Mueller's report

Fair enough? She says there is evidence of collusion. And to be even more fair, collusion is not even a crime.
I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

Our Intel agencies concluded that Russian Intel hacked the DNC and Jon Podesta. Mueller is investigating that hacking.

At the same time, 16 officials from the Trump Campaign had over 100 contacts with Russian officials and lied about a great many of them.

The investigation has returned something like 30 indictments, several guilty pleas, and jury verdicts.
In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.
It is illegal to conspire. “Collusion” is a term that means nothing in the legal realm.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.
Its pretty clear Trump was conspiring with the Russians to win the election.
Proving it is another matter.

That should be enough for the Salem witch trial in the House to impeach him.
Yeah, the Dems are pretty stupid.

The only difference is, Smollett will likely do time for his accusations that were not grounded in truth, as where those in the Swamp will all retire millionaires/billionaires.

Smollett will likely plead to no jail time as the alleged crime was non-violent.

Trump will win in 2020.
You’re probably right. Americans don’t like changing Presidents.

There was never evidence of collusion.
Sure there is.

Smollets is a hate crime.
Not under statute.

He will do no jail time.
Non-violent offenders often do not. I think he should myself.

There's a different standard applied to leftists who are racists ie smollet types.


Fair enough, CC.
The results of the report will not be believed, and they'll demand that the House investigates Trump for whatever they can find. These are hateful, sick, and obsessed people who want to see Trump gone. They won't stop just because Mueller's report came up dry.

I kinda go along with that. Now, I think Mueller will have some info in his report
that would give some folks some doubt, but he's not going to be able to tie
anything together which is why he hasn't attempted to subpoena the President.

Barr will not release the entire report. Just the "facts" of the report. That would
put the Dems in a dangerous territory, because if they fight to get everything
released based on them saying Barr is covering something up and the
report is released and Barr wasn't, the Dems would be cooked.

They'll continue on with their nonsense and all the moderates elected to the
House in 2018 will be toast in 2020.
Do you remember that practically all Trump organizations are under investigation?
Fair enough? She says there is evidence of collusion. And to be even more fair, collusion is not even a crime.
I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

Our Intel agencies concluded that Russian Intel hacked the DNC and Jon Podesta. Mueller is investigating that hacking.

At the same time, 16 officials from the Trump Campaign had over 100 contacts with Russian officials and lied about a great many of them.

The investigation has returned something like 30 indictments, several guilty pleas, and jury verdicts.
In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.
It is illegal to conspire. “Collusion” is a term that means nothing in the legal realm.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.
Its pretty clear Trump was conspiring with the Russians to win the election.
Proving it is another matter.

That should be enough for the Salem witch trial in the House to impeach him.
Yeah, the Dems are pretty stupid.

The only difference is, Smollett will likely do time for his accusations that were not grounded in truth, as where those in the Swamp will all retire millionaires/billionaires.

Smollett will likely plead to no jail time as the alleged crime was non-violent.

Trump will win in 2020.
You’re probably right. Americans don’t like changing Presidents.

There was never evidence of collusion.
Sure there is.

Smollets is a hate crime.
Not under statute.

He will do no jail time.
Non-violent offenders often do not. I think he should myself.

There's a different standard applied to leftists who are racists ie smollet types.


Fair enough, CC.

Just her response. There never was any evidence of collusion. And thats true also. Collusion isn't a crime. People collude every day.
The Mueller report will go something like this:

"I have found no direct connection between President Trump and the Russians, but....."

And the Democrats will be endlessly repeating "but.....but....but...but..." for the next 2-6 years.
By the time Congress gets done screwing around, Trump will be voted out of office before they manage to impeach him.

Using BST (Benghazi Standard Time), the Congress still has 3-4 years of dragging a target of the “investigation” through the mud for no reason whatsoever.

For no reason whatsoever? They found that the situation was completely preventable and that the administration lied to the American public. Its purpose was to inform the American public that the Hussein administration fucked up and four people died because of it. The American public remembered and that’s a big reason Hillary lost. It was never a criminal investigation because it isn’t illegal for an administration to make horrendous mistakes that causes lives.

There was no reason to have Secretary Clinton there twice other than for political gain. Trey Gowdy would be the first to tell you that. And you know it as well.

If I’m the Democrats, I tell Trump that it’s his turn in the barrel and haul whomever I can from his administration before the House Committee on who-gives-a-fuck and let the news stations play it over and over and over and over and over and over.

