Muellers real job? = Cleanup man for the swamps illegal activities!

My head will implode if this thread gets more ridicules than this. Clean up aisle 5.
Trump's 'best people' are felons, liars, grifters, theifs, frauds, tax cheats and even a Conspirator Against the United States. 5 of his team, including his personal lawyer that he's worked closely with for a decade, are all now convicted felons.

So much for Trump's judgment.

Convicted felons?
Which one's? And what did they have to do with Trump?

You've honestly never heard of Cohen?





And that would be Trump's personal attorney, Trump's Campaign Chair, Trump's National Security Advisor, Trump's Foreign Policy Advisor, and his Deputy Campaign Chair respectively.

And you've never heard of any of them? Dude, you're raising willful ignorance to an art form.
Cohen, Gates, Manafort and Popodopolous were never part of the Trump administration, dumbass. Flynn was convicted for an absurd process crime that occurred after he was fired.

Trump's administration? Ah, I keep forgetting. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Let me once again educate you on the basics of the Mueller investigation. Here's one of the mandates Deputy AG Rosenstein gave Mueller when seating him as Special Counsel. The first mandate, in fact (bold added for emphasis)

"The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump"

Excerpt from AG Rosenstein's letter seating Robert Mueller as Special Counsel

Please note the portion that says 'the campaign of President Donald Trump'. Cohen, Manafort, Gates and Papodopolous were all associates of Trump's campaign. Why then would Mueller limit himself only to those in Trump's administration, which was formed AFTER his campaign....

....when one of Mueller's mandates is to investigate any links and/or coordination with the Russians and Trump's campaign and its associates?

Laughing....its okay, kiddo. No one expects you to know what the fuck you're talking about.
They were not members of the Trump campaign when they committed the unforgivable crime of not remembering something they had told Mueller earlier.

Mueller has no links of any kind between the Trump campaign and Russia. Nothing.
His ex lawyer for a decade disagrees with you
They were not members of the Trump campaign when they committed the unforgivable crime of not remembering something they had told Mueller earlier.

Do IDIOTS like you AT LEAST admit that Trump SUCKS at choosing staff members who are cheap crooks and con him?????..................LOL
How many of you heard on the MSM over, and over, and over again that the caravan was not real, just a political ploy? How many of you listened to supposed news anchor tell all of his audience that "the caravan was Trumps Reichstag fire?" Do people in imaginary caravans rush the border while trying to break into your country?!?!?!?! Political ploys do this, correct?

Washington DC is controlled by very few people, which we refer to in polite company as "the swamp!" Now Leftists will tell you who really controls Washington DC and "the swamp," is big business. They may have a partial point, but the truth is that big business does not vote in either chamber of congress, or congresspeople do!

The leaders of our political party's DESPISE new people coming in with the intention of actually working for their constituents, which is what their job is actually SUPPOSED to be. But, they know they can control them, or most of them. How? By threatening them to "vote our way," or "we will primary you, and cut off re-election campaign funds!"

Yes folks, the swamp controls its own in this manner. Also, the swamp has a BIRTH rite passage. How many of you know that Chelsea Clinton is considering a run for New York Senate? How about the Bush family? The Clinton dynasty? Ever hear of the Kennedy's? The Cuomo's?

So what does this have to do with Mueller being the clean up guy?

Let me digress...………… the MSM lies CONSTANTLY! Instantly, a Leftist will stand up and ask what are they lying about! The answer is more than simple--------------> their lies are very subtle, they lie mainly through omission. They want to pain a picture one way, because as past surveys have conclusively shown, more than 80% of our media is liberal. Just look at the 1st paragraph in this post and tell me what I described was not said, and in fact heralded by virtually ALL of the MSM.

Was it true? You now know they LIED to you; either that, or didn't investigate, and just gave you their opinion. Now it is fine for OPINION people to give you an OPINION. But when those that claim themselves as NEWS ANCHORS spout this type of stuff without ever investigating, or out and out lying, then unless you are ignorant, you must draw the conclusion you are purposely being misled.

So now lets go back to Mueller being the swamps cleanup guy; they guy who is actually trying to protect the swamp!

Many people have asked me to explain to them what I think really happened with the collusion/delusion. These people are NOT as politically interested as most of us are, so unless their interest is piqued, they are not going to sit down and read a large book about it. You try and explain to them, but not being versed in all the specific, something is always lost in the translation, and since they never hear ANYTHING you are talking about in the MSM, they believe you are some sort of crackpot. Why, didn't Bernstein and his buddy break Watergate!

And so, for those people I post this youtube video. It is 1/2 hr or so, and explains as much of it as can be explained in that amount of time. It also explains how ALL the information presented, came from THE MSM, lol. They printed it in multiple sources including the New York Times, CNN, and a host of others.

