Mueller's report

By the time Congress gets done screwing around, Trump will be voted out of office before they manage to impeach him.

Using BST (Benghazi Standard Time), the Congress still has 3-4 years of dragging a target of the “investigation” through the mud for no reason whatsoever.

No reason to investigate the travesty of Benghazi?

US citizens died there.

Just jaw dropping.

The attacks were in 2012.
In 2015, the House was still investigating having Ms. Clinton testify in person again. It was a political circus put on to discredit Ms. Clinton; no other reason.
everything is speculation, date of release, content, EVERYTHING.

RW's got nothing - SDDBS
I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

Our Intel agencies concluded that Russian Intel hacked the DNC and Jon Podesta. Mueller is investigating that hacking.

At the same time, 16 officials from the Trump Campaign had over 100 contacts with Russian officials and lied about a great many of them.

The investigation has returned something like 30 indictments, several guilty pleas, and jury verdicts.
In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.
It is illegal to conspire. “Collusion” is a term that means nothing in the legal realm.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.
Its pretty clear Trump was conspiring with the Russians to win the election.
Proving it is another matter.

If Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta then others did too. Every capable government hacks.

Now many other countries did Trump's campaign have contact with? How many countries did Hillary's campaign have contact with?

Trump didn't need Russia's help to beat Hillary because she had no chance of winning. She had lost 2 back to back primaries. What made anyone think the general public would she win the general if her own constituents won't vote for her.
She won the Democratic nomination by a wide margin. You’re preaching falsehoods.

The only reason she won the most votes (not popular vote) is because of New York and California who vote for the person with the D next to their name.

Seriously? Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor in California with an R next to his name. A recent mayor of NYC was a republican.
By the time Congress gets done screwing around, Trump will be voted out of office before they manage to impeach him.

Using BST (Benghazi Standard Time), the Congress still has 3-4 years of dragging a target of the “investigation” through the mud for no reason whatsoever.

No reason to investigate the travesty of Benghazi?

US citizens died there.

Just jaw dropping.

The attacks were in 2012.
In 2015, the House was still investigating having Ms. Clinton testify in person again. It was a political circus put on to discredit Ms. Clinton; no other reason.
Unlike the Russia Collusion story, there was plenty of evidence of wrong doing in Benghazi. To say nothing of the the numerous lies Mrs Crook told, along with BO and others in his administration.

Thought Experiment: what would the MSM do to Trump, if he claimed Benghazi was about a two bit video, no one ever watched?
Fair enough? She says there is evidence of collusion. And to be even more fair, collusion is not even a crime.
You’re probably right. Americans don’t like changing Presidents.

Sure there is.

Not under statute.

Non-violent offenders often do not. I think he should myself.


Fair enough, CC.

Just her response. There never was any evidence of collusion. And thats true also. Collusion isn't a crime. People collude every day.

The Intel agencies conclude Russian Intel hacked computers of the DNC and Jon Podesta.
At the same time of the hacking, officials from the Trump campaign have meetings with Russian Officials.
Several of the campaign officials lie to investigators about the meetings.
Two of the officials from the Campaign, Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone have been shown to have foreknowledge of the hacking.

All of that is public record and none of it is in dispute from any serious commentator.

Making a legal case is different but the evidence of conspiracy to commit a crime is as clear as day.
Two words: Seth Rich.

I've said it a number of times, you'll rue the day you went after Trump like he was some local powerless nobody

Our intel agencies see it differently. I’ll believe them. Okay?
By the time Congress gets done screwing around, Trump will be voted out of office before they manage to impeach him.

Using BST (Benghazi Standard Time), the Congress still has 3-4 years of dragging a target of the “investigation” through the mud for no reason whatsoever.

No reason to investigate the travesty of Benghazi?

US citizens died there.

Just jaw dropping.

