Mueller's report

By the time Congress gets done screwing around, Trump will be voted out of office before they manage to impeach him.
unless the dems put up someone not so much a drama-queen (king) i don't see trump getting beat by socialistic platforms who's biggest push is ORANGE MAN BAD.

the D's need to develop something other than trump sucks to run on.
I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

Our Intel agencies concluded that Russian Intel hacked the DNC and Jon Podesta. Mueller is investigating that hacking.

At the same time, 16 officials from the Trump Campaign had over 100 contacts with Russian officials and lied about a great many of them.

The investigation has returned something like 30 indictments, several guilty pleas, and jury verdicts.
In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.
It is illegal to conspire. “Collusion” is a term that means nothing in the legal realm.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.
Its pretty clear Trump was conspiring with the Russians to win the election.
Proving it is another matter.

That should be enough for the Salem witch trial in the House to impeach him.
Yeah, the Dems are pretty stupid.

The only difference is, Smollett will likely do time for his accusations that were not grounded in truth, as where those in the Swamp will all retire millionaires/billionaires.

Smollett will likely plead to no jail time as the alleged crime was non-violent.

So in your opinion, the Mueller report is not needed to impeach Trump?

Why then spend all those millions of tax payer dollars?

Why use all that manpower that could have been investigating real crime?

No doubt, the Left winger Smollett will be treated with kid gloves in Liberal world in Chicago.

He may not have killed someone directly, but all the man power and media attention has taken the eyes off real crime in Chicago, which probably cost a great many lives. After all, Chicago is a very violent place. I listened to the police commissioner and he said that he wished the media paid as much attention to black on black crime as they did to Jesse and his Trump hating accusations. Perhaps then, people would begin to care.
I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

Our Intel agencies concluded that Russian Intel hacked the DNC and Jon Podesta. Mueller is investigating that hacking.

At the same time, 16 officials from the Trump Campaign had over 100 contacts with Russian officials and lied about a great many of them.

The investigation has returned something like 30 indictments, several guilty pleas, and jury verdicts.
In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.
It is illegal to conspire. “Collusion” is a term that means nothing in the legal realm.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.
Its pretty clear Trump was conspiring with the Russians to win the election.
Proving it is another matter.

That should be enough for the Salem witch trial in the House to impeach him.
Yeah, the Dems are pretty stupid.

The only difference is, Smollett will likely do time for his accusations that were not grounded in truth, as where those in the Swamp will all retire millionaires/billionaires.

Smollett will likely plead to no jail time as the alleged crime was non-violent.

Trump will win in 2020.
You’re probably right. Americans don’t like changing Presidents.

There was never evidence of collusion.
Sure there is.

Smollets is a hate crime.
Not under statute.

He will do no jail time.
Non-violent offenders often do not. I think he should myself.

There's a different standard applied to leftists who are racists ie smollet types.

I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.

That should be enough for the Salem witch trial in the House to impeach him.

The only difference is, Smollett will likely do time for his accusations that were not grounded in truth, as where those in the Swamp will all retire millionaires/billionaires.
I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

Our Intel agencies concluded that Russian Intel hacked the DNC and Jon Podesta. Mueller is investigating that hacking.

At the same time, 16 officials from the Trump Campaign had over 100 contacts with Russian officials and lied about a great many of them.

The investigation has returned something like 30 indictments, several guilty pleas, and jury verdicts.
In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.
It is illegal to conspire. “Collusion” is a term that means nothing in the legal realm.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.
Its pretty clear Trump was conspiring with the Russians to win the election.
Proving it is another matter.

That should be enough for the Salem witch trial in the House to impeach him.
Yeah, the Dems are pretty stupid.

The only difference is, Smollett will likely do time for his accusations that were not grounded in truth, as where those in the Swamp will all retire millionaires/billionaires.

Smollett will likely plead to no jail time as the alleged crime was non-violent.

Trump will win in 2020.
You’re probably right. Americans don’t like changing Presidents.

There was never evidence of collusion.
Sure there is.

Smollets is a hate crime.
Not under statute.

He will do no jail time.
Non-violent offenders often do not. I think he should myself.

There's a different standard applied to leftists who are racists ie smollet types.


Fair enough, CC.
Why then spend all those millions of tax payer dollars?
Why not? Millions were spent investigating Ben-gotcha and Whitewater. I guess you could say it’s Trump’s turn in the barrel. LOL. Geez, I crack myself up.

Why use all that manpower that could have been investigating real crime?
You guys think the FBI is corrupt anyway so why are you worry about it?

