Mueller's report

Why then spend all those millions of tax payer dollars?
Why not? Millions were spent investigating Ben-gotcha and Whitewater. I guess you could say it’s Trump’s turn in the barrel. LOL. Geez, I crack myself up.

Why use all that manpower that could have been investigating real crime?
You guys think the FBI is corrupt anyway so why are you worry about it?

No doubt, the Left winger Smollett will be treated with kid gloves in Liberal world in Chicago.
A non-violent offender usually gets probation. Such is true in almost every jurisdiction. I think he should get some jail time. It would probably be best for both society and his career—he could write a book about his time in the joint!!! LOL

He may not have killed someone directly, but all the man power and media attention has taken the eyes off real crime in Chicago, which probably cost a great many lives. After all, Chicago is a very violent place. I listened to the police commissioner and he said that he wished the media paid as much attention to black on black crime as they did to Jesse and his Trump hating accusations. Perhaps then, people would begin to care.
Cry me a river.

Here is the difference Mz Corn, and I hope you read this along with everyone else, as this is IMPORTANT------------->

At or about the year 2003 or 04, under GW Bush no less, the NSA began compiling ALL of our texts, e-mails, and phone calls. (if you do NOT believe me, look it up!) They have transcripts of everyones phone calls; oh yes they do. These intrusions are held in a few facilities, one of them in Utah. By the way, if you sent a naked selfie, they got that too!

Upper level administration officials...…...from both partys………..were exempt because they had passed Secret Service scrutiny for top secret clearance. (look that up also if you doubt me) Also, they did NOT want top secret information stored in the archives, because contractors were able to view all the information. (Snowden types, if you get my drift)

And so you ask, what has this got to do with ANYTHING?

ANSWER, and it has multiple implications in reality------------->

1. All Clinton investigations were done BEFORE this time of collection, except those that were done while she was a member of the administration, exempting her from collection. Does that mean she is guilty? Of course not! It just means that while they have your and my...……..along with everybody else records on file, they do NOT have hers!

2. Wait you say, if what you say is TRUE, how did they get Flynn?
ANSWER-----------> LOL, because he was NOT in the cabinet, the Trump team was in TRANSITION, so his exemption did NOT exist as Mrs Clintons did! If that phone call between Flynn and Kisliak had happened AFTER Trump took office, it would have been regular, Whitehouse business!

OK, OK, you say, I still don't get it!

Then let me enlighten you-)-------------------------------------------->

A. Was Carter Paige a member of any administrations cabinet?

B. Was George Pa-Pa D a member of anyone's cabinet?

C. Was Donald J. Trump a member of anybody's cabinet?

d. Was Donald Trump Jr a member of anyone's cabinet?

ANSWER------> A resounding NO!

So what does that mean?

ANSWER---------> They have EVERY text they sent since 03 or 04, every e-mail, every transcript of every phone call, every banking transaction, along with every debit/credit card transaction that they did since that time!

Now then, with ALL this information, INCLUDING TAPPING THEIR PHONES AND COMMUNICATIONS directly from the time of the 1st FISA warrant, how difficult do you think it would be to find collusion? I mean, you are basically a PROCTOLOGIST, with the NSA sticking their nose where the sun don't shine for not only 2016, but back to 2003-04!

Wait, wait, what about obstruction? Trump and his cronies WERE in office when obstruction was said to take place; meaning they were NOT being monitored!


Listen to the last question I posed for the Left, lol. We are SUPPOSE to believe that somebody OBSTRUCTED an investigation, over a crime that NEVER happened, creating a possible crime, where none existed in the 1st place. Not to mention-------->Mcabe and Comey BOTH testified under oath, that their investigation was NOT being impeded in any way.

This is the LEFTIST logic given all over this board and the media, and how dumb are we to even answer the narrative, over, and over, and over again?

And you know what! 1 or 2 days from now under a different name, one of these kindergarten, Leftist, KGBers, will post the same nonsense in another thread, hoping nobody will ask them questions, for which they have no answers.

You don't like Trump? Look at the PROPAGANDA the Left has to use, hoping you don't ask questions. It is a joke! The NSA has EVERYTHING Trump has done over the last 10 to 14 years, stored away in Utah, and can't make a case. Americans are being GASLIGHTED, and have been for almost 24 months. It is a shame, and downright unpatriotic, if you do not DEMAND with all this information, the Left PUT UP, or SHUT UP!