The attacks were in 2012.
In 2015, the House was still investigating having Ms. Clinton testify in person again. It was a political circus put on to discredit Ms. Clinton; no other reason.
Unlike the Russia Collusion story, there was plenty of evidence of wrong doing in Benghazi. To say nothing of the the numerous lies Mrs Crook told, along with BO and others in his administration.

Thought Experiment: what would the MSM do to Trump, if he claimed Benghazi was about a two bit video, no one ever watched?

It turns out the video did play a role in the attacks.
I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.

That should be enough for the Salem witch trial in the House to impeach him.

The only difference is, Smollett will likely do time for his accusations that were not grounded in truth, as where those in the Swamp will all retire millionaires/billionaires.

Smolletts punishment will disappoint many I’m afraid. Same with the political ruling class in Washington. Accountability is for us, ot them.

No doubt. He will probably also get a high paying job after all this by being hired by Trump haters.

Maybe. He lost his gig on Empire. I figure he will go gray for a bit, then maybe pop up on a reality show for a season, then be back at it in a few years. Remember back to the dixie chicks? They got a second chance to, the one chick fucked it up again though. Smaller can come back. But continuing deny the lie won’t do him any favors.

Fully agree. Infamous and famous are essentially the same thing in some regards.
By the time Congress gets done screwing around, Trump will be voted out of office before they manage to impeach him.

Using BST (Benghazi Standard Time), the Congress still has 3-4 years of dragging a target of the “investigation” through the mud for no reason whatsoever.

No reason to investigate the travesty of Benghazi?

US citizens died there.

Just jaw dropping.

The attacks were in 2012.
In 2015, the House was still investigating having Ms. Clinton testify in person again. It was a political circus put on to discredit Ms. Clinton; no other reason.
Unlike the Russia Collusion story, there was plenty of evidence of wrong doing in Benghazi. To say nothing of the the numerous lies Mrs Crook told, along with BO and others in his administration.

Thought Experiment: what would the MSM do to Trump, if he claimed Benghazi was about a two bit video, no one ever watched?

It turns out the video did play a role in the attacks.

I'm sure you have a link.
I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.

That should be enough for the Salem witch trial in the House to impeach him.

The only difference is, Smollett will likely do time for his accusations that were not grounded in truth, as where those in the Swamp will all retire millionaires/billionaires.

Smolletts punishment will disappoint many I’m afraid. Same with the political ruling class in Washington. Accountability is for us, ot them.

No doubt. He will probably also get a high paying job after all this by being hired by Trump haters.

Maybe. He lost his gig on Empire. I figure he will go gray for a bit, then maybe pop up on a reality show for a season, then be back at it in a few years. Remember back to the dixie chicks? They got a second chance to, the one chick fucked it up again though. Smaller can come back. But continuing deny the lie won’t do him any favors.

Fully agree. Infamous and famous are essentially the same thing in some regards.

And if you think about it, Americans are pretty forgiving in most cases.
I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.

That should be enough for the Salem witch trial in the House to impeach him.

The only difference is, Smollett will likely do time for his accusations that were not grounded in truth, as where those in the Swamp will all retire millionaires/billionaires.

Smolletts punishment will disappoint many I’m afraid. Same with the political ruling class in Washington. Accountability is for us, ot them.

No doubt. He will probably also get a high paying job after all this by being hired by Trump haters.

Everything he now does, or does not do, will be closely monitored.

Is CNN hiring?
Sounds like you know he's guilty and are already making excuses
No evidence, no crime, never was.

Only evidence is of Hillary, Dems, to include the seditious conspiratorial coup d'etat...
By the time Congress gets done screwing around, Trump will be voted out of office before they manage to impeach him.

Using BST (Benghazi Standard Time), the Congress still has 3-4 years of dragging a target of the “investigation” through the mud for no reason whatsoever.

No reason to investigate the travesty of Benghazi?

US citizens died there.

Just jaw dropping.