Realize that THESE STORIES are still available to you on their websites, which means they know EXACTLY what is going on, but as I said before; LIE THROUGH OMMISION!

Before I post this video, I would like you to contemplate this----------> The swamp controls its own as I said before, then bequeaths their position to someone close, related, or on the swamp periphery. This is how they ALL GET RICH!

But one thing they can NOT have, is someone coming in that has power over them, such as a President who never really belonged to the swamp. Now you understand why the swamp despises DJT. He doesn't owe them a damn thing. And the swamp? Well they always want another sneaky snake in charge, rather than a human with a bulldozer, therefore...………..Hey Mueller, cleanup in aisle 4-)

So Mueller is protecting the swamp.....with guilty pleas and convictions of the corrupt perjurers, liars, grifters, tax cheats and theives that Trump surrounded himself with?

So you found some dogshit in your yard and you know it was Donald Trumps dog who shit in your yard no one saw it you didn’t see it but because your beloved criminal bitch and her treasonist boss got slapped down like the worthless dimshits they are it was Trumps dog impeach him. Damn what a group of uneducated monolithic childish ants.

I don't know about dogs. But Trump's national security advisor, foreign policy advisor, deputy campaign manager, personal lawyer, and campaign manager and have all been convicted of felonies.

Or as Trump likes to call them, the 'best people'.

You should really watch the video and educate yourself, and I mean that sincerely.

This stuff is not made up, it came from the MSM who reported it. I didn't say it, Easy didn't say it, political chic didn't say it, CNN, the glorious New York times, Buzzfeed, and a host of others ALL reported it.

See, you can not see the forest through the trees, and maybe that is how you like it. When will you people understand that like or despise Trump, you can NOT have a government doing what they did, or we are all in danger.

While all of us who bring this up lean right, it is NOT a right or left issue, it is about all Americans. What was pulled off was banana republic tactics, and I do not think any of us want to live in a place like that. I do not know what has happened to you civil libertarian Democrats, but it is one of the reasons you people are considered off the rails. Do you actually understand what is going to happen when/if this stuff comes to light?

Eventually, history tells the truth; it always has. It might be next week, next year, or maybe after we are all dead, nobody really knows. With something many of you have such a strong opinion on, which side of history do YOU want to be on? The side that was correct, but uncomfortable for you; or the side that was led around by their noses? And remember, you can't claim a cover up on this one, all you have to do is look into it!

When push comes to shove, your excuse of being misled will be weak as hell. The fact of the matter is----------> your hate and laziness guided you to the WRONG ANSWER. If that is the perception that each and every one of you want to leave the people closest to you, then all I can say is...…….be my guest!

Sadly DemNazis are totally cool with using Russian Propaganda to alter the outcome of an election, launch fake investigations and file false affidavits in a FISA Court so Clinton and Obama could spy on a rival presidential campaign.

JFK type Democrats....part of the backbone of America, can't seem to find their backbone to speak out against this. I imagine that is because their party is squashing their voice being that it's run by Radical Marxist Socialist now. That leaves only grass roots Blue Collar GOP to speak out against this. The JFK Democrats should be joining us in coming out against this kind of political fraud. A One Party System being run by The Deep State promoting Globalism and Socialism is bad for America. Democrats should be incensed about this....but they are strangely silent.

People are falsely agitated about Russia impacting our election. They did not change a single vote. They put a few stupid memes on Facebook and Twitter some of which were Pro Clinton and some Pro Trump.

They should be more worried about Russia-Socialists-Marxists running The Democrat party. They should be up in arms about Socialists and Marxists who want to destroy our Republic and impose Collectivism. Once you let The Government begin to erode your freedoms, you will not be able to get them back.
Last edited:
How many of you heard on the MSM over, and over, and over again that the caravan was not real, just a political ploy? How many of you listened to supposed news anchor tell all of his audience that "the caravan was Trumps Reichstag fire?" Do people in imaginary caravans rush the border while trying to break into your country?!?!?!?! Political ploys do this, correct?

Washington DC is controlled by very few people, which we refer to in polite company as "the swamp!" Now Leftists will tell you who really controls Washington DC and "the swamp," is big business. They may have a partial point, but the truth is that big business does not vote in either chamber of congress, or congresspeople do!

The leaders of our political party's DESPISE new people coming in with the intention of actually working for their constituents, which is what their job is actually SUPPOSED to be. But, they know they can control them, or most of them. How? By threatening them to "vote our way," or "we will primary you, and cut off re-election campaign funds!"

