Mueller's report

Mueller "is representing the people of the United States"

"I expect it to be relatively aggressive" - Lawyer for Ray Rice during Mueller NFL probe on Russia probe report
Don't wait for Robert Mueller. Start energizing voters and getting Democrats elected in 2020 now
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Cliff note version:

"Although we have yet to find any actual evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians, that doesn't mean that he didn't do it."
Cliff note version:

"Although we have yet to find any actual evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians, that doesn't mean that he didn't do it."
Big Daddy Mueller is keeping all the evidence super duper secret.
The Right will comically downplay the report, and the Left will comically overplay the report.

And we'll all laugh and laugh.
It would be impossible to downplay the report any more than reality discredits it.
Cliff note version:

"Although we have yet to find any actual evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians, that doesn't mean that he didn't do it."
Evidence in plain sight.
"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."

And Schiff is member of gang of eight, so he would know.

One of the worst things about the 21st Century is that so many moonbats lack even the merest semblance of a sense of humor.
I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.

That should be enough for the Salem witch trial in the House to impeach him.

The only difference is, Smollett will likely do time for his accusations that were not grounded in truth, as where those in the Swamp will all retire millionaires/billionaires.

I couldn't wrap my head around where you were going with this shitty thread; you know Mueller, Russia, Smolett, Trump, etc., UNTIL it finally hit me.

As we all know, Mueller & Russian are two well respected entities albeit for different reasons.

Smolett & Trump on the other hand are just a couple of two bit TV personalities that no one really gives two shits about.

Glad I finally figured out where you were going with this wild ride.
Cliff note version:

"Although we have yet to find any actual evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians, that doesn't mean that he didn't do it."
Evidence in plain sight.
"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."

And Schiff is member of gang of eight, so he would know.

One of the worst things about the 21st Century is that so many moonbats lack even the merest semblance of a sense of humor.

I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.

That should be enough for the Salem witch trial in the House to impeach him.

The only difference is, Smollett will likely do time for his accusations that were not grounded in truth, as where those in the Swamp will all retire millionaires/billionaires.

I couldn't wrap my head around where you were going with this shitty thread; you know Mueller, Russia, Smolett, Trump, etc., UNTIL it finally hit me.

As we all know, Mueller & Russian are two well respected entities albeit for different reasons.

Smolett & Trump on the other hand are just a couple of two bit TV personalities that no one really gives two shits about.

Glad I finally figured out where you were going with this wild ride.

Looks like that snake oil that smollie and mueller are hocking ain't doing so well.

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