The attacks were in 2012.
In 2015, the House was still investigating having Ms. Clinton testify in person again. It was a political circus put on to discredit Ms. Clinton; no other reason.
Unlike the Russia Collusion story, there was plenty of evidence of wrong doing in Benghazi. To say nothing of the the numerous lies Mrs Crook told, along with BO and others in his administration.

Thought Experiment: what would the MSM do to Trump, if he claimed Benghazi was about a two bit video, no one ever watched?
Benghazi evidence?

4 dead American who shouldn't have even been there. They should have been pulled out when every other nation pulled their people out.

Lucky for Hillary incompetence and stupidity aren't criminal.
Last edited:
Using BST (Benghazi Standard Time), the Congress still has 3-4 years of dragging a target of the “investigation” through the mud for no reason whatsoever.

No reason to investigate the travesty of Benghazi?

US citizens died there.

Just jaw dropping.

The attacks were in 2012.
In 2015, the House was still investigating having Ms. Clinton testify in person again. It was a political circus put on to discredit Ms. Clinton; no other reason.
Unlike the Russia Collusion story, there was plenty of evidence of wrong doing in Benghazi. To say nothing of the the numerous lies Mrs Crook told, along with BO and others in his administration.

Thought Experiment: what would the MSM do to Trump, if he claimed Benghazi was about a two bit video, no one ever watched?

It turns out the video did play a role in the attacks.

I'm sure you have a link.

It was in the NYT if you want to find it.
No reason to investigate the travesty of Benghazi?

US citizens died there.

Just jaw dropping.

The attacks were in 2012.
In 2015, the House was still investigating having Ms. Clinton testify in person again. It was a political circus put on to discredit Ms. Clinton; no other reason.
Unlike the Russia Collusion story, there was plenty of evidence of wrong doing in Benghazi. To say nothing of the the numerous lies Mrs Crook told, along with BO and others in his administration.

Thought Experiment: what would the MSM do to Trump, if he claimed Benghazi was about a two bit video, no one ever watched?

It turns out the video did play a role in the attacks.

I'm sure you have a link.

It was in the NYT if you want to find it.

So ya got squat?
The heavily redacted Mueller report will go like this:

redactrickroll (copy 1).png
The attacks were in 2012.
In 2015, the House was still investigating having Ms. Clinton testify in person again. It was a political circus put on to discredit Ms. Clinton; no other reason.
Unlike the Russia Collusion story, there was plenty of evidence of wrong doing in Benghazi. To say nothing of the the numerous lies Mrs Crook told, along with BO and others in his administration.

Thought Experiment: what would the MSM do to Trump, if he claimed Benghazi was about a two bit video, no one ever watched?

It turns out the video did play a role in the attacks.

I'm sure you have a link.

It was in the NYT if you want to find it.

So ya got squat?
The only thing we should know is whatever is in there, the prepackaged rehearsed, cookie cutter response will be distributed to the mass media.

Then, the sheep will be instructed on how to respond.

Why then spend all those millions of tax payer dollars?
Why not? Millions were spent investigating Ben-gotcha and Whitewater. I guess you could say it’s Trump’s turn in the barrel. LOL. Geez, I crack myself up.

Why use all that manpower that could have been investigating real crime?
You guys think the FBI is corrupt anyway so why are you worry about it?

No doubt, the Left winger Smollett will be treated with kid gloves in Liberal world in Chicago.
A non-violent offender usually gets probation. Such is true in almost every jurisdiction. I think he should get some jail time. It would probably be best for both society and his career—he could write a book about his time in the joint!!! LOL

He may not have killed someone directly, but all the man power and media attention has taken the eyes off real crime in Chicago, which probably cost a great many lives. After all, Chicago is a very violent place. I listened to the police commissioner and he said that he wished the media paid as much attention to black on black crime as they did to Jesse and his Trump hating accusations. Perhaps then, people would begin to care.
Cry me a river.