It’s wrong and distasteful as hell and in no way appropriate as a matter of political sport. But that is the state of our union.
By the time Congress gets done screwing around, Trump will be voted out of office before they manage to impeach him.

Using BST (Benghazi Standard Time), the Congress still has 3-4 years of dragging a target of the “investigation” through the mud for no reason whatsoever.

No reason to investigate the travesty of Benghazi?

US citizens died there.

Just jaw dropping.
The results of the report will not be believed, and they'll demand that the House investigates Trump for whatever they can find. These are hateful, sick, and obsessed people who want to see Trump gone. They won't stop just because Mueller's report came up dry.

I kinda go along with that. Now, I think Mueller will have some info in his report
that would give some folks some doubt, but he's not going to be able to tie
anything together which is why he hasn't attempted to subpoena the President.

Barr will not release the entire report. Just the "facts" of the report. That would
put the Dems in a dangerous territory, because if they fight to get everything
released based on them saying Barr is covering something up and the
report is released and Barr wasn't, the Dems would be cooked.

They'll continue on with their nonsense and all the moderates elected to the
House in 2018 will be toast in 2020.
Do you remember that practically all Trump organizations are under investigation?

Anyone can open an "investigation" into anyone if they want to. I could have you investigated, tried, convicted, and locked up for the rest of your life if I had enough money and sympathetic liberal lawyers and judges in my pocket.
Anything incriminating in the report was already released to CNN.

It's a Nothing Burger.

Look for the round up of the traitors to occur soon thereafter
The results of the report will not be believed, and they'll demand that the House investigates Trump for whatever they can find. These are hateful, sick, and obsessed people who want to see Trump gone. They won't stop just because Mueller's report came up dry.

I'm wondering if it will even come out.

For such a long time Dims have said that it was an open and shut case, no doubt whatsoever, yet the length of time this has taken to come out says otherwise.
no, we said, ''that is what Mueller is investigating.'' or ''We will find out, when Mueller is done the investigation.'' or ''None of us know yet, what the Special Counsel has found in their investigation''

We are waiting, waiting, waiting and waiting TO SEE IN FULL the Mueller report... If Crooked Trump's pawns HIDE IT from us there will be protests from here to kingdom come!
The Law is the Law. Barr knows exactly what it says and how to interpret it. See y'all in court...good luck getting past the USSC
If everyone is innocent, then WHY DO YOU WANT TO HIDE IT from the American people?

That's simply bull crap.... utter bull crap...

SUNSHINE is the best disinfectant....

this hiding crap is DARKNESS to the nth degree.... and you know who rules Darkness? Evil.

I don't think anyone believes that the US federal government does not need disinfectant.

Most of these people belong in jail. The question becomes, why the selective outrage?

In fact, the only reason any of this is happening is because Trump's own stooge, and AG, recused himself, thus opening the door for a never ending investigation. Someone like Eric Holder, who is the only AG to be held in contempt of Congress in US history for his illegal activity, would never have done that to Obama.
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Fair enough? She says there is evidence of collusion. And to be even more fair, collusion is not even a crime.

Our Intel agencies concluded that Russian Intel hacked the DNC and Jon Podesta. Mueller is investigating that hacking.

At the same time, 16 officials from the Trump Campaign had over 100 contacts with Russian officials and lied about a great many of them.

The investigation has returned something like 30 indictments, several guilty pleas, and jury verdicts.
It is illegal to conspire. “Collusion” is a term that means nothing in the legal realm.

Its pretty clear Trump was conspiring with the Russians to win the election.
Proving it is another matter.

Yeah, the Dems are pretty stupid.

Smollett will likely plead to no jail time as the alleged crime was non-violent.

Trump will win in 2020.
You’re probably right. Americans don’t like changing Presidents.

There was never evidence of collusion.
Sure there is.

Smollets is a hate crime.
Not under statute.

He will do no jail time.
Non-violent offenders often do not. I think he should myself.

There's a different standard applied to leftists who are racists ie smollet types.


Fair enough, CC.

Just her response. There never was any evidence of collusion. And thats true also. Collusion isn't a crime. People collude every day.

The Intel agencies conclude Russian Intel hacked computers of the DNC and Jon Podesta.
At the same time of the hacking, officials from the Trump campaign have meetings with Russian Officials.
Several of the campaign officials lie to investigators about the meetings.
Two of the officials from the Campaign, Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone have been shown to have foreknowledge of the hacking.

