actually, in reality, Barr obstructed justice.

He's toast. He'll have to resign by tomorrow night. Americans can't trust him.

Impeachment is now imminent.

Thank you William Barr!!!!!

Link? Or is it just your word we should abide to?
Well, Trump is a co conspirator in multiple felonies.

And Mueller found nearly a dozen instances, with recordings, video and documentation in nearly a dozen obstruction of justice possible charges.

And since then, Trump told people to not talk to congress. More obstruction.

Republicans are going to pay at the ballot box for electing a criminal as president.

I don't know what you guys are so proud of? The fact Trump has stayed out of far?

Oh Geeze @Rdean deanrd

Republicans suck.

I love you! :)
Late today it came out that Mueller wrote a letter that Barr misrepresented his report.

Which I've been stating and asserting from the jump.

In essence, actually, in reality, Barr obstructed justice.

He's toast. He'll have to resign by tomorrow night. Americans can't trust him.

Impeachment is now imminent.

Thank you William Barr!!!!!
Barr and Mueller are best friends. Have been for decades.
You're a damn fool.

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