Here is the difference Mz Corn, and I hope you read this along with everyone else, as this is IMPORTANT------------->

At or about the year 2003 or 04, under GW Bush no less, the NSA began compiling ALL of our texts, e-mails, and phone calls. (if you do NOT believe me, look it up!) They have transcripts of everyones phone calls; oh yes they do. These intrusions are held in a few facilities, one of them in Utah. By the way, if you sent a naked selfie, they got that too!

Upper level administration officials...…...from both partys………..were exempt because they had passed Secret Service scrutiny for top secret clearance. (look that up also if you doubt me) Also, they did NOT want top secret information stored in the archives, because contractors were able to view all the information. (Snowden types, if you get my drift)

And so you ask, what has this got to do with ANYTHING?

ANSWER, and it has multiple implications in reality------------->

1. All Clinton investigations were done BEFORE this time of collection, except those that were done while she was a member of the administration, exempting her from collection. Does that mean she is guilty? Of course not! It just means that while they have your and my...……..along with everybody else records on file, they do NOT have hers!

2. Wait you say, if what you say is TRUE, how did they get Flynn?
ANSWER-----------> LOL, because he was NOT in the cabinet, the Trump team was in TRANSITION, so his exemption did NOT exist as Mrs Clintons did! If that phone call between Flynn and Kisliak had happened AFTER Trump took office, it would have been regular, Whitehouse business!

OK, OK, you say, I still don't get it!

Then let me enlighten you-)-------------------------------------------->

A. Was Carter Paige a member of any administrations cabinet?

B. Was George Pa-Pa D a member of anyone's cabinet?

C. Was Donald J. Trump a member of anybody's cabinet?

d. Was Donald Trump Jr a member of anyone's cabinet?

ANSWER------> A resounding NO!

So what does that mean?

ANSWER---------> They have EVERY text they sent since 03 or 04, every e-mail, every transcript of every phone call, every banking transaction, along with every debit/credit card transaction that they did since that time!

Now then, with ALL this information, INCLUDING TAPPING THEIR PHONES AND COMMUNICATIONS directly from the time of the 1st FISA warrant, how difficult do you think it would be to find collusion? I mean, you are basically a PROCTOLOGIST, with the NSA sticking their nose where the sun don't shine for not only 2016, but back to 2003-04!

Wait, wait, what about obstruction? Trump and his cronies WERE in office when obstruction was said to take place; meaning they were NOT being monitored!


Listen to the last question I posed for the Left, lol. We are SUPPOSE to believe that somebody OBSTRUCTED an investigation, over a crime that NEVER happened, creating a possible crime, where none existed in the 1st place. Not to mention-------->Mcabe and Comey BOTH testified under oath, that their investigation was NOT being impeded in any way.

This is the LEFTIST logic given all over this board and the media, and how dumb are we to even answer the narrative, over, and over, and over again?

And you know what! 1 or 2 days from now under a different name, one of these kindergarten, Leftist, KGBers, will post the same nonsense in another thread, hoping nobody will ask them questions, for which they have no answers.

You don't like Trump? Look at the PROPAGANDA the Left has to use, hoping you don't ask questions. It is a joke! The NSA has EVERYTHING Trump has done over the last 10 to 14 years, stored away in Utah, and can't make a case. Americans are being GASLIGHTED, and have been for almost 24 months. It is a shame, and downright unpatriotic, if you do not DEMAND with all this information, the Left PUT UP, or SHUT UP!
Why then spend all those millions of tax payer dollars?
Why not? Millions were spent investigating Ben-gotcha and Whitewater. I guess you could say it’s Trump’s turn in the barrel. LOL. Geez, I crack myself up.

Why use all that manpower that could have been investigating real crime?
You guys think the FBI is corrupt anyway so why are you worry about it?