That first part, I vaguely remember this being an issue back then to was it not?

Yes it was! And here is the deal-------------->FORMER intelligence heads complained constantly (look it up) about what Obama was doing with the NSA. And here is a factoid---------->it had NOTHING to do with Trump!

And sooooooooooo, when people want to insist we need to wait until the end of the investigation, the investigation was over loooooooong ago as the computers pulled all the relevant data on Trump within 3 months tops! (and that is stretching it for the Leftists)

FINALLY--------------->Why do you THINK the 2nd scope memo from Rosenstein to Heir Mueller, is kept so close to the vest?

ANSWER--------------> Because when they realized there was no COLLUSION, they rewrote the memo to investigate everything, and anything Trump! Still can't find anything with ALL THAT DATA, but boy-oh-boy, the Left will make you think there is something there as long as they can, because they have NOTHING else, AKA...…...they are SCREWED!
I think you righties had better wake the hell up. Have you bothered to look at the number of close friends of the Donald have pleaded guilty. If there is no there there then why did they plead guilty. So even if trump didn't know and I think that a far stretch of anyone's imagination, his not knowing would be as bad as him knowing. Remember he is the man on top and is responsible for the people under him. Will he be impeached, I doubt that we can get enough republicans to stand up on their feet and do what needs to be done But at the very least it will hurt trump in his quest for a second term.
Here is the difference Mz Corn, and I hope you read this along with everyone else, as this is IMPORTANT------------->

At or about the year 2003 or 04, under GW Bush no less, the NSA began compiling ALL of our texts, e-mails, and phone calls. (if you do NOT believe me, look it up!) They have transcripts of everyones phone calls; oh yes they do. These intrusions are held in a few facilities, one of them in Utah. By the way, if you sent a naked selfie, they got that too!

Upper level administration officials...…...from both partys………..were exempt because they had passed Secret Service scrutiny for top secret clearance. (look that up also if you doubt me) Also, they did NOT want top secret information stored in the archives, because contractors were able to view all the information. (Snowden types, if you get my drift)

And so you ask, what has this got to do with ANYTHING?

ANSWER, and it has multiple implications in reality------------->

1. All Clinton investigations were done BEFORE this time of collection, except those that were done while she was a member of the administration, exempting her from collection. Does that mean she is guilty? Of course not! It just means that while they have your and my...……..along with everybody else records on file, they do NOT have hers!

2. Wait you say, if what you say is TRUE, how did they get Flynn?
ANSWER-----------> LOL, because he was NOT in the cabinet, the Trump team was in TRANSITION, so his exemption did NOT exist as Mrs Clintons did! If that phone call between Flynn and Kisliak had happened AFTER Trump took office, it would have been regular, Whitehouse business!

OK, OK, you say, I still don't get it!

Then let me enlighten you-)-------------------------------------------->

A. Was Carter Paige a member of any administrations cabinet?

B. Was George Pa-Pa D a member of anyone's cabinet?

C. Was Donald J. Trump a member of anybody's cabinet?

d. Was Donald Trump Jr a member of anyone's cabinet?

ANSWER------> A resounding NO!

So what does that mean?

ANSWER---------> They have EVERY text they sent since 03 or 04, every e-mail, every transcript of every phone call, every banking transaction, along with every debit/credit card transaction that they did since that time!

Now then, with ALL this information, INCLUDING TAPPING THEIR PHONES AND COMMUNICATIONS directly from the time of the 1st FISA warrant, how difficult do you think it would be to find collusion? I mean, you are basically a PROCTOLOGIST, with the NSA sticking their nose where the sun don't shine for not only 2016, but back to 2003-04!

Wait, wait, what about obstruction? Trump and his cronies WERE in office when obstruction was said to take place; meaning they were NOT being monitored!


Listen to the last question I posed for the Left, lol. We are SUPPOSE to believe that somebody OBSTRUCTED an investigation, over a crime that NEVER happened, creating a possible crime, where none existed in the 1st place. Not to mention-------->Mcabe and Comey BOTH testified under oath, that their investigation was NOT being impeded in any way.

This is the LEFTIST logic given all over this board and the media, and how dumb are we to even answer the narrative, over, and over, and over again?