Yes folks, the swamp controls its own in this manner. Also, the swamp has a BIRTH rite passage. How many of you know that Chelsea Clinton is considering a run for New York Senate? How about the Bush family? The Clinton dynasty? Ever hear of the Kennedy's? The Cuomo's?

So what does this have to do with Mueller being the clean up guy?

Let me digress...………… the MSM lies CONSTANTLY! Instantly, a Leftist will stand up and ask what are they lying about! The answer is more than simple--------------> their lies are very subtle, they lie mainly through omission. They want to pain a picture one way, because as past surveys have conclusively shown, more than 80% of our media is liberal. Just look at the 1st paragraph in this post and tell me what I described was not said, and in fact heralded by virtually ALL of the MSM.

Was it true? You now know they LIED to you; either that, or didn't investigate, and just gave you their opinion. Now it is fine for OPINION people to give you an OPINION. But when those that claim themselves as NEWS ANCHORS spout this type of stuff without ever investigating, or out and out lying, then unless you are ignorant, you must draw the conclusion you are purposely being misled.

So now lets go back to Mueller being the swamps cleanup guy; they guy who is actually trying to protect the swamp!

Many people have asked me to explain to them what I think really happened with the collusion/delusion. These people are NOT as politically interested as most of us are, so unless their interest is piqued, they are not going to sit down and read a large book about it. You try and explain to them, but not being versed in all the specific, something is always lost in the translation, and since they never hear ANYTHING you are talking about in the MSM, they believe you are some sort of crackpot. Why, didn't Bernstein and his buddy break Watergate!

And so, for those people I post this youtube video. It is 1/2 hr or so, and explains as much of it as can be explained in that amount of time. It also explains how ALL the information presented, came from THE MSM, lol. They printed it in multiple sources including the New York Times, CNN, and a host of others.

Realize that THESE STORIES are still available to you on their websites, which means they know EXACTLY what is going on, but as I said before; LIE THROUGH OMMISION!

Before I post this video, I would like you to contemplate this----------> The swamp controls its own as I said before, then bequeaths their position to someone close, related, or on the swamp periphery. This is how they ALL GET RICH!

But one thing they can NOT have, is someone coming in that has power over them, such as a President who never really belonged to the swamp. Now you understand why the swamp despises DJT. He doesn't owe them a damn thing. And the swamp? Well they always want another sneaky snake in charge, rather than a human with a bulldozer, therefore...………..Hey Mueller, cleanup in aisle 4-)

So Mueller is protecting the swamp.....with guilty pleas and convictions of the corrupt perjurers, liars, grifters, tax cheats and theives that Trump surrounded himself with?

So you found some dogshit in your yard and you know it was Donald Trumps dog who shit in your yard no one saw it you didn’t see it but because your beloved criminal bitch and her treasonist boss got slapped down like the worthless dimshits they are it was Trumps dog impeach him. Damn what a group of uneducated monolithic childish ants.

I don't know about dogs. But Trump's national security advisor, foreign policy advisor, deputy campaign manager, personal lawyer, and campaign manager and have all been convicted of felonies.

Or as Trump likes to call them, the 'best people'.

You should really watch the video and educate yourself, and I mean that sincerely.

This stuff is not made up, it came from the MSM who reported it. I didn't say it, Easy didn't say it, political chic didn't say it, CNN, the glorious New York times, Buzzfeed, and a host of others ALL reported it.

See, you can not see the forest through the trees, and maybe that is how you like it. When will you people understand that like or despise Trump, you can NOT have a government doing what they did, or we are all in danger.

While all of us who bring this up lean right, it is NOT a right or left issue, it is about all Americans. What was pulled off was banana republic tactics, and I do not think any of us want to live in a place like that. I do not know what has happened to you civil libertarian Democrats, but it is one of the reasons you people are considered off the rails. Do you actually understand what is going to happen when/if this stuff comes to light?

Eventually, history tells the truth; it always has. It might be next week, next year, or maybe after we are all dead, nobody really knows. With something many of you have such a strong opinion on, which side of history do YOU want to be on? The side that was correct, but uncomfortable for you; or the side that was led around by their noses? And remember, you can't claim a cover up on this one, all you have to do is look into it!

When push comes to shove, your excuse of being misled will be weak as hell. The fact of the matter is----------> your hate and laziness guided you to the WRONG ANSWER. If that is the perception that each and every one of you want to leave the people closest to you, then all I can say is...…….be my guest!

Sadly DemNazis are totally cool with using Russian Propaganda to alter the outcome of an election, launch fake investigations and file false affidavits in a FISA Court so Clinton and Obama could spy on a rival presidential campaign.