All of that is public record and none of it is in dispute from any serious commentator.

Making a legal case is different but the evidence of conspiracy to commit a crime is as clear as day.
Mueller Nothing Burger to be followed by Declas then the confinement of the cranes to their nest
I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

Our Intel agencies concluded that Russian Intel hacked the DNC and Jon Podesta. Mueller is investigating that hacking.

At the same time, 16 officials from the Trump Campaign had over 100 contacts with Russian officials and lied about a great many of them.

The investigation has returned something like 30 indictments, several guilty pleas, and jury verdicts.
In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.
It is illegal to conspire. “Collusion” is a term that means nothing in the legal realm.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.
Its pretty clear Trump was conspiring with the Russians to win the election.
Proving it is another matter.

If Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta then others did too. Every capable government hacks.

Now many other countries did Trump's campaign have contact with? How many countries did Hillary's campaign have contact with?

Trump didn't need Russia's help to beat Hillary because she had no chance of winning. She had lost 2 back to back primaries. What made anyone think the general public would she win the general if her own constituents won't vote for her.

The only reason she won the most votes (not popular vote) is because of New York and California who vote for the person with the D next to their name.
The results of the report will not be believed, and they'll demand that the House investigates Trump for whatever they can find. These are hateful, sick, and obsessed people who want to see Trump gone. They won't stop just because Mueller's report came up dry.

I'm wondering if it will even come out.

For such a long time Dims have said that it was an open and shut case, no doubt whatsoever, yet the length of time this has taken to come out says otherwise.
no, we said, ''that is what Mueller is investigating.'' or ''We will find out, when Mueller is done the investigation.'' or ''None of us know yet, what the Special Counsel has found in their investigation''

We are waiting, waiting, waiting and waiting TO SEE IN FULL the Mueller report... If Crooked Trump's pawns HIDE IT from us there will be protests from here to kingdom come!
The Law is the Law. Barr knows exactly what it says and how to interpret it. See y'all in court...good luck getting past the USSC
If everyone is innocent, then WHY DO YOU WANT TO HIDE IT from the American people?

That's simply bull crap.... utter bull crap...

SUNSHINE is the best disinfectant....

this hiding crap is DARKNESS to the nth degree.... and you know who rules Darkness? Evil.

1. No one is hiding anything, except Hillary and her subpoenaed emails
2. The Law says that Barr submits a summary of the Mueller Report, so that's what the dems will get
3. If you want more of the report, see you in court, the USSC will tell you what's sunshine and what's bullshit.
4. What's "Evil" is the deep state's coup attempt using the Fed intel assets to defeat Trump, then after he won, to try and remove him from office with an illegal investigation. The Trump admin needs to get past the deep state bullshit so that they can fix all of the prior admin's economic and foreign policy screw-ups.
I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.

That should be enough for the Salem witch trial in the House to impeach him.

The only difference is, Smollett will likely do time for his accusations that were not grounded in truth, as where those in the Swamp will all retire millionaires/billionaires.

Smolletts punishment will disappoint many I’m afraid. Same with the political ruling class in Washington. Accountability is for us, ot them.
Fair enough? She says there is evidence of collusion. And to be even more fair, collusion is not even a crime.
Trump will win in 2020.
You’re probably right. Americans don’t like changing Presidents.

There was never evidence of collusion.
Sure there is.

Smollets is a hate crime.
Not under statute.

He will do no jail time.
Non-violent offenders often do not. I think he should myself.

There's a different standard applied to leftists who are racists ie smollet types.


Fair enough, CC.

Just her response. There never was any evidence of collusion. And thats true also. Collusion isn't a crime. People collude every day.

The Intel agencies conclude Russian Intel hacked computers of the DNC and Jon Podesta.
At the same time of the hacking, officials from the Trump campaign have meetings with Russian Officials.
Several of the campaign officials lie to investigators about the meetings.
Two of the officials from the Campaign, Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone have been shown to have foreknowledge of the hacking.

All of that is public record and none of it is in dispute from any serious commentator.

Making a legal case is different but the evidence of conspiracy to commit a crime is as clear as day.
Two words: Seth Rich.