No doubt, the Left winger Smollett will be treated with kid gloves in Liberal world in Chicago.
A non-violent offender usually gets probation. Such is true in almost every jurisdiction. I think he should get some jail time. It would probably be best for both society and his career—he could write a book about his time in the joint!!! LOL

He may not have killed someone directly, but all the man power and media attention has taken the eyes off real crime in Chicago, which probably cost a great many lives. After all, Chicago is a very violent place. I listened to the police commissioner and he said that he wished the media paid as much attention to black on black crime as they did to Jesse and his Trump hating accusations. Perhaps then, people would begin to care.
Cry me a river.

Here is the difference Mz Corn, and I hope you read this along with everyone else, as this is IMPORTANT------------->

At or about the year 2003 or 04, under GW Bush no less, the NSA began compiling ALL of our texts, e-mails, and phone calls. (if you do NOT believe me, look it up!) They have transcripts of everyones phone calls; oh yes they do. These intrusions are held in a few facilities, one of them in Utah. By the way, if you sent a naked selfie, they got that too!

Upper level administration officials...…...from both partys………..were exempt because they had passed Secret Service scrutiny for top secret clearance. (look that up also if you doubt me) Also, they did NOT want top secret information stored in the archives, because contractors were able to view all the information. (Snowden types, if you get my drift)

And so you ask, what has this got to do with ANYTHING?

ANSWER, and it has multiple implications in reality------------->

1. All Clinton investigations were done BEFORE this time of collection, except those that were done while she was a member of the administration, exempting her from collection. Does that mean she is guilty? Of course not! It just means that while they have your and my...……..along with everybody else records on file, they do NOT have hers!

2. Wait you say, if what you say is TRUE, how did they get Flynn?
ANSWER-----------> LOL, because he was NOT in the cabinet, the Trump team was in TRANSITION, so his exemption did NOT exist as Mrs Clintons did! If that phone call between Flynn and Kisliak had happened AFTER Trump took office, it would have been regular, Whitehouse business!

OK, OK, you say, I still don't get it!

Then let me enlighten you-)-------------------------------------------->

A. Was Carter Paige a member of any administrations cabinet?

B. Was George Pa-Pa D a member of anyone's cabinet?

C. Was Donald J. Trump a member of anybody's cabinet?

d. Was Donald Trump Jr a member of anyone's cabinet?

ANSWER------> A resounding NO!

So what does that mean?

ANSWER---------> They have EVERY text they sent since 03 or 04, every e-mail, every transcript of every phone call, every banking transaction, along with every debit/credit card transaction that they did since that time!

Now then, with ALL this information, INCLUDING TAPPING THEIR PHONES AND COMMUNICATIONS directly from the time of the 1st FISA warrant, how difficult do you think it would be to find collusion? I mean, you are basically a PROCTOLOGIST, with the NSA sticking their nose where the sun don't shine for not only 2016, but back to 2003-04!

Wait, wait, what about obstruction? Trump and his cronies WERE in office when obstruction was said to take place; meaning they were NOT being monitored!


Listen to the last question I posed for the Left, lol. We are SUPPOSE to believe that somebody OBSTRUCTED an investigation, over a crime that NEVER happened, creating a possible crime, where none existed in the 1st place. Not to mention-------->Mcabe and Comey BOTH testified under oath, that their investigation was NOT being impeded in any way.

This is the LEFTIST logic given all over this board and the media, and how dumb are we to even answer the narrative, over, and over, and over again?

And you know what! 1 or 2 days from now under a different name, one of these kindergarten, Leftist, KGBers, will post the same nonsense in another thread, hoping nobody will ask them questions, for which they have no answers.

You don't like Trump? Look at the PROPAGANDA the Left has to use, hoping you don't ask questions. It is a joke! The NSA has EVERYTHING Trump has done over the last 10 to 14 years, stored away in Utah, and can't make a case. Americans are being GASLIGHTED, and have been for almost 24 months. It is a shame, and downright unpatriotic, if you do not DEMAND with all this information, the Left PUT UP, or SHUT UP!

That first part, I vaguely remember this being an issue back then to was it not?

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