And you know what! 1 or 2 days from now under a different name, one of these kindergarten, Leftist, KGBers, will post the same nonsense in another thread, hoping nobody will ask them questions, for which they have no answers.

You don't like Trump? Look at the PROPAGANDA the Left has to use, hoping you don't ask questions. It is a joke! The NSA has EVERYTHING Trump has done over the last 10 to 14 years, stored away in Utah, and can't make a case. Americans are being GASLIGHTED, and have been for almost 24 months. It is a shame, and downright unpatriotic, if you do not DEMAND with all this information, the Left PUT UP, or SHUT UP!

Ahh, I see.

So if Trump is guilty or not is not the question.
The question is whether or not someone else may be guilty. I see.

PS: Hillary Clinton was not a member of any cabinet except for approximately 4 years between 2009 and 2013. I guess she confined all of her criminal activity into those 4 years? LOL.

I’ll ask what Votto asked. Lets assume your nonsense is truthful. Trey Gowdy would have known that and that she was untouchable during the 4 years of investigating and hauling her before his inquisition then, right? What was all that for except theater?

I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.

That should be enough for the Salem witch trial in the House to impeach him.

The only difference is, Smollett will likely do time for his accusations that were not grounded in truth, as where those in the Swamp will all retire millionaires/billionaires.
Does anyone really believe we will see it?
The results of the report will not be believed, and they'll demand that the House investigates Trump for whatever they can find. These are hateful, sick, and obsessed people who want to see Trump gone. They won't stop just because Mueller's report came up dry.

I'm wondering if it will even come out.

For such a long time Dims have said that it was an open and shut case, no doubt whatsoever, yet the length of time this has taken to come out says otherwise.
no, we said, ''that is what Mueller is investigating.'' or ''We will find out, when Mueller is done the investigation.'' or ''None of us know yet, what the Special Counsel has found in their investigation''

We are waiting, waiting, waiting and waiting TO SEE IN FULL the Mueller report... If Crooked Trump's pawns HIDE IT from us there will be protests from here to kingdom come!
Dims, dead giveaway for zero college.
Read no more
My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp.

as are all politicians

Sounds like you know he's guilty and are already making excuses
You poor baby.
Herr Mueller dug to fucking China and couldn't charge Trump with farting to the Trump Tower elevator.
Barr WILL give Congress the full report less any 'sources and methods' intel. The REPs WILL leak the entire report and the fucking DEMs will claim somehow Mueller didn't do a thorough enough job and somehow the Mueller team was 'bought off' by Saudi money.
Big claims and big predictions

Based on bullshit of course.

We'll see what happens when it happens and you have no idea what Mueller has found unless it was expressed in the numerous indictments already made public
The moment Trump is charged with farting in the Trump Tower by all means be the first to post it. OK?
You need mental help!
So trump's campaign manager passed insider campaign info to a Russian spy...

His national security adviser resigned in disgrace after lying about his contacts and discussions with the top Russian spy...

His personal attorney is going to prison, in part, for lying to congress about Trump's business dealings with Russian during the campaign....

His top personal adviser is charged with on of justice and lying to congress about emails stolen by Russians...

Even his"coffee boy" went to jail for.lying about his contacts with Russians...

Trump invited the top Russian spy into the oval office to gloat over firing the man tasked with investigating Russian influence in our election...

But yeah...nothing to see here, folks....
By the time Congress gets done screwing around, Trump will be voted out of office before they manage to impeach him.

Who from the field of Democrats would you like to see replace him, or perhaps Howie Schultz?
I'd vote for the local dog catcher before I would vote for Trump, but hopefully they will offer someone moderate and reasonable before this race is over.
Why then spend all those millions of tax payer dollars?
Why not? Millions were spent investigating Ben-gotcha and Whitewater. I guess you could say it’s Trump’s turn in the barrel. LOL. Geez, I crack myself up.

Why use all that manpower that could have been investigating real crime?
You guys think the FBI is corrupt anyway so why are you worry about it?