JFK type Democrats....part of the backbone of America, can't seem to find their backbone to speak out against this. I imagine that is because their party is squashing their voice being that it's run by Radical Marxist Socialist now. That leaves only grass roots Blue Collar GOP to speak out against this. The JFK Democrats should be joining us in coming out against this kind of political fraud. A One Party System being run by The Deep State promoting Globalism and Socialism is bad for America. Democrats should be incensed about this....but they are strangely silent.

People are falsely agitated about Russia impacting our election. They did not change a single vote. They put a few stupid memes on Facebook and Twitter some of which were Pro Clinton and some Pro Trump.

They should be more worried about Russia-Socialists-Marxists running The Democrat party. They should be up in arms about Socialists and Marxists who want to destroy our Republic and impose Collectivism. Once you let The Government begin to erode your freedoms, you will not be able to get them back.

Your hysteric 'THIS IS NAZI GERMANY' trope doesn't really tell us anything about Dems. It merely a window into the wasteland of insanity that is your worldview.

Your 'false affidavits' nonsense is just another fire and forget fantasy that you shit out and then flee from the moment it starts to smell.

Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty, Says Trump Told Him to Pay Off Women

Paul Manafort Found Guilty On 8 Counts

Rick Gates, Trump Campaign Aide, Pleads Guilty in Mueller Inquiry and Will Cooperate

Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, resigns amid tobacco stock furor

VA chief doctored email so wife could travel on taxpayer dime: watchdog

Speechwriter David Sorensen
resigns over domestic abuse allegations

Omarosa: 'I was haunted by tweets every single day'

Michael Flynn 'putting his life back together' after guilty plea in Mueller probe

Rob Porter's ex-wives detail abuse allegations

Forest Service chief Tony Tooke resigns amid sexual misconduct allegations

Steve Bannon: The Trump-whisperer's rapid fall from grace

Ryan Zinke’s Rocky, Scandal-Ridden Year at Interior

Scott Pruitt’s bizarre condo scandal and mounting ethics questions, explained

Pruitt's head o
f security abruptly resigns amid House panel probe

Tom Price, Trump’s scandal-plagued HHS secretary, is stepping down

Anthony Scaramucci: Fired from the White House after 10 days

How Kellyanne Conway ushered in the era of ‘alternative facts’

Trump frustrated with Hicks' role in Porter scandal

The Final Humiliation of Reince Priebus

George Papadopoulos: The Mueller Probe's First Guilty Plea

Karen McDougal tells CNN Trump once tried to pay her after sex

Stormy Daniels describes her alleged affair with Donald Trump

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

White House concerned Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke violated federal rules

Those are all Swamp attacks on Trump, bub.
Those are all Trump hires. He picks only the best people. :rolleyes:

Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty, Says Trump Told Him to Pay Off Women

Paul Manafort Found Guilty On 8 Counts

Rick Gates, Trump Campaign Aide, Pleads Guilty in Mueller Inquiry and Will Cooperate

Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, resigns amid tobacco stock furor

VA chief doctored email so wife could travel on taxpayer dime: watchdog

Speechwriter David Sorensen
resigns over domestic abuse allegations

Omarosa: 'I was haunted by tweets every single day'

Michael Flynn 'putting his life back together' after guilty plea in Mueller probe

Rob Porter's ex-wives detail abuse allegations

Forest Service chief Tony Tooke resigns amid sexual misconduct allegations

Steve Bannon: The Trump-whisperer's rapid fall from grace

Ryan Zinke’s Rocky, Scandal-Ridden Year at Interior

Scott Pruitt’s bizarre condo scandal and mounting ethics questions, explained

Pruitt's head o
f security abruptly resigns amid House panel probe

Tom Price, Trump’s scandal-plagued HHS secretary, is stepping down

Anthony Scaramucci: Fired from the White House after 10 days

How Kellyanne Conway ushered in the era of ‘alternative facts’

Trump frustrated with Hicks' role in Porter scandal

The Final Humiliation of Reince Priebus

George Papadopoulos: The Mueller Probe's First Guilty Plea

Karen McDougal tells CNN Trump once tried to pay her after sex

Stormy Daniels describes her alleged affair with Donald Trump

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

White House concerned Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke violated federal rules

Those are all Swamp attacks on Trump, bub.
Those are all Trump hires. He picks only the best people. :rolleyes:

You don't really understand the nature of the Swamp, do you bub.

The Swamp Creature are attacking everyone around Trump to either turn them or bring them down. It's what they do.

Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty, Says Trump Told Him to Pay Off Women

Paul Manafort Found Guilty On 8 Counts

Rick Gates, Trump Campaign Aide, Pleads Guilty in Mueller Inquiry and Will Cooperate

Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, resigns amid tobacco stock furor

VA chief doctored email so wife could travel on taxpayer dime: watchdog

Speechwriter David Sorensen
resigns over domestic abuse allegations

Omarosa: 'I was haunted by tweets every single day'

Michael Flynn 'putting his life back together' after guilty plea in Mueller probe

Rob Porter's ex-wives detail abuse allegations

Forest Service chief Tony Tooke resigns amid sexual misconduct allegations

Steve Bannon: The Trump-whisperer's rapid fall from grace

Ryan Zinke’s Rocky, Scandal-Ridden Year at Interior

Scott Pruitt’s bizarre condo scandal and mounting ethics questions, explained

Pruitt's head o
f security abruptly resigns amid House panel probe

Tom Price, Trump’s scandal-plagued HHS secretary, is stepping down

Anthony Scaramucci: Fired from the White House after 10 days

How Kellyanne Conway ushered in the era of ‘alternative facts’

Trump frustrated with Hicks' role in Porter scandal

The Final Humiliation of Reince Priebus

George Papadopoulos: The Mueller Probe's First Guilty Plea

Karen McDougal tells CNN Trump once tried to pay her after sex

Stormy Daniels describes her alleged affair with Donald Trump

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

White House concerned Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke violated federal rules

Those are all Swamp attacks on Trump, bub.
Those are all Trump hires. He picks only the best people. :rolleyes:

You don't really understand the nature of the Swamp, do you bub.

The Swamp Creature are attacking everyone around Trump to either turn them or bring them down. It's what they do.
Oh, I see. The D33P STAIT made Shulkin fake his travel documents and cheat the taxpayers.

Yeah, okay...bub. :lol:

"The devil made me do it!"
The D33P STAIT made Trump fuck that porn star. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty, Says Trump Told Him to Pay Off Women

Paul Manafort Found Guilty On 8 Counts

Rick Gates, Trump Campaign Aide, Pleads Guilty in Mueller Inquiry and Will Cooperate

Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, resigns amid tobacco stock furor

VA chief doctored email so wife could travel on taxpayer dime: watchdog

Speechwriter David Sorensen
resigns over domestic abuse allegations

Omarosa: 'I was haunted by tweets every single day'

Michael Flynn 'putting his life back together' after guilty plea in Mueller probe

Rob Porter's ex-wives detail abuse allegations

Forest Service chief Tony Tooke resigns amid sexual misconduct allegations

Steve Bannon: The Trump-whisperer's rapid fall from grace

Ryan Zinke’s Rocky, Scandal-Ridden Year at Interior

Scott Pruitt’s bizarre condo scandal and mounting ethics questions, explained

Pruitt's head o
f security abruptly resigns amid House panel probe

Tom Price, Trump’s scandal-plagued HHS secretary, is stepping down

Anthony Scaramucci: Fired from the White House after 10 days

How Kellyanne Conway ushered in the era of ‘alternative facts’

Trump frustrated with Hicks' role in Porter scandal

The Final Humiliation of Reince Priebus

George Papadopoulos: The Mueller Probe's First Guilty Plea

Karen McDougal tells CNN Trump once tried to pay her after sex

Stormy Daniels describes her alleged affair with Donald Trump

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

White House concerned Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke violated federal rules

Those are all Swamp attacks on Trump, bub.
Those are all Trump hires. He picks only the best people. :rolleyes:

You don't really understand the nature of the Swamp, do you bub.

The Swamp Creature are attacking everyone around Trump to either turn them or bring them down. It's what they do.
Oh, I see. The D33P STAIT made Shulkin fake his travel documents and cheat the taxpayers.

Yeah, okay...bub. :lol:

"The devil made me do it!"

OK bub. Here's the deal: the next Dem President is going to get treated the way Trump has been. Do you really want this to be the way our society functions going forward? You started. You can end it. But if you don't, you are really not going to like living according to the New Rules.

Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty, Says Trump Told Him to Pay Off Women

Paul Manafort Found Guilty On 8 Counts

Rick Gates, Trump Campaign Aide, Pleads Guilty in Mueller Inquiry and Will Cooperate

Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, resigns amid tobacco stock furor

VA chief doctored email so wife could travel on taxpayer dime: watchdog

Speechwriter David Sorensen
resigns over domestic abuse allegations

Omarosa: 'I was haunted by tweets every single day'

Michael Flynn 'putting his life back together' after guilty plea in Mueller probe

Rob Porter's ex-wives detail abuse allegations

Forest Service chief Tony Tooke resigns amid sexual misconduct allegations

Steve Bannon: The Trump-whisperer's rapid fall from grace

Ryan Zinke’s Rocky, Scandal-Ridden Year at Interior

Scott Pruitt’s bizarre condo scandal and mounting ethics questions, explained

Pruitt's head o
f security abruptly resigns amid House panel probe

Tom Price, Trump’s scandal-plagued HHS secretary, is stepping down

Anthony Scaramucci: Fired from the White House after 10 days

How Kellyanne Conway ushered in the era of ‘alternative facts’