No doubt, the Left winger Smollett will be treated with kid gloves in Liberal world in Chicago.
A non-violent offender usually gets probation. Such is true in almost every jurisdiction. I think he should get some jail time. It would probably be best for both society and his career—he could write a book about his time in the joint!!! LOL

He may not have killed someone directly, but all the man power and media attention has taken the eyes off real crime in Chicago, which probably cost a great many lives. After all, Chicago is a very violent place. I listened to the police commissioner and he said that he wished the media paid as much attention to black on black crime as they did to Jesse and his Trump hating accusations. Perhaps then, people would begin to care.
Cry me a river.
By the time Congress gets done screwing around, Trump will be voted out of office before they manage to impeach him.

Who from the field of Democrats would you like to see replace him, or perhaps Howie Schultz?
dunno - and good question.

if someone would stand up and scream EVERYONE OUT OF THE POOL and put stopping the divide as a priority, i'll listen.

we need to find common ground, not more reasons to hate.
The results of the report will not be believed, and they'll demand that the House investigates Trump for whatever they can find. These are hateful, sick, and obsessed people who want to see Trump gone. They won't stop just because Mueller's report came up dry.

I'm wondering if it will even come out.

For such a long time Dims have said that it was an open and shut case, no doubt whatsoever, yet the length of time this has taken to come out says otherwise.
no, we said, ''that is what Mueller is investigating.'' or ''We will find out, when Mueller is done the investigation.'' or ''None of us know yet, what the Special Counsel has found in their investigation''

We are waiting, waiting, waiting and waiting TO SEE IN FULL the Mueller report... If Crooked Trump's pawns HIDE IT from us there will be protests from here to kingdom come!

No, you may have expressed the wait and see attitude, but there are loads of lefties who have said they are convinced Trump is guilty of some type of illegal collusion. Check out folks like Candycorn and Franco. Granted, they are some of the wackier leftist.
The results of the report will not be believed, and they'll demand that the House investigates Trump for whatever they can find. These are hateful, sick, and obsessed people who want to see Trump gone. They won't stop just because Mueller's report came up dry.

I'm wondering if it will even come out.

For such a long time Dims have said that it was an open and shut case, no doubt whatsoever, yet the length of time this has taken to come out says otherwise.
no, we said, ''that is what Mueller is investigating.'' or ''We will find out, when Mueller is done the investigation.'' or ''None of us know yet, what the Special Counsel has found in their investigation''

We are waiting, waiting, waiting and waiting TO SEE IN FULL the Mueller report... If Crooked Trump's pawns HIDE IT from us there will be protests from here to kingdom come!

Dim after Dim after Dim, in the politician arena, and these forums, have repeatedly said Trump needs to be impeached.

So you are essentially saying this was all baseless due to not having enough evidence as of yet?

Sounds like Smolly.
what I am saying is we better damn well be able to see the Mueller report, IN FULL... so we can judge for ourselves, based on the evidence and facts the Special Counsel collected.This is not an either or situation....

Several have called for Trump's impeachment based on his lawlessness, his ignorance, his making our nation unsafe, his chronic lying.... no need for the Mueller report for any of that...

WE PAID for the Mueller investigation to find out exactly all that the Russians did to interfere in our 2016 presidential race, and if any of Trump's campaign were involved, and if involved, how deeply involved.... wittingly or unwittingly... WE HAVE A RIGHT to know, and be informed on it, thoroughly informed on it.
lol Mueller doesn''t have a report, he has a worthless collection of extorted hearsay 'testimony' and a big load of innuendo generated by himself. Next we investigate the FBI and arrest those who colluded with Hillary and Obama to violate U.S. security laws, stuff we know for sure happened.
The results of the report will not be believed, and they'll demand that the House investigates Trump for whatever they can find. These are hateful, sick, and obsessed people who want to see Trump gone. They won't stop just because Mueller's report came up dry.

I'm wondering if it will even come out.

For such a long time Dims have said that it was an open and shut case, no doubt whatsoever, yet the length of time this has taken to come out says otherwise.
no, we said, ''that is what Mueller is investigating.'' or ''We will find out, when Mueller is done the investigation.'' or ''None of us know yet, what the Special Counsel has found in their investigation''

We are waiting, waiting, waiting and waiting TO SEE IN FULL the Mueller report... If Crooked Trump's pawns HIDE IT from us there will be protests from here to kingdom come!
The Law is the Law. Barr knows exactly what it says and how to interpret it. See y'all in court...good luck getting past the USSC
By the time Congress gets done screwing around, Trump will be voted out of office before they manage to impeach him.

Using BST (Benghazi Standard Time), the Congress still has 3-4 years of dragging a target of the “investigation” through the mud for no reason whatsoever.

For no reason whatsoever? They found that the situation was completely preventable and that the administration lied to the American public. Its purpose was to inform the American public that the Hussein administration fucked up and four people died because of it. The American public remembered and that’s a big reason Hillary lost. It was never a criminal investigation because it isn’t illegal for an administration to make horrendous mistakes that causes lives.
The results of the report will not be believed, and they'll demand that the House investigates Trump for whatever they can find. These are hateful, sick, and obsessed people who want to see Trump gone. They won't stop just because Mueller's report came up dry.