No doubt, the Left winger Smollett will be treated with kid gloves in Liberal world in Chicago.
A non-violent offender usually gets probation. Such is true in almost every jurisdiction. I think he should get some jail time. It would probably be best for both society and his career—he could write a book about his time in the joint!!! LOL

He may not have killed someone directly, but all the man power and media attention has taken the eyes off real crime in Chicago, which probably cost a great many lives. After all, Chicago is a very violent place. I listened to the police commissioner and he said that he wished the media paid as much attention to black on black crime as they did to Jesse and his Trump hating accusations. Perhaps then, people would begin to care.
Cry me a river.

Here is the difference Mz Corn, and I hope you read this along with everyone else, as this is IMPORTANT------------->

At or about the year 2003 or 04, under GW Bush no less, the NSA began compiling ALL of our texts, e-mails, and phone calls. (if you do NOT believe me, look it up!) They have transcripts of everyones phone calls; oh yes they do. These intrusions are held in a few facilities, one of them in Utah. By the way, if you sent a naked selfie, they got that too!

Upper level administration officials...…...from both partys………..were exempt because they had passed Secret Service scrutiny for top secret clearance. (look that up also if you doubt me) Also, they did NOT want top secret information stored in the archives, because contractors were able to view all the information. (Snowden types, if you get my drift)

And so you ask, what has this got to do with ANYTHING?

ANSWER, and it has multiple implications in reality------------->

1. All Clinton investigations were done BEFORE this time of collection, except those that were done while she was a member of the administration, exempting her from collection. Does that mean she is guilty? Of course not! It just means that while they have your and my...……..along with everybody else records on file, they do NOT have hers!

2. Wait you say, if what you say is TRUE, how did they get Flynn?
ANSWER-----------> LOL, because he was NOT in the cabinet, the Trump team was in TRANSITION, so his exemption did NOT exist as Mrs Clintons did! If that phone call between Flynn and Kisliak had happened AFTER Trump took office, it would have been regular, Whitehouse business!

OK, OK, you say, I still don't get it!

Then let me enlighten you-)-------------------------------------------->

A. Was Carter Paige a member of any administrations cabinet?

B. Was George Pa-Pa D a member of anyone's cabinet?

C. Was Donald J. Trump a member of anybody's cabinet?

d. Was Donald Trump Jr a member of anyone's cabinet?

ANSWER------> A resounding NO!

So what does that mean?

ANSWER---------> They have EVERY text they sent since 03 or 04, every e-mail, every transcript of every phone call, every banking transaction, along with every debit/credit card transaction that they did since that time!

Now then, with ALL this information, INCLUDING TAPPING THEIR PHONES AND COMMUNICATIONS directly from the time of the 1st FISA warrant, how difficult do you think it would be to find collusion? I mean, you are basically a PROCTOLOGIST, with the NSA sticking their nose where the sun don't shine for not only 2016, but back to 2003-04!

Wait, wait, what about obstruction? Trump and his cronies WERE in office when obstruction was said to take place; meaning they were NOT being monitored!


Listen to the last question I posed for the Left, lol. We are SUPPOSE to believe that somebody OBSTRUCTED an investigation, over a crime that NEVER happened, creating a possible crime, where none existed in the 1st place. Not to mention-------->Mcabe and Comey BOTH testified under oath, that their investigation was NOT being impeded in any way.

This is the LEFTIST logic given all over this board and the media, and how dumb are we to even answer the narrative, over, and over, and over again?

And you know what! 1 or 2 days from now under a different name, one of these kindergarten, Leftist, KGBers, will post the same nonsense in another thread, hoping nobody will ask them questions, for which they have no answers.

You don't like Trump? Look at the PROPAGANDA the Left has to use, hoping you don't ask questions. It is a joke! The NSA has EVERYTHING Trump has done over the last 10 to 14 years, stored away in Utah, and can't make a case. Americans are being GASLIGHTED, and have been for almost 24 months. It is a shame, and downright unpatriotic, if you do not DEMAND with all this information, the Left PUT UP, or SHUT UP!
put up or shut up? There is a purpose for classified information. Leaking information to the public at the wrong time can be harmful for many reasons, such as poisoning witness pool, putting people into danger. Yet typically eventually there comes a time when information must be made public, when those dangers have past.
Why then spend all those millions of tax payer dollars?
Why not? Millions were spent investigating Ben-gotcha and Whitewater. I guess you could say it’s Trump’s turn in the barrel. LOL. Geez, I crack myself up.

Why use all that manpower that could have been investigating real crime?
You guys think the FBI is corrupt anyway so why are you worry about it?