Trump frustrated with Hicks' role in Porter scandal

The Final Humiliation of Reince Priebus

George Papadopoulos: The Mueller Probe's First Guilty Plea

Karen McDougal tells CNN Trump once tried to pay her after sex

Stormy Daniels describes her alleged affair with Donald Trump

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

White House concerned Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke violated federal rules

Those are all Swamp attacks on Trump, bub.
Those are all Trump hires. He picks only the best people. :rolleyes:

You don't really understand the nature of the Swamp, do you bub.

The Swamp Creature are attacking everyone around Trump to either turn them or bring them down. It's what they do.
Oh, I see. The D33P STAIT made Shulkin fake his travel documents and cheat the taxpayers.

Yeah, okay...bub. :lol:

"The devil made me do it!"

OK bub. Here's the deal: the next Dem President is going to get treated the way Trump has been.
You mean like this?:

Impeach Obama?

Impeach obama!

Impeach obama

Impeach Obama Now !

Impeach the Kenyan!

Why to impeach Obama

Will Republicans impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama

""IMPEACH"" Law Breaker Obama! Now!!!

Enough enough with Obama, IMPEACH

Palin: Impeach

why won't anyone impeach Obama the racist?

Is Baltimore enough to impeach Obama?

---->>>> Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria <<<<---- :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::scared1:

SD GOP state convention: IMPEACH OBAMA!!

Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We could impeach Obama if we default

*Congress Setting Stage To Impeach Obama*

Impeach Obama, says Rep. Michael Burgess

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Charge for Treason, and Impeach

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

Will Biden team up with Republicans to Impeach Obama?

Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

It's is far time we impeach

THE “TAKE CARE CLAUSE” …A Reason to Impeach?

Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)

OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America

White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama If They Get the Chance

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Impeaching Obama

Enjoy the karma, baby! :lol:

Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty, Says Trump Told Him to Pay Off Women

Paul Manafort Found Guilty On 8 Counts

Rick Gates, Trump Campaign Aide, Pleads Guilty in Mueller Inquiry and Will Cooperate

Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, resigns amid tobacco stock furor

VA chief doctored email so wife could travel on taxpayer dime: watchdog

Speechwriter David Sorensen
resigns over domestic abuse allegations

Omarosa: 'I was haunted by tweets every single day'

Michael Flynn 'putting his life back together' after guilty plea in Mueller probe

Rob Porter's ex-wives detail abuse allegations

Forest Service chief Tony Tooke resigns amid sexual misconduct allegations

Steve Bannon: The Trump-whisperer's rapid fall from grace

Ryan Zinke’s Rocky, Scandal-Ridden Year at Interior

Scott Pruitt’s bizarre condo scandal and mounting ethics questions, explained

Pruitt's head o
f security abruptly resigns amid House panel probe

Tom Price, Trump’s scandal-plagued HHS secretary, is stepping down

Anthony Scaramucci: Fired from the White House after 10 days

How Kellyanne Conway ushered in the era of ‘alternative facts’

Trump frustrated with Hicks' role in Porter scandal

The Final Humiliation of Reince Priebus

George Papadopoulos: The Mueller Probe's First Guilty Plea

Karen McDougal tells CNN Trump once tried to pay her after sex

Stormy Daniels describes her alleged affair with Donald Trump

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

White House concerned Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke violated federal rules

Those are all Swamp attacks on Trump, bub.
Those are all Trump hires. He picks only the best people. :rolleyes:

Trump seems to love surrounding himself with liars, perjurers, frauds, grifters, thieves, tax cheats, and even conspirators against the United States.
Those are all Swamp attacks on Trump, bub.
Those are all Trump hires. He picks only the best people. :rolleyes:

You don't really understand the nature of the Swamp, do you bub.

The Swamp Creature are attacking everyone around Trump to either turn them or bring them down. It's what they do.
Oh, I see. The D33P STAIT made Shulkin fake his travel documents and cheat the taxpayers.

Yeah, okay...bub. :lol:

"The devil made me do it!"

OK bub. Here's the deal: the next Dem President is going to get treated the way Trump has been.
You mean like this?:

Impeach Obama?

Impeach obama!

Impeach obama

Impeach Obama Now !

Impeach the Kenyan!

Why to impeach Obama

Will Republicans impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama

""IMPEACH"" Law Breaker Obama! Now!!!

Enough enough with Obama, IMPEACH

Palin: Impeach

why won't anyone impeach Obama the racist?

Is Baltimore enough to impeach Obama?

---->>>> Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria <<<<---- :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::scared1:

SD GOP state convention: IMPEACH OBAMA!!

Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We could impeach Obama if we default

*Congress Setting Stage To Impeach Obama*

Impeach Obama, says Rep. Michael Burgess

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Charge for Treason, and Impeach

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

Will Biden team up with Republicans to Impeach Obama?

Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

It's is far time we impeach

THE “TAKE CARE CLAUSE” …A Reason to Impeach?

Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)

OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America

White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama If They Get the Chance

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Impeaching Obama

Enjoy the karma, baby! :lol:

Free speech is different than using embeds in the Executive Branch to attempt a coup.

And link to the Eternal Special Counsel investigation that Bush operatives put in place to bring down Obabble?
OK bub. Here's the deal: the next Dem President is going to get treated the way Trump has been.

If the next Dem president is a lying, con man, piece of crap who cares only about his own fat ass......YES......he should be treated like Trump.......I agree......DEAL????
Those are all Swamp attacks on Trump, bub.
Those are all Trump hires. He picks only the best people. :rolleyes:

You don't really understand the nature of the Swamp, do you bub.

The Swamp Creature are attacking everyone around Trump to either turn them or bring them down. It's what they do.
Oh, I see. The D33P STAIT made Shulkin fake his travel documents and cheat the taxpayers.

Yeah, okay...bub. :lol:

"The devil made me do it!"

OK bub. Here's the deal: the next Dem President is going to get treated the way Trump has been.
You mean like this?:

Impeach Obama?

Impeach obama!

Impeach obama

Impeach Obama Now !

Impeach the Kenyan!

Why to impeach Obama

Will Republicans impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama

""IMPEACH"" Law Breaker Obama! Now!!!

Enough enough with Obama, IMPEACH

Palin: Impeach

why won't anyone impeach Obama the racist?

Is Baltimore enough to impeach Obama?

---->>>> Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria <<<<---- :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::scared1:

SD GOP state convention: IMPEACH OBAMA!!

Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We could impeach Obama if we default

*Congress Setting Stage To Impeach Obama*

Impeach Obama, says Rep. Michael Burgess

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Charge for Treason, and Impeach

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

Will Biden team up with Republicans to Impeach Obama?

Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

It's is far time we impeach

THE “TAKE CARE CLAUSE” …A Reason to Impeach?

Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)

OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America

White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama If They Get the Chance

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Impeaching Obama

Enjoy the karma, baby! :lol:

Its adorable to watch republicans complain!

Like when republicans snivel about how long the Mueller investigation has gone one (less than 2 years compared to 6 for White Water and 4 for Benghazi).

Or whine about how Mueller has gone off his initial purpose (Um, what does a blowjob have to do with White Water again?)
Those are all Trump hires. He picks only the best people. :rolleyes:

You don't really understand the nature of the Swamp, do you bub.

The Swamp Creature are attacking everyone around Trump to either turn them or bring them down. It's what they do.
Oh, I see. The D33P STAIT made Shulkin fake his travel documents and cheat the taxpayers.

Yeah, okay...bub. :lol:

"The devil made me do it!"

OK bub. Here's the deal: the next Dem President is going to get treated the way Trump has been.
You mean like this?:

Impeach Obama?

Impeach obama!

Impeach obama

Impeach Obama Now !

Impeach the Kenyan!

Why to impeach Obama

Will Republicans impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama

""IMPEACH"" Law Breaker Obama! Now!!!

Enough enough with Obama, IMPEACH

Palin: Impeach

why won't anyone impeach Obama the racist?

Is Baltimore enough to impeach Obama?

---->>>> Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria <<<<---- :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::scared1:

SD GOP state convention: IMPEACH OBAMA!!

Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We could impeach Obama if we default

*Congress Setting Stage To Impeach Obama*

Impeach Obama, says Rep. Michael Burgess

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Charge for Treason, and Impeach

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

Will Biden team up with Republicans to Impeach Obama?

Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

It's is far time we impeach

THE “TAKE CARE CLAUSE” …A Reason to Impeach?

Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)

OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America

White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama If They Get the Chance

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Impeaching Obama

Enjoy the karma, baby! :lol:

Free speech is different than using embed in the Executive Branch to attempt a coup.
Now you are drinking piss in public. :lol:

Trump is a thoroughly corrupt piece of shit, and he has surrounded himself with corrupt pieces of shit. He's a huckster. You got taken.

If Trump goes down, it will because of his own actions.

Karma is bitch slapping you tards with a vengeance. Remember all those Trump tweets attacking Obama's behavior? Now Trump is doing the same things. Running up huge tabs for his vacations. Golfing almost as often as he is governing. Pissing off our allies and engendering hate towards America. All those attacks on Obamacare and promises that he had a better plan in his pocket that would make health care better at a tiny fraction of the cost.

You've been had.

Trump the birther has a lot more karma coming to him.
Those are all Trump hires. He picks only the best people. :rolleyes:

You don't really understand the nature of the Swamp, do you bub.

The Swamp Creature are attacking everyone around Trump to either turn them or bring them down. It's what they do.
Oh, I see. The D33P STAIT made Shulkin fake his travel documents and cheat the taxpayers.

Yeah, okay...bub. :lol:

"The devil made me do it!"

OK bub. Here's the deal: the next Dem President is going to get treated the way Trump has been.
You mean like this?:

Impeach Obama?

Impeach obama!

Impeach obama

Impeach Obama Now !

Impeach the Kenyan!

Why to impeach Obama

Will Republicans impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama

""IMPEACH"" Law Breaker Obama! Now!!!

Enough enough with Obama, IMPEACH

Palin: Impeach

why won't anyone impeach Obama the racist?

Is Baltimore enough to impeach Obama?

---->>>> Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria <<<<---- :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::scared1:

SD GOP state convention: IMPEACH OBAMA!!

Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We could impeach Obama if we default

*Congress Setting Stage To Impeach Obama*

Impeach Obama, says Rep. Michael Burgess

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Charge for Treason, and Impeach

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

Will Biden team up with Republicans to Impeach Obama?

Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

It's is far time we impeach

THE “TAKE CARE CLAUSE” …A Reason to Impeach?

Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)

OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America

White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama If They Get the Chance

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Impeaching Obama

Enjoy the karma, baby! :lol:

Free speech is different than using embeds in the Executive Branch to attempt a coup.

Impeachment isn't a 'coup'. Its a constitutional process. And a special counsel investigation is an application of due process. Which also isn't a 'coup'.

And link to the Eternal Special Counsel investigation that Bush operatives put in place to bring down Obabble?

'Eternal'? Its been less than 2 years. Whitewater lasted 6 years. The House Benghazi investigation lasted 4 years.

Again, Republicans set the music. Now they have to dance to it.

Try to do so with a little more dignity and a little less whining.
The drainy swampy thing isn't working:


I’d expect nothing less than these results since the media (minus Fox News) covered up every Obama scandal and parrots his “scandal-free presidency” bullshit. Add to that people still believe the media is trustworthy and there you have it—a poll that reflects the profound ignorance in America.
You don't really understand the nature of the Swamp, do you bub.

The Swamp Creature are attacking everyone around Trump to either turn them or bring them down. It's what they do.
Oh, I see. The D33P STAIT made Shulkin fake his travel documents and cheat the taxpayers.

Yeah, okay...bub. :lol:

"The devil made me do it!"

OK bub. Here's the deal: the next Dem President is going to get treated the way Trump has been.
You mean like this?:

Impeach Obama?

Impeach obama!

Impeach obama

Impeach Obama Now !

Impeach the Kenyan!

Why to impeach Obama

Will Republicans impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama

""IMPEACH"" Law Breaker Obama! Now!!!

Enough enough with Obama, IMPEACH

Palin: Impeach

why won't anyone impeach Obama the racist?

Is Baltimore enough to impeach Obama?

---->>>> Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria <<<<---- :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::scared1:

SD GOP state convention: IMPEACH OBAMA!!

Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We could impeach Obama if we default

*Congress Setting Stage To Impeach Obama*

Impeach Obama, says Rep. Michael Burgess

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Charge for Treason, and Impeach

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

Will Biden team up with Republicans to Impeach Obama?

Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

It's is far time we impeach

THE “TAKE CARE CLAUSE” …A Reason to Impeach?

Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)

OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America

White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama If They Get the Chance

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Impeaching Obama

Enjoy the karma, baby! :lol:

Free speech is different than using embeds in the Executive Branch to attempt a coup.

Impeachment isn't a 'coup'. Its a constitutional process. And a special counsel investigation is an application of due process. Which also isn't a 'coup'.

And link to the Eternal Special Counsel investigation that Bush operatives put in place to bring down Obabble?

'Eternal'? Its been less than 2 years. Whitewater lasted 6 years. The House Benghazi investigation lasted 4 years.

Again, Republicans set the music. Now they have to dance to it.

Try to do so with a little more dignity and a little less whining.
It's funny listening to the tards whine about long investigations.

There's a reason I call them goldfish. Their propagandists have done a bang up job of turning them all into amnesiacs. Right out of Orwell.

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