I'm wondering if it will even come out.

For such a long time Dims have said that it was an open and shut case, no doubt whatsoever, yet the length of time this has taken to come out says otherwise.
no, we said, ''that is what Mueller is investigating.'' or ''We will find out, when Mueller is done the investigation.'' or ''None of us know yet, what the Special Counsel has found in their investigation''

We are waiting, waiting, waiting and waiting TO SEE IN FULL the Mueller report... If Crooked Trump's pawns HIDE IT from us there will be protests from here to kingdom come!
The Law is the Law. Barr knows exactly what it says and how to interpret it. See y'all in court...good luck getting past the USSC
If everyone is innocent, then WHY DO YOU WANT TO HIDE IT from the American people?

That's simply bull crap.... utter bull crap...

SUNSHINE is the best disinfectant....

this hiding crap is DARKNESS to the nth degree.... and you know who rules Darkness? Evil.
The results of the report will not be believed, and they'll demand that the House investigates Trump for whatever they can find. These are hateful, sick, and obsessed people who want to see Trump gone. They won't stop just because Mueller's report came up dry.

I'm wondering if it will even come out.

For such a long time Dims have said that it was an open and shut case, no doubt whatsoever, yet the length of time this has taken to come out says otherwise.
no, we said, ''that is what Mueller is investigating.'' or ''We will find out, when Mueller is done the investigation.'' or ''None of us know yet, what the Special Counsel has found in their investigation''

We are waiting, waiting, waiting and waiting TO SEE IN FULL the Mueller report... If Crooked Trump's pawns HIDE IT from us there will be protests from here to kingdom come!

Dim after Dim after Dim, in the politician arena, and these forums, have repeatedly said Trump needs to be impeached.

So you are essentially saying this was all baseless due to not having enough evidence as of yet?

Sounds like Smolly.
what I am saying is we better damn well be able to see the Mueller report, IN FULL... so we can judge for ourselves, based on the evidence and facts the Special Counsel collected.This is not an either or situation....

Several have called for Trump's impeachment based on his lawlessness, his ignorance, his making our nation unsafe, his chronic lying.... no need for the Mueller report for any of that...

WE PAID for the Mueller investigation to find out exactly all that the Russians did to interfere in our 2016 presidential race, and if any of Trump's campaign were involved, and if involved, how deeply involved.... wittingly or unwittingly... WE HAVE A RIGHT to know, and be informed on it, thoroughly informed on it.

If the report is not seen in full, it will be at the request of Mueller, himself. Do you really think he wants to completely exonerate Trump and be remembered as a "failure" who wasted two years and millions of dollars?

No, you will not get a full report and there will always be some doubt in your mind. They want to continue stringing you along to keep the Democrat voter base fired up.

You're being played.
I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.

That should be enough for the Salem witch trial in the House to impeach him.

The only difference is, Smollett will likely do time for his accusations that were not grounded in truth, as where those in the Swamp will all retire millionaires/billionaires.
So let me get this straight. IYO, Smollet's accusations are comparable to allegations Trump conspired with Russia that may be supported by circumstantial evidence?
Adam Schiff is already saying that the Mueller report's findings will be reinvestigated. Democrats know they will find nothing. What they want to do is use investigation to harass President Trump out of office. What they will do is ensure another term.
So, they connive and force a special prosecutor, and pay him millions, then in turn will investigate to see if he investigated it. Looney tunes.
The results of the report will not be believed, and they'll demand that the House investigates Trump for whatever they can find. These are hateful, sick, and obsessed people who want to see Trump gone. They won't stop just because Mueller's report came up dry.

I kinda go along with that. Now, I think Mueller will have some info in his report
that would give some folks some doubt, but he's not going to be able to tie
anything together which is why he hasn't attempted to subpoena the President.

Barr will not release the entire report. Just the "facts" of the report. That would
put the Dems in a dangerous territory, because if they fight to get everything
released based on them saying Barr is covering something up and the
report is released and Barr wasn't, the Dems would be cooked.

They'll continue on with their nonsense and all the moderates elected to the
House in 2018 will be toast in 2020.
So in your opinion, the Mueller report is not needed to impeach Trump?

It's needed to know and document what that it doesn't happen again

Why then spend all those millions of tax payer dollars?

The investigation has PAID FOR ITSELF with the 40 million in fines levied on Manafort

Why use all that manpower that could have been investigating real crime?

Russians doing what they did is about as "real" as it gets

we need to find common ground, not more reasons to hate.

Nothing you EVER post leads to common ground. Who the fuck are you trying to bullshit
The results of the report will not be believed, and they'll demand that the House investigates Trump for whatever they can find. These are hateful, sick, and obsessed people who want to see Trump gone. They won't stop just because Mueller's report came up dry.

I agree and I hope they spend the next year investigating.

2020 is fast approaching and voters are watching. They will lose the house in 2020.

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