No doubt, the Left winger Smollett will be treated with kid gloves in Liberal world in Chicago.
A non-violent offender usually gets probation. Such is true in almost every jurisdiction. I think he should get some jail time. It would probably be best for both society and his career—he could write a book about his time in the joint!!! LOL

He may not have killed someone directly, but all the man power and media attention has taken the eyes off real crime in Chicago, which probably cost a great many lives. After all, Chicago is a very violent place. I listened to the police commissioner and he said that he wished the media paid as much attention to black on black crime as they did to Jesse and his Trump hating accusations. Perhaps then, people would begin to care.
Cry me a river.

Here is the difference Mz Corn, and I hope you read this along with everyone else, as this is IMPORTANT------------->

At or about the year 2003 or 04, under GW Bush no less, the NSA began compiling ALL of our texts, e-mails, and phone calls. (if you do NOT believe me, look it up!) They have transcripts of everyones phone calls; oh yes they do. These intrusions are held in a few facilities, one of them in Utah. By the way, if you sent a naked selfie, they got that too!

Upper level administration officials...…...from both partys………..were exempt because they had passed Secret Service scrutiny for top secret clearance. (look that up also if you doubt me) Also, they did NOT want top secret information stored in the archives, because contractors were able to view all the information. (Snowden types, if you get my drift)

And so you ask, what has this got to do with ANYTHING?

ANSWER, and it has multiple implications in reality------------->

1. All Clinton investigations were done BEFORE this time of collection, except those that were done while she was a member of the administration, exempting her from collection. Does that mean she is guilty? Of course not! It just means that while they have your and my...……..along with everybody else records on file, they do NOT have hers!

2. Wait you say, if what you say is TRUE, how did they get Flynn?
ANSWER-----------> LOL, because he was NOT in the cabinet, the Trump team was in TRANSITION, so his exemption did NOT exist as Mrs Clintons did! If that phone call between Flynn and Kisliak had happened AFTER Trump took office, it would have been regular, Whitehouse business!

OK, OK, you say, I still don't get it!

Then let me enlighten you-)-------------------------------------------->

A. Was Carter Paige a member of any administrations cabinet?

B. Was George Pa-Pa D a member of anyone's cabinet?

C. Was Donald J. Trump a member of anybody's cabinet?

d. Was Donald Trump Jr a member of anyone's cabinet?

ANSWER------> A resounding NO!

So what does that mean?

ANSWER---------> They have EVERY text they sent since 03 or 04, every e-mail, every transcript of every phone call, every banking transaction, along with every debit/credit card transaction that they did since that time!

Now then, with ALL this information, INCLUDING TAPPING THEIR PHONES AND COMMUNICATIONS directly from the time of the 1st FISA warrant, how difficult do you think it would be to find collusion? I mean, you are basically a PROCTOLOGIST, with the NSA sticking their nose where the sun don't shine for not only 2016, but back to 2003-04!

Wait, wait, what about obstruction? Trump and his cronies WERE in office when obstruction was said to take place; meaning they were NOT being monitored!


Listen to the last question I posed for the Left, lol. We are SUPPOSE to believe that somebody OBSTRUCTED an investigation, over a crime that NEVER happened, creating a possible crime, where none existed in the 1st place. Not to mention-------->Mcabe and Comey BOTH testified under oath, that their investigation was NOT being impeded in any way.

This is the LEFTIST logic given all over this board and the media, and how dumb are we to even answer the narrative, over, and over, and over again?

And you know what! 1 or 2 days from now under a different name, one of these kindergarten, Leftist, KGBers, will post the same nonsense in another thread, hoping nobody will ask them questions, for which they have no answers.

You don't like Trump? Look at the PROPAGANDA the Left has to use, hoping you don't ask questions. It is a joke! The NSA has EVERYTHING Trump has done over the last 10 to 14 years, stored away in Utah, and can't make a case. Americans are being GASLIGHTED, and have been for almost 24 months. It is a shame, and downright unpatriotic, if you do not DEMAND with all this information, the Left PUT UP, or SHUT UP!
put up or shut up? There is a purpose for classified information. Leaking information to the public at the wrong time can be harmful for many reasons, such as poisoning witness pool, putting people into danger. Yet typically eventually there comes a time when information must be made public, when those dangers have past.
Yep, learning the truth often does poison the jury pool.
I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

Our Intel agencies concluded that Russian Intel hacked the DNC and Jon Podesta. Mueller is investigating that hacking.