I've said it a number of times, you'll rue the day you went after Trump like he was some local powerless nobody
The results of the report will not be believed, and they'll demand that the House investigates Trump for whatever they can find. These are hateful, sick, and obsessed people who want to see Trump gone. They won't stop just because Mueller's report came up dry.

I'm wondering if it will even come out.

For such a long time Dims have said that it was an open and shut case, no doubt whatsoever, yet the length of time this has taken to come out says otherwise.
no, we said, ''that is what Mueller is investigating.'' or ''We will find out, when Mueller is done the investigation.'' or ''None of us know yet, what the Special Counsel has found in their investigation''

We are waiting, waiting, waiting and waiting TO SEE IN FULL the Mueller report... If Crooked Trump's pawns HIDE IT from us there will be protests from here to kingdom come!
The Law is the Law. Barr knows exactly what it says and how to interpret it. See y'all in court...good luck getting past the USSC
If everyone is innocent, then WHY DO YOU WANT TO HIDE IT from the American people?

That's simply bull crap.... utter bull crap...

SUNSHINE is the best disinfectant....

this hiding crap is DARKNESS to the nth degree.... and you know who rules Darkness? Evil.

1. No one is hiding anything, except Hillary and her subpoenaed emails
2. The Law says that Barr submits a summary of the Mueller Report, so that's what the dems will get
3. If you want more of the report, see you in court, the USSC will tell you what's sunshine and what's bullshit.
4. What's "Evil" is the deep state's coup attempt using the Fed intel assets to defeat Trump, then after he won, to try and remove him from office with an illegal investigation. The Trump admin needs to get past the deep state bullshit so that they can fix all of the prior admin's economic and foreign policy screw-ups.

The one thing to come away with from all this is, Trump will have been fully investigated, not so with Hillary.
"At the conclusion of the Special Counsel's work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel."

That's it. A CONFIDENTIAL RPORT to the AG.
I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.

That should be enough for the Salem witch trial in the House to impeach him.

The only difference is, Smollett will likely do time for his accusations that were not grounded in truth, as where those in the Swamp will all retire millionaires/billionaires.

Smolletts punishment will disappoint many I’m afraid. Same with the political ruling class in Washington. Accountability is for us, ot them.

No doubt. He will probably also get a high paying job after all this by being hired by Trump haters.

Everything he now does, or does not do, will be closely monitored.
The results of the report will not be believed, and they'll demand that the House investigates Trump for whatever they can find. These are hateful, sick, and obsessed people who want to see Trump gone. They won't stop just because Mueller's report came up dry.

I kinda go along with that. Now, I think Mueller will have some info in his report
that would give some folks some doubt, but he's not going to be able to tie
anything together which is why he hasn't attempted to subpoena the President.

Barr will not release the entire report. Just the "facts" of the report. That would
put the Dems in a dangerous territory, because if they fight to get everything
released based on them saying Barr is covering something up and the
report is released and Barr wasn't, the Dems would be cooked.

They'll continue on with their nonsense and all the moderates elected to the
House in 2018 will be toast in 2020.
Do you remember that practically all Trump organizations are under investigation?

Anyone can open an "investigation" into anyone if they want to. I could have you investigated, tried, convicted, and locked up for the rest of your life if I had enough money and sympathetic liberal lawyers and judges in my pocket.
But Hillary is still free.
I hear that Mueller's report should be coming out this week. So if it is found that there is no Russian collusion, then should these false accusations be treated much in the same way Smollett was treated for his false accusations that cost the police department thousands of dollars and man hours that could have been used to fight real crime?

In fact, even if the accusations are true, the legal profession says that it was not even illegal to collude, yet US taxpayers have spent millions on this witch hunt.

My guess is that the report will show "some indication" that Trump was involved with Russians on some level, as are all politicians in the Swamp. Shocking I know.

That should be enough for the Salem witch trial in the House to impeach him.

The only difference is, Smollett will likely do time for his accusations that were not grounded in truth, as where those in the Swamp will all retire millionaires/billionaires.

Smolletts punishment will disappoint many I’m afraid. Same with the political ruling class in Washington. Accountability is for us, ot them.

No doubt. He will probably also get a high paying job after all this by being hired by Trump haters.

Maybe. He lost his gig on Empire. I figure he will go gray for a bit, then maybe pop up on a reality show for a season, then be back at it in a few years. Remember back to the dixie chicks? They got a second chance to, the one chick fucked it up again though. Smallet can come back. But continuing deny the lie won’t do him any favors.
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