At the same time, 16 officials from the Trump Campaign had over 100 contacts with Russian officials and lied about a great many of them.

The investigation has returned something like 30 indictments, several guilty pleas, and jury verdicts.
In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.
It is illegal to conspire. “Collusion” is a term that means nothing in the legal realm.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.
Its pretty clear Trump was conspiring with the Russians to win the election.
Proving it is another matter.

If Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta then others did too. Every capable government hacks.

Now many other countries did Trump's campaign have contact with? How many countries did Hillary's campaign have contact with?

Trump didn't need Russia's help to beat Hillary because she had no chance of winning. She had lost 2 back to back primaries. What made anyone think the general public would she win the general if her own constituents won't vote for her.
She won the Democratic nomination by a wide margin. You’re preaching falsehoods.

The only reason she won the most votes (not popular vote) is because of New York and California who vote for the person with the D next to their name.

Seriously? Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor in California with an R next to his name. A recent mayor of NYC was a republican.

1) there were at least 10 major hacks just during Obama's term. Russia was responsible for few if any.

2) Trump and his associates are international businessmen if they have any deals with Russia then they have dealings with the government.

3) Hillary and the Democrats blatantly stole the nomination from Bernie. It was only when Bernie voters gave up that she "won".

4) Only after the Democrats failed so bad did the people there vote for Republicans.
Here is the difference Mz Corn, and I hope you read this along with everyone else, as this is IMPORTANT------------->

At or about the year 2003 or 04, under GW Bush no less, the NSA began compiling ALL of our texts, e-mails, and phone calls. (if you do NOT believe me, look it up!) They have transcripts of everyones phone calls; oh yes they do. These intrusions are held in a few facilities, one of them in Utah. By the way, if you sent a naked selfie, they got that too!

Upper level administration officials...…...from both partys………..were exempt because they had passed Secret Service scrutiny for top secret clearance. (look that up also if you doubt me) Also, they did NOT want top secret information stored in the archives, because contractors were able to view all the information. (Snowden types, if you get my drift)

And so you ask, what has this got to do with ANYTHING?

ANSWER, and it has multiple implications in reality------------->

1. All Clinton investigations were done BEFORE this time of collection, except those that were done while she was a member of the administration, exempting her from collection. Does that mean she is guilty? Of course not! It just means that while they have your and my...……..along with everybody else records on file, they do NOT have hers!

2. Wait you say, if what you say is TRUE, how did they get Flynn?
ANSWER-----------> LOL, because he was NOT in the cabinet, the Trump team was in TRANSITION, so his exemption did NOT exist as Mrs Clintons did! If that phone call between Flynn and Kisliak had happened AFTER Trump took office, it would have been regular, Whitehouse business!

OK, OK, you say, I still don't get it!

Then let me enlighten you-)-------------------------------------------->

A. Was Carter Paige a member of any administrations cabinet?

B. Was George Pa-Pa D a member of anyone's cabinet?

C. Was Donald J. Trump a member of anybody's cabinet?

d. Was Donald Trump Jr a member of anyone's cabinet?

ANSWER------> A resounding NO!

So what does that mean?

ANSWER---------> They have EVERY text they sent since 03 or 04, every e-mail, every transcript of every phone call, every banking transaction, along with every debit/credit card transaction that they did since that time!

Now then, with ALL this information, INCLUDING TAPPING THEIR PHONES AND COMMUNICATIONS directly from the time of the 1st FISA warrant, how difficult do you think it would be to find collusion? I mean, you are basically a PROCTOLOGIST, with the NSA sticking their nose where the sun don't shine for not only 2016, but back to 2003-04!

Wait, wait, what about obstruction? Trump and his cronies WERE in office when obstruction was said to take place; meaning they were NOT being monitored!


Listen to the last question I posed for the Left, lol. We are SUPPOSE to believe that somebody OBSTRUCTED an investigation, over a crime that NEVER happened, creating a possible crime, where none existed in the 1st place. Not to mention-------->Mcabe and Comey BOTH testified under oath, that their investigation was NOT being impeded in any way.

This is the LEFTIST logic given all over this board and the media, and how dumb are we to even answer the narrative, over, and over, and over again?

And you know what! 1 or 2 days from now under a different name, one of these kindergarten, Leftist, KGBers, will post the same nonsense in another thread, hoping nobody will ask them questions, for which they have no answers.

You don't like Trump? Look at the PROPAGANDA the Left has to use, hoping you don't ask questions. It is a joke! The NSA has EVERYTHING Trump has done over the last 10 to 14 years, stored away in Utah, and can't make a case. Americans are being GASLIGHTED, and have been for almost 24 months. It is a shame, and downright unpatriotic, if you do not DEMAND with all this information, the Left PUT UP, or SHUT UP!

Ahh, I see.

So if Trump is guilty or not is not the question.
The question is whether or not someone else may be guilty. I see.

PS: Hillary Clinton was not a member of any cabinet except for approximately 4 years between 2009 and 2013. I guess she confined all of her criminal activity into those 4 years? LOL.

I’ll ask what Votto asked. Lets assume your nonsense is truthful. Trey Gowdy would have known that and that she was untouchable during the 4 years of investigating and hauling her before his inquisition then, right? What was all that for except theater?


I will put up, and thank you for the invitation to do so Mz Corn.

1. Nothing I put in the post you quoted of mine, save for the rewritten scope memo. All are FACTS that your media has reported on, and in many cases, our media also. So you can choose whomever you wish to read it from only to discover, that I am correct, and you are wrong at best, uninformed at worst.

2. Hillary Clinton’s foibles besides Big Bhen, were all BEFORE the meta-data took place in 2003-04. Big Bhen occurred while she was in a cabinet position, ergo her personal communications were exempt from collection. Same with the rest of the Obama team.

3. Any correspondence to this day by ex Presidents is also protected. (Just in case you didn’t know)

4. So why are the Leftists in a panic with Barr?

(You conservatives are going to love this, lol)

ANSWER————> three words that equal 1 entity called.............The Clinton Foundation-)

You see, the Foundation has none of those protections. And just like with our peeps, any incidental information acquired under warrant that does NOT have to do with government business, even IF it was from a PROTECTED individual, is fair game if it proves the omission of a crime.

Now then, it COULD be held up in court IF it was from a PROTECTED government server............but wait........Mrs Clinton used a PRIVATE server, lol., in essence, screwing the Left, and herself!

5. Soooooooo, wanna know when..........if your not start sweating bullets Mz Dragon? When Barr opens an investigation into the foundation. That is how they will get Hilly if they want her bad enough-)

As far as the rest of the Left, they already got them. Barr has been in how long? And your side is on the ropes, lol.

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By the time Congress gets done screwing around, Trump will be voted out of office before they manage to impeach him.

Who from the field of Democrats would you like to see replace him, or perhaps Howie Schultz?
I'd vote for the local dog catcher before I would vote for Trump, but hopefully they will offer someone moderate and reasonable before this race is over.

That’s how I felt about Hellary.
Well it turns out that the "DOJ reports" that went out earlier to all the networks...were bullshit.

The report obviously did not come out in "days" and may not come out for a while yet

I wonder who was leaking THAT nonsense and what they thought they had to gain from it...
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I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.

That should be enough for the Salem witch trial in the House to impeach him.

The only difference is, Smollett will likely do time for his accusations that were not grounded in truth, as where those in the Swamp will all retire millionaires/billionaires.
Here is the letter appointing Mueller as Special Counsel: Rosenstein letter appointing Mueller special counsel

As you can see, it does not accuse Trump of personally colluding with Russia. Your propagandists made that up.

It does task Mueller with finding out if ANYONE in the Trump campaign coordinated with the Russian government. This fact has actually been proven in the case of Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort. Manafort passed inside campaign polling data to the Russians, which the Russians were then able to use to calibrate their social media targeting of rubes like you.

And then there is Trump Jr. personally inviting Russians into Trump Tower to get dirt on Clinton.

And then there are Corsini and Stone coordinating with Wikileaks about emails stolen by the Russians.

Mueller was also tasked with pursuing any other criminal leads which arose from his investigation. And that is how Cohen ended up in legal trouble, along with Flynn and other members of the Trump team.

Mueller has also established that the Russian government did interfere in our election.

So there is no comparison to Smollett